CAMPING IN JAPAN PAGE 1 / 6 Practical Travel Guide - 804 CAMPING IN JAPAN Japanese love outdoor life, and camping has always been popular among the younger set and those young at heart. During the summer school holi- day, especially between Jul. 20 and Aug.15, most of the campsites in scenic places are besieged by student campers. Though facilities and equipment available at Japanese campsites may not be equal to those you have experienced in Europe or North America, camping is an excellent way to make new friends. To avoid any possible disappointment, it is always wise to take your own camping gear with you and to get to your campsite well before dark. Please note that bus service to many campsites is often very limited. In the national parks and other restricted areas, camping outside the desig- nated areas is strictly prohibited. Please check the notice board and ask if there are any local rules and regulations you should observe when you arrive at your campsite. There are currently more than 3,000 campsites scattered all over Japan, mostly owned and managed by public bodies. Listed below and in the pages to follow are a few of them. How to read the listings: The campsites are grouped into eight districts, namely from north to south: Hokkaido, Tohoku, Kanto, Chubu, Kinki, Chugoku, Shikoku, Kyushu, and Okinawa. For easy reference each site is numbered on the map on the back cover. Abbreviations used: No.: Name of the campground(キャ ンプ場名:住所) A: Address and phone number for inquiry or reservation. If not mentioned otherwise, the name of the organization to be contacted is the same as that of the campground. B: Access to the ground, usually from the nearest JR (Japan Railways) Station. If it is nearest a non-JR railways station, the station name is written in italics. C: Opening period. D: Minimum charge for pitching a self-brought-in tent. (depending on season and number of people.) E: Rental charges for a tent, bungalow, lodge, and the like. (depending on season and number of people.) F: Facilities, designated by the following symbols: -B for Bath, R for Restaurant, Sh for Shower, St for Stall, V for Vending machine, and WTC for Water service, Toilet and Cooking facilities. G: Local features and leisure activities available. ① – 68 correspond to those on the map on page 6/6. (camp-jo = campsite) HOKKAIDO ⑤ Yoteizan Shizen-koen Makkari Yaei-jo (羊蹄山自然公園真狩野営場:北海道虻田郡真狩村社) ① Sunayu Camp-jo A: Yashiro, Makkari-mura, Abuta-gun, Hokkaido. Tel. (0136)45- (砂湯キャンプ場:北海道川上郡弟子屈町屈斜路湖畔砂湯) 2955. B: 40 min. by bus from Kutchan Sta., Hakodate Line to Yotei A: Sunayu, Kussharo Kohan, Teshikagamachi, Kamikawa-gun, Shizen Koen Bus Stop, or 2 hrs. 20 min. by bus from Sapporo Sta., Hokkaido. Tel. (015)483-2567. Kawayu Branch Office of Natural change buses at Rusutsu and get off at Yotei Shizen Koen Bus Stop. Parks Foundation(自然公園財団川湯支部) . B: 25 min. by bus from C: Early May – Late Oct. D: ¥400 per tent plus ¥500 per person. E: Kawayu-Onsen Sta., Senmo Line. Change buses at Kawayu-Onsen Tent, ¥800; lodge, ¥2,100. F: Sh, St, V, WTC. G: Mt. Yotei; hiking, Bus Terminal and get off at Sunayu Bus Stop (15-min. ride). C: Late tennis, field athletics. Jun. – Mid Sep. D: ¥400 per person. E: No rental equipments. F: St, ⑥ Higashi-Onuma Camp-jo V, WTC. G: Lake Kussharo; hot spring, boating. (東大沼キャンプ場:北海道亀田郡七飯町東大沼) ② Kinoko-no-Sato Aibetsu Auto Camp-jo A: Higashi-Onuma, Nanae-cho, Kameda-gun, Hokkaido. Tel. (0138) (きのこの里あいべつオートキャンプ場:北海道上川郡愛別町愛山) 67-3477. Onuma Branch Office of Natural Parks Beatification and A: Aiyama, Aibetsu-cho, Kamikawa-gun, Hokkaido. Tel. (01658)7- management Foundation.( 自然公園財団大沼支部) B: 9-min. walk 2800. B: Naka-Aibetsu from Aibetsu Sta. Sekihoku-Honsen Line. C: from Choshiguchi Sta., Hakodate Line via Oshima-sawara. C: Late Mid - Jun. – Sep. 20. D: ¥1,000 per tent. E: Tent, ¥1,000; sleeping Apr. – Late Oct. D: Free. E: No rental equipment. F: V in Jul. and bag, ¥500. F: Sh, St, WTC. G: Fishing, hiking, driving to famous sight- Aug., WTC. G: Lake Onuma; boating, fishing, hot spring, mountain seeing spots such as Furano, Biei, Sounkyo, Asahikawa in 1 hour. bike. ③ Sounkyo Auto Camp-jo (層雲峡オートキャンプ場:北海道上川郡上川町清川) A: Kiyokawa, Kamikawa-cho, Kamikawa-gun, Hokkaido. TOHOKU Tel. (01658)5-3368. B: 20–30 min. by bus from Kamikawa Sta., Sekihoku Line to Rikuman Bus Stop. C: Jul. 1 – Sep. D: ¥500 per ⑦ Utarube Camp-jo tent plus ¥350 for entrance per person. E: Bungalow, ¥3,000. F: St, (宇樽部キャンプ場:青森県上北郡十和田市奥瀬宇樽部国有林) V, WTC. G: Sounkyo Gorge; cycling, fishing, ropeway, tennis, base- A: Kokuyurin Utarube, Okuse, Towada-shi, Kamikita-gun, Aomori ball. Pref. Tel. (0176)75-2477. B: 2 hrs. by bus from Misawa Sta. or 3 hrs. ④ Kokusetsu Shirogane Camp-jo 10 min. by bus from Aomori Sta., Tohoku Line to Kokumin (国設白金野営場:北海道上川郡美瑛町白金) Shukusha-mae Bus Stop. C: Jul. 1 – Oct. 31. D: ¥200 per tent plus A: Shirogane, Biei-cho, Kamikawa-gun, Hokkaido. Tel. (0166)94- ¥300 per person. E: Bungalow, ¥1,250; Cabin, ¥2,050. F: St, V, 3209. Biei Town Tourism Association(美瑛町観光協会) / 92-4321. WTC. G: Lake Towada; fishing, hiking, sightseeing by boat. Biei Town Office(美瑛町役場) . B: 20 min. by bus from Biei Sta., ⑧ Matsukawa Camp-jo Furano Line to Kokuritsu-taisetsu-seinen-no-ie(国立大雪青年の家) (松川キャンプ場:岩手県八幡平市松尾寄木松川温泉) Bus Stop. C: Jun. 1 – Oct. 31. D: ¥200 per person. E: Cabin, ¥2,100 A: Matsukawa Onsen, Yoriki, Matsuo Hachiman-daira-shi, lwate Pref. (including admission fee). F: V, WTC. G: Kachidake Bogakudai(勝岳 Tel. (0195)78-2256. Kyounso( 峡雲荘). B: 1 hr. 50 min. by bus 望岳台); bird-watching, hot spring. bound for Matsukawa Onsen from Morioka Sta., Tohoku Line to PAGE 2 / 6 CAMPING IN JAPAN Kyounso-mae Bus Stop. C: Jun. 1 – Oct. 31. D: ¥500 per tent plus ¥5,000 ~. F: B, Sh, St, V, WTC. G: Nagatoro Gorge; cycling, fishing, ¥300 per person. E: No rental equipment. F: St, V, WTC. G: shooting the rapids, hiking, rafting. Hachimantai Plateau; climbing, fishing, hot spring. ⑱ Hikawa Camp-jo ⑨ Tazawako Camp-jo (氷川キャンプ場:東京都西多摩郡奥多摩町氷川702) (田沢湖キャンプ場:秋田県仙北市田沢湖田沢春山152) A: 702, Hikawa, Okutama-machi, Nishi-Tama-gun, Tokyo. Tel. A: 152 Haruyama, Tazawa, Tazawako, Semboku-shi, Akita Pref. Tel. (0428)83-2134. B: 5-min. walk from Okutama Sta., Oume Line. C: (0187)43-2990. B: 15 min. by bus from Tazawako Sta., Tazawako All year round. Closed : Dec. 28. – Jan. 5. D: ¥700 per person. E: Line to Tazawakohan Rest House-mae Bus Stop. C: Late Apr. – Bungalow, ¥5,000 ~. F: Sh, St, V, WTC. G: Tama River; fishing, Early Nov. D: ¥850 – ¥2,000 per tent plus ¥300 for entrance per swimming, hiking. person. E: Bungalow, ¥2,500 – ¥3,500. F: St, V, WTC. G: Lake ⑲ Umi-no-furusato-mura Camp-jo Tazawa; cycling, wind surfing, swimming, boating. (海のふるさと村キャンプ場:東京都大島町泉津字原野2-1) ⑩ Kamiwarizaki Camp-jo A: 2-1, Aza Genya, Senzu, Oshima-machi, Tokyo. Tel. (04992)4- (神割崎キャンプ場:宮城県本吉郡南三陸町戸倉寺浜81-23) 1137. B: 40 min. by bus from Motomachi Port of Izu-Oshima Island A: 81-23, Terahama, Togura, Minami-Sanriku-cho, Motoyoshi-gun, or 20 min. by bus from Okada Port to Oshima Koen Bus Stop, and Miyagi Pref. Tel. (0226)46-9221. B: 20 min. by bus from Shizugawa then 20 min. by free shuttle bus (3 – 4 services a day, reservation Sta., Kesennuma Line to Kamiwarizaki-iriguchi Bus Stop. C: Apr. 1st required), or a 35-min. walk. C: All year round. Closed Dec 29. – – Late Nov. D: ¥200 per tent plus ¥600 per person. E: Auto Camp, Jan. 3. D: ¥200 per person, ¥300 per person (Deck-Site). E: Tent, ¥3,000; Log cabin, ¥8,000. F: R, Sh, V, WTC. G: Seaside; fishing, hik- ¥2,000, ¥4,000 (Deck-Site) lodge; ¥2,000 per person. F: B (At lodge ing, swimming. only), R, Sh, St, V, WTC. G: Woods near seaside; hiking, fishing, ⑪ Haguro Kokumin Kyuka-mura Camp-jo swimming, tennis, snorkeling, zoological garden. Note: Reservation (羽黒国民休暇村キャンプ場:山形県鶴岡市羽黒町手向羽黒山8) required. A: 8 Haguroyama Toge, Haguro-machi, Tsuruoka-shi,Yamagata Pref. ⑳ Wakasu Kaihin-Koen Camp-jo Tel. (0235)62-4270. B: 50 min. by bus from Tsuruoka Sta. to Haguro (若洲海浜公園キャンプ場:東京都江東区若洲36) Kokumin Kyuka-mura. C: Late Apr. – Early Nov. D: ¥1,000 per tent A: 36, Wakasu, Koto-ku, Tokyo. Tel. (03)5569-6701. B: 20 min. by plus ¥500 per person. E: Tent, ¥4,500. F: Sh, St, V, WTC. G: Mt. bus from Shinkiba Sta., Keiyo Line. C: All year round. Closed on Haguro; hiking, tennis. Tue. & Year-end. D: ¥600 per person. (for stay until next morning ⑫ Kotakamori Auto Camp-jo 10:00) E: Tent, ¥5,000 F: St, V, WTC G: Cycling, golf, fishing. Note: (こたかもりオートキャンプ場:福島県耶麻郡北塩原村桧原曽原山1096) Reservation required. A: 1096, Sohara-yama, Hibara, Kita Shiobara-mura, Yama-gun, ㉑ Ina Camping Village Fukushima Pref. Tel. (0241)32-2334. B: From Inawashiro Sta., (伊奈キャンプ場:東京都あきる野市伊奈1145) Banetsu-saisen Line, 40 min. by bus bound for Bandai-kogen Hibara A: 1145, Ina, Akiruno-shi, Tokyo. Tel. (042)596-1775. B: 13-min. to Kotakamori Camp-jo-mae. C: All year round. D: ¥1,575 per per- walk from Musashi-Masudo Sta., Musashi-Itsukaichi Line. C: Mar. – son. E: Tent, ¥5,250; Bungalow, ¥6,300 ~ . F: B, Sh, R, St, V, WTC. Dec. D: No tent site, only Bungalows. E: Bungalow, ¥15,000 for 4 G: Lake Sohara, Goshikinuma Marshes; fishing, boat-ing, hiking, people – ¥79,500 for 20 people. F: B, Sh, St, WTC. G: Akikawa cycling. River, fishing, hiking, cycling. Note: Reservation required. ㉒ Ashinoko Camp-mura (芦ノ湖キャンプ村:神奈川県足柄下郡箱根町元箱根164) KANTO AREA A: 164, Moto-Hakone, Hakone-machi, Ashigara-shimo-gun, Kanagawa Pref.
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