Galina Borisovna Danilevskaya et al., Cerambycidae from North-East Kazakhstan Cerambycidae collected in North-East Kazakhstan by an international collecting trip 2005 (Coleoptera) G Galina Borisovna Danilevskaya, Mikhail Leontievich Danilevsky, Karl Hadulla, Andrey Mikhailovich Shapovalov & Yaheita Yokoi An ordinary Palaearctic species distrib- Abstract. Totally 68 Cerambycidae Zusammenfassung. Insgesamt 68 Ar- uted from Spain to East Siberia. Develop- species are reported for North-East ten der Cerambycidae werden für ment under the bark of different dead Kazakhstan. Five species are recorded Nord-Ost Kazachstan aufgelistet und deciduous trees, adults on flowers. for the first time for Kazakhstan: Ac- Daten zu ihrer generellen Verbreitung maeops smaragdulus (Fabricius, 1792), und Lebensweise mitgeteilt. Fünf Arten 2. Rhagium inquisitor inquisitor (Lin- Amarysius duplicatus Tsherepanov, werden erstmals für Kazakhstan gemel- naeus, 1758) – several specimens col- 1980, A. sanguinipennis Blessing, 1872, det: Acmaeops smaragdulus (Fabricius, lected on the bark. An ordinary Palaearc- Rhopaloscelis unifasciatus Blessig, 1873 1792), Amarysius duplicatus Tsherepa- tic species distributed from Portugal to and Saperda alberti Plavilstshikov, nov, 1980, A. sanguinipennis Blessing, Japan and represented by a number of 1916. The occurrence of Anastrangalia 1872, Rhopaloscelis unifasciatus Bles- different subspecies; the nominative sub- sequensi (Reitter, 1898) in Kaza- sig, 1873 und Saperda alberti Pla- species is distributed from West Europe khstan is proved. Xylotrechus capricor- vilstshikov, 1916. Das Vorkommen to East Siberia. Development under the nis (Gebler, 1830) and X. ibex (Geb- von Anastrangalia sequensi (Reitter, bark of different dead coniferous trees, ler, 1825) are recorded for North-East 1898) in Kazakhstan wird bestätigt. Xy- but in Siberia often in Betula, in Europe it Kazakhstan for the first time. Two new lotrechus capricornis (Gebler, 1830) was rarely observed in Fagus and Quer- synonyms are proposed: Leptura ery- und X. ibex (Gebler, 1825) werden cus, adults sometimes on flowers, but thropus Gebler, 1841 = Grammoptera erstmals für Nord-Ost Kazakhstan ge- usually on the bark of infesting trees. bivittis (Motschulsky, 1860), syn. meldet. Zwei neue Synonyme werden nov., Anoplistes ephippium coreanum vorgeschlagen: Leptura erythropus Geb- 3. Pachyta quadrimaculata (Linnaeus, Okamoto, 1924 = A. altajensis ussuri- ler, 1841 = Grammoptera bivittis (Mot- 1758) – several specimens collected on cus Tsherepanov in Tsherepanov & schulsky, 1860), syn. nov., Anoplistes flowers. An ordinary Palaearctic species Tsherepanova, 1975, syn. nov. Trago- ephippium coreanum Okamoto, 1924 = distributed from Spain to East Siberia. pogon and Scorzonera are notified as A. altajensis ussuricus Tsherepanov in The bionomy was described in details by food-plants of Agapanthia maculicornis Tsherepanov & Tsherepanova, 1975, A. I. Cherepanov (1979). Development (Gyllenhal, 1817), as well as Pulsatil- syn. nov. Tragopogon und Scorzonera of larvae in Siberia was observed in dead la for A. violacea (Fabricius, 1775) for werden erstmals als Nahrungspflanzen roots of Pinus far from the main trunk of the first time. für Agapanthia maculicornis (Gyllen- the tree, pupation in soil, adults on flowers. hal, 1817), Pulsatilla für A. violacea (Fabricius, 1775) belegt. 4. Brachyta interrogationis (Linnaeus, 1758) – several specimens collected on Key words. Cerambycidae, list of species, food plants, Kazakhstan, Palaearctic Paeonia. An ordinary Palaearctic species Region, new records, taxonomy, zoogeography, new synonyms. distributed from Spain to Far East of Rus- sia, Korea and China. The bionomy was described in details by A. I. Cherepanov Introduction (1979). Development of larvae in Siberia was usually observed in roots of living An international entomological expedi- 475 m (Fig. 2). Two short collecting trips Paeonia, but sometimes in roots of Eu- tion to Kazakhstan arranged by M. L. Da- to the environs of Ust-Kamenogorsk were phorbia and Radiola, in laboratory the nilevsky in June 2005 included five per- carried out to a mountain steppe area in oviposition also took place in soil near sons, three entomologists from Russia, Sibinka river valley with adjacent tape roots of Trollius, pupation in soil, adults Galina Borisovna Danilevskaya, Mik- forest at about 500 m at 49°35’N, 82°30’E on flowers of many different plants. hail Leontievich Danilevsky, Andrey (Fig. 3) and to the nearest south of Ust-Ka- Mikhailovich Shapovalov and two menogorsk at hilly suburbs at about 450 m 5. Acmaeops smaragdulus (Fabricius, from Germany, Karl Hadulla and Ya- at 49°53’N, 82°37’E. The taxonomy part 1792) – a single male was collected by heita Yokoi. The main base of the expe- of the text was arranged by Danilevsky. Yokoi on Umbeliferae. The species is dis- dition was situated in Khamir river valley tributed from France (Sama 2002) to the near Putintzevo village in East Kazakhstan, Species collected near Putintzevo Far East of Russia Korea and China. It is 49°53’N, 84°23’E (Fig. 1). It is mixed rather rare in Europe, but very numerous forest in the foothills of West Altay 1. Rhagium mordax (De Geer, 1775) – in Siberia. The species was never before mountains just near the river at about several specimens collected on flowers. recorded for Kazakhstan, so it is our first 171 Entomologische Zeitschrift · Stuttgart · 119 (4) 2009 record for the Republic. Development Siberia, as well as in Caucasus and Near la on dead Betula trunk. An ordinary under the dead bark of coniferous trees East and represented by a number of sub- Siberian species distributed also in Ko- (Picea, Pinus, Abies, Larix), pupation in species, which geographical and mor- rea, China and Japan. Distributed west- soil, adults on flowers. phological limits are not clear good wards to Croatia, Poland and Slovakia, enough. Pseudovadonia l. pecta is distrib- but in Europe rather rare. Development 6. Gnathacmaeops pratensis (Laichart- uted from East Europe to East Siberia, re- in rotten wood of different deciduous ing, 1784) – a single male collected by cently it was recorded for Kirgizia (Ovt- trees, pupation in wood, adults some- Shapovalov. An ordinary Palaearctic chinnikov 1996). The development was times visit flowers. species distributed from Spain to Far described by B. Burakowski (1979). Lar- East of Russia, Korea and China, as well vae in soil with mycelium of Marasmius 15. Leptura quadrifasciata quadrifasciata as in Central Asia, Near East and Cauca- oreades, pupation in soil inside specially Linnaeus, 1758 – several specimens col- sus. Development under the dead bark of constructed cocoons, adults of flowers. lected on flowers. An ordinary Palaearc- coniferous trees (Picea, Pinus), pupation tic species distributed from Spain to in soil, adults on flowers. 10. Anastrangalia sequensi (Reitter, Japan. In Caucasus L. quadrifasciata cau- 1898) – numerous specimens collected on casica (Plavilstshikov, 1924) occurs, 7. Dinoptera collaris (Linnaeus, 1758) – flowers (mostly on Heracleum). An ordi- which is also known from Iran and several specimens collected on flowers. nary Siberian species distributed east- Turkey. Development in rotten wood of An ordinary Palaearctic species distrib- wards to Japan, but penetrates in Europe different deciduous trees, but sometimes uted from Portugal to the West Siberia as near Central Urals. The species was not in- reported from Picea and Pinus, pupation well as in Near East and Caucasus. Devel- cluded in Kazakhstan fauna by I. A. Kostin in wood, adults on flowers. opment under the dead bark of different (1973). According to him all records of A. deciduous trees, pupation in soil, adults sequensi for Kazakhstan were identified as 16. Leptura annularis annularis Fabri- on flowers. A. sanguinolenta (Linnaeus, 1761), and cius, 1801 – many specimens collected the record of A. sequensi for “Burabay” on flowers. An ordinary Palaearctic 8. Alosterna tabacicolor erythropus (Geb- (Kadyrbekov et al. 2003) in Kokchetav species distributed from Spain to Japan. ler, 1841) – many specimens collected region must be another species, most In Japan and several Russian Far East is- on flowers. The taxon was usually probably A. reyi (Heyden, 1885). Larvae lands Leptura a. mimica Bates, 1884 oc- recorded as A. t. bivittis (Motschulsky, in decaying wood of different coniferous curs. Development in rotten wood of dif- 1860); Leptura erythropus Gebler, 1841 trees (Pinus, Picea, Abies, Larix), pupation ferent deciduous trees, but sometimes re- was described from Altai. The original in wood, adults on flowers. ported from Picea and Abies, pupation in description totally fits to Altai specimens wood, adults on flowers. of A. tabacicolor (DeGeer, 1775). Gram- 11. Lepturobosca virens (Linnaeus, 1758) moptera bivittis Motschulsky, 1860 was – several specimens collected on flowers 17. Leptura duodecimguttata Fabricius, described from the area eastwards Baikal (mostly on Heracleum). An ordinary 1801 – many specimens collected on belongs to the same taxon as A. tabacicol- Palaearctic species distributed from flowers. An ordinary Siberian species dis- or from Altai, no other species of Aloster- Spain to Far East Russia, Korea and Chi- tributed from West Siberia to Japan. De- na are known from Altai. Consequently, na, very numerous in Siberia. Develop- velopment in rotten wood of different Leptura erythropus Gebler, 1841 = ment in rotten wood of different conifer- deciduous trees, pupation in wood, Grammoptera bivittis
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