19556 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE June 2, 1972 press, the right to lawfully assemble. The Our. society leans over backward in an to speak out in a positive manner. By our most important of these-the right to apparent effort not to influence and dis­ silence we grant approval to the mis­ vote-has now been extended to all above cipline our young people toward our guided few. the age of 18. ideals and hopes, lest we spoil their per­ Let us remember the tremendous job Those who prefer disruptive demon­ sonalities. How alienated and unloved our police officers are doing in handling strations to constructive debate and the many of them must feel. unlawful and destructive demonstrators. enlightened vote are ignoring the greatest Law and order is everybody's business I applaud the fact that the police are opportunity afforded them to bring about and should be everybody's active concern. again being allowed more latitude to do lawful change. The liberal press and some of the com­ their job and to meet force with reason­ It is time for all of 1:S to take a really mentators ridicule those who speak of able force where necessary to preserve hard look at America. We have never law and order as "ultra-conservative" order. cradled a more permissive society than and "far right." Most Americans, I believe, are ready we do today. Parental, educational, and Hogwash. to stand up and demand that law and religious guidance and governmental en­ order be preserved. Their patience is forcement have all permitted and en­ The history of mankind proves that wearing thin. It would behoove those who couraged the individual to do his own when law and order no longer prevail, a would participate in unlawful demon­ thing, even to the extent of participating nation drops to its knees with impotence, strations to engage in some rethinking­ in civil disorders, invasion of others' unable to govern itself any longer. and turn their attention toward voter rights, and of selecting laws which he It is not enough to believe in law and registration and the ballot as a means will or will not obey. order. Each of us must make the effort of bringing about progressive change. SENATE-Friday, June 2, 1972 The Senate met in executive session at The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- tinguished Senator from West Virginia 12 noon and was called to order by Hon. pore. Under the order of yesterday, the <Mr. ROBERT C. BYRD) is now recognized HARRY F. BYRD, JR., a Senator from the following business will be transacted as for a period of not to exceed 15 minutes. State of Virginia. in legislative session. Mr. ROBERT C. BYRD. Mr. President, I suggest the absence of a quorum and ask unanimous consent that the time be PRAYER THE JOURNAL charged against my order. The C'haplain, the Reverend Edward Mr. ROBERT C. BYRD. Mr. President, The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem­ L. R. Elson, D.D., offered the following I ask unanimous consent 'that the read­ pore. Without objection, it is so ordered, prayer: ing of the Journal of the proceedings and the clerk will call the roll. O God, who has taught us in Thy Word of Thursday, June 1, 1972, be dispensed The second assistant legislative clerk to lift up our eyes to the hills, and that with. proceeded to call the roll. our help comes from the Lord who made The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem­ Mr. ROBERT C. BYRD. Mr. President, heaven and earth, we lift our wistful pore. Without objection, it is so ordered. I ask unanimous consent that the order spirits to Thee. for the quorum call be rescinded. We give Thee thanks for every new The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem­ COMMITTEE MEETINGS DURING pore. Without objection, it is so ordered. vision of a better world and nations for­ SENATE SESSION ever at peace with one another. In this season of summits, keep ever before us Mr. ROBERT C. BYRD. Mr. President, the summit of Sinai and the command­ I ask unanimous consent that all com­ ORDER FOR RECOGNITION OF SEN­ ments of divine law, and the summit of mittees may be authorized to meet dur­ ATOR PROXMIRE ON MONDAY Calvary and the law of love and the ing the session of the Senate today. NEXT everlasting truths of the Sermon on the The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem­ Mr. ROBERT C. BYRD. Mr. President, Mount. May we fix our eyes upcn Thy pore. Without objection, it is so ordered. I ask unanimous consent that, on Mon­ goodness and mercy and justice. Make day next, immediately following the rec­ and keep us a nation under God. With MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE ognition of the two leaders under the this holy vision enable us to work this standing order, as in legislative session, day and every day. A message from the House of Repre­ the distinguished senior Senator from We pray in His name, who is Prince sentatives, by Mr. Berry, one of its read­ Wisconsin (Mr. PROXMIRE) be recognized of Peace. Amen. ing clerks, informed the Senate that, for not to exceed 15 minutes. pursuant to the provisions of section 1, The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem­ Public Law 8~2. the Speaker had ap­ pore. Without objection, it is so ordered. pointed Mr. BROOMFIELD as a member of DESIGNATION OF THE ACTING the Canada-United States Interparlia­ PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE mentary Group, to fill an existing va­ ORDER OF BUSINESS The PRESIDING OFFICER. The clerk cancy thereon. will please read a communication to the The message announced that the Mr. ROBERT C. BYRD. Mr. President, Senate from the President pro tempore House had passed a bill (H.R. 13918) to I ask unanimous consent that the time (Mr. ELLENDER). provide for improved financing for the remaining under the order recognizing Corporation for Public Broadcasting, and the junior Senator from West Virginia, The assistant legislative clerk read the now speaking, be vacated. following letter: for other purposes, in which it requested the concurrence of the Senate. The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem­ U.S. SENATE, pore. Without objection, it is so ordered. PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE, Washington, D.C., June 2, 1972. To the Senate: HOUSE BILL REFERRED Being temporarily absent from the Senate The bill <H.R. 13918) to provide for TRANSACTION OF ROUTINE on official duties, I appoint Hon. HARRY F. improved financing for the Corporation MORNING BUSINESS BYRD, JR., a Senator from the State of Vir­ for Public Broadcasting, and for other The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem­ ginia, to perform the duties of the Ohair purposes, was read twice by its title and pore. Under the previous order, there will during my aibsence. referred to the Committee on Commerce. now be a period for the transaction of ALLEN J. ELLENDER, President pro tempore. routine morning business for not to ex­ ORDER OF BUSINESS ceed 30 minutes, with statements there­ Mr. HARRY F. BYRD, JR. thereupon in limited to 3 minutes. took the chair as Acting President pro The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem­ Mr. ROBERT C. BYRD. Mr. President, fempore. pore. Under the previous order, the dis- I suggest. the absence of a quorum. June 2, 1972 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - SENATE 19557 The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem­ THE REPORT OF THE PRESIDENT Nor does the President lose his sense of pore. The clerk will call the roll. TO CONGRESS AND THE NATION reality, gained from years of experience The second assistant legislative clerk Mr. HRUSKA. Mr. President, last and study. Witness his words: proceeded to call the roll. evening the joint session of Congress We must remember that Soviet ideology Mr. HARRY F. BYRD, JR. Mr. Presi­ witnessed a report and a part of one of still proclaims hostility to some of America's dent I ask unanimous consent that the most basic values. The Soviet leaders remain America's shining and finest hours-­ committed to that ideology. orde~ for the quorum call be rescinded. bringing a vista of an era long sought in The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without our modern times. Hence, his urging that the United objection, it is so ordered. It brings to attainable reach that cen­ States maintain our defenses and our turies-old prayer of mankind that there economic strength as well at adequate CONTINUED HARASSMENT OF be "peace on earth, good will toward levels. Likewise, the comfort of his decla­ VIRGINIA CITIZENS BY HEW all men." ration: It is a goal and an event in which all No power on earth is stronger than the Mr. HARRY F. BYRD, JR. Mr. Presi­ of us can share and from which all can United States of America today, and none dent, a group of Virginia citizens is re­ vastly benefit. will be stronger than the United Stat es of belling against the continued harass~ent In areas of immediate interest and of America in the future. This is the only na­ of the Department of Health, Education, some concern, the President brought out tional defense posture which can ever be ac­ and Welfare. and emphasized some points which were ceptable to the United St ates, and this is On May 19, a class action suit was filed the posture I ask the Senate to protect by especially impressive and reassuring. approving the Arms Limitation Treaty to in the Federal district court in Norfolk The first has to do with the 3-year which I have referred. And with the re­ against HEW. This suit seek:> to enjoin preparation for the outcome of "concrete sponsible cooperat ion of the Congress, I will the Department from further attempts results," which flowed from the talks and take all necessary steps to main ta!n ill our to obtain the confidential personal rec­ agreements.
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