FRIDAY, APRIL 16, 1971 t^AGE TWENTY-FOUR Average Daily Net Press Ron The Weather lEttming l$m U i For The Week Ended April 4,1971 Clear and cool tonight; low chase tickets for any evening at crafts at 367 Tcdland Tpke. in cent to the restaurant 'screen In 30s. Tomorrow mostly sunny Four Petitions Business Zone n . The site, with the sign on its premises. Tickets on Sale a reduced rate. A bout Tow n 200 feet of frontage, is on the Extension of permission to Special rates are: availahle 15,695 and milder; high near 60. Cub Scout Pack 144 will have On ZB A Agenda north side of the turnpike diag- house farm workers is being For LTM Play for members of the American Mancheater—^A City o f Viliage Charm a pinewood derby tonight at BITUMINOUS cnally across from the Howard sought by August Zeppa, a com­ Betty Lundberg, box office Association of Retired Persons 7:30 at Keeney St. School. TTie Zoning Board of A i^ ^ s Johnson’s Restaurant. mercial truck farmer, at 738 manager, has 'announced that for any performance. Student VOL. LXXXX, NO. 168 (EIGHTEEN PAGES— TV SECTION) (OlasstOed AdvertUIng 15) PRICE FIFTEEN CENTS is slated to consider four ap­ A variance is required be­ Birch Mt. Rd. in a Rural Resi­ tickets for the Little Theatre Of tickets for any performance at M a n c h e s t e r , c o n n ., Sa t u r d a y , a p r i l 17, 1971 Cub Scout Pack 2 will have dence Zone, Zeppa has been Manchester’s May 30, 21 and 22 a reduced rate are also avail­ Us pecond annual Fiesta tomor- plications at its monthly publie cause of a section in the zoning DRIVEWAYS granted the permission in two- able. Senior CitliOns are hvvit- hearing Monday at 7 p.m. in regulations prohibiting open air production of "A Thousand mow from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. at year increments since 1960. Clowns’’ have been put on sale. ed to attend the Thursday eve- Parking Areas • Gas Stations • Basketball Courts Second Congrregational Church. the Municipal Building hearing desplays of merchandise. Burger King Corp. is request­ A general repcUrer’s license is Tickets can be purchased at nlng„..performance, at adilch Now Booking for Seasonal Work ___ The event is open to the public. room. Two requests are for Kofsky’s Shoe Store in the time they will rec^ve a special All Work Personally Supervised. We are 100% Insured. There will be various games to ing a variance to permtt an being requested by Prank Pa- variances, one for temporary Manchester Parkade from Ben rate. For phone reservations Citizen Complaints Pope Paul play, and prizes will be award­ eight-foot-square sign with ar­ gano, new operator of the Shankman. and further information, con­ ed. Refreshments are available. housing of farm workers, ahd row at Center St. and Proctor ARCO service station at 706 DeMAIO BROTHERS one for a general auto repair­ Rd., opposite its restaurant at Main St. in Business Zone m . Special arranigements may be tact Mrs. FiOd Bllsh, 0 Laurel CALL 643-7691 Chided By President Says Total Pullout er’s license. 476 Center St. Billboards are Pagano recently took over man­ made by groups for theater St. St. Bridget’s Rosary Society parties. Any organization wish­ "A Thousand Clowns’’ is a Spur Stafte Officials will sponsor a wine tasting Frank J. Halm i n is seeking prohibited in the regulations, agement of the station, which ing to plan a theater party for a comedy which enjoyed a long party Monday at 8 p.m. at St. permission to conduct Sunday but the company is contending presently has a limited repair­ Rome Paper group of 20 <x* more may pur­ run on Broadway. Bridget School cafeteria. Her­ outdoor sales of antiques and that trees on properties adja­ er’s license. Read Herald Advertisements bert Brandwein of 128 Ferguson _ To File Fraud Suit ROME (AP) — A Rome news­ Rd. will conduct the program paper leoturefd Pope Paul VI to­ which is open to all members By DAN HALL sult through, a Hartford spokes­ day for receiving in audience Depeudeut ou POW Release of the parish and their friends. Aaaociated Preae Writer. man for the firm. rock music groups that included Officers and Interested mem­ HARTFORD (AP) — Com­ He claimed Killian and Mrs. two girls wearing hot pants. It said that at this rate he’d be By FRANK CORMIER bers of the society will meet Modess Sanitary Napkins plaints from citizens led Con­ Dunn were "reckless” In brlng- Associated Press Writer Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. in the nectlcut officials to file suit the suit late Frld&v greeting strippers at the Vati- NEW RELEASES! 4 WASHINGTON (AP)— school cafeteria to nominate Box of 40, Regular or Super CJCJ i ^ d a y against a Florida-based afternoon, maintaining that they new officers. Our Reg. $1.49 firm which they claim has set hmj done s » 'to prevent an at- °But another paper praised the President Nixon says some up a vast promoUmial network tempt In court to quash the suit. Pope and said he was Just American ground and air The executive board of the P olyd or Crest Toothpaste In C ^ c ^ u L a n d other states saUey added he may file “ trying to understand the mod­ forces will remain in Viet­ Women’s Club of Manchester b M ^ on fraudulent claims. countersuit against Connecticut ern world." nam indefinitely—until the will meet Monday at 8 p.m. at 6.75oz. $1.03 Family size, regu- ^ J i The suit brought surprise and « the state continues to use the The right-wing dally H Tempo enemy releases U.S. prison­ the home of Mrs. Richard Men- lar or mint demals from several persons In- „ews media to publicize Its published the rare public criti­ ers and Saigon has a fight­ asian, 61 Schaller Rd. Mrs. El­ Records volved In the program. claims against Koscot. ' cism of the Pope in a frontpage mer Odell is cohostess. jc.olgate Instant Shave Cream The court action against Kos­ _ ^ . editorial commenting on Frl- ing chance for survival. • Lily Tomlin — ."This is a cot Interplanetary, Inc., and re­ Ihe cosm ^ cs f l m ’s pyramid- ja y ’s audience’. The newspaper, If the other side balks on toe Brian Featherstone, an AFS Recording’’ — The newest come­ 11 oz. 79c king size, regular or - < / | C lated firms involves both the al system of chstributois, each^hich has frequently attacked prisoner issue, Nixon told a na­ student from South Windsor, dy smash! lime. L F T ? , distribution of Koscot Kosmetics M betweqn ubgral trends In the church, of- tionwide radio audience Friday will give an illustrated talk of and the teaching of self-better­ W,000 to $5,000 to Join, const!- reflects the opinions of a night, “ We have some cards to • John Mayall — ‘-Back to the play, too, and we are g;oing to his experiences in Austria last Roots” —A two LP set. Wella Care Herbal Shampoo ment through “ motivation tutes a massive consumer g^ 3 ji of conservatives summer, at the meeting of the courses," said Atty. Gen. Robert lnv(rtve a mil- within the Vatican. play them right to toe hilt.” Interviewed by six publishers, Come Doubles Club ctf the North K. KUlian and Consumer Pro- H Tempo recalled D498 998 Dllo oaiW in n .irntt-rnn er4n6An..nn4 ^ United Methodist Church to­ tection Commissioner Barbara ^ stetement. pope once held an audience for edltcHS and reporters at toe an­ Natural concentrate, $2,00 size 1_M_ • OQvF ^ nual banquet of toe American morrow at 8 p.m. B. Dunn. 11 a 11 a n actresses-including P. Lee Bailey, the noted at- ^ tevestigation of claudia Cardlnale, who wore Society of Newspaper Editors, 99 Nixon engaged in one of toe 99 Deluxe Castle Perfumed Soap tomey who Is general counsel by ^ attorney gen- nrilnlsklrts tha^'Susplayed "their The Girl Scouts of ’Troop 1 will most free-wheeling question- serve a spaghetti supper tomor­ for Koscot, r e s id e d to the Department prosperous and most appetizing of Consumer Affairs, Is aimed and-answer sessions of his ad­ row from 6 to 8 p.m. at Center Bag of 6 bath size bars, Reg. < thighs.’’ --------------- ------------------------------- at halting the mushrooming ar- ministration. Congregatimtal Church. 79c. • . „ . It expressed shock that on my of.Koscot promoter^Kirnan p^day he received girls wear- Utdike his White House news conference, Nixon’s replies The Couples Club of Center ^ i!, ing hot pants that sLwed legs Manchester chlses have been sold so far In .. drew frequent applause from Congregational Church will up to the groin.” his audience, which included have a potluck tonight at 6:45 Connecticut with state residents “'We do not want to read one bu}ring more in Massachusetts. government officials as weU as in Woodruff Hall of the church. day,” II Tempo said, “ that the Journalists. Sales Agents “ Basically it is claimed that Pope has received a group of Tile hour-long sesslim .was both Koscot and Dare to be The Confirmation Class of broadcast live on three radio Great, Inc., promise participants (See Page niree) ’Trinity Covenant Church will 24’x48” Crestline Complete Pool networks but tetevision cover­ Defend Firm in their progn^ams extraordin­ meet tomorrow at 9:30 a.m. at age ■was barred by toe White ary profits by recruiting other the church.
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