I WEATHER Min. Mu a*n«' ,**iB**d*y “48 89»• 0.01MR QUOTE '«ww*wr ■■ . .. .68 -----79 OjW^rr.non Brtvritf * l a 71 WW Give-me liberty to know, to Bawto ———J5 66 TrSM utter, and to argue freely ac­ •1«(tV r*~ — 61 89 Tr*« cording Jto conscience: “S&C , —John Milton. HGHTY"FIFTh YEAR—No. 42. 1‘» !‘ u.'OR rrhitt W eek l" ' 1111.................i i i . w w w i .w u ^ m ■ ..................................r i i i u s i CHELSEA, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, Al'lC v>r,, 1957 7c per copy SUBSCRIPTION $2.50 PER YEAR Rural S chools Bulldogs Win From Saline7 Safety Rules. T.-mnUm BchooU,M>cl Rogers Manchester JJSnSool are holding Family Martin E. Miller and ’ Willard S S ”o£> house tomorrow eve- Guest, director and assistant di­ Lose H eartbreaker «in» Aoril 26. with teacher® of rector of Civil Defend* Dfctflct VI, , fl?tw«hw)l8 ready, to receive | were in Ann Arbor for n Civil De­ To Roosevelt Monday L SfflnninR at 6 o'clock. fense meeting Wednesday evening I ff&edJgW?nkfe is the teacher of last week. / -• In Extra Inning Also_ present from this vicinity jU S iS 'at Rogers C o r n o r ? l were GeorgeDoe of the -Chelaea Chelsea High.edged Manchester Police department, Gerald Car* of in a fight game ^Wednesday, April “f t , school. ■ taught-by Mrs. Cassidy Lake Technical School, and 17 on the local diamond. Chelsea sX s9dt, and Lima Center school, James Gaken and Arthur-Paul of clinched the game in the last of gn, Florence Hakala. teacher, the Chelsea Fite Department. the seventh frame. George Staffan .n^V, 7*e» Washtenaw county led off with a double to right cen­ S f hold open house Friday^ May Civil Defense Council chairman, 17 it ms announced this week by ter. He moved to third on a passed Jjftnr Schmunk, e l e ^ e j i t a r y 1 presided at he meeting and intro­ bail and scored as Jim Baxter's duced George. Bordfrsj mbtew&ik ' ‘ grounder went through the Schmunk said the rej gist and chief "aeronautical obeer? id-baseman,------------------- -- r ver at iihe Willow Row wea Manchester .scored a run Jn the^ - J t Family Night opan. houflfl_at station who showed pictutei IS* m3 ?outh Elementary, firat_.on Connie Gonyeria—single zgftmago= dflne by„torhadoesrJ and two thawing errors, "Sob wA exeeptlmrcly^Ihrt^ also answered Questions on Owl i. E H indicating,an interest in' Defense procedures in case of'^tob* Chelsea Went ahead in the sec­ f; the schools which is gratifying to nadoea striking an area. ; ond on hits by George Mayer. I m and to the teachers. , Borders stated, “Weather only, Hugh Weinberg and Frank Fred­ Ha^alao announced this week seems worse than it used to .be­ ericks, plus a throwing error. that parent-teacher corrferenCea cause the average ’.person is told The Bulldogs addedZjanother,-as- an b«W planned for the 10-day -more about severe conditions, than Mayer doubled and tWelnberg sin­ period beginning April 29, Boom he was 10 years ago.” __ , gled him home, in the thirds - ■ . ' .Ethers are telephoning parents “We in the .Weather .Bureau EASTER^EGG. HUNT and games provided fun for the^bildren of Junior Chamber of Commerce Manchester tied-the score in fhe to arrange a schedule to. .be *01- used to do all Of the worrying,’* hd members at ihe children’s Eaater party sponsored by the Jayceea Auxiliary Saturday, April 20, The sixth on hits by Tom Adams and _lowed for.the conferences. continued. Ralph England and, a double, .by_ party was held ftQm,-9:30-until, 11 a.m. in—the Municipal building. Each child received a-gift and “We used: to have a ,to: if John Adams. After pitcher Jim sighted before we told the-public Bntsh-were served,- including-sweet-rolls and chocolate milk for the youngsters and coffee for Baxter- walked the next tWo hit­ the mothers present. The committee in charge of the party IncIuded Mrs, J. V. Burg, II, Mrs. P. G. ters he was replaced by Bob De- Mail Service anything about it. We were prds- Fant who retied the side as Gon- sured into giving o u t.. <tornado Schaible, Jr., Mrs. Thomas McClear, Mrs. Jack Wellnitz and Mrs. George Winchester, Jr, yer poppeA—into ■ an -unassisted- alerts/—Some feel this-has-cauaed double play. DeFant then struck Returned to too much panic, needlessly." out the side 'in the seventh to re­ While the only way to . detects a Michigan K. of C, ceive credit_fpr_the victory. • ___ tornado in the daytime is to, see School Bid Dexter Youth m il the funnelr~a tornado'^ “ ----- WilLInitiatef50 ^ ball until he weakened-in the sixth, m be seen at night becaufe striking out eight, walking six ning flashing around ing^i Wins Plowing and giving up only three hits, Mall delivery went back to its Borders said. ' ■ " tin 75th Birthday customary routine last Saturday NAVY ENTERTAINS ARMY—Midshipman^David Bertke 2/c Odis ^Richardson had a double- following curtailment the previous (left) of the U. S. Naval Academy at Annapolis, and Cadet Stanley Tornado conditions are caused Michigan will witness one of It s and a triple while Mayer, Wein­ bv w a rm a ir from the Gulf of largest fraternal demonstrations ‘Saturday on orders from Post-1 toney 2/c of the U. S.MiUtary Academy at West Point, are shown berg and Fredricks each had two master General Summerfleld after | Mexico slipping under' cold . air May 4-6, when 760 new members hits for Choi oca. — =■—----- —trr------- above at Annapolis-where-Cadet Tony spent three days tKe~end -from -the--nor thwest -part- Qf - t hg Following a meeting Thursday ..will be-mitiated into the Knights e- Washtenaw ■ county 4-H “Congreiy had failed to act on'hlsj country," v of the board of education, building Line Score: . R H E reQuest for 47 million dollars to of March as Midshipman Bertke’s guest. “Both young men a re . of Columbus, in honor of the 75tH Plowing champion for 1957 is Wil­ Borders explained that torna­ committee, --and representatives of anniversary of the Ocdei^_founded liam. Denshdm, , JriJ" oFTilexter. Chelsea ....... 021 000.1*-^ 10 3 carry his department during the graduates of the same class at Chelsea High .school’and both does are described as whirling Yamasaki, Leinweber & Associates, With weather and Ssoil. conditions Manchester ...100 002 0—3 8 4 in 1882. Baxter. DeFant- (fl) and rWaife remaining 1% months of the oook- entered the service academies the same year. Midshipman Bartk«. -Vorl.ttYwa nplnn<ngr n t BOfllJlfliles the architects, opening of bids on More than—1,500 'mcmberjr~and1ideah^for. spring plowing, eleven ■ «plng-year.- 111 Hid been the guest or-his former classmate at West Point from hour and a tornado moves ahead the new high sCHOol and the addi-; 4-H Tractor Club members dis­ berg. ‘jet. office-windows' were -also tion of eight rooms to' the North their ladies will attend the Dia- Gonyer and Meyer. Feb. 28 until March 3. Beginning in February the Army end Navy at 20 to 30 miles an hour. mond Jubilee banQuet and danc­ played their best plowing Satur­ i Saturday; however, continua­ Anyone-in a car who sees a Elementary school was postponed ing party in*the Hotel Sheraton- day, April 20. Thft ffnntftgfc npnn tion of a limit of 8% hours of Academies have been exchanging groups of second classmen* for tornado should try to outrun it or until May 14. Cadillac on Sunday, evening; May tored by Standard Oil Company On Thursday, April 18, the Bull­ . window. ............'service remains. in most, . week-ends beginning Thursday evenings aiid ending Sunday morni take a side road so'he is going at Drawings of the high ' school 5, states Wilfred T. Connelly, State and the Cooperative Extension, dogs grabbed, them first league right angles to the tornado, he were not completed as scheduled Deputy for the society in Michigan. Service, was held at the Willis Has- victory of the season, behind Hughu stsa^SsSSs «*•«. +** added. and it was decided to allow the ichetB sett farm, Manchester. • ■ Weinberg's fine one-hitter, over ue 8:30 a.m, until 6-D.m. daily) attend formations, and renew acQuaintances with cadets they A- -network., uf tornado1 auottera biddam-at' least- 30 days nffeer- tho Cpnneily, are- at a premium. The 11 contestants made quick Kaiine.o-O. except Saturday when windows I met on previous joint training operations. Cadets reverse the call11 ’ 4the- U ^ ________weathert L . „ ..stationa___ A J When. .. drawings were availal te to sub- At the banQuet, the 760; newly work of plowing approximately 25 Senior Hugh -Weinberg, a regu­ Hi ckaediat_nooh... ----- ----- 1—procedure-whenthey-ore-guesto-tof ihe-midshiomen. Theseweek- they "gee- 'the tornadoes coming mit their bids. Inducted members Will be guests acres. Judges for the plowing me_ej lar catcher for the past .3 years, The post office lobby remains ends promote inter-academy understanding and foster permanelif^ down out of the skies, then the It is expected 4that additional of honor; having been initiated were Robert White, Michigan StSte turned in a tremendous effort in open until 6 p.m. for the conven station warns the general public contractors will submit bids with from 54 councils in the Detroit ^University, agricultural engineer, his . first. pitching performance. JenMij . W w a * . to j. of fellowship. Cadet T.l.eLiU!MJptt-^-Mr. - opening Afchdlocesai^flreacomprising: _ , blazing fast ball he office the weather- station when the-W ami date.
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