APRIL, 1968 TlinetyTline Hews zfk o\lin6ty-o\l tries m C o l u m n T’was a most gratifying day recent­ in our AMELIA EARHART Scholar­ ly when I spoke on “Women in Avia­ ship program, and that we have been tion” , to the Kidney Foundation auxi­ able to increase the number of scholar­ liary here in Denver. I enjoyed their ships given, in the last few years, meeting — they are doing a fine job. through donations and interest from Would you believe, I talked on my investments. APRIL, 1968 favorite subject — The Ninety-Nines? I liked on e person's question — THE NINETY-NINES, Inc. None of these women were pilots, but “Why can't we require pilots to file Will Rogers World Airport the questions they asked when I finish­ flight plans. We, in Colorado are most International Headquarters ed, were just great. Naturally, I gave cognizant of this lack of filing, since Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73159 our history — how we achieved our we have lost four aircraft in our nig­ name, when it was formed, and that ged Rockies this winter. And some Headquarters Secretary AMELIA EARHART was our first have not been found yet.” Further said DARLA BULLARD president. she. “The Civil Air Patrol and many Editor They were most intrigued with our others spend thousands of dollars, man PEG ONG Powder Puff Derby and had read hours and perhaps risk lo themselves 2900 Rockbrook Drive about it — but one of them said she in the.search” . It was so pleasing that Plano, Texas 75074 would surely watch the papers this they were all interested in this subject year for publicity on the race. AWTAR and that they follow it closely in the THE NINETY-NINES NEWS Board, please note — I could answer papers. A pril, 1968 Vol. 12 No. 16 the question, “How much fuel do they It truly was a most interesting morn­ Published monthly, except bi-monthly July- use to fly the race?” I explained that ing. August and November-December. since there was a variety of aircraft Annual subscription rate is $4.50 and is in­ BERNICE LOVERING of Ottawa cluded as a part of the annual membership in the race, with different horsepower, called in by phone — she was in Den­ dues of The Ninety-Nines, Inc. etc., the aircraft are handicapped. THE NINETY-NINES, Inc. ver on business. And Past President Will Rogers World Airport Then, one member said — “Just like DEEDO HEISE called to say they are O klahom a City, Okla. 73159 all our cars are different.” Return Form 3579 to above address watching their new home being built in 2nd Class Postage pd. at Chickasha, Okla. They further were most interested Arvada on their daughter and son-in- law’s ranch. It will be so nice to have INTERNATIONAL OFFICERS Were YOU Involved DEEDO with us in Colorado, but I President know Wisconsin will hate to lose her. DONNA MYERS In The "CPTP" She turned her foot on the basement 11603 E. 6th PI. stairs and has a broken bone in her Aurora, Colorado 80010 foot. (She m ay not appreciate my (1 9 3 9 - 1 9 4 4 ) ? ? Vice-President mentioning this — as she said it was WERE YOU INVOLVED IN THE BERNICE “BEA” STEADMAN a stupid thing to do). “CPTP” (1939-1944)? ? ? ? If so, 12214 N. McKinley Rd. Oh, back to the meeting with the CATHERINE STRICKLAND of Wash­ Montrose, Michigan 48457 women of the Kidney Foundation, ington, DC would like to hear from afterwards one of the members came Secretary you. She is currently compiling a his­ up to me to ask if I knew a Ninety- LYDIELLEN “LYGIE” HAGAN tory of the Civil Aeronautics Civilian Nine in El Paso who had been a past South 1907 Oneida Place Pilot Training Program and obviously president. I assured her I did indeed Spokane, Washington 99203 many of the 99s were a part of that know RUTH DEERMAN — seems they program, either as students or in­ worked together in volunteer projects Treasurer structors. She is particularly interested at the hospital, some time ago. DORIS RENNINGER in learning the num ber of 99s who With reluctance, we have accepted 30-01 162nd Street took their initial flying courses with the resignation of our Headquarters Bcechhurst, N. Y. 11357 CPTP and what that opportunity has Secretary, DARLA BULLARD, who is meant to them in the years interven­ leaving for personal reasons. She as­ Executive Board ing. Address your replies to: sures us she will be on tap for some ALICE ROBERTS Mrs. H. H. Strickland part time work, when the office be­ 9828 North 19 Avenue 2500 Que St. N.W. Apt. 414 comes very busy. Phoenix, Arizona 85021 Washington, D. C. 20007 Next issue will contain a report of GENE NORA JESSEN the Executive Board meeting in Okla­ 2814 Cassia homa City — March 28-31. VOTE VOTE VOTE Boise, Idaho 83705 Remember your Spring Section BETTY W. McNABB Immediately when you receive meetings! 926 Third Avenue Best, YOUR Ballot! Albany, Georgia 31701 DONNA MYERS show that due care was used in the several fixed base operators and two Free Country ? Operation of such air craft. representatives from the House, all present to oppose H.B. No. 982. When Fran VanStavern, Reporter Wednesday morning ESTHER, JIN- the committee meeting was over, and NEY and I were back on the job. Monday, March the 4th started off I he vote was taken, WE HAD WON. This time when the bill came up we just like any other dull, drab Monday. the vote was 8 to 6 and H.B. No. 982 had been able to convince one of was dead. BUT .... by 11:30 p.m. it was one the senators that we should at least of the most hectic days encountered have our “day in court” and the bill Needless to say ESTHER, JINNEY lately. I was getting ready for bed was re-referred to the Committee for and I were overcome with joy. We when m y phone rang. It was Court Justice. The committee meeting were exhausted from the activities of ESTHER GOBLE, our Chapter Chair­ was set for 2:00 PM the same after­ the past two days but we all agreed man, with a “hair raising” story about noon, so the minute we heard the out­ the warm feeling that we had been a bill in the Virginia Senate. When come of the vote, we were on the able to help in a small way to have I finished talking to her, I couldn’t be­ phones again. We kept the phones at such an unjust bill killed, overcame lieve what I had heard. It seemed as the capital busy for at least two hours. any tired feeling we had. though the State of Virginia was trying We contacted everyone we could think to pass a bill that would really of locally and told them what had hap­ GIRLS .............. BEWARE. This “ground” general aviation in the pened and to get down to the capital as bill had passed the House and was on state. ESTHER had called to ask me soon as possible for the hearing. I its second reading in the Senate before to help her contact pilots and advise called A.O.P.A. in Maryland and they we were aware of its existance and them of what was going on. From 11:30 were able to contact a local attorney to evidentally all because of its vague PM until 2:00 AM we called................. represent their interest at the hearing. title. Everybody we could think of that flew When the committee convened there Just as a matter of information, we or had any interest at all in aviation. were approximately 25 pilots, several were told that ten states already have By 2:00 AM Tuesday, we had been members of th e State Corporation this bill passed. Sorry I don’t know able to secure the word of approxi­ Commission - Division of Aeronautics, which states they are. mately 250 people that a telegram of objection would be on their senator’s desk that morning. By 10:00 AM ESTHER GOBLE, VIRGINIA RILEY Ninety- Nine History Books and I were at the Capital Building The Ninety-Nines owe a deep debt of HALL, SACHA P. HALL, RUTH and on our way to LT. GOVERNOR gratitude to RUTH RUECKERT for HALLIBURTON, LADY MARY POLLARD'S office. By previous ar­ compiling our early Ninety-Nines his­ HEATH, JEAN D. HOYT, KATH­ rangements, he had agreed to meet tory books. They are beautifully done ER IN E F. JOHNSON, ANGELA L. with us and introduce us to several and fascinating to read. While visiting JOSEPH, MILDRED E. A. KAUF­ Senators so that we could voice our Washington, D.C., take the time to go FMAN, BETSY KELLY, CECELIA M. protest to the bill. After several min­ to the Research Department of the KENNY, ELEANOR B. LAY, EVA utes of anxiety, LT. GOVERNOR POL­ Smithsonian Institution. You will be MAY LANGE, DOROTHES LAH, LARD appeared and took us on the well rewarded for your time. ETHEL LOVELACE, EDWYNA Mc- senate floor. We were introduced to The search continues though for pic­ CONNELL, RETHA McCULLOH, several senators and then MR. POL­ tures to complete a few of these books. HELEN MANNING, AGNES A. MIL­ LARD very casually said, “ O. K. We are still in need of fifty-six snap­ L E R or MILLS, M ARG ARET F. O. ladies, you’re on your own.” We met shots of our Charter Members and MARA, NEVA PARIS, PEGGIE J.
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