,STIMATED POPULATION BY CASTES, 1951 20. RAJASTHAN Office oj the Reg1Slrar General, India MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS GOVERNMENT OF INDIA 1954 OFFICE OF THE REGISTRAR GENERAL, INDIA, NEW DELHI. 2011 [LIBRARY] Class No. __ 315.44 1951 Est P Book No. __ 21113 Accession No, _________ N"TENTS PAo,ES 1. INTRODUCTION 1-2 '2. Table I.-Population of Scheduled Castes 3-5 3· Table n.-Population of Scheduled Tribes 6-7 4· Table IU-Population of Other Castes ) (i) Hindus ~ 8-26 Cii) Muslims J S· Appendix-Extracts from the previous Census Reports 27-30 :r :K ROD 1! Q ~ 1. Q = , . li In pnrSU:;;U1 (!C of Govcrnr-i:·::n1 t t;lolicy there was limi tad onUIIhJrdtion a!"J.d tabulation of oastes in 1951 consus. ~vcn in tho Cas~ of SChoduled Castos, Schoduled Tribes and Bacl{\vard ClassGs, the figures of' c~l.ch c,:.:.s to . were not separa tc:ly cxtrac ted; (. only the ~roup totals were ascertainod. '.[1;10 !3;,clnvard Class.J s Cammi sst JD rr:quiro tho ftSUrt~3 of popula ti on of each incJi.v:tduc.:.l C~3t(!. In ::;:.::'L;cr t:) c.J.ssist them, an estimute of population of each casto in 1951 has been mado on the basis of th.3,figuros of the pr3vi~us consusos. - 2 ~ In tlH:: CCl.S (3 of Raj as than, 1;.owev n r, the f'iguru;) of :Jop:ulation of individual C'J.stoe in 1951 wero soparately sorted for all cast~s ~t tho ini tia ti va of tho S t3. tc Gavornncnt. O_F ""'1'-:'S'"... J ... '-' '-', thn...~. figuros of Scheduled Custes and Schoduled Tri bes arc r0 l)roducod in this brochure. 3. ~he fiGures h3.ve been prnsor:tud in throG ~;Qbl.JS viz. (i) Sch()i]uli.')d Castes, Eindus only,) (ii) Scheduled Tri bGs, and (iii) Otll<Jr C[J.s'G().3, Hindus and Muslims separatGly. ThE.' fiCUI'oS ot' the .fLrst WO tabl'3s are reproduced i"r')n the ·.figuros 8p -eially s ortod at t:10 1951 cons us, as o.xpl~i~ed in paragra ph 2 above. In the caS0 of ... 2- Other Casto3? the 1951 census fj_gurGs cculc] ~1U-~ r,­ reproduced. Th2 reason is tl1at the figuros of thCS8 castes have been s"ortcd only by districts &~d no state totals have been struck. In the census slip the; castes have been returned by ~.lany synonymous nanos and in many cases sub-cast8S a2"ld not tho casto ha~ bach returned, Unless a rationulisod list of castes with thoir synonyms und sub-castes is pr2pared no state totals of castes can be given. Thoro was n ot ~ en ough tim..:: for this process The figuI'oS of OthGr CasttJs in table III havf"":, therofore, been estimated for 1951 on t.i10 basis of thG ftgurcs of pravi ~U8 by censuse~applying the grov,rth date of £:;on0r8.1 population. 4. :No casto-l-:dso' figuros ar2 available; for tho 1941 c~nsus. Tho t3. bIos 0: 1941 c\ :;~sus give figu~es for only a few solc~te: these also for a fow so18ctad districts. 5, .. Extra.cts from the p:'ovt ou·s CCJ1SUS reports explainin.?; the; caus -:;-s- -f or varia ti en in the fig1..:.ros of indiVidual C3.st-Js J:laVG boon [;iViJh :.Ln ............",n ~ Appond}.·...,......... "'-),.. --~---------------- . __ --------- -3- The figures given in this table relate to territory of Rajasthan as in 1951. 2. The table presents the figures of 44 castes (as specified in the President's Order of 1950) de~trmined at the 1951 census. The population of each caste Given in this table refers only to the population of ltindus. ----:::~.::..- :.-:=-_;:::: -::.:::== TABLE I, POPULATJDlT 0 F SCHEDULED Cf~S:TES (:iO TIFI:]) UlTDER PRSSIDENTt S ORP:'m 1950), D.~ TEl C::il-ISUSSe OF 1911" ~~:u and 1951. R 1'. J L S T H :. 1:[. ----__,...---~------ -·--·----·~~-.~~·~~~'I~p~O~P~u~L~lr.~T~I~O~!~t~I~N~--~~~-l~·-~ _____ __:~- C~,..!:..£'~_tu_. ___.jit.__l_.;~~~;__;_"e, 1...... :_ 1__;9i;:;.s.~__._t _:=l~::_l~~:"""'}.__, -=---=-:1~g:_~~~_--Ai..._Re_~~lIl'..Ao:_k:J: .. • 2.53~ lit • ~,204 53.454 '. • lit 708 6,982 . " 11,109 • 10,397 27,497 • lit 373 8,030 \,. Banspho!' lit • 926 3,316 • • 1,593 8,385 '8.' Eat:;tar ia • • 1,426 30,000 9 •.,Ehand ------ • • 1,315 12,918 10. B:b.angi 92,747 143,078 11. Bid al{ie 63 G,158 • lit 766,643 7?'~~592 • • • 10,963 ... 6,870' 15. D,hankia 30,733 23,324 16. Dheda 18,907 12,549 17. Dome 598 1,8'73 • lit 18. Gand1a • • 1ft 28~ • • 1ft 3m 20. Godhl • • • 1,746 21 •.ratia • • • 27,439 22. X. l1~€lia • 13,129 23. Ka~ Ad 1a San 81 • • • 325 • • 8,.429 2.s. K-l1a tka lit • <.,' • 15,984 -5- tg 1. I 2. :1 3, 1 4. I .£. t 6-;- 26. Koo cl',l B::l11d • • 326 2,O<:~6 27. Kar:i.a • • 11,303 4,7f.2 28. Kunj ar • lit '3,553 16,817 , , .;. 29. Ladar~ (Baz 19B!') * * '. 1,668 30. f~ajhabi * * • 8,832' 31. rlTehnr * * 5,362 23,578 ; 32. ~ieht8!' 6,148 * • L1.A),354 33. 1:16 chi 14,280 13,774 11,816 34,355 34. 17ut . 7,229 * 6,416 19,092 35. Pasi lit lit 43 5,755 36. Rai,~;ar 81,557 76,831 130,103 144,847 37. ~a1:J.oasia * • • 4,535 38. -q ~~7,~1 • • 677 13',497 39, Sarbhengi lit * 23 1,576 40, Singirala lit * 203 413 41. S.:n s j_ 4,488 5,037 6,719 ~rl,210 42, Thorf 28,413 lit 1'7,397 6,739 43, Tirf;[lr • lit 708 3,180 44. lit Valniki. * • -----2,803 1) oJ.!1 'I '/'/3 -TO ·~e:- , ~ d I];Q lIable • '. • ) _;:,'::..r::ure l're r..o t -6- '1 A B .L.c.; II. SCHEDULED TRIBES. Th8 tab1s presen~s fi~urc5 of one tribe (as specified in the President's Order of 1950) determined at the 1951 Census. -7- FOPUL,'.TIOl·;,OF SCE:3Dt71"'ID TRIB3S ( ljDTIFI3D U::1)'m PR3S:::1)i_·~Tr S O::tJ~ 1950) Il~ TF3 C3:..j<:1JC:-JS 0 F 1911 ._ IS·SI and 1951. · Cl m H r ,1'" R_. 1__ J _ t.."_\,/_I_.I.. ___ ,,._l\J • ------ ... _-- •••••• ****.**.~*.*.** •••••** ••••* •• * •••••• **.***** ••••••••••••••••••• ***. N'eme Qt -Cast•• 1 e t i 0 n 1 n \~n~ u~ n7~?1 1931 1~51 ;Remal"ks . ~ -, - 2. :3. 4. 5. 6 • ................................1. .....-.. .................................................'" . 1. BhU -8- T A_B).... E III. o '1' HER CAS T.E S This table prBsents fi6ures for 48/i castes. ~he list has been prepared with reference to the caste~ tablos given in 1911, 1921 and 1931 census L dfter eliminating the castes given in '1.'C!..bles I 6c. II. Out of' these 485 castes ;:'86 C.re includ€d under l-:lindus and 20) under lluslims. 2. Column 5 of this table Gives the estimated population in 1951. T~e estimates have. been made by applying ~~p ryercentage increase of general population of the State to the laLa~~ avaiJ.able census.. populat~on of e~ch caste. lhe t0t~1 estim~ted popula­ decrease 'L ..Lon in 1951 of these castes JJi-10WS 0 L over the 1951 census total of these Castes. On account of wide variation in tl~ two totals no attempt has been made to adjust the estimated population fiGure3. 3 . ;~lth0ut;h the fLsures of cdstes were s")rted by districts in Raj<.:.sthan fvr 1951 census they have not been reproduced here, for ro~sons given in para J of the Introduction. =::======== -~- rABLE III~ POPULA.l'ION OF OTHER C AST~ ,0' IN THE CEi':iSUSES·· OF .. 1911, l-:·' r 1921 & 1931 ANP'ESTI~ATErli~' POPULATION IN 1951. (HINDUo~ RAJASTHAN- .... * * * ** * '" '" ** ** * * *~'" '" "'* "'''' ** *"'*~"* '" *.;c *:;< * * * ***'" * *"'"* *** '" "" *¥iIC'*", * ** "'''' * ***'" * '" "'''' "'{ I IEst1mated I Name of' Caste populatlonlRemarks. 1 195 . 4 1. Ah1r 169,112 163,236 182,139 247,340 2. Anjana * '" 2,778· 3,771 3. Arya '" '" 896 1,216 4. Bachhra * * 129 175 5. Bagerwal * * 372. 505 6. Bahrupla * >I< :37'.. 50 7. Bald * *_. 45 61 s. Bai1'8g1' 57,987 49,544 * 76,768 9. Baidnor * * 3 4 10. Bala1 197,491 203,071 218 ,857 242,354( a) l.l. Bambh! 133,826 159,276 162,86,-- ~Q-t ry:=<,7 12~ Bandhara * * 1,107 1,500 Banjara 13., 21,227 20,072 22,632 4C,:18(a) 14. Banoda * * 5 7 16~ Bara 37 50 I * * 16. Barha! 9,610 * * 13,916 17. Barasenl * * 5 7 18. Bargonda * * 300 407 19. B~u1'1' V 30,572 24,289 '" 30,467( a) 20. Bar1 '" .* 1,944 2,639 :J1. Barie * '" 283 384 22. Basara * * .791 . 1,074 23. Basdev * * 1 1 24.• Bawrla '" '" 35,965 48,822 -10- ____1__ -__ " ____ ~I __~2 __~I __ ~3~~r ___ 4~~§---:;~s----§,--~6--- 25. Bengali * * 309 419 26. Ber1a * * 700 4,799(a) 27. Bhagat * * 483 656 28. Bhagwal * * 2 3 89. Bhandari ... * 17 23 :.)0. Bhangrl * * 58 79 :]1. Bharawa * * 498 G76 32. Bharbunja .. * 2t8~6 3,e3 6 33. Bhargava * * 1,3&9 1,845 3~~ • Bhart1 * * 81 110 35. Bharwa * * 9 12 36. Bh.qt 33,357 27,807 38,~_60 5l,938 37. Bhateorf-l "" >Ie 2 3 38. Bhatia * * 107 145 39. Bhatiara * * 37 50 40. Bhatphor * * 45 01 41.
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