COVER STORY Sappers from the IRR provide the full remit of Combat Engineer Capabilities to the Special Operations Task Group (SOTG). Here LCPL B, SPR J, EDD Bailey and a Commando move to an LZ in preparation for an Helicopter $VVDXOW)RUFH +$) PRYHWRDQXQVSHFLÀHGORFDWLRQLQ8UX]JDQ3URYLQFH in order to conduct a cordon and search mission, partnered with Afghan National Security forces, as part of the ongoing efforts to disrupt the insurgent senior leadership. AUSTRALIAN SAPPER – 2011 ISSN: 1449-4140 PUBLISHER $XVWUDOLDQ6DSSHU0DJD]LQHLVSXEOLVKHGDQQXDOO\E\+HDGRI&RUSV 5R\DO$XVWUDOLDQ(QJLQHHUV PDJD]LQHQRWSXEOLVKHG DISCLAIMER The views expressed in this publication are the personal views of the author and unless otherwise stated, are not necessarily the views or policies of the Royal Australian Engineers, the Australian Army or the Australian Defence Force. COPYRIGHT 23 28 Text and images in this publication are copyright of the Commonwealth of Australia unless otherwise credited. Enquiries regarding the use of material in WKLVSXEOLFDWLRQLQWKHÀUVWLQVWDQFHVKRXOGEHGLUHFWHGWRWKH(GLWRU EDITORIAL BOARD Editor-in-Chief: Brigadier Wayne Budd, CSC Managing Editor: Lieutenant Colonel Allan Hollink Editor and Production: Major Stu Roesler Assistant Editors: Regional Education Detachment (NSW) Graphic Design: Mr George Petrovski Mr Steve Comer CONTACT DETAILS: 7KH(GLWRU$XVWUDOLDQ6DSSHU0DJD]LQH6FKRRORI0LOLWDU\(QJLQHHULQJ RAE Head of Corps Cell, 0RRUHEDQN$YHQXH0RRUHEDQN16: 46 77 3KRQH $'-7 Contents Message from Head of Corps - Royal Australian Engineers .......2 13th Field Squadron ...............................................................56 Force Engineer Branch ................................................................. 3 35th Field Squadron ...............................................................57 Corps Capability Development .....................................................7 Personnel Matters .......................................................................58 60 Second Quick Fire ....................................................................8 Sapper Obituaries -”Lest We Forget” .........................................59 !e School of Miltary Engineering...............................................9 Military Engineering Heritage Company ..................................64 RAE Trade Training (ALTC) ........................................................18 Project NINGAUI.........................................................................65 RAE Trades & Training (CATC) ..................................................18 How Army Engineers "t into Australia’s Amphibious Concept ....... 66 RAE SCMA ...................................................................................22 A HESCO Guard Post ..................................................................68 RAE DOCM ..................................................................................22 Ex TALISMAN SABRE 2011 .......................................................69 RAE Operations ...........................................................................24 Ex Warthog Warrior ....................................................................70 Sapper SITREP: Army Reserve Construction Management Assistance to Navy 1st Combat Engineer Regiment .............................................31 Reserve in Tasmania ...................................................................71 2nd Combat Engineer Regiment ............................................31 !e Australian Army Museum of Military Engineering............73 3rd Combat Engineer Regiment .............................................34 A Day in the Life of an IET Sapper .............................................74 4th Combat Engineer Regiment.............................................35 End of the RAE Exchange O#cer at RSME ...............................74 5th Combat Engineer Regiment.............................................37 Ex Wandering Tradesman...........................................................76 6th Engineer Support Regiment ............................................39 SME Adventurous Training ........................................................77 8th Combat Engineer Regiment.............................................46 Legacy 8-hour Endurance Rac ....................................................78 Special Operations Engineer Regiment .................................48 OXFAM Trailwalker Sydney 2011 ..............................................78 19th Chief Engineer Works ....................................................50 Book Review ................................................................................80 21st Construction Regiment ..................................................52 Essay 1 .........................................................................................81 22nd Construction Regiment .................................................54 Essay 2 .........................................................................................83 3rd Field Squadron ..................................................................55 Conceptual Paper ........................................................................84 AUSTRALIAN SAPPER 2011 1 Message from the Head of Corps Royal Australian Engineers Brigadier Wayne Budd, CSC elcome to the 2011 Edition of Australian Sapper For all Sappers look for magazine. Re$ection on 2011 provides a picture of the signs in your mates W another busy year for the Corps. My feel is that we and be a mate and o%er are handling the challenges well and acquitting ourselves in true support when needed. Sapper style. We remain very much committed to the con$ict in Away from operations Afghanistan and must retain focus on keeping the basics right. our future Corps struc- !e operation in Afghanistan has claimed the lives of four more tures and needs in support of Army are looking more secure. I of our Corps family. Corporal Richard Atkinson from 1CER, Cor- want to congratulate the Force Engineer and his team in pro- poral Ashley Birt from 1 Topo Svy Sqn, Sapper Rowan Robinson gressing the Modular Engineer Force – Force Modernisation Plan from SOER and Sapper Jamie Larcombe also from 1CER served (FMP) through to Army Headquarters signature in October this this country, this Army and this Corps with pride and honour. year. It lays out our Corps growth path to 2016. Importantly it Remember them and their sacri"ce as you move forward with links the ARES capabilities to the ARA requirements and will al- your service and own lives. Each one of these tragedies teaches low us to develop our Reserve capabilities appropriately. us a lesson about con$ict and how we participate. Learn those In addition to the FMP, we have had two other signi"cant lessons and apply them on operations. structural issues within the Corps this year. Firstly 20 EOD Operational activity in Afghanistan and the insurgent Impro- Squadron was o#cially established and will make an important vised Explosive Device (IED) campaign has been driving our own contribution to the "ght in Afghanistan. It will also allow us work back here to ensure that we have the best equipment capabil- develop our EOR and EOD technicians appropriately prior to de- ities, the best TTPs, the best training and the best understanding ployment. Secondly, Chief of Army has decided that the title IRR of the threat. All Sappers who have deployed to Afghanistan will is dated and the unit will therefore be retitled the Special Opera- know that they have the best Force Protection Electronic Counter tions Engineer Regiment (SOER). !ere is more to this change Measures available to protect against remote control IED triggers. than just a title. Working with Special Operations Command we We have asked DSTO to complete exhaustive testing of our hand will implement a formal Special Operations Sapper employment held detection equipment and we search internationally for all model which will allow e%ective management of personnel posted emerging technologies. Please ensure you get adequate training in and out of the SOER. Personnel will remain base trade Com- on the equipment provided. It is the strength of our training that bat Engineer but some special posting and training requirements sets us apart in our approach to combat. will be formalised to ensure that the SOER has the right skilled We have recently ask the Government to agree to the purchase personnel available. !is plan should see the Corps gain valu- of blast protected vehicle mounted Ground Penetrating Radar able experience from Special Operations Command coming back supported by remote interrogation arms, additional vehicle roller across Corps Regiments and units. systems and improved blast protected high mobility tractors for Other activities which you will read about in this edition of route repair. All this will be acquired with the provisions of the Australian Sapper will include the very vital and community ap- Defence Capability Plan and is known within Defence as Project preciated support to the Queensland and Victorian $oods (well NINGAUI. Sapper searchers will have the ability to search for done to all involved), our experience on Exercise Talisman Sabre IEDs from within a blast proof vehicle using a GPR some twenty (some key lessons learned here again) and new EOD training ini- times the size of current hand held equipment and with a greatly tiatives to boost our capacity in support of 20 EOD Squadron. improved probability of detection. It is a quantum leap forward Lastly, let me comment
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