ZOBODAT - www.zobodat.at Zoologisch-Botanische Datenbank/Zoological-Botanical Database Digitale Literatur/Digital Literature Zeitschrift/Journal: Zitteliana - Abhandlungen der Bayerischen Staatssammlung für Paläontologie und Histor. Geologie Jahr/Year: 1982 Band/Volume: 10 Autor(en)/Author(s): Sasonova Johanna G., Sasonov Nikolay T. Artikel/Article: The Berriasian of the European realm 439-446 © Biodiversity Heritage Library, http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/; www.zobodat.at 439 Zitteliana 10 439-446 München, 1. Juli 1983 ISSN 0373-9627 The Berriasian of the European realm By JOHANNA G. SASONOVA & NIKOLAY T. SASONOV») With 2 tables ABSTRACT In general stratigraphic scheme (table 1) the Tithonian is ac­ on the Russian Plain as the effect of alterating transgressions cepted as the uppermost Jurassic stage and the Berriasian as and regressions (29), which considerably influenced ecogene­ the lowermost Cretaceous unit. They correspond in the terms sis. Changes of cycles signified new phases of faunal phyloge­ of absolute chronology to the interval between 144-131 m. y. nesis. The intervals between sedimentary cycles had different B. P .; the Lower Berriasian boundary is dated as 137 m. y. B. duration. P. During these ages there are identified 6 sedimentary cycles KURZFASSUNG Es wird ein Überblick über den heutigen Stand der biostra­ Äquivalent des Ryazan angesehen und entspricht den boissie- tigraphischen Gliederung der Jura-Kreide-Grenze der sub- ri- und (?) Teilen der occitanica-Zonen. borealen Provinzen Europas mittels Ammoniten, Belemni- In der anglo-grönländischen Provinz stimmt das Unter- ten, Buchia, Foraminiferen und Tintinniden gegeben. Die Berrias mit der subcraspedites-Zone überein. Das Ober-Ber­ Jura-Kreide-Grenze wird an die Oberkante nikitini-, oppres- rias wird dem Ryazan gleichgesetzt und umfaßt die runctoni-, sum-, giganteus- und variabilis-Zonen gelegt. Die Gorodi- kochi-, icenii-, stenomphalas-, und albidum-Zonen. Das Va- schium Stufe (= Unter-Wolga) entspricht dem Tithon, die langinium setzt mit dem ersten Auftreten von Platylenticeras Kashpurium Stufe (= Ober-Wolga) den grandis- und occi- und Menjaites ein. tanica-{pars)-Zonen des Berrias. Das Ober-Berrias wird als INTRODUCTION An up-to date account of the phylogenetic stages of ammo­ lent to the Ryazanian stage and corresponds to boissieri-(})oc- nites, belemnites, Buchia, foraminifera and tintinnids at the citanica (pars) zones. In the Anglo-Greenland Province the Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary of the European Subboreal Lower Berriasian corresponds to the zone with Subcraspedi­ Provinces is given. The Upper Jurassic boundary is fixed at tes; the Upper Berriasian is distinguished as the Ryazanian the top of nikitini, oppressus, giganteus, variabilis zones. The stage composing runctoni, kochi, icenii, stenomphalus, albi­ Gorodishchlan stage is correlated with the Tithonian. The dum zones. The Valanginian begins with the first occurence Kashpurian stage is synchronous with grandis and occitanica of Platylenticeras and Menjaites. (pars) zones. The Upper Berriasian is established as equiva­ *) J. G. Sasonova , N. T. Sasonov , Asovskaja 25/22 - korp. 2, kv. 100, Moscow 113452, USSR. © Biodiversity Heritage Library, http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/; www.zobodat.at 440 PALAEOBIOGEOGRAPHICAL ZONATION RECOMMENDED FOR THE BERRIASIAN The European Subboreal Realm includes the Russian Subboreal seas were shallow. The depths up to 50 m occu­ (without Prechernomorskaya depression), Polish, Anglo- pied 50%, to 100 m -20% , from 100 to 200 m - 15 % of their Greenland Provinces, the latter being adjointed from the east total water surface; 5 % was occupied by lagoons, fresh-water by the North Siberian Province. The Russian Province is di­ lakes and low accumulative plains. The continental Purbeck­ vided into the Pechora, Volga, Dneper-Donetsk and Preca­ type deposits are known in Dneper-Donetsk subprovince, in spian subprovinces. The Volga subprovince includes Moscow Dobrudgian depression, on Busginsk and Sarpinsk-Tengu- bay. The Precaspian basin was connected with Mangyshlak tinsk paleoplains in the west of Precaspian subprovince (30). Sea through the South Embian strait. The Submediterranean Purbeck facies are known in the central part of Polish pro­ Province includes Mangyshlak, North Caucasian, Crimea- vince (table 1). In terms of geochronology, their sedimenta­ Carpathian (with Dobrudgian intercontinental bay), Middle tion lasted from one to four chrons, the deposits being formed Europian and South European subprovinces. in identical facial conditions. The Subboreal and Mediterra- Subboreal provinces Submediterranean province East European NW-Europe The C e n tra l European, N orthern C rim ean, Platform (I) Siberia (II) England - Greenland Carpathian subprovinces Toi lia Colli = Platylenticeras Pseudogarni eri a undulato- Kilianella roubaudiana Neotollia klimovski- he terop leurum p lic a tilis and Menjaites ensis Menjaites Tolypeceras impercepCus and Thurmanniceras pertransiens Zone___________ marcousianum Sun tes (Bogoslovskia) Peregrmoceras albidum Faunel la boissien = Bajarkia payen s imp!ex Bojarkîa stenomphalus / Bernasella cal lis to and Surîtes spasskensis Caseyiceras anaiogus Sur i tes(Lynnia)icenii Picteticeras picteti Zones Wectoroce- Riasanites ras ex gr. rjasanensis Hectoroceras kochi Hectoroceras kochi Malbosiceras mal bosi kochi s.str.Subzone Sub zone SE Platform NE P l a t - / F.maikopensis Chetaites form , and £ut/iymice- s ib irleus Praetollia (Func- ras eut hymi Sub- Chetaites tonia) runctoni zcne SE Platform chetae T. kaschpuricus Subcraspedites Dalmasiceras dalmasi Subzone and c. nodiger (Volgidiscus) Sub zcne Taimyroceras lamp1 ugh i Tirnovel 1 a occitanica - taimyrense Bernasella pnvasensis Zone C. nodiger and Subcraspedites Gamier iceras preplicomphalus subclypeiforme C. subditus Subcraspedites Pseudosubplanites grandis = and Taimyroceras (Swinnertoma) p. euxinus Zone G. catenulatum original i s pnmitivus Subzone C. okensis C. okensis Subzone Praechetaites Kacbpurites ful gens exoticu s _____ Eptvirgatites voguhcus Paracraspedites Bern a sei la jacobi oppressus - B. chapen Zone Epivirgatites nikltini Laugeites groenlandicus Titanites giganteas Delphinella delphinensis V. rosonovi and Dorsoplan ites sachsi = V. virgatus Ta imyrosphinctes Glaucolitbites gorei toc 'w Subzone excentricus Pa raulacosph metes U 01 Cla oH V. virgatus Progalbamtes albani transitorius • Cn s. s t r . Subzcne Dorsoplanites maximus D. panden and Virgatopavlovia fitto m Dorsoplanites Z. zarajskensis Pseudovirgatites ilovaiskii Pavlovia rotunda scruposus Subzcne Stramberg bee Pavlovia pavlovi ex gr. and 2. scythicus Pavlovia latnensis Pavlovia pallasioides Zaraiskites scytbicus Micracantho- micra- ceras cantbum Subzone__________ Pseudovirgat ites puschi, ponti Ilowaiskya fallauxi I .pseudoscythicus Pectinatites pectmatus Pectinati te. Pseudolissoceras semiforme Subzcne = P. líd e r i Zone pectmatus bavancum Danubisphinctes palatmum, Ilowaiskya spp. Fran conites vimineus 0t Arkellites hudlestoni Us seliceras i 0 -1 parvinadosum u p 0» c Subdichotomoceras I. sokolovi Virgatosphinctaides •u 0 o a subcrassum and Darsoplanitoides Subzcne wheatleyensis -C i 6 §> oi Ilowaiskya Spp. tnplicatus Virgatosphinctoides Ussehceras 8 «1 3 seit ulus tagmersheimense 2; ^ c Gravesia gravesiana and Gravesia gravesiana s . l . » Gravesia gravesiana s . l . Gravesia gravesiana = G. gigas; England: Pecti- Hybonoticeras hybonotum and = Eosphinctoceras magnus I . khmovi Zone (pars) natites elegans and <3ra- doch iceras 1 ithographicum Zone vesia spp. Zones________ Zones _____________________ Table 1. Correlation of the .stratigraphic schemes of the European Subboreal and Submediterranean Juras­ sic-Cretaceous boundary beds. Comp.: I: (1, 3, 8, 18, 19,29,30,31,32,35), II: (3, 4, 9, 26, 28, 31, 32), III: (3, 5, 24, 26, 31,33, 34), IV: (5, 21, 31, 32, 33, 34). © Biodiversity Heritage Library, http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/; www.zobodat.at 441 nean realms enjoyed different geological history and biocoe- with favourable hydrochemistry and oxygenous exchange nosis evolution. Only two stratigraphic levels of these realms while in basins with extreme conditions prevailed stunted or may be considered as isochronous. These are the base of the gigantic forms, whose evolution was accelerated or slackened; Tithonian and Gorodischian stages and the base of the Va- large taxons died out more rapidly and endemics had come langinian. All other zones of the realms have a relative correla­ into being. Discussion of which stage of the Boreal Realm is tion. It casts doubt on the expedience to apply the Tethyan the Upper Jurassic and which one is the Lower Cretaceous stratigrathic scheme to the Subboreal Realm. It seems much has lasted for over a century. It has been concerned with the better to use provisional names of stages and zones instead. terminology of the boundary beds, their volume and syn­ We follow L uppov’s oppinion (22 p. 14) that the general stra­ chronous zonal correlation. Three criteria exist for a chrono- tigraphic scheme should be used not as a universal chart but stratigraphical subdivision: I. incoming of new fauna; 2. its only as a standart for correlation. Janshin has shown (22, flourishing; 3. its extinction. p. 15) a provisional nature of the west European stages, their For the Russian Province G erasimov and M ichailov (8) stratigraphic inter-connections being extremely intricate. have established the “ V olgian stag e ” in the top of Jurassic Thus, the vicious circle is arisen:
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