Great Bromley Parish Council MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON WEDNESDAY 12TH JULY 2017 HELD AT GREAT BROMLEY VILLAGE HALL In attendance: Cllrs Strowbridge (Chairman), Lord (Vice-Chairman) (items 7 (part) – 21 only), Blowers, Day, Heaney, Mander and Perry. Clerk: Lizzie Ridout Members of the Public: 2 1. Apologies for Absence Apologies for absence were submitted from Cllrs Nicholls and Lord. 2. Declarations of Interest None. 3. To approve the minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 14th June 2017, previously circulated. The minutes of the meeting were agreed. 4. Public Participation Two residents spoke to object to planning application17/00920/FUL at Land adjacent to Cliphedge Farm, Harwich Road, Little Bentley. Concerns were raised about the potential environmental damage, rural character being destroyed and the size being out of proportion, with no apparent logical reason for the site to be deVeloped. It was reported that Little Bentley Parish Council had opposed the scheme and the residents requested that Great Bromley Parish Council and residents of Great Bromley do the same. 5. Superfast Broadband Connie Kerbst, Lead Officer for Superfast Broadband programme at ECC attended the meeting to discuss concerns raised by residents over the provision of broadband locally. Cllr Strowbridge explained that most of the village has no option of BT broadband. County Broadband had advised they could cover the area of Great Bromley but when requested to install they find they can’t. Ms Kerbst adVised that ECC needed to disprove County’s claim until they can start influencing BT. To do that ECC needed residents to provide evidence, even if it’s just Verbal evidence stating date and time of call. She also advised that a public consultation would be taking place starting on 31st July 2017 and undertook to provide an article that could be used in The Messenger. Ms Kerbst also suggested contacting Giles Ellerton at BT to explore the possibility of a Community Fibre Partnership and funding options. 6. Planning Determinations – for information only REFERENCE PROPOSAL LOCATION DECISION 17/00596/FUL Proposed erection of 2no. two and a Grange Hall, Hall Road Refusal – Full Mr & Mrs half storey detached dwellings. Great Bromley, CO7 08.06.2017 Richmond 7TS Delegated Decision 17/00657/FUL Variation of condition 03 of planning The CaraVan, Coppice ApproVal – Full Mr Robert permission 05/00008/FUL – To View, Carringtons Road, 07.06.2017 Smith increase amount of caraVans from 2 to Great Bromley CO7 7XA Delegated 4 caravans. Decision 17/00689/FUL Single storey side extension. 6 Meadow Close, Great ApproVal – Full Mr T Redfern Bromley, CO7 7UG 15.06.2017 Delegated Decision The Planning determinations Were noted. 7. Planning Applications REFERENCE PROPOSAL LOCATION 17/00850/OUT Construction of a two bedroom detached bungalow and Land to Front of 19 Mr Durrell detached single garage. to 25 Ransom Court, Chase Road West, Great Bromley Parish Council objects to the application as it Great Bromley, CO7 is in front of building lines and is oVerdeVelopment of the site. 7UA 1 Great Bromley Parish Council 17/00920/FUL Office building and warehouse, including ancillary site works Land adjacent (car parking, landscaping, surface water management pond, Cliphedge Farm new Vehicular access points off Harwich Road and stopping Harwich Road Little up of existing access). Bentley Essex Great Bromley Parish Council objects to the application for the following reasons:- • It is Grade 1 arable land. • We understand that Europark is going ahead within 2 miles and therefore site is not needed. • We belieVe there is an Article 4 directiVe on the site. • Open countryside. • Also loss of wildlife and damage to enVironment. • It will set a precedent for building from the A120 down to the bridge on A133 slip road. • Out of character for the local landscape. 17/00787/FUL Proposed extensions and alterations to main dwelling. The Nook, Mr & Mrs Proposed detached car lodge to side of main dwelling. Colchester Road Johnson Proposed detached car port. Great Bromley, CO7 7TN Great Bromley Parish Council objects to the application and would draw attention to the planning officer that there is a high-tension cable which sags about 8-9m, and the proposed height of the building is 7.4m. The proposal is near to a ditch which is prone to flooding, the ditch drains all properties around The Cross area which were flooded badly last summer. This ditch drains down to a culvert further down and eventually into Bromley Brook. Entrance to the cartlodge is down a shared agricultural access road to a field behind (not in the owner ship of the applicant) and between 2 properties. 17/00629/FUL Erection of one detached bungalow and two detached Land adjacent to houses (amended application) and rear of Kia, Frating Road, Great Great Bromley Parish Council supports this application. Bromley 17/01010/FUL Demolition of north east roof and end flank wall. Alteration of 1 Hill Cottages, Mrs Lorna Sharp internal spine wall. Construction of two storey extension with Parsons Hill, Great enlarged existing infill central extension and single storey Bromley, CO7 7JA side extension. Great Bromley Parish Council has no objection to the application however it appears that the applicants may have appropriated some land, thus making their side garden much bigger. This will be reported to Essex Highways. 17/01020/OUT Outline application for up to 2 No. dwellings. Land at Frating T J and R A Road, Balls Green, Chalmers Great Bromley Parish Council objects to this application. The Great Bromley, CO7 access on to the highway is contrary to the Highways 7JU Management DeVelopment Policy DM3 which states that no new access on to secondary feeder roads should be permitted. The proposal is non-sustainable and has poor transport links, along with no local amenities. 17/01051/FUL Single storey orangery style extension. Summer Breeze, Mr Gary Mills Frating Road, Great GBPC has no objection to this application. Bromley CO7 7JW 8. Planning Appeals REFERENCE PROPOSAL LOCATION STATUS 16/01992/FUL New detached dwelling Willow Farm, Hilliards Appeal in progress Mr & Mrs CraVen and detached Road, Great Bromley garage/cartlodge for 2 Great Bromley Parish Council priVate use The Planning Appeal was noted. 9. Planning application on border of Great Bromley RE: 17/00920/FUL This item had been covered during items 4 and 7. 10. Reports County Councillor’s Report – previously circulated. District Councillors’ Reports – None. Parish Councillors’ Reports Cllr Lord advised he had reported an incident of flytipping. Cllr Perry reported that the properties being built on Ardleigh Road are having cesspits installed and he was concerned oVer where foul water would be discharged to. He had consulted the LDF and draft Local Plan which stated that septic tanks would not be permitted, and had carried out the same check with the EnVironment Agency who adVised it was illegal for new discharges to be within 30m of a sewer. He had written to Cath Bicknell, Head of Planning at TDC who had responded adVising that it was beyond the control of the Local Authority. Cllr Heaney asked Cllr Perry to email her with all the details and she would raise with TDC. On the subject of Highways, Cllr Perry reported that he had written to request the installation of two VAS signs but was advised this needed to go through the Local Highways Panel. Cllr Perry had attended twice and requested the installation but nothing had been forthcoming. A further application had been sent to Highways and Cllr Perry said he would email County Councillor Guglielmi for further assistance. With regard to flooding, Cllr Perry reported that Essex Highways had repaired the culVert in Ardleigh Road and had looked at the bund which was now obsolete due to resurfacing several times to meet the height of the bund. He adVised Highways were awaiting confirmation of a new system. Cllr Perry also raised concerns about the flood system at the Pond Farm development. Cllr Day reported that cat’s eyes had been installed along Harwich Road. Cllr Mander asked if a response had been receiVed regarding the rat infestation along Ardleigh Road, the Clerk advised there had not. Cllr Mander also reported the severe flooding by Bush Farm that morning. The Clerk was asked to write to Mr Brazier to clear the ditch. Cllr StroWbridge reported that the proposed application for Ardleigh Reservoir site had been refused. She also thanked the handymen for ensuring that St George’s Church looked so smart for their recent Flower FestiVal. A letter had been receiVed from the PCC thanking the Parish Council for its grant to increase security at the church. A Vestry-cam had now been installed. It was agreed that the handymen would cut back the hedge in front of the now Vacant Vicarage so that the pavement would be passable. There were many regulations surrounding the installation of the new Village signs and the Highways Rangers haVe been asked to carry out this work. Blands Landscapes had been asked to provide a quote for the hedge cutting at Hare Green. For cutting the outside only by hand their charge was.£230 +VAT. The charge for a flail cut in the winter for the inside (and outside if needed) was £260+VAT. In the meantime, the handymen had cut visibility splays. Regular watering of the tubs had meant that they were especially beautiful this year, with extra watering whilst it had been very hot. Last week, the culVert under Colchester Road had been inVestigated. It had now been replaced as it was found to be broken. It had been noted that the gateway of Brook House in Bradley Hall Road was being demolished.
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