Politics www.outlookafghanistan.net A diplomat is a person who can tell you “ @The.Daily.Outlook.Afghanistan “ to go to hell in such a way that [email protected] you actually look forward to the trip. 0093 799-005019/ 777-005019 In front of Habibia High School, Quote of the Day Caskie Stinnett District 6, Kabul, Afghanistan Volume Num. 4645 Sunday July 11, 2021 Saratan 20, 1400 www.Outlookafghanistan.net Price: 20/afs Iran, Not There Is a Worried About Ghani Inaugurates New Real Possibility of Security on Border Khost International Airport Civil War in with Afghanistan Afghanistan: Atta Muhammad Noor KABUL - Noor warned that the ongoing situ- TEHRAN - Spokesman of the ministry ation is quite dangerous and there is a real Saeed Khatibzada in a conference con- possibility of another civil war in Afghanistan firmed that the borders of Iran are safe He criticized the US for its quick exit from and peaceful. Afghanistan which has left Afghan Security The Commander of the Army of the Is- Forces unprepared for the Taliban offensive lamic Republic of Iran has also said that and totally demoralized. the eastern border with Afghanistan is The former prominent warlord was appar- safe and peaceful and there is nothing to ently caught by surprised confessing that he worry about when it comes to insecurity. did not expect the Taliban to take 19 districts Khatibzada has also confirmed that a in 24 hours in northern Badakhshan prov- number of staff of Islam-Qala and Abu ince. Nasr Farahi custom facilities have crossed Once, the governor of northern Balkh prov- the border into Iran after insecurity erupt- ince, Atta Muhammad Noor has said in the ed in the dry ports. interview that the Afghan government often Nearly 2000 Afghan government Forces leaves Afghan military members without re- members had also crossed northern bor- inforcement and food and paid their salaries ders into Tajikistan after the Taliban took irregularly and the situation has given mo- several districts of Badakhshan province mentum to the Taliban to take more districts bordering Tajikistan. even without a fight. The confidence about the security of the As per Noor, he had advised the Afghan gov- Iranian border with Afghanistan in the ernment to unify and to work on the morale west comes at a time when Pakistan’s of the military but he complained that was foreign minister Mahmoud Quraishi said not taken seriously. in Pakistan’s parliament yesterday that The ministry of communication and IT,nowKHOST invites - President expression Ashraf Ghani of intereston Saturday from morn -eligiblecomed andpassengers qualified who arrived firms from and the UAE after He also attacked the Afghan government for Iran will equally plunge into the crisis companies to indicate interest in providing theing servicestravelled to (Afghanistan Khost province toRoot inaugurate Certificate Khost Authoritylanding at the Infrastructure). airport. mistakenly use of the commandos who are Theof Afghanministry refugees of communication like Pakistan in andcase IT,nowInternational invites expression Airport, the of Presidential interest fromPalace eligible (ARG) andARG qualified said that firmsGhani willand also assess the security situ- given the jobs of holding checkpoints another civil war erupts in Afghanistan. said. ation of the province and will meet local elders during the one for which they have not been companies(Khaama Press) to indicate interest in providing theAccording services to (AfghanistanARG, after the inauguration,Root Certificate Ghani Authority wel- his Infrastructure). trip. (ATN) The (REOI) and (TOR) can be accessed through MCIT and NPA’S formal trained. Noor added that ... More on Num(Page (1) 4) websites(The www.mcit.gov.af),(www.npa.gov.af)(REOI) and (TOR) can be , andaccessed by sending through to emailsMCIT ,which andare given NPA’Sbelow,or formalcan visit to the th consultancywebThesites( ministryprocurementwww.mcit.gov.af),(www.npa.gov.af) of communication department and in IT,now 14 floor, andinvites byof expression sendingMCIT ’tobuilding ofemails interest ,whichMuhammad from are eligible given jan andbelow,or khan qualified watt,incan firmsvisit order,to toand the receive th the softconsultancy copies.companies procurement to indicate interest department in providing in 14 the floor services of MCIT (Afghanistan’building Root Muhammad Certificate jan Authority khan watt,in Infrastructure). order,to receive 813 New Cases, 86 Deaths the soft copies. Reported in Afghanistan The interestingThe (REOI) documents and can(TOR) be deliveredcan be in accessedaccordance through (TOR) MCITand (REOI) and requirements NPA’S toformal the consultancy Theweb interestingsites(www.mcit.gov.af),(www.npa.gov.af) documents can be delivered in, and accordance by sending (TOR) to emails and ,which(REOI) are requirements given below,or to canthe visitconsultancy to the Data by the Public Health Minis- th try shows that the total number of procurement department in 14 thfloor MCITth building from the advertisement /releasing date TILL 10:00 AM procurementconsultancy department procurement in department14 floor inMCIT 14 floorbuilding of MCIT from’ buildingthe advertisement Muhammad /releasing jan khan datewatt,in TILL order,to 10:00 receive AM cases is 133,578, total deaths stand 31/JULY/31/theJULY/2021. soft copies.2021. at 5,724 and total recoveries are at 80,204. The interestedTheThe interested interesting consultancy consultancy documents firms firms can ,who ,whobe delivered submitsubmit theirintheir accordance EOI EOI soft soft documents(TOR) documents and to(REOI) the to emails therequirements emails which are whichto giventhe consultancyare below given they below they So far, 653,410 samples have been mustprocurement submit the department hard documents in 14 thwighin floor 7MCIT days afterbuilding valid from date, theOtherwise,they advertisement will /releasing be disqualified. date TILL 10:00 AM tested in the country’s laboratories must submit the hard documents wighin 7 days after valid date,Otherwise,they will be disqualified. for COVID-19. Moreover, more 31/JULY/ 2021. than 980,000 people have had at KABUL - The Ministry of Public least one shot of COVID-19 vac- The interested consultancy firms ,who submit their EOI soft documents to the emails which are given below they Health on Saturday reported 813 cine, government data shows. must submit the hard documents wighin 7 days after valid date,Otherwise,they will be disqualified. new positive cases of COVID-19 Afghanistan on Friday received REQUEST FOR EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST(REOI) out of 2,855 samples tested in the 1.48 million doses of Johnson & last 24 hours. Johnson COVID-19 vaccine pro- REQUEST FOR EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST(REOI) The ministry also reported 86 vided by the US. deaths and 758 recoveries from The Ministry of Public Procurement Entity Ministry Of Communications &Information Technology(MCIT),Islamic Republic of Afghanistan COVID-19 in the same period. Health said the ... REQUEST FOR EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST(REOI) More on Num(Page (2) 4) Procurement Entity Ministry Of Communications &Information Technology(MCIT),Islamic Republic of Afghanistan Funded By Afghanistan GOV. FundedProcurement By Entity Ministry Of Communications &InformationAfghanistan Technology(MCIT),Islamic GOV. Republic of Afghanistan Item Description/Ref No. Afghanistan Root Certificate Authority Infrastructure, MCIT/1400/ICB/NC-24/QCBS UAE Suspends Funded By Afghanistan GOV. Flights from Afghanistan Item Description/Ref No. Afghanistan Root Certificate Authority Infrastructure, MCIT/1400/ICB/NC-24/QCBS Deadline For EOI Submission 31 july /2021 by 10:00: AM(local time) and their close relatives, work- Item Description/Ref No. Afghanistan Root Certificate Authority Infrastructure, MCIT/1400/ICB/NC-24/QCBS ers bearing accredited diplomatic mission between the UAE and Af- ghanistan namely those who work DeadlineAddress For for EOI Submission Submission Of EOIs Procurement Directorate 14th Floor31 MCITjuly / 2021Building by Muhammad 10:00: AM(local Jan Khan time) Watt Kabul Afghanistan Deadline For EOI Submission 31 july /2021 by 10:00: AM(local time) in UAE’s embassy in Afghanistan and Afghanistan’s embassy in ,And consultants can Submit EOI through emails as well ,which are given below. UEA are the categories exempted th from the order. Address forAddress Submission for Submission Of EOIs Of EOIs Procurement Procurement Directorate Directorate 14 14th Floor Floor MCIT MCIT Building Building Muhammad Muhammad Jan Khan JanWatt Khan Kabul Watt Afghanistan Kabul Afghanistan REOI & TOR are available at www.mcit.gov.af,www.npa.org.af Official delegations and business- General civil Aviation authority people, holders of golden and sil- ,And consultants can Submit EOI through emails as well ,which are given below. ,And consultants can Submit EOI through emails as well ,which are given below. announced that entry of passen- ver resident visas, employees of gers from Afghanistan barred as important vocations as defined by REOI & TOR are available at www.mcit.gov.af,www.npa.org.af REOI & TOR are available at ‘In case of any problems in downloading,maywww.mcit.gov.af, obtain the samewww.npa.org.af by sending e- mail at the address a result of surge in corona virus the Federal Authority for Identity positive cases in Afghanistan as it and Citizenship, and crews of for- given below is grappling with third wave of the eign freight and transit flights, are lethal pandemic. other groups being exempted email‘In case addresses: of any problems,rahibkakar in 123downloading,[email protected],
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