SBMI-WEBKLT. VOL. VV.^ FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., FEBRUARY 9, 1857. [NO 580.] •W ds and the sub..' , t'-il l>liINTi;i) MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS ^ly f. - . Large Sale THO . C. FU LLER , PUHF.IC NOTICE D. W. C. BENBOW, D. D. S., Fall and Winter Goods. ^^ry liher.,1 OF Jlttorney anti Counsellor at I ju w . s HEJiEBY GIV^EN, that Books of Subscription to fiiraduatc of the Baltimore College of il yc-ir-. ■ he EDWARD J. HALK & SON, the capital stock of the Central Rail Road, from UE\TU SURGERY. •f. or T. W^addill^ ith 11 re FFICE at Eccles’s Bridge, recently occupied by I HAY STREET. mncf KDITORS AND I'KOPRIETORS. VALUABLK LANDS. James Banks, Esq., Fayetteville, N. C. Beaufort Harbor via Kenansville, Clinton, Fayetteville, ^ 'k F F IC E hours from 9 A. M. to 1 P. M. t i(> O and West, will be opened on Thursday, the 10th day 3 P. M. to 5 P. M. A RE new receiving their Fall and Winter GOODS ‘Of tlf N the SECOND MONDAY in February 1857, at Jan’y 1, 1867. 70tf he.? Price lor the Semi-Weekly Obsebvek $3 00 if paid in the Court House in the town of Fayetteville, the of .^pril 1856, and remain open according to the terms DR. BENBOW may be found at his 8’ ite consisting of a large and well selected stock of 'ach i.r inr-l. of Rooms near the Market, where all who are in need *** t il \ •vlvaiiee; ><3 00 if paid during the year of subscrip- O undersigned will offer for sale, on a credit of one and of the Charter until further notice, at the following Hats and Caps, JOSEPH BAKER, Jr., places and under direction of the following named of the services of a Dentist are respecfuily invited to Groceries, f:it. two years, several tracts ol L.\ND in the counties of timi: or *4 after the year has expired. Cumberland and Harnett. ATTORIVEV AT I. A W , persons. Commissioners in the Charter, viz: call. All operations performed upon the latest and Hardware, Saddlery and Lea- tlid In the County of Onslow, at the office of the Clerk most approved plans. To those in need of For till' 'Vcokly Ohskrver $2 00 per annum, if paid in AS taken an office next door to Wm. B. Wright’s Cutlery, tlie*r. WOI K : '■ne Oue tract on the Western bank of the Cape of the County Court at Jacksonvi’le, and at the Post Terth^ he would simply say that he is behind in no Law office on Green Street. He will attend and 1.1- h: Fear River, below Smith’s Ferry, containing about fif­ improvement. He inserts from one to an entire set ;i lv:iueo; ^2 uO if paid during the year of subscrip- practiceH in the County and Superior Courts of Cumber Office Rich Lands. E. W’. Fonviiie, Q. J. Ward, J. H. Blacksniith<^ Tur­ Heavy articles in teen hundred and sixty-five acres—the Plantation of upon fine Gold or Platina plate, which he guarantees land, Bladen, Robeson and Sampson. Foy, Robert White, John A. Averitt, Jr., Owen Hug­ pentine Tools, the Drug line. ti..r:: or 00 after the year has expired. the late Henry Elliot. There is a life-estate in two gins, L. W. Humphrey. to be equally as serviceable as the natural organs. IliU hundred and fifty acres of this tract, which will not March 23, 1853. 79-tf AnVKRTI.''KMENTS inserted for sixty cents per In Carteret county, at the office of Dr. M. F. Aren- He spends nine months of each year in this place, Agricultural Im­ Ready-made Clo­ be offered for sale. The interest in reverson will be g.juiire of 1 ti lines for the first, and thirtj* cents for each dell at Beaufort. Dr. M. F. Arendell, J. F. Bell, L. (from 1st of October to the 1st of July.) plements, thing, and larj;,- t.-ck disposed of on the sale day, separate from the other w TTT h I ^ k e ^ T. Oglesby. Oct. 20, 1856. 49-tf ishf 1 d !iin <'ei*'liiiu publication. Yearly advertisements by bpe- portion of the Plantation. !y. ATTORNEY AT LAW, At the store of G. W. Taylor at Carolina City,—Col. Boots and Shoes, Staple Dry Goods (’ash. ■■ 'ti cial contracts, at reasonable rates. Advertisers are 50 acres on Lower Little River, known as the Wm. N. Dennis, H. S. Bell, Capt. Levi Oglesby, Bridge This Stock we are prepared to Job or Retail. AND NEW STOCK OF * Hp re lui sted to state the number of insertions desired, or Gibson place. Arendell. Fayetteville, Oct. 24, 43tf IFT\ \ 606 acres on Lower Little River, former resi­ CLERK AND MASTER IN FQUITT. In Duplin countj', at the office of the County Court We ask the Planters and Turpentine men to ex­ )U. (lu'v 'vill bo c intinued till forbid, and charged accord- Books and Stationery. dence of .Vlex'r WiHi.'ims, Jr. Fayf.ttkvillk, N. C., Clerk at Kenansville,— Major Owen R. Kenan, David amine our Kerseys, Negro Blankets, Hats and Shoes. B<1 12 ni I Reid, Isaac B Kelly, Wm. E. Hill, Wm. J. Houston, ^^I^E are now receiving our usual New Stock of ■ths 45 acres near Kiliot’s Mills. May be found at the Equity Office, in the Court House rork;. .Xdvortisements to be inserted insule, charged 50 per } Stephen Graham. * w BOOKS and STATIONERY, embracing a great ' 'ip 550 acres on tlu' Junipor. Sept. 22, 1855. 38-tf variety of DWELLING FOR SALE. pe. cent extra. i In Sampson county, at the office of the County Court to , 300 acres on Little .NIill Creek. Clerk at Clinton,—Thomas I. Faison, Dr. Thomas ^I'^HE Subscriber wishes to sell the large Dwelling ;;.d SCHOOL, LAW, MEDICAL X and Lot on the corner of Gillespie and Russell 600 acres ou (Jibson’s Creek— the Sinclair .1. A. SI>K.\KS, Bunting, Wm. McKay, Patrick .Murphy, Wm. Faison, AND att!- FAV ETTi:\ ILLK place. J. R. Bestnian, Alfred Johnson. Streets, at present occupied by Mr. Henry Erambert. ATTO I! N K Y AT LAW, MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, Terms reasonable. E. J. HALE. and ■ ’-J- 340 acres near McArther’s Bridge. Also, the In Cumberland county, at Fayetteville, at the office Saw Mill Timber on 300 acres adjoining. TTENDS the Courts of Cumberland, Harnett, of A. A. McKethan,—Thomas R. Underwood, Randal Together with a large and varied stock of May 29. 8- Femiile High School. Wake and Johnston. <1» .McDaniel, Edward L. Winslow, John C. Blocker. ^I'^llK exercises of the Fourth Session of this Ineti- 500 acres on the Black Branch, near W J. tFeb’y 13, 1856. 78-lyr Blank Books, Paper, Envelopes, &c. I tution will commence on Monday the 2d day of Form of subscription: JONES’S LAW REPORTS, VOL. 2. Kelly’s. And the Saw Mi)l Timber on 110 acres ad­ Address, Toomer, Harnett Co., N. C. Country Merchants and others are invited to call ^ flH E subscribers have for sale, the 2d volume of the joining. a r l M;irch, and close on Friday the 17th July next. The Undersigned agree to take the number of shares as we offer the above stock on the best terms. JL Reports of Law Casee in the Supreme Court of inui Faculty and charges the same as heretofore pub­ 350 acres near Muuroe's Bridge, North side LOVERD ELDRIDGE, of ^100 each, set opposite to our names respectively, Oct. 8. E. J. HALE & SON. North Carolina, by H. C. Jones, Esq. Just published* y c.v ! lished. of the River. in the Central Raii Road Company; and in all respects Also, Supreme Court Reports generally, and other Further particulars will be promptly furnished on doci- N 400 acres, including the Mineral Spring near •§ttorneif at Mjutc, to comply with the torms of the Charter. MEDICAL BOOKS. Law Books. E. J. HALE & SON. rth application to the Principal. be h , , the Mills formerly Col. Murchison’s. ILL attend the Courts of Johnston and Samp­ ‘0 W.M. E. TELL, Principal. Names Residenct No. of shares $ Cash I Work EIGS on Diseases of Children; 300 acres on Grog Creek, near the Fayette­ W son Counties. Mias ^irrived! Faj’etteville, N. C., Jan’y 29, 1857. 78-4w Smithfield, .\pril 15, 1856. 96-tf M “ W'oman and her Diseases; s r.A’ ville and Western Plank Road. “ “ Childbed Fevers; Great Iron Wheel Examined,” by Parson 50 acres on the North prong of Anderson’s Subscriptions may be made payable in work, and “ “ Obstetrics; PLOWS! PLOWS!! PLOWS!!! I Creek. “ LAW COPARTNERSHIP.” Dunglison’s Human Physiology; on it by mail is 18 cents. Ni-. G Plows, I may specify whether for grading or cross-ties; and Also, an undivided interest, being one-third of E, the undersigned, have this day formed a Law “ Medical Dictionary; Also, a few more of the Great Iron Wheel,” by '^ 9 \ w 50 No. 10 Plows, j stockholders shall in every case have preference in Copartnership, and will practice in the Courts “ Practice of Medicine; Parson Graves. E. J. HALE & SON. 50 '.so. 11 *• I two Lots in the town of Faj’etteville, on Rowan street, taking Contracts, when bids are the same or at Engi­ W of the following counties of this State: Chatham, Cum­ May 28. 25 No. 50 “ known as the Armstrong lots; and in 28 acres of Land neer’s estimate. “ Materia Medica and Therapeuti.-s; berland, Moore, Harnett, and the Supreme Court.
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