ARMENIAN, GEORGIAN PRIME NagorNo-KarabaKh– MINISTERS MEET IN YEREVAN A DISREgaRDED CON- PagE 2 FLICT page 5 ARMENIA HIGHLIGHTS Weekly Digest of the Government of Armenia February 15-21, 2011 THEMA PRESIDENT SaRGSyaN RECEIVED THE MINISTER OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS OF THE “Quote of PeoPle’s rePublic of chiNa YaNg Jiechi the week” “no effective tools are available against inflation worldwide. this is not an armenian or a georgian phenom- enon as it is caused by the situation at hand in the world markets.“ tigran sargsyan primeminister of RA n february 17, president serzh sargsyan facilitate cooperation in different areas where Upcoming Events oreceived the minister of foreign affairs we see open perspectives and great potential. of the people’s republic of china yang Jiechi. i also know that you had very important nego- FEBRUARY 23-24: U.S. Deputy the president of armenia welcomed the tiations with the president of china hu Jintao in Secretary of State James Steinberg guest and expressed confidence that his shanghai. it is really important for our two states will arrive to Armenia visit to our county will serve as a new im- to define new guiding lines and make decisions petus for further development of relations regarding the development of bilateral rela- FEBRUARY 25: Armenian Presi- between our two countries and will facili- tions, “ said foreign minister yang Jiechi dur- dent Serzh Sargsyan will leave for tate the implementation of the agreements ing his meeting with the president of armenia. St Petersburg reached with president hu Jintao. president the minister of foreign affairs of china sargsyan expressed gratitude to the leader- noted that on a number of significant inter- FEBRUARY 25-28: “Bridge 2011 ship and people of china for the assistance national and regional issues armenia and “ economic forum to be hosted in provided to armenia from day one of our in- china maintain similar positions. in addi- Tsaghkadzor dependence and underscored that armenia is tion, the two states interact successfully in interested in deepening relations with china. the framework of international organizations. MARCH 5: President Serzh Sarg- “we are also interested in china’s en- mr. yang Jiechi thanked president sargsyan syan will meet with Ilham Aliev in hanced participation in the regional, eco- for accepting invitation and visiting china for Sochi nomic processes and would be happy to the opening of two very important for china see your country’s greater involvement in events – 29th olympic games in beijing and USEFUL LINKS these processes,” said president sargsyan. shanghai-expo-2010. he noted that at the • www.president.am “armenia is a friendly nation for china expo-2010 the armenian pavilion was rather • www.gov.am and a reliable partner. development of impressive and had a large number of visitors. • www.parliament.am our relations and support for armenia is he added that at the olympic games too the ar- • www.mfa.am among china’s foreign policy priorities. menian athletes were successful and congratu- • www.armenpress.am we stand ready to continue to support ar- lated the president of armenia on this occasion. • www.panarmenian.net menia in her economic development and February 17, 2011 www.president.am • www.matenadaran.am ARMENIA HIGHLIGHTS CHRONICA HEADLINES OF ARMENIAN, GEORGIAN PRIME MINISTERS MEET IN YEREVAN THE WEEK georgian prime minister nikoloz gi- gia agreed upon a follow-up meeting to be alauri-led delegation arrived in yerevan held between the two prime ministers to • FeBruary 15: Situation in earlier today on a single-day working visit. address the issues high on bilateral agenda. Iran won’t affect armenian- armenian prime minister tigran sargsyan addressing the extended meeting, prime Iranian economic cooperation met his georgian counterpart at Zvartnots minister tigran sargsyan stated in part: • AH international airport. “i am convinced that • FeBruary 16: Armenian cul- prior to the two delega- your visit will help ture exhibit opens in Edinburgh tion’s extended meet- strengthen armenian- • AH ing, the prime ministers georgian friendly rela- • FeBruary 17: AMAP works at crea- had private talks at the tions. we are fostering tion of audio tours for armenia’s sights office of government. a high-level political • AH at their last January dialog and should make • FEBRUARY 18: a park in Valence 22-23 meeting in yer- every effort to expand to be named after Charles Aznavour evan, the presidents and deepen relation- • AH of armenia and geor- ship to the benefit • FeBruary 19: Feb 19 marks 7th an- of our brotherly peoples. it is the duty of the two governments to provide spe- niversary of Gurgen Margaryan murder cific economic mechanisms enabling closer economic, social and cultural bonds.” • AH thanking his armenian counterpart for a warm welcome, the prime minister of georgia • FeBruary 20: Infla- said: “it has always been a pleasure to meet you and suggest new steps of cooperation. we tion suppression discussed in can really boast high-level political relations, and i am convinced that we will do so fur- Tsaghkadzor resort of Armenia ther on. we have been meeting in different formats including the working and official vis- • AH its, as well as the intergovernmental sessions. i am hopeful that today’s working visit will • FeBruary 21: Average month- outline new steps toward boosting the bilateral ties. desirous of inviting you to my coun- ly salary totaled aMD 104,051 try, i suggest holding the next session of the intergovernmental commission in georgia.” in armenia in January 2011 the parties went on to discus a bilateral agenda, including the progress in customs relations. an arrangement was made to proceed to talks on the signing of a border checkpoint sharing agreement. the transport-related agenda was highlighted in a bid to facilitate the MINISTER OF DEFENCE OF RA cross-border traffic of goods and passengers between the two countries. a broad range of economic cooperation-related issues were taken up during the meeting. receives scieNtific aNd cul- following the extended meeting, the two prime ministers gave a joint press conference. tural actors February 16, 2011 www.gov.am THE MINISTER OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS EdWARD NaLBANDIAN RECEIVED THE SPECIAL ENVOY OF THE PRESIDENT OF IRAN akbar salehi to edward nalbandian. the armenian foreign minister and the special envoy of the president n february 16, ARM minister of iran exchanged views on the up- coming agenda of bilateral contacts. oof defence seyran ohanyan re- the interlocutors touched upon the ceived those science and culture ac- work of the armenian-iranian intergov- tors participating in the program “pag- ernmental commission and mentioned es of history and culture”, NGOs that it has an important contribution to cooperating with the ministry of de- n the february 16, the arme- the economic cooperation, elaboration fence, representatives of educational- onian foreign minister edward and implementation of joint programs. cultural institutions, and members nalbandian received the delegation they also discussed the possibilities of of the public council adjunct to the headed by the special envoy of the creation of permanent mechanism of minister of defence. during the meet- president of iran, deputy foreign min- the consultations between the foreign ing, they discussed the work done in ister mohammad reza rauf sheybani. affairs ministries of the two countries. welcoming the guest, edward nal- the meaningful interaction developed 2010, and that to be done this year. bandian expressed satisfaction with between the two countries, the pro- talking about the work towards the high-level and dynamically de- grams implemented jointly and the military-patriotic and cognitive edu- veloping cooperation characteris- perspective projects in the spheres of cation of servicemen, seyran ohan- tic to the armenian-iranian relations. energy and transport were touched yan greatly emphasized the impor- expressing gratitude for the reception, upon in the course of the meeting. tance of public support to that work. mohammad reza rauf sheybani con- the sides exchanged views intellectuals and heads of education- veyed the welcomes and wishes of the on the regional issues. al-cultural institutions participating iranian foreign affairs minister ali February 16, 2011 www.mfa.am in the program also made speeches. February 16 2011, www.mil.am 2 AH ARMENIA HIGHLIGHTS RES PUBLICA Parties to armeNia’s Political coalitioN sigN declaratioN maxim veNgerov doesN’t INTEND TO STOP PLayING serious social downturn conditioned by the VIOLIN severe global financial and economic crisis. political coalition restates that it is impor- tant to withstand jointly all potential external threats, carry on with the structural changes in the country, provide them with new mo- mentum and guarantee tangible results. political coalition declares its resolve to make more courageous steps toward ensur- n february 17, at the presidential ing armenia’s post-crisis progressive devel- opalace the parties to the political opment and improvement of well-being of coalition – the republican party of ar- our people, placing special emphasis on com- menia, bargavach hayastan party (BA) prehensive fight against corruption and sig- usic is a unique language, capa- and orinats yerkir party (OY) - signed nificant reduction of the shadow economy. mble of conveying feelings with- the declaration of the political coalition. political coalition underscores the impor- out words, world-known violinist and on behalf of the republican party it was
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