JOURNALS of the LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY Province of Saskatchewan November 29, 1984 to December 19, 1984; April 10, 1985 to June 19, 1985; November 25, 1985 to December 13, 1985 January 30, 1986 to January 31, 1986 March 17, 1986 In the Thirty-third, Thirty-fourth and Thirty-fifth Year of the Reign of Our Sovereign Lady Queen Elizabeth II FOURTH SESSION OF THE TWENTIETH LEGISLATURE Session 1984-85-86 REGINA: Printed by Order oi the Legislative Assembly VOLUME XCII MEETING OF THE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY F.W. JOHNSON, Lieutenant Governor, (L.5.) CANADA PROVINCE OF SASKATCHEWAN ELIZABETH THE SECOND, by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom, Canada and Her other Realms and Territories QUEEN, Head of the Com­ monwealth, Defender of the Faith. To all to whom these Presents shall come, GREETING: A PROCLAMATION DR. R. GOSSE Deputy Attorney General TO OUR FAITHFUL THE MEMBERS elected to serve in the Legislative Assem­ bly of Our Province of Saskatchewan, and to every one of you GREETING: WHEREAS, it is expedient for causes and considerations to convene the Fourth Session of the Twentieth Legislative Assembly of Our Province of Sas­ katchewan, WE DO WILL that you and each of you and all others in this behalf interested on THURSDAY, the TWENTY-NINTH day of November, 1984 at 2:00 o'clock p.m., at Our City of Regina, personally be and appear for the DES­ PATCH OF BUSINESS, there to take into consideration the state and welfare of Our said Province of Saskatchewan thereby to do as may seem necessary, HEREIN FAIL NOT. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF we have caused Our Letters to be made Patent, and the Great Seal of Our said Province of Saskatchewan to be hereunto affixed. WITNESS: Our right trusty and well beloved the Honourable Frederick Wil­ liam Johnson, Lieutenant Governor of Our Province of Saskatchewan. AT OUR CAPITAL CITY OF REGINA, in Our said Province, this TWENTIETH day of NOVEMBER in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and EIGHTY-FOUR and in the THIRTY-THIKD year of Our Reign. By Command, MARJORIE A. JERMYN, Deputy Provincial Secretary J 0 u R NA L s of the LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY Province of Saskatchewan Fourth Session Twentieth Legislature Regina, Thursday, November 29, 1984 2:03 o'clock p.m. Mr. Speaker informed the Assembly that he had received a communication from the Private Secretary to His Honour the Lieutenant Governor stating that His Honour would open the Session at 2:00 o'clock p.m. today, Thursday, the 29th day of November, 1984. 2:0S o'clock p.m. His Honour the Lieutenant Governor entered the Chamber and, having taken his seat upon the Throne, was pleased to open the Session with the fol­ lowing speech:- MR. SPEAKER. ,'vi EMBERS OF HIE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY ll is 111y plt'asurP lo WPkol11(' you lo lht' Fourth SP"ion ot llw TwPnlit>lh Lpgi,lalur('. This Ass(•111bly rpcorW('nPs at a tinw wlwn tlw 1)('opk• oi Saskatclwwan ian• a nu111lwr ol cru­ cial c h,1IIPngt•s and opporlunilil's. Tlw s('Vl'rity oi this y(•ar·s drought and flooding 1s n·sponsiblP for ~PV('H' ('< onon1lt cliitic. ulties in '.,Onie parts of SaskatchPwan. LJnpn1ployn1pnt remain~ d SPriou'.':i problP111 as wt'II. ,lilhough Sask,lldww,111 conlinU('S to h,lVl' lilP lowc•sl lc•vc•I oi um•111ploynwnt in Canacl,1. To clt>,11 with llWSl' 1111nwcliall' and 111ajor conu•rns my Ministt>rs will ckvPlop polici('S and pro­ gra111s basc•cl upon th,, traditional Sasbtd1Pwan value's ot s,•li-rPliann• and coopc•ralion. In this rPgarcl. my ,\\inist,•rs will , <llllinuc• to rPI)' on thPsP valu,•s in orckr lo Pnsurc• that tlw acliviliPs ot rnv Gov,•rn111c•11l i,icilitat,· llw inili,1liV(' and PnlPrprisc• ot our businPss, 0111111unity. protc•ct our co111111on lwritag,, ,rnd ,•nh,111, ,, tlw quality oi i-H•,1lth. Pciu,ation and social sP1viu•s ,iv,1ilabk• lo till' P('<>pll' ot Saskat(hc•w,111. ,\1y Govc•rnnH•nl ,,,, ognizc•s. how('Vl'r. th,11 in orcll'r tu lw eit(•c liv,, its poli, it's and programs 111usl also bl' dp\·plupc·d in consull,ltion with tlw iPd,•r,11 govPm111,•nl and till' otlwr provincl's. A,, ordingh. 111y ,\11nistc•rs Ml' ,,nc ouragc•d by tlw more' opc•n approach lo iPclc•ral-provim ,al rd1- lions ,•,hibill'd by tlw nc•w gov,•rnml'nl in Oll,1w,1. ,\\v MinistPrs lwli(•v,, that c•co110111ic rl'll('Wal in C,111,lll,1 , an on!\· lw ,ll hiPvl'd wlwn till' IPckral govprnnwnl and till' provill( PS c oopc•ralivPly d('V('lop 11,1licJ11,1I progr,1111, l.Hg('lt•cl towards job Ul'cllion ,mcl otlwr ('llorts th,1t will ,timula ll' the• l'(.0/10111Y, 6 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 29, '1984 World and National Economies The prosperity of Saskatchewan also is dependent to a largp extent on ('Conomic dPvelop­ ments outside the province. Approximately 30 ppr cent of Saskatclwwan's inconw is eanwd out­ side Canada with another 15 per cent from the other Canadian provincl'S. The world economy is slowly recovering from the sPvere recession of 1981-82. Tlw economic recovery in Canada is proceeding at a faster rate than in EuropP, but is lagging bd1ind tlw rpcov­ ery in thP United States. Unfortunately, the Canadian recovery is not yPt strong enough to bring about a significant rc,duclion in the national unemployment rate. Interest ratPs r('main al high levels, hurting many sPctors of the et onomy and damp('ning invc>stnwnt. Saskatchewan Economy The Saskatchewan economy weather('d the world r('CPssion relatively WPII, but d('mand did fall off sharply in some kPy resource sectors. Recovery from tlw recession is now und('1way clPs­ pite the recent negative financial effects of the drought on farmers and small businc·ssPs. Following my Government's changPs in the roy,1lty tax structur(', tlw numlwr of oil wdls drilled in 1983 was mtHP than double the 1982 lewl. This year, a ,ww record has be,•n c•stablislwd with more than 2,100 nt'W wells drilled in tlw first nine months alo1w. For tlw 1wriod 1982 through to 1984, the changes to the royalty tax structure implenwntPd by my Cowrnnwnt re­ sulted in additional revenups of S193 million for Saskatchewan and tlw nP,ltion of 2,450 iull-tinw jobs. On the investm('nt front, new capital spending in Saskatch('w,111 ros(' by ·10.3 pPr cPnt during 1983, even though capital spending declined in the rest of Canada. St,ltistics Canada Pxpects that in ·1984 tlwre will bP a further increase in capital investment in Saskatclwwan. Rural Saskatchewan Rural Saskatchewan experiPnced a difiicult yPar in 1984. Tlw deprPssed world markPt price of grain rt",ult('d in low rpturn, on Saskatch('wan agriculturdl products. Rising iarm production costs IPit most farmers with reducpcJ inconws and sonw with difficulties in meeting financial rnmmitn1Pnts. Environnwntal iactors produu•d additional hardships. Crop production for 1984 fPII to 16.1 million tonnes, down about 20 pl•r cPnt from last yedr's harvest. Receipts from production are expPCt('d to i,111 about S600 million as <l result ot this year's cl rough t. When and where' 1wcessdry, Illy Covernmc•nt rPspond('d to tlw situation c rPatPd by tlwse prob­ lems by devploping sector-spPcific policips and programs. Tlw Northedst Saskatdwwan Flood A,sist<lnce Program provided S7.5 million in assistance to sonw 1,800 farnwrs in thp northPasl. My Covernn1Pnt providt>d ldrnwrs and ranclwrs with assist,rnn• wlwn tlw drought jeopardiz('d water supplies dnd pasture' conditions. In this rpg,1rd, it provic!Pd assist,111Cl' to move• caltlc• lo sumnwr pastures dnd assist,rnn' to idPntiiy dnd cJpvelop altPrnale Wdt('r sourcc•s. In crnKPrt with the Fecl('ral GovPrnnwnt, my Government ,1lso implPlll<'nll'd tlw Prdirip Livc•slock Drought Assis­ tance' Progrdm which is providing $26 million lo ,1s,isl livestock producNs. Farn1Prs hdve wplconwd th(' r('Cl'nt improvr•mc•nls lo th(' Crop lnsur,rnn• Program, a vital part of tlw sai<'ly net ior tlw grain economy. 1'v\y MinislPrs ,HP working with tlwir tl'dPrdl counl<'rparb to ens Lire' tlw necPssary IPgislativP ch,1ngPs tor dn c•,irly dnd substantidl pdyout from tlw \VPstPrn Crdin Stabilization Fund. My Minisll'rs dlso arc• ('Xploring otlwr coop('rdlivl' iPdt'rdl-provincial medsurPs which may prov id,, addition,11 lwlp for Saskatc lwwdn iarnwrs. In addition to tlw imnwdidt<' fin,111cial diitit ulli<'s , auwcl bv this VPar"s ,1dvPrsP , lim,1ti, conditions, Saskatdww,111 larm('rs continup to lw burd('11Pcl b); tlw c:J>l-pri"' squl'<'Z<'. Last spring, my GovPrnmPnt inlrodLKPcl an opc•r<lling loan guar,llltl'P progr,1m ior tarnH•rs to ,,n,ur,, tlwy had suflicienl funds to carry out tlwir tdrm opPr,llions. Toclc1y. m,111v ldfllWIS rc•main in busi- 1wss bPcause of thesp loan gudr<lntP('S. All oi tlw,P mPasurc•s I h,wP nwnlio1wd will hPlp allPvialc• the cash flow problm1s prPS('ntly lwing PxpenPncecl by Saskatcht•w,111 ldlllll'rs and, in turn. pro­ tect the viabilil y of tlw tdrm sPrv1t<' S('clor so vit,11 lo rurdl S,1skatclwwan. THURSDAY,NOVEMBER29, 1984 7 1984 has, how('Wr, been a particularly difficult year tor farnwrs and furtlwr governnwnt action is required to protect the fa111ily farn1, Accordingly, 111y Government intends to introduce rn this 5Pssion comprdwnsiw legislation lo provrdP security for viable family farms jPopardized by un­ controllable costs, burdensonw debt, and the impact of advPrse weathpr conditions.
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