TTItmsDAY, JULY 22, TORttANCE HERALD, Torranrc, California. Pago B-B for breath during that period the lovers of the past with a PAYS HIGH PRICE FOR LOVE In the evolution of screen lovers, dnsh of comedy for the sophis­ Naval Flying FICTIONAL DRAMA DEPICTS AROUND HOLLYWOOD Brown says. The cave man came next. He ticated. Forces Featured FAMED IRISH LOVE STORY . FILM LOTS was a barrel-chested actor The comedy reflects the light- HOLLYWOOD (U.P.) Types standing over 6 feet and delight­ henrtcdncss of modern youth In screen lovers, like automobili ed in knocking his 'women folks and the spirit of the times. The tensely humari story of a down. Brown says this type in Film Drama love that affected nations Is V.F.W. Gets $4,000 models, change regularly and the 1037 "great lover," like the still is popular with men. Wrong year, Wrong Birthday Take the. flashing color of drawn vividly in the fictional From County for 1937 automobile, Is streamlined. The director says today's lov­ CLEVELAND (U.P.) John E. ers arc? typified by such stream­ Uncle Sam's flying forces, .mix drama of "Parnell," "Uncrowned Convention Trip Director Clarence Brown, who Fintz wonJrred who sent him 50 it with the romance of the South King of Ireland," which Metro- has directed some of the best lined romantics as William Pow- ell, Robert Taylor, Robert roses and a card congratulating Seas, wrap it nil in a swiftly offers at the "On to Buffalo" was the slo­ in lover, types, says today's paced, dramatic story about a Goldwyn-Mayer Young, Tyrone Power and him on his 50th birthday. It gan this week by the Veterans heart-throbber makes love-with his birthday. And he Is beautiful Navy wife who Is Plaza theatre, starting Sunday a laugh up his sleeve. others. wasn't lashed by the tongues of gossip for three days, with Clark of Foreign Wars National En­ "Modern, young people will They represent an alchemy of only 47. and you have "Wings Over Gable and Myrna Loy In the campment., following a success­ have nothing to do with prim, Honolulu," the film which opens starring roles. ful plea to the county board of old-fashioned mannerisms and tonight at the Torrance theatre. Gable and Miss Loy arc su­ supervisors for $1,000 In exploita­ affected niceties. They arc just With Wcndy Barrie, Ray Mil- perb In their respective roles as tion funds to send eight to the ns moral -as their ancestors but land and Kent Taylor heading the fiery Irish leader and the national convention at Buffalo, their viewpoints arc broader, fine cast, this picture beautiful Katie O'Shoa, whom N. Y., from August 29 to Sept- freer and gayer," Brown be­ presents a phase of Navy life he loves beyond any fame or 3, "to induce Immigration and lieves. which has been left untouched fortune that political power to Increase trade and commerce For this reason, the director by previous screenplays con- might bring. in Los Angeles county," accord- says, the screen has abandoned concerned with America's "Parnell," as It is here pre­ Ing to the wording of the con­ the chest-heaving type of love- HAWTHORNE, CALIFORNIA a forces. sented, .becomes International, tract. making. The rising, and falling' 'Telephone 200 "The Friendly Family Theatre" Wcndy Barrie portrays a beau­ although it remains .essentially chest prevailed during the earli­ EARPHONES NOW AVAILABLE tiful Virginia belle who falls Irish, of course. But always, it est days of the cinema. head over heels in love with a Is the dramatic iovc story of a Phone Girls Must Then came the five-minute Friday and Saturday, July 23, 24 handsome young Navy flyer, striking individual and a gorg­ Know County Work kiss. Heroes hardly unclinchcd Ray Mllland, whose plane is eous woman, presented with su­ r "As Good as Married" County telephone operators DORIS NOLAN In forced down near her plantation. preme artistry. also RUDYARD The two of th6m arc married The supporting cast is one of hereafter arc to be kept in­ formed of changes in county TlLTMTflr KIPLING'S 'Elephant Boy" next day and the lovely Wcndy the most impressive ever assem­ FRIDAY NIGHT PLAY MAGlC SCREEN An art lot's conception of Myrna Loy and Clark Gable finds herself totally unprepared bled for a picture. Included- are services and policies so that THEATRE UK they appear in "I'arnell," tumultuous fictional romance for the excitement, the rigid Edna May Oliver, Billie Burke, they may answer directly more ADDED: Saturday Matinee Only: Open 12:3 of the queries from county tax­ 24333 NACCCNNE of I he fiery lrinh patriot who lost a natton'8 respect, when conventions and the burning Alan Marshall, Edmund Gwenn, HOPALONG "TVa 11 Til 1 C<-'' jealousies which complicate her Donald Crisp, Bcrton Churchill, payers seeking information. All li ITS Z0c, CHILDREN lOc _______CASSIDY In J.J.d.11 J-»Uai he found a woman he loved. Edna May Oliver, Billie Burke Time of department employes __Now Logo Seats 25c and Alan Marshall are prominent In the supporting cast life as a Navy wife in Honolulu. Donald Meek and others. She shows neither understand­ The three day showing of and the public 'both would be Fri. and Sat., July 23, 24 Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, July 25, 26, 27 of the picture, which opens at the Plaza Theatre in Haw­ ing nor consideration for the ,'Parnell" Is rounded out with saved if telephone operators "TOP OF THE TOWN" and could, for example, answer calls CLARK GABLE thorne Sunday. call of duty, which kce^ps her The Jones Family in "Big Busi­ "MOUNTAIN JUSTICE" and MYRNA LOY husband away from her day and ness" and the latest Popeye about the effective date of the Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, night for long stretches. Dur­ new county dog ordinance. also THE JONES ' cartoon. July 25, 26, 27 FAMILY in "Big Business' WARBIRDS OVER PARADISE ing one of his absences, the Wallace Beery In wife enters into an innocent flir­ SECOND LARGEST "GOOD OLD SOAK" and __ POPEYE____________NEWS tation with a former suitor who Tourists Throng Catering to tourists is South­ "CHINA PASSAGE" Wednesday One Day Only July 28 arrives In Honolulu. Innocent Into California ern California's second largest Wed., Thurs., July 28-29 though it Is, however, the af­ industry, topped only by oil andl LEO CARRILLO and «TJ',-k4..>l "HISTORY IS MADE AT MARY CARLISLE in ilUiei fair gives rise to a storm of Figures compiled by the bur­ followed in order by citrus rais­ NIGHT" and scandal which brings the story eau of plant quarantine's, border ing and motion picture produc­ also EDWARD EVERETT «rY|-» TVvfwr" "FAIR WARNING" HORTON in \_/ll, A-»UOUUJ. a smashing climax. checking stations showed 271,- tion. Last year visitors here FREE GLASSWARE TO 202 tourists entered California spent $188,000,000 earned else LADIES BOTH NIGHTS SS$? COME EARLY DOORS OPEN 6 P. M. S$$$ June. where. State Picnics during By Bo NEBRASKA . The annual KITTY KELLY AND NELLIE SHANNON summer picnic.-reunion for the LISTEN KITTV/ I MOVT SEE VOO . ._ .... Nebraskans here, residing or I'M tXDRRY BUT TO-NIGHT ? yes.' I'LL. DITCH visiting is Saturday, July 31, at VslE-'LL SO OUT MOTHER SOMEHOW ——WE'LL. Bixby Park, Long Beach. A 0(= BUSINESS IF SO •PLACES-AMP T70 THINGS ' popular program will include LOSE THIS brief addresses and musical en­ tertainment. Hot coffee will be HUST BECAUSE served for the picnic dinners at noon and the county registers {*> NOT IN THE and headquarters will be open •SOCIftL. RESISTE. day. HORfSCe'S MAMA att irtsweo THAO- OHIO... All who ever lived in 5H6 BE FIRED Itay Milluml, nearer camera, and William 'Oargan in Ohio arc invited to the picnic a scene from Unlvcrsal's gripping t'nrilllcr, "Wings Over reunion Sunday, August 1 in which opoiifi tonight at the Torraiice theatre in Bixby Park, Long Beach. The! Honolulu," will be county registers and conjunction with Edward Everett Horton's latest comedy, headquarters so all can find the . "Oh! Doctor." old neighbors. A brief program will open about 1 o'clock but [Film Shows Rivalry the main purpose will be to Labor's Share have a Rood time. Coffee will of Papers and Radio be supplied for all. BOZO AND THE BARON By L. Antoinette Of '36 Steel $ The fast moving story of a WYOMING . Sunday, Au­ radio reporter who breaks with gust 1, every' person who has ever lived in Wyoming is in­ 10% Above '29 a girl to whom he was once en­ vited to attend the annual sum­ gaged, and then risks his life mer roundup and reunion at Labor's share of the steel in­ to save hor from the band of Sycamore Grove Park, Los An­ dustry's dollar was almost 10 crooks who have kidnapped her, geles. Bring your lunch and sec pcfccnt greater in 1036 than in forms one basis of the new r old friends. County regis­ 1!)29, according to a study made ters will be open all day long. by the American Iron and Steel film, "Behind the Headlines," in A program will commence at 2 Gib- Institute showing . 38', cents which Lee Tracy and Diana p. m. out of each dollar of the- in­ son have the leading roles. The dustry's gross revenues last picture shows next Wednesday year went into the pay envelopes at the Tor ranee theatre. of its employees. This action romance also deals THEATRE 4 with the rivalry between Tracy, 115 E. Broadway Dividend payments to steel as a radio news-broadcaster, and stockholders amounted to -I'll REX HAWTHORNE the newspaper men and women cents out of each sales dollar whom he Is continually beating ALL SKATS IQc___ received in 1036, while tax pay­ stories.
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