Addendum to the Final Environmental Impact Report Silver Lake Reservoir Complex Storage Replacement Project SCH # 2003081133 Los Angeles Department of Water and Power Environmental Affairs 111 North Hope Street, Room 1044 Los Angeles, California 90012 December 2013 Silver Lake Reservoir Complex Storage Replacement Project Table of Contents Section 1 Introduction 1.1 Purpose of the Addendum ......................................................... 1 1.2 Project Overview ........................................................................ 2 1.3 Approved Bypass Pipeline Alignment ........................................ 2 1.4 Reconsideration of In-Reservoir Pipeline Alignment ............... 20 Section 2 Environmental Impact Assessment 2.1 Land Use ................................................................................. 33 2.2 Earth Resources ...................................................................... 34 2.3 Water Resources ..................................................................... 35 2.4 Biological Resources ............................................................... 35 2.5 Cultural Resources .................................................................. 37 2.6 Paleontological Resources ...................................................... 38 2.7 Traffic and Transportation ........................................................ 38 2.8 Noise ........................................................................................ 40 2.9 Air Quality ................................................................................ 41 2.10 Public Services and Utilities ..................................................... 42 2.11 Hazardous Materials ................................................................ 43 2.12 Visual Resources ..................................................................... 44 2.13 Other Environmental Issues .................................................... 45 List of Figures Figure 1 Approved Bypass Pipeline Alignment .................................................... 4 Figure 2 Refined Bypass Pipeline Tunneling Alignment ...................................... 7 Figure 3 Redesdale North Tunneling Shaft ....................................................... 10 Figure 4 Redesdale South Tunneling Shaft ....................................................... 13 Figure 5 Putnam Tunneling Shaft ...................................................................... 15 Figure 6 In-Reservoir Pipeline Alignment .......................................................... 22 Figure 7 Work Areas 1 and 2 ............................................................................. 25 Figure 8 Work Area 3 ......................................................................................... 26 List of Tables Table 1 Bypass Pipeline Tunneling Alignment Construction Activities ............. 18 Table 2 In-Reservoir Pipeline Alignment Construction Activities ...................... 30 December 2013 Page i Table of Contents Acronyms and Abbreviations CEQA California Environmental Quality Act DB decibel DBA a-weighted decibel EIR Environmental Impact Report EPBM earth pressure balance machine LADWP Los Angeles Department of Water and Power Leq community equivalent noise level MG million gallons NOx nitrogen oxides O3 ozone PM2.5 particulate matter less than 2.5 microns in diameter PM10 particulate matter less than 10 microns in diameter PSI pounds per square inch SCAQMD South Coast Air Quality Management District SLRC Silver Lake Reservoir Complex Page ii Silver Lake Reservoir Complex Storage Replacement Project SECTION 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Purpose of the Addendum This addendum to the previously certified Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADWP) Silver Lake Reservoir Complex Storage Replacement Project (SCH # 2003081133) has been prepared in accordance with California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines Section 15164 to revise the certified EIR to accurately reflect the changes or additions to the project, changes in conditions under which the project is undertaken, or to add new information. In accordance with CEQA Guidelines Section 15162, changes to the approved project addressed in this addendum would not result in new significant environmental effects or a substantial increase in the severity of previously identified significant effects, as discussed herein. The Final EIR for the Silver Lake Reservoir Complex Storage Replacement Project was certified by the City of Los Angeles Board of Water and Power Commissioners on May 16, 2006, concurrent with approval of the project (Certified EIR). A Notice of Determination for the project approval was filed with the State Clearinghouse and the Los Angeles County Clerk’s office on May 18, 2006. The approved project in the Certified EIR will remove Silver Lake and Ivanhoe Reservoirs from the LADWP potable water distribution system and relocate the water storage function provided by the Silver Lake Reservoir Complex (SLRC) to the former Headworks Spreading Grounds site, where a new 110-million gallon (MG) buried storage reservoir is currently under construction. The Certified EIR found the proposed project to have significant but mitigable environmental impacts to Earth Resources (Chapter 4), Water Resources (Chapter 5), Biological Resources (Chapter 6), Cultural Resources (Chapter 7), and Paleontologic Resources (Chapter 8). Impacts to Traffic and Transportation (Chapter 9), Noise (Chapter 10), and Air Quality (Chapter 11) would be significant and unavoidable even after incorporation of feasible mitigation measures. A Statement of Overriding Considerations was adopted for these unavoidable impacts. Less than significant impacts to Land Use (Chapter 3), Public Services and Utilities (Chapter 12), Hazardous Materials (Chapter 13), and Visual Resources (Chapter 14) were identified in the Certified EIR. Since the initial project approval, the engineering design for the project has proceeded, establishing a more refined concept for the physical and procedural aspects of project construction than was available at the time of the preparation and consideration of the Certified EIR. Further, it has been determined that a different alignment for an interconnecting pipeline between the River Supply Conduit and the Silver Lake Outlet Line, a component of the project as described and analyzed in the Certified EIR, can be feasibly implemented that would reduce the duration of construction within public roadways and the associated community disruption. Instead of constructing a tunnel beneath West Silver Lake Drive adjacent to the SLRC, the interconnecting pipeline would be located primarily within the SLRC, including within Silver Lake Reservoir, as explained in detail below. In deciding whether a subsequent or supplemental EIR is necessary or if an addendum is appropriate, the standard of review is whether the record as a whole contains substantial evidence to support a determination that the changes in the project or its circumstances are substantial enough to make major modifications to the EIR due to the involvement of new significant environmental effects or a substantial increase in the severity of previously identified significant effects. December 2013 Page 1 Introduction The SLRC in-reservoir pipeline alignment has not altered the fundamental objectives of the project as reflected in the Certified EIR. The project would still relocate the SLRC water storage to the Headworks Spreading Grounds site. Long-term project operations are not anticipated to change from what was considered in the Certified EIR. However, based on additional site investigations and more extensive design development, it has been determined that implementation of the interconnecting pipeline would result in changes to the construction phase of activities within and adjacent to the SLRC. In accordance with CEQA, the nature and extent of these changes must be considered in the context of the Certified EIR conclusions regarding project-related environmental impacts to determine if they might create new significant impacts that were not identified in the Certified EIR or substantial increases in the severity of significant impacts that were identified in the Certified EIR. LADWP has developed the in-reservoir alignment for the interconnecting pipeline to minimize community disruption and the associated impacts by reducing the extent and duration of construction within public roadways. As discussed herein, the proposed modifications to the project design would not result in new environmental impacts or increase the severity of previously identified environmental impacts. The following sections provide additional detail regarding the proposed modifications and findings. 1.2 Project Overview As a component of the Silver Lake Reservoir Complex Storage Replacement Project, the reservoir complex will be removed from service as a treated drinking water storage facility, but both Silver Lake and Ivanhoe Reservoirs will continue to be filled with non-potable water. The drinking water storage function of the reservoir complex will be replaced by a new reservoir at the Headworks Spreading Grounds site in Griffith Park. However, because it will not contain potable water, the SLRC will no longer provide a physical link, as it currently does, between the River Supply Conduit (a trunk line that currently supplies drinking water to the SLRC at the north end of Ivanhoe Reservoir) and the Silver Lake Outlet Line (a trunk
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