Victory Times Vol. II, Issue 63 Telling the Multi-National Corps - Iraq story August 18, 2008 Women’s equality, Page 3 Complacency, Page 6 Graphic by Pfc. Matthew Cunningham and Marine Cpl. Frances L. Goch Half marathon, XVIII Airborne Corps Birthday, pages 4-5 Page 8 Commentary Chaplain’s Corner Be grateful for blessing of friendship Mac. I found out he was the chap- gave him a call. He was serving By Chaplain Lane M. Stockeland lain assistant at 1st Battalion, 187th with Task Force Marne as a chap- Hope Chapel OIC Infantry Regiment, Rakkassans, at lain assistant. Right before he re- 3rd Brigade. deployed back to his home station, “Mac, is that you?” I asked About two years later, I was as- we were able to visit with each oth- over the phone. It was indeed my signed to 1/187th as the chaplain er and catch up on old times. old friend, Sgt.. 1st Class Kelton and Mac was my assistant. We had The Old Testament books of 1 McLaurin. many great times together. One of and 2 Samuel describe the friend- McLaurin and I entered Basic those times was a trip to the Na- ship between King David and Jon- Training together on Dec. 3 1985, tional Training Center, Fort Irwin, athan. Their friendship is a model at Fort Dix, N.J. We were in the Calif. where we practically froze for us to follow. The Army allows same unit, Delta 3rd Bde, 3rd BN, one night waiting for an air assault us the opportunity to form lifelong but in different companies. We did the next morning. friendships. Let us be grateful for not know each other at that time. I eventually left Fort Campbell the many friends and relationships After graduation, McLaurin for another assignment. I lost track that we have established while and I went to Advance Individual of McLaurin until I arrived in Iraq. serving in the U.S. Army. Training at Fort Monmouth, N.J., I heard he was assigned here and for chaplain assistant training. We were in the same class and became friends. After AIT graduation, I was assigned to Fort Leonard Wood, Mo. and he was assigned elsewhere. I completed my three-year en- listment and then began Seminary to become an Army chaplain. My first assignment was to Division Artillery, 101st Airborne Division, Fort Campbell, Ky., in 1991. Short- ly after I arrived at Fort Campbell, all the unit ministry teams on Fort Campbell had a training event at a Civil War battlefield not far from Fort Campbell. I took my seat on the bus and I noticed a young man Chaplain Lane M. Stockeland, Multi-National Corps - Iraq Hope Chapel officer in charge, sitting about two seats in front of and Sgt.. 1st Class Kelton McLaurin, Task Force Marne chaplain assistant, had a chance me. He looked familiar. It was to meet and catch up on old times on Camp Victory, Iraq. The Victory Times is an authorized publication for members of the Department Lt. Gen. Lloyd J. Austin III MNC-I Commanding General: The Victory Times welcomes columns, of Defense. Contents of this electronic Col. Billy J.. Buckner MNC-I Public Affairs Officer: commentaries, articles and letters from our publication are not necessarily the official Sgt. Maj. Sharon Opeka MNC-I PA Sergeant Major: readers. Send submissions or comments to views of or endorsed by the U.S. Govern- MNC-I Command Info Chief: Staff Sgt. Joy Pariante [email protected]. The edito- ment or the Department of Defense. The Spc. Samuel J. Phillips Editor: rial staff reserves the right to edit for security, editorial content of this publication is the Staff Sgt. Jeremy D. Crisp, Cpl. Frances L. Goch, Pfc. Eric Staff: accuracy, propriety, policy, clarity and space. responsibility of the Public Affairs Office of J. Martinez and Pfc. Eric J. Glassey Multi-National Corps-Iraq. Page 2 Victory Times August 18, 2008 Feature Women help change path of our nation Carrie Catt saw that reward as By Sgt.. 1st Class Monica Bailey women having influence over MNC-I EO Office the political future of the na- tion. Approximately one year Through courage and de- later, the president responded termination, women such as and introduced his personal Lucretia Mott, Elizabeth Cady support for women’s suffrage. Stanton, and Susan B. Anthony Today women are seen in inspired generations of women much larger roles throughout and helped change the path of our country than they were in our nation’s history. In 1848 at 1920. Women shape the future a convention in Seneca Falls, for American society by influ- N.Y., a mass movement for encing politics, government women’s voting rights gained legislation, science, law, educa- support from women of all ages tion, athletics, and of course-- and cultural backgrounds. This our great military. Today female would change the way women servicemembers make many would be viewed for years to sacrifices daily by leaving their come. Wyoming became the loved ones at home and serv- first state in 1890, by virtue ing side-by-side with their male of its constitution, to allow counterparts. In 1970 the Army Brig. Gen. Anna M. Hays received her Army women to vote. Twenty-eight Nurse Corps promoted the first Nurse Corps commission in May 1942. Her overseas assignments included service in years later, 14 additional states Army brigadier general, Col. India, Korea, and Japan. On June 11, 1970, would follow Wyoming’s lead, Anna Mae Hays. Thirty-eight she became the first woman and the first giving equal rights to women years later the balance of equal- nurse in American military history to attain general officer rank. During her tenure as in the voting booth. Finally in ity has changed. Today the chief, she continued to deal with the impos- 1920, women secured the right military has 56 active duty fe- ing challenges of recruitment and retention as the Vietnam War reached its height. She to vote nationwide through the male flag officers in the Armed received the Distinguished Service Medal, passage of the 19th Amend- Forces-- five of which are in the Legion of Merit with Oak Leaf Cluster, and ment. In 1971, President Jimmy rank of lieutenant general and the Army Commendation Medal among her awards and recommendations. Carter designated Aug. 26 over 12,000 women supporting as Women’s Equality Day. the Global War on Terrorism This year’s theme, “Celebrat- During World War I, women in Iraq. Women are becoming ing Women’s Right to Vote,” took on many different roles in senior leaders and combat mul- expresses the enthusiasm that the household and in the work- tipliers in today’s military with our nation shares knowing the place. Many women were work- amazing speed. Recently the right to vote is shared by all. ing in factories and other male- announcement of the nomination That right to vote has allowed oriented jobs to support their of the first female general, Lt. women to segue into politics, households and their country at Gen. Ann E. Dunwoody, made science, law, education, and na- war. After the war, the National national news and the award- tional defense sharing the same Woman’s Suffrage, headed by ing of the Silver Star to Spc.... accomplishments and opportuni- Carrie Chapman Catt, reminded Monica Lin Brown of the 82nd ties as men. On Aug. 26 all ser- the President that women’s Airborne Division, the second vicemembers and leaders should support during the war should women to receive the Silver Star take time to reflect on the his- be rewarded and not ignored. since World War II made history. tory of women’s right to vote. August 18, 2008 Victory Times Page 3 XVIII Airborne Corps Birthday XVIII Airborne Corps celebrates 64 years of history Story by Marine Cpl. Frances L. Goch MNC-I PAO From World War II to the War on Terror, the As the core of Multi-National Corps – Iraq, the XVIII Airborne Corps has made its mark, and XVIII Airborne Corps is responsible for a 160,000- its Soldiers have a long and proud history to cel- man ground force, said Command Sgt. Maj. Joseph ebrate on the Corps’ 64th birthday Aug. 25. R. Allen, command sergeant major of Multi-National The XVIII Airborne Corps be- Corps – Iraq and the XVIII Airborne Corps. gan its proud history during WWII. “The Corps is spearheading the efforts in “WWII was a very different war all together,” said Iraq and taking the fight to the enemy,” he said. Sgt. Maj. Amos Fischer, communications informa- “The XVIII Airborne Corps will continue to tion systems division sergeant major, Multi-National play a significant role in the Global War on Ter- Corps – Iraq. “Those paratroopers went to war ror with Soldiers deployed around the world.” and didn’t come home until the war was over.” It isn’t just the rich history that keeps the para- During more recent combat operations, the troopers of the XVIII Airborne Corps holding 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault) made their heads high, it is also the Corps values. the largest and farthest reaching helicopter as- “The XVIII Airborne Corps has always been a sault in history during Operation Desert Storm. Corps synonymous with high standards, high morale Today the XVIII Airborne Corps continues mak- and tough discipline,” said Allen. “Soldiers want to be ing history fighting the Global War on Terror. apart of the XVIII Airborne Corps for these reasons.” Fully equipped and ready to jump, 16th Military Police Brigade Soldiers, XVIII Air- these paratroopers climb into a borne Corps, stand guard in a prisoner-of-war C-47 transport plane.
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