Marshall University Marshall Digital Scholar The Parthenon University Archives Fall 11-19-1996 The Parthenon, November 19, 1996 Marshall University Follow this and additional works at: https://mds.marshall.edu/parthenon Recommended Citation Marshall University, "The Parthenon, November 19, 1996" (1996). The Parthenon. 3470. https://mds.marshall.edu/parthenon/3470 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the University Archives at Marshall Digital Scholar. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Parthenon by an authorized administrator of Marshall Digital Scholar. For more information, please contact [email protected], [email protected]. .. •· TUESDAY NOV. 19, 1996 arshall I ! i- t •· .I L. Scents and sensibilities,- perfumes profiled. Page 7. Moss' future with football still unclear by DAN LONDEREE and ALYSON WALLS staff writers Randy Moss will return to practice with the Thundering Herd football team this week, but his long-term status has yet to be decided. Moss, a freshman standout wide receiver for the Herd, Honoring and his ex-girlfriend, Eliza­ beth Ann Offutt of St. Albans,. the victims were arrested Sunday after­ noon on charges of domestic Student Body President battery. Offutt also was Nawar Shora speaks at charged with destruction of the Nov. 14 memorial ser­ property. vice on the Memorial All are misdemeanor charges Student Center plaza. The with sentences of up to a year service commemorated Moss in jail. the 26th anniversary of Marshall coach Bobby Pruett said Monday the plane crash which afternoon he would not make a decision about killed 75 members of the Moss' status until all the facts in the case are Marshall community. clear. "It is important that no one jumps to Missy Young conclusions," Pruett said. "Until I know what all has happened, I can't make any decisions. I'm still in the process of gathering facts." Moss, 19, and Offutt, 21, both were arraigned Sunday night before Kanawha Two-• day fall break proposed County Magistrate Chuck Ferrell and released from jail on bonds of $500 for Moss and $1,000 Time taken off in October would be made up in December for Offutt. Moss returned to campus Monday. Moss' lawyer, Tim DiPiero of Charleston, by SHAWNA B. BAYLOUS dar for 1997-98, the tentative offices, such as the registrar's said he had spoken with Moss and Offutt's reporter · dates for the break would be from office, would be open for business. parents, whom he has known for years. Moss Saturday, Oct. 11, 1997, to Tuesday, "We would not close the universi­ and Offutt have a 3-year-old daughter. Marshall University students Oct. 14, 1997, and classes would ty, it would just be that classes are "This is not the typical domestic violence sit­ and faculty may get a two-day resume on Wednesday, Oct. 15, dismissed which would allow a uation," DiPiero said. "Randy did not strike break in October if the Calendar 1997. · break for students and faculty." her. She was not beaten." Committee gets its way. The proposed break would allow Ferguson also -said that any time He also said most people involved in domestic The committee gave the Faculty students with Saturday classes to instructional days are taken out of . violence cases are violent when they appear in Senate a proposal for a two-day · also have a fall break. the calendar, they have to be front of the magistrate; however, Moss and break in October which would cor- Roberta C. Ferguson, registrar restored. She said, "The current Offutt remained calm during their appearances. respond with Columbus Day. and chairwoman of the Calendar proposal is to move the two days we · see MOSS, page 6 According to the proposed calen- Committee, said, "The university see BREAK, page 6 CTC ·growth predicted by dean Inside Outside / by CHRISTINA REDEKOPP reporter ,,, Fi thought there was a Dr. Robert B. Hayes, prc,vost/dean of the Community and Technical College, may not be a certified fortune teller, but he does have a need in Huntington for a com­ knack for predicting the future. Hayes began the CTC in 1975. Now, wjth munity college." 2,103 .students «;inrolled, Hayes appears to be right that Huntington needed a community college. Since 1995, the CTc· has seen a 22 - Dr. Robert B. Hayes percent increase in enrollment, Hayes said. CTC provost/dean .,. "I thought there was a qeed in Huntington . for a community college. Ifit were not on cam­ pus it would be downtown or somewhere else," students are. He said part of the increase may Hayes said. be in students off-campus who take CTC cours­ Marshall's CTC added 379 students this fall, es in Charleston, Ohio and Point Pleasant. according to a press release from the Office of Hayes said the enrollment increase added to University Relations. CTC's enrollment repre­ the number of part-time people on staff this sents a new record with the previous high fall. He said 60 percent of the classes are being 1,912 in 1992. taught by part-time people. Page edited by Christy A. Kniceley Hayes said he still has to find out where the see CTC, page 6 -- - ----,-----.,------- this ,, ,that 2 Tuesday, Nov. 19, 1996 S~- Page edited by Bill Lucas Musicians.fight altered music · NEW YORK (AP) - A naked woman in a ham­ stores that sell music, won't offer albums slapped cover of John Mellencamp's new album. muck stares back from the cover of White with a warning sticker for explicit or yiolent Rock critic Dave Marsh considers the altered Zombie"s new CD, her arms and lyrics. With an ultimatum on what will or music a step beyond "parental advisory" labels, and ll'gs demurely placed to·avoid ~ won't fly, many an insidious way of elimin_ating edgy material with­ anything more racy than a record compa­ out trying to censor it outright. "What really upsets us that they're using their routine lingerie ad. nies choose to 1 The same woman appears change what financial power to change art," said Nina Crowley, on the cover of the albums their artists executive director of the Massachusetts Music sold in Wal-Mart stores - give them in Industry Coalition. but wit h a bikini airbrushed order to get their Wal-Mart, based in Bentonville, Ark., says it in. products in Wal-Mart's merely makes its policies clear to suppliers, and The changed cover is one of :...--,,.......,..-.--. 2,279 stores. does nothing to alter music. many packaging decisions It could mean rem­ The chain is cheered on by groups like the con­ record companies now make oving an obscenity, as servative American Family Association, which fre­ to appeal to conservative done on albums by Onyx quently offers advice on albums Wal-Mart should retailers, a practice Wal-Mart and the Primitive Radio look out for. and others claim its customers . Gods, or deleting · a song alto- Singer Sheryl Crow said no this fall when asked demand but critics deride as a secretive gether. The title of a Nirvana song was to alter a lyric on her new album that accused the form of censorship. changed from ".Rape Me" to ''Waif Me." Background chain of selling guns to children. Wal-Mart isn't The giant retailer, and many other drawings of J esus and the devil were taken off the stocking the CD. Entertai~,rn,~f}l~~!!h)i NEW YORK (AP) ~ .Ray Davies\rnay b_~ (}vet: 50,"01,1tT;' he's still got the mind ofa 19-year-olcL ...... .. '.· ·, :/t. ·<}. ,; f1 Davies, 52, the leader ofthe The Kinks, says·h~ hasp.'t'.· · changed much since recording his classic tut "Yoti'Reall)•:~ Got Me" when he was 19. ,U">:,,r:)~·y·.;,;f ,,. "I don't think I've changed that.·n1.u5=r,: :\h . ,_ __ ._·•" ·• .. ._ , . of course, an~ I've been aro~Y?-cl:~ ~ P!-'??~ ~f{~j ttin:~s;:~~f:: my personality hasn't changed alt that:much,'!t Dav1es i,; said. ··· •·· ·· ::• ··/ ::_r } .: ~ LONDON (AP) - The man wh9 brought Bond :,: ~ames_. Bond - to the big screen was honored by threk of the·. actors who have played suave British secret aget1t 007. :· '. Think uick. Roger Moore, Timothy Dalton a~d the . curren.t ,Bond, . Pierce Brosnan, joined 500 people Sunday for .a memorial service for Hollywood producer :_Albert R. Brocc§li;: who] died June 28 in Los Angeles at age 87. · · · · · ·" " When you need help preparing for a test, ASBURY PARK, N.J. (AP); __ Bru~e' S~iingst~en'<wiffl . be saying "Greetings From ~b,llry; g!lI'Jc, :t-f-1,," OUCEJ agajn · think quick. Cliffs Quick Reviews are from the this Thanksgiving: . ,.·· . 3'.1tv1S1:<. Ffit ·, ·•, ·•L ·FL _::'.:: The Boss will give two cone;erts N!lY::2!faf1ci:26[t9 b\ine-\ fit the Boys and Girls Club oCMonrnoutl:i Co4nty,: Tp.e·_,: leader in study guides: Cliffs Notes. Cliffs Asbury Park Press of Neptune r½poi1~~e;uM ~:f f;;;: I'. ,S''. Springsteen's 1973 debut album was' titled ''Greetings'. ,; Quick Review guides are written to help From Asbury Park, N.J ." Befor~ jts_'i-~l~i ~f!) ~pr-¼~gst~e~~ ;:[ developed a devoted local followmg m the se~s1d~ti:es9rt.. r,;, .· ·-~'' _, ·Cr':.~· ·r [?"· . ·:·,::·:(l'.L:1-:· :,.-,~:':_·:·t :.7 better understand introductory courses . They are perfect for use as general _ course notes and for review before quizzes, midterms and finals. Marshal University's student newspaper welcomes 1 applications fll' spring semester 1997 editorial positions: EDITOR Available At: MANAGING BJITqR MARSHALL NEWS EDITOR, WIRE EDITOR, . ONLINE EDITOR · UNIVERSITY SPORTS EDITOR, LIFE EDITOR, PHOTO EDITOR ~ERSrri BOOKSTORE DEAD~E IS NOON WEDNESDAY, NOV.
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