CONCEPTUAL PLAN For EXPANSION OF EMERGENCY MEDICINE UNIT AT S.G.P. G.I. RAIBAREILLY ROAD – LUCKNOW –U.P. Plot Area= 88403.00 m2 Built Up Area( Proposed ) = 61959.12 m2 Total Built Up Area = 2216447.65 m2 To be Developed By UNIT INCHARGE U.P. R.N.N. S.G.P.G.I. ( PREMISES) Near Jheel. RaebareillyRoad - LUCKNOW – U.P. Environmental Consultant Sawen Consultancy Services Pvt. Ltd. (QCI Accreditated) 409A, Sahara Shopping Centre, Faizabad Road Lucknow-260026, Telefax: 0522-2341312; Mobile: 7379444471-73 Email: [email protected] Website: www.sawenconsultancyservices.com Doc No: SCSPL/EC-NOC/0/18 Date of Issue: 0/0/2018 Approved by: Satyendra Singh Company Seal: Conceptual Plan For Expansion Of Emergency Medicineat SGPGI - RaibareillyRoad, District- Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh LIST OF CONTENTS Chapter No. List of Chapters Page No. Executive Summary 3 1 Introduction 4-12 2 Project Description 13-17 3 Site Analysis 18-26 4 Project Planning 27-29 5. Proposed Infrastructure 30-31 6. Environment Management Plan 32-64 7. Emergency Preparedness Plan 65-68 8. Analysis Of Proposal (Final Recommendations) 69-70 9. Disclosure Of Consultant 71-73 LIST OF TABLES Table No. List of Tables Page No. 1 Capital expenditure 15 2 Recurring expenditure 15 3 Land uses at project site 27 4 Floor wise activities 27 5 Plotted Population Break Up 28 6. Water Use Calculation 34 7. Quantum of RainwaterHarvestFor Emergency Medicine Unit. 42 8. Municipal Solid Waste For Emergency Medicine Unit 45 9. Waste Generated from Floating Population . 46 10 Bio – Medical Waste Categorization Treatment & Disposal. 48 11 Bio – Medical Waste 52 12 Hazarduous Waste 60 Environmental Consultant: M/S Sawen Consultancy Services Pvt. Ltd., Lucknow Page | 2 Conceptual Plan For Expansion Of Emergency Medicineat SGPGI - RaibareillyRoad, District- Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The present documents explain the findings of the Environmental pre-feasibility of the Expansion OfEmergency Medicine Unit At S.G.P.G.I. - Raebareilly road, District- Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh isproposed by Uttar Pradesh Rajkiya Nirman Nigam Ltd., P.G.I. unit-1, S.G.P.G.I. Parisar near Jheel, Raebareilly Road, Lucknow.SAWEN Consultancy Services Pvt. Ltd., Lucknow was contracted by UPRNN to secureEC from MoEF / SLEAC& No Objection Certificate (NOC) fromUttar Pradesh Pollution Control Board (UPPCB) The allocated land is having total plot areaof 88,403.0 m2 easily approachable through Raebareilly Road (NH-24B) 300 m, East from the project site, and well connected to various places, through national highways, rail links, bus ways, and telecommunication. The estimated cost of the project will be Rs.570.32 Crore. The U.P. State Electricity Board will provide essential load of 11 KVA to meet the electrical requirement of the proposed project. The power back up for essential load shall be provided through 02no. of DG Set of 500 KVAtotal capacity. Appropriate firefighting measures including entry and exit way marking signs, emergency lights, ventilation, essential emergency electrical services and stationary fire pump (jockey) shall be provided for the proposed project. In the layout, some area has been reserved for green belt development along with already existing green belt area for the vision to create a buffer to help in creation of calm, serene, and cool environment for the Emergency Medicine Unit at Sanjay Gandhi Post Graduate Institute, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh. Green belt planning on 16706.07 m2will be provided with ecological perspectives for the proposed project taking into consideration of urban biodiversity and native species. The water with overall requirement of 161.15 KLD shall be managed by 01 no. of Tube well. The DG Set discharge shall be through stack of sufficient cumulative stack height of 4.47 m as per guidelines of CPCB. Noise level shall be maintained by providing acoustic enclosures in DG sets and traffic norms will be followed within building project. STP of 30.0 KLDshall be provisioned within the proposed buildingfor treatment of domestic waste water generated&ETP OF 105.0 KLD shall be provisionedfor the treatment of effluents ( Lab generated waste and Hospital beds wastes ). Natural slope of the area will be retained and will be graded to fall towards the roads or drain paths and storm water will be made to percolateto01 no. of Rain Water Harvest pit proposed for ground water recharge. For traffic noise, plantation along the traffic route shall be provided to act as a noise barrier. It has been roughly estimated that of 271.5 kg/day of solid waste generated from the proposed building, for which 01 no. of transit center is provided. Awell facilitated parking area of 5047.73 m2is kept asstilt + open parking. But theTotal Requirement for parking = 7040.73 m2,thereforean Extra 1633 m2 ( Open Space)area shall be required to meet out the parking requirement..A Green Area of 16706.07 m2 has been kept for the development of green belt and landscape. Environmental Consultant: M/S Sawen Consultancy Services Pvt. Ltd., Lucknow Page | 3 Conceptual Plan For Expansion Of Emergency Medicineat SGPGI - RaibareillyRoad, District- Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION ‘Of all forms of inequality, indiscrimination and injustice in healthcare is the most shocking and inhumane’. Martin Luther King Junior.Indian healthcare is the ultimate model of a schizophrenic health-care system. We take great pride, in our state-of-the-art hospitals and tertiary health-care centers which could compare with the best in the World. Health care provision in India is multi- pronged, including a tiered national health system, private hospitals, and a multitude of alternative medicine practitioners. Although emergency physicians and emergency medicine have remained a realized need in the country, the practice of emergent care has remained centralized, with traditionally few private hospitals admitting emergency cases as they prefer to avoid dealing with medico-legal formalities during emergencies (Supreme Court of India; ParmanandKatara vs. Union of India AIR1989SC 2039). This problem was mitigated to some extent when the judicial system mandated the delivery of care by any and every hospital regardless of a patient's paying and medico-legal status in times of emergency. Failure on the part of any hospital to provide timely medical treatment to a person in need of such treatment results in a violation of the patient's "Right to Life,‖ which is guaranteed under Article 21 of the Constitution of India. This is the closest India has come to enacting laws similar to The EMTALA (Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act) and the COBRA (Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act), which are well recognized in the USA. Most emergency departments in centrally run university and government hospitals do not match up to the ―Emergency Department Categorization Standards‖ proposed by the Society of Academic Emergency Medicine (SAEM). Emergency care is offered in areas designated as ‗casualties’ that are often manned by junior specialty residents with little overview and are mere ‗referral points‘ for specialized care. Triage, something that is instrumental to good emergency care, is rarely practiced. Problems are worse in rural areas, where even the most basic emergency obstetric care has been found to be lacking The EMS system in India is best described as ‘fragmented.‘ The basic fundamental principal behind EMS systems worldwide is to have a common emergency communication number connected to responsive agencies. Although India has the emergency number 102 for calling ambulances, the responsiveness of the system has always been doubted. In 2007, Ramanujam et al. reported that nearly 50% of trauma victims admitted to a premier hospital in an urban Indian city had received no pre-hospital care. The first of its kind, the CATS (Centralized Accident and Trauma Services) ambulance system was conceptualized in 1984. The service was expanded nationally, but lack of a driving force behind the initiative made it fall by the side. Today, NGOs (non-governmental organizations) and private hospitals in cities and states have constructed their own EMS setups. Principal among these are the National Network of Emergency Services (NNES), Ahmedabad, Delhi, Pune, Hyderabad, Chennai, Raipur, Ranchi, and Kolkata; Emergency Management and Research Institute (EMRI), Haryana, Chandigarh, Uttaranchal, Rajasthan, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, Goa, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Meghalaya, and Assam; Life Support Ambulance Environmental Consultant: M/S Sawen Consultancy Services Pvt. Ltd., Lucknow Page | 4 Conceptual Plan For Expansion Of Emergency Medicineat SGPGI - RaibareillyRoad, District- Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh Service (LSAS), Kerala, Mumbai; Operation Sanjeevani, Bengaluru; Ambulance Access for All (AAA), Mumbai; Indian Institute of Emergency Medical Services (IIEMS), Kerela, etc. India is currently in the midst of an economic and demographic transition. Increasing life expectancy and urbanization with accompanying lifestyle changes have led to an epidemiological transition, as evidenced by the increasing incidence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, diabetes, COPD etc. Unintentional injuries due to road traffic accidents, fires, falls etc., and Intentional injuries such as self-inflicted injuries and those due to violence also constitute a significant burden of disease in the country. Many of these conditions require emergency care in their acute stages (diabetic hypoglycemia, septicemia, premature labour, asthma), or
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