2 OFFICERS NUMBER–MICHAELMAS TERM 2010 [S p e c i a l N o . 7 PART I Chancellor: H.R.H. The Prince pHilip, Duke of Edinburgh, T Vice-Chancellor: 2010, Prof. Sir leSzek krzySzToF borySiewicz, W Deputy Vice-Chancellors for 2010–2011: Dame SaNdra JUNe Noble dawSoN, SID, Dame aTHeNe margareT doNald, R, STUarT laiNg, CC, kaTHariNe bridgeT preTTy, HO, daVid dUNcaN robiNSoN, M, SaraH laeTiTia SqUire, HH, aNdrew wallace-Hadrill, SID, the Pro-Vice-Chancellors Pro-Vice-Chancellors: 2008, JoHN marTiN ralliSoN, T, 30 Sept. 2011 2009, STepHeN JoHN yoUNg, EM, 31 July 2012 2010, JeNNiFer cHaSe barNeS, NH, 31 Dec. 2012 2010, lyNN FaiTH gladdeN, T, 31 Dec. 2012 2010, iaN HUgH wHiTe, JE, 31 Dec. 2012 High Steward: 2010, Lord waTSoN oF ricHmoNd, JE Deputy High Steward: 2009, aNNe mary loNSdale, NH Commissary: 2002, The Rt Hon. Lord mackay oF claSHFerN, T Proctors for 2010–2011: JameS aNTHoNy TreViTHick, K JaNe paTricia SpeNcer, SID Deputy Proctors for Jeremy lloyd caddick, EM 2010–2011: JoHN alberT liTTle, CTH Orator: 2008, rUperT THompSoN, SE Registrary: 2007, JoNaTHaN william NicHollS, EM Librarian: 2009, aNNe JarViS, W Deputy Librarian: 2010, SUSaNNe meHrer Director of the Fitzwilliam Museum and Marlay Curator: 2008, TimoTHy FaUlkNer poTTS, CL Director of Development and Alumni Relations: 2002, peTer lawSoN agar, SE Esquire Bedells: 2003, Nicola Hardy, JE 2010, SHeila VeroNica ScarleTT, LC University Advocate: 2004, pHilippa JaNe rogerSoN, CAI, 2010 Deputy University Advocates: 2007, roSamUNd elleN THorNToN, EM, 2010 2006, cHriSTopHer ForbeS ForSyTH, R, 2010 OFFICERS IN INSTITUTIONS PLACED UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF THE GENERAL BOARD PROFESSORS Abrahamic Faiths and Shared Values, Sultan Qaboos Vacant Accounting 2003 GeoFFrey meekS, DAR Active Tectonics 2002 JameS aNTHoNy JackSoN, Q Aerodynamics 2010 Holger babiNSky, M Aeronautical Engineering, Francis Mond 1996 william NicHolaS daweS, CHU Aerothermal Technology 2000 Howard peTer HodSoN, G Algebra 2003 JaN Saxl, CAI Algebraic Geometry (2000) 2000 NicHolaS iaN SHepHerd-barroN, T Algebraic Geometry (2001) 2001 pelHam mark Hedley wilSoN, T American History, Paul Mellon 1992 aNTHoNy JoHN badger, CL American History and Institutions, Pitt 2010 gary doN libecap, CTH (to 14 Aug. 2011) (Visiting Professorship) American Intellectual History 2005 micHael o’brieN, JE Anaesthesia 2000 DaVid kriSHNa meNoN, Q Analytical Biotechnology 2003 elizabeTH aNN HowleTT Hall, Q Analytical Physics 2005 STaFFord wiTHiNgToN, DOW Anatomy 1997 william aNTHoNy HarriS, CL Ancient History 2001 robiN grimSey oSborNe, K Ancient Philosophy, Laurence 2000 DaVid Neil Sedley, CHR Anglo-Saxon, Elrington and Bosworth 1999 SimoN doUglaS keyNeS, T Animal Embryology, Charles Darwin 1982 roNald alFred laSkey, DAR Applied Mathematics (1964) 2001 PeTer Howard HayNeS, Q Applied Mathematics (2003) 2003 Nigel peake, EM Applied Mathematics (2006) 2007 PeTer alexaNder markoVicH Applied Probability 2002 yUrii mikHailoVicH SUHoV, JN Applied Statistics and Signal Processing 2002 william JoHN FiTzgerald, CHR Applied Thermodynamics, Hopkinson and Imperial 1998 JoHN berNard yoUNg, K Chemical Industries S p e c i a l N o . 7] OFFICERS NUMBER–MICHAELMAS TERM 2010 3 PROFESSORS (continued) Applied Thermodynamics 2000 NicHolaS colliNgS, R Arabic, Sir Thomas Adams’s Vacant Archaeological Science, George Pitt-Rivers 1990 MarTiN keNNeTH JoNeS, DAR Archaeology, Disney 2004 graeme william walTer barker, JN Architectural History 2001 DeboraH JaNeT Howard, JN Architecture (1970) 2001 cHarleS alaN SHorT, CLH Architecture, Visiting 2010 SpeNcer THomaS de grey (to 30 Sept. 2011) (Visiting Professorship) Art History 2004 paUl eVdoroS alexaNder JoaNNideS, CLH Assyriology 1994 JoHN NicHolaS poSTgaTe, T Astronomy, Royal Society 2002 aNdrew cHriSTopHer FabiaN, DAR Astronomy and Experimental Philosophy, Plumian 2006 roberT cHarleS keNNicUTT Astronomy and Geometry, Lowndean 2000 BUrT JameS ToTaro Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics 2000 micHael ricHard edward procTor, T Astrophysics (1909) 1997 george peTroS eFSTaTHioU, K Astrophysics (2009) 2009 Neil wyN eVaNS, K Astrophysics and Cosmology 2000 aNTHoNy NordeN laSeNby, Q Atmospheric Science (2005) 2005 roderic lewiS JoNeS, Q Auditory Perception 1995 BriaN cecil JoSepH moore, W Behavioural Ecology 1995 NicHolaS barry daVieS, PEM Behavioural Neuroscience (1997) 1997 barry JoHN eVeriTT, DOW Behavioural Neuroscience (2009) 2000 aNgela cHarloTTe roberTS, G Behavioural Science 2001 STepHeN roberT SUTToN Biochemical Engineering 2000 Howard allaker cHaSe, M Biochemistry, Sir William Dunn 2009 gerard iaN eVaN, K Biochemistry, Herchel Smith 2006 peTer FraNciS leadlay, CL Biological Chemistry 2002 cHriSTopHer abell, CHR Biology, Quick 1995 STepHeN pHilip JackSoN, JN Biomedical Magnetic Resonance 2005 keViN micHael briNdle, F Biophysical Chemistry 2007 daVid KleNermaN, CHR Biophysics 2010 micHele VeNdrUScolo, CLH Biostatistics 2002 daVid george clayToN, K Biotechnology 1999 cHriSTopHer robiN lowe, T Bone Medicine 2003 JUlieT elizabeTH compSToN, JE Botany, Regius 2007 Sir daVid baUlcombe, T British and Irish History 1998 JoHN STepHeN morrill, SE Cancer Biology, Royal Society Napier 2001 ToNy koUzarideS, F, 2013 Cancer Research, Ursula Zoëllner 1998 aSHok ramakriSHNaN VeNkiTaramaN, NH Cancer Research (Bioinformatics) 2003 SimoN TaVaré, CHR Cancer Research (Cell Biology) 2002 gilliaN mUrpHy, W Cancer Research (Surgical Oncology) 2002 daVid edgar Neal Cancer Therapeutics 2008 dUNcaN iaN Jodrell Cardiopulmonary Medicine 2007 NicHolaS morrell, DOW Cardiothoracic Surgery Vacant Cardiovascular Medicine, British Heart Foundation 2010 ziad mallaT Cardiovascular Sciences, British Heart Foundation 2000 marTiN ricHard beNNeTT Cell and Cancer Biology 2010 cHriSTiNe JaNNeTTe waTSoN, N Cell Biology and Parasitology 2008 mark cHriSTiaN Field, ED Cell Physiology 2002 cHriSTopHer li-HUr HUaNg, NH Cellular Neuroscience 2006 roger clayToN Hardie, EM Cellular Pathophysiology and Clinical Biochemistry 2010 daVid roN Cellular Pharmacology 2001 ColliN william Taylor, DOW Chemical and Structural Biology, John Humphrey 2001 cHriSTopHer marTiN dobSoN, JN Plummer Chemical Biology 2007 SHaNkar balaSUbramaNiaN, T Chemical Engineering (1999) 2000 Nigel keNNeTH Harry SlaTer, F Chemical Engineering (2009) 2009 markUS kraFT, CHU Chemical Engineering, Shell 2004 LyNN FaiTH gladdeN, T Chemical Physics (1999) 1999 STepHeN ricHard ellioTT, T Chemical Physics (2000) 2000 Jacek maria kliNowSki, PET Chemical Physics (2008) 2008 daVid JoHN waleS, DOW Chemistry (1968) 2007 daNiel FreNkel, T Chemistry (1996) 1996 Jeremy keiTH morriS SaNderS, SE Chemistry, BP (1702) 1992 STeVeN VicTor ley, T Chemistry, Geoffrey Moorhouse Gibson 2009 clare pHilomeNa grey Chemistry, Alexander Todd Visiting (Visiting Professorship) Chemistry, John Wilfrid Linnett Visiting (Visiting Professorship) 4 OFFICERS NUMBER–MICHAELMAS TERM 2010 [S p e c i a l N o . 7 PROFESSORS (continued) Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 1992 iaN micHael goodyer, W Chinese History, Science, and Civilization, 2007 roel STerckx, CL Joesph Needham Chinese Management, Sinyi 1997 PeTer HUgH NolaN, JE Civil Engineering 2007 keNicHi Soga, CHU Civil Law, Regius 2000 DaVid JoHN ibbeTSoN, CC Classical Arabic 2007 JameS edward moNTgomery, TH Classical Archaeology, Laurence 2001 marTiN JoHN milleTT, F Classics (2003) 2003 JoHN graHam wilmoT HeNderSoN, K Classics (2004) 2004 WiNiFred mary beard, N Clinical Biochemistry and Medicine 2002 STepHeN o’raHilly, CHU Clinical Gerontology 1989 kay-Tee kHaw, CAI Clinical Magnetic Resonance Imaging 2001 daVid JoHN lomaS, EM Clinical Microbiology 2009 SHaroN JayNe peacock Clinical Neuropsychology 2002 barbara JacqUelyN SaHakiaN, CLH Clinical Oncology 2002 carloS maNUel Simao da SilVa caldaS Clinical Pharmacology 1985 morriS JoNaTHaN browN, CAI Cognitive Developmental Neuroscience 2010 USHa claire goSwami, JN Cognitive Neuroscience 2001 lorraiNe komiSarJeVSky Tyler, CL Collaborative Anthropology, Sigrid Rausing Vacant Combinatorial Mathematics 2004 aNdrew gordoN THomaSoN, CL Commonwealth History, Smuts 2003 megaN aNNe VaUgHaN, K Communication Systems, Marconi 2001 JoNaTHoN aNdrew crowcroFT, T Company and Securities Law 2005 eiliS VeroNica FerraN, CTH Comparative and Developmental Criminology 2009 maNUel peTer eiSNer Comparative Cognition 2005 Nicola SUSaN clayToN, CL Comparative Immunogenetics 2007 JameS Frederick kaUFmaN Comparative Pathology 2007 JoNaTHaN lUke HeeNey Comparative Philology 1997 geoFFrey cHarleS HorrockS, JN Comparative Psychology 1999 aNTHoNy dickiNSoN, HH Complex Physical Systems, Schlumberger 2006 raymoNd eTHaN goldSTeiN Computational Engineering 2008 roberT STewarT caNT, SE Computational Linguistics 2004 edward JoHN briScoe, G Computational Logic 2002 lawreNce cHarleS paUlSoN, CL Computational Mineral Physics 2003 marTiN TraViS doVe, T Computational Physics 2000 micHael cHriSTopHer payNe, PEM Computer Assisted Reasoning 1996 micHael JoHN caldwell gordoN, K Computer Science, Robert Sansom 1998 IaN malcolm leSlie, CHR Computer Science 2000 GlyNN wiNSkel, EM Computer Technology (1997) 1997 aNdrew Hopper, CC Computer Technology (2005) 2005 peTer robiNSoN, CAI Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 2009 JoHN gUSTaV daUgmaN Computing 2004 alaN mycroFT, R Condensed Matter Physics 1997 gilberT george loNzaricH, T Conservation and Development, Moran 2004 William mark adamS, DOW Conservation Biology, Miriam Rothschild 2006 William JameS SUTHerlaNd, CTH Conservation Science 2007 ANdrew paUl balmFord, G Construction Engineering, Laing O’Rourke Vacant Control Engineering (2002) 2002 malcom
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