AMERICA'S FOREMOST THEATRES AND HITS-DIRECTION ÄeWlMTBR GARDEN* est OF LEE & J. J. SHUBERT- "~ *t VH.Ari-tE 02nd ST.fc, bauahiñg^fiíi TO-NIGHT CENT PARK-WFJ5T« B\VA\ANATTONAL.IN.'iTrnmONísAi GREATEST CONCERTS IN NEW YORK Tuesday at 830 fhon<î CGM.UMBUS tfOOO_i thiit OJrwviwnOaV PUtt COMEDY^^ MATINEE»2ÏÏM2«=iXÇ; «Night immr THURSDAY and SATURDAY PUVPC'EvOSú"s~¿le. SAÍ'mÁTgAT. MAT 50Sor23050S. i TFNTIIRY TliMir». «2(1 Ht. A Contrai JULE8 HURTIG in conjunction with The MESSRS. 6HUBERT T HH-CJ'P0PULS30111*3 WED.MAT.50*t<Í2SQ\<tcr> mût çnUnnn Are »BIÄBKTa M_-5_£ ÍEt t^JJ.SM&ítnft:tfen(*t Joan JIMMY HUSSEY Dramatic Sensationofof the Decade ItAND LUCILLE CHALFANTE JUST MARRIED EXCLUSIVE^ WFFK i OTHER STAR ACTS -<# New Ferci Comedy.lty cAdtlaid* Matthew* and <¡4nn Margaret 10 1.000 BEATS AT $1.00. 10 "NkhnU .»¦VIVIAN «__, rfngUft MARTIN E-et. 8.IO- Mat«. Wed. and Sat. 2.30 Hume ('lirio .3:10 AND A BRILLIANT COMPANY INCLUDING ^,\ V^BÇÇINNING ALWAYS THE UEST SUNDAY LYNNE OVERMAN » ? TODAY7/ DOROTHY ///// ENTERTAINMENT IN TOWN. IOHM MORTIMER PURNFTI PR irr SHUBERT THEATRE ISABEL O'MADIGAN JOHN BUTLERriitifh ELIZ_i.';i;,..y-.'"r^riOEROELY BW1 JESS DANDY f.|VES?YBODYT HI listed ,1. ,- by V. HUFFMAN MM DIAVUillKC^THtoFBWAY * ws SUMDAY mmini" mJUJt CONCERT _____ IffRTm*r!:"H0aT6!T W8« tv ror«UIÍK.sTWuof. 'Komanre' wrll «tiimlftmmnpgseeing AlwaysThe Best Sunww EHTtRTAiHWfni*Towh 'WiTtl fWis '.l»o CAVT n *«"coihI tim»". It, will help the ROBERT WARWICK ? JEANNE CAG.IS very new ic^nrration, who have MACLYN ARBUCKLE . CYRIL 5C0TTI never ween It, to ereilte a standard DALE» in tiranía and uetiiiR." Judge. V: O 301» MATS WED SAT .MARGARET EDMUND LOWE- "\ n^rformanc«- of nire bril- */CIRCl C 8752 (C_ MAX FIGMAN liai-e." ..V. V. Times.Alesandcr \rJ*MUSICAL COMEWTftltmPIH Woolicott. ««BOA MA, i.KK :-?;rt-iwiT PresenU uïHI^ N0J?ÂBAYES.EVS8-3nmAri;iWFD-5AT OORlvT FRED HILIEBRANO f MABEL WITH. E lMMÍT¡¡f|_MAT.S THURS-SAT «- MARJORIE GATESON Îi(sV&HA55/tîl!5nOATB'J STEWARD BAIRD THE CRASH/NO AEROPLANE//V W^UHIBW/m «MfV fwmesrcHoeui .17th SI. KIÂHE IN HER 6REATE5T SUCCESS B7 <¿£z<r CENTRAL THEATRE i if WAV. '"BROKEN Minous Kid STARTING MON., MAY 2 Ä NEW YORK'S 2 GREATEST in GERALD bacon PresdMs DRAMATIC HITS ROMANCE CJuplim Great Picture) TUB SMARTEST and FRENCHIEST By EDWARD SHELDON OF A 1.1. MUSICAL COMEJDIBJS, Í6REEN GODDESS "TliP most it markable <¦!l»ra<'t<.r¡za. ' MAXINE ELLIOTT 3 MOROSCO ¦'» üei'-tte.r¡jc nic^' »0-1 Inspiring byWILLIAM ARCHER performance of the la.st fifteen ye«r*." The(Happv Pollickihg "SPANISH BOOTH TMEA. N ..Globe PRINCESS WBNG "THE GVS. &30 MATS W.O.- 5A1 ¦IS NEWJ YORK'S B/6GEST THRILL/Tl LOVE" BAT" VIRTUE MATINEES WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY , By B C. I.llllam and OH» Rice. STAGED HY l.ttON ERUOl.'. GIRIjS.GIRLS.NO MAf.K IP Vou liked him m"3heKid'T CHORUS 44TH ST. THEATRE YoiL will love him ixí'PecksBü Boy» JUST WEST OF BROADWAY TWICE DAILY INC. SUNDAYS Matinees 2:15; Evenings 8:15 THE DEADLY PARALLEL PrirA« Kv»- * s,t- M*t- 80c, $1. $1.30, Í2. i rices AU other Mats 23Ci 50c_ $l $1 50 Mr. Heywood Broun vs. Dramatic Critics SUNDAY MATINEES AT POP. PRICES. WITH SPECIAL ORCHESTRA. as to the ESTELLE ALL SEATS RESERVED. acting: MAfcK CAREV._.Soprdao il J. Ranken Towse in the Evening' STRAND TOPICAL REVIEW J Post."Mr. Hampden has now given.1 D. W. GRIFFITHS us the best Hamlet and the best1 Macbeth of the LONÖACPG THEATRE; "UNEXAMPLED WONDER OF present generation NEXT SUNDAV W»«T 4 a~ »T HI.VANT (EC* and the ""^Ä m achievement places him def- Kv» « ye THE 20TH CENTURY" inately and incontestably at the AKSHM1 3AM H HARRIS cm«! .Ed. in Boston Herald. Mr Broun in head of all living American trage¬ NEATEST PRODUCTIONNEILAN'S 1 (¡RANT MITCHELL dians. V| The Tribune "It is the finest "Macbeth we imagine representation that has been seen in this city or else¬ must be acted unusu¬ where since the death of W/7W WESLEy.AmouarBARRY ( AND ally well if it is to seem Edwin AU 1 UfSF/SECKLES^ Booth. A SENSATIONAL PICTURE - anything but gusty AT WS NIE1LAH Last l"The Macbeth of Mr. BEST .. - - * - * , melodrama. Hampden. HI night's production was is evidently still in process of de¬ no more than that to velopment, and gives every promise us. Walter- Hampden of equaling or excelling the most failed to move or inter¬ famous embodiments of the past. est us. Of the dignity Already it towers with extinguish¬ which he brought to ing effect over such more or less Hamlet we found no respectable embodiments as those trace nor was he elo¬ quent. Burns Mantle in the Evening Mail. "Mr. Hampden brings not onlv a ^ " full and mellifluous voice to the role, Mais Dailu*2 Everq Ntftht but a fresh and eager mind and a 25-50-75* * 100 25-50-75. *L00-T5O-200"L00-T5O- SUPERB CAST physical force that is commanding. 1000 CHOICE I00O OßCH .LOVE, His is an SEATS 50* SEATS *LOO S LAUGHS AND THRILLS intelligence, too, that EXCEPT prompts a dignified and 5AT EXCEPT 5AT.tf.SUN. i "Bernard Shaw once meaningful and HOLIDAYS and HOLIDAYS "THE GREATEST SPEC¬ said that the plays of reading of the soliloquies. As near i should be an ideal Macbeth, we should say. TACLE EVER SEEN Shakespeare as the boasts Two ItiK ( oneertr. Sunday. il ruf 8 P. M. l5«'KÍim¡njí Monday, April 351 II ä ON reviewed only by music stage today. Final i'ht/mmun.. resting and Important EugHgernent- Tin- Entertainment Genius of Two 'WILLIAM FOX PRESENTS TWO' critics since it was J. Ranken Towse in the Farewell Fourteen tu and w LAND OR SEA." only Evening Appearances Before Returning London Paris. GREAT HITS the sound! of them Post." The production was one to A'. Y. Ciobe the and R which mattered. If so, satisfy eye understanding, ETHEL LEVEY IS, the while fulfilling its proper function *¦'*-,«-« »» * * ^ «".".'. i..1 Twice suggestion might The International Who SELWYN dully, i::'.0.A- «:;>(» of not Singing Comedienne, lias No T.ike ami Nor Rirai and Splendidly Stands be made to supporting," the Hampden text dominating, " " _Beyern! Competition,_ MATINEE TODAY AT 3 to get a little more EXTRA ADDED FK ÍTÜRB wood and less brass The World."The specially JOE C O K TONIGHT at 8:30 into his the designed T' .O productions. scenery, work of Claude Brag- One-Man Vaudeville Show. don, is expressed .and EXTRA ADDED ATTRACTION made." accurately EVA CONNECTICUT " SHIRLEY & BAND IN The Evening 'Journal said."The Vaudeville'.-; Youngest Prima Donna.Songa of. the Moment. KING entire shows EX KA FEATl Kl. ARTHUR production much study YANKEE COURT and care and at all times compels LYDIA BARRY Stage«! by Kmmct J. Flymi the closest attention of the audience. Lyrical Raconteuse <n a Repertoire of Sones. B "OOD SEATS AD! 3D FEATl"RE L. WOLFE GILBERT 500! $1.00 to the production: °* ; n ORCHESTRA LANE & MORAN "Songland's Favorit« Writer," Assisted by GOOD SEATS The Evening Journal."Mr. Hamp¬ In '"Uiten Ml key." Miss Frltzl I>>yton and Harry Donnelly. 300 IN 50c. den is an ideal Macbeth in voice Joaephaon't» Icelanders ALEXANDER BROS. & EVELYN Daily & Berlew BALCONY and stature. His diction is admir¬ KliKormm» .All Balled Tontes of tin» I>ur A few choice seat», $1.50-52.00. Up."_ _] able and pleasing and at no time ENGAGEMENT EXTRAORDINARY.PREMIER RIDEKS OF THE WORLD All Seats Reserved does the "When-, ,v,. recently play lag for want of ac¬ MAY WIRTH and FAMILY 59Ul st- Twice SEE introduced an outland¬ tion." ¦ _r_A_ixIV* * Ä»^*» dally With PHIL, tile Riding Comedian. 2:S0 & 8:30. ish Macbeth some of us TheEvening Telegram."Mr. Hamp- MATINEE TODAY AT 3. ventured that the deh's Macbeth is a noble achieve¬ TONIGHT at 8:30 «BYROM strange scenery terri¬ ment and will rank beside his acting fied the players. Lest of another and very different night Walter Hamp- Shakcsperian character.Hamlet." ¡MWTBITWEEH pen presented, a thor¬ THEA. EASTof B'WAV: The World.- h is a Macbeth of OVERtheHILL TMftf EV5Ö--30-MAT5.WED-5AT oughly conventional real distinction that Walter Hamp¬ By Will Carleton. production and try as den has to the Nc:w Directed by Harry Millurde. we we could not brought York might The made on YE SONG ELSA GOOD SEATS find it a bit more in¬ stage. presentation IN the stage of the Broadhurst Theatre Foremost Impersonator of Femal» Roles SHOP RYAN & CO. 700 ORCHESTRA $1.00 WICE DAILY-All SEATS RESERVED teresting.".. both as.to personal accomplishment GOOD SEATS BLASCO IBANEZ and add | MME. DOREK'S OPBRAXOGUES & stage mounting will might¬ Demurest Collette. Sully & Houghton, IN ily to his firm as a KANE & HERMAN Bernard & «iarry, Robbie (¡ordone. 500 BALCONY 50c. already standing A few choice seats, SI.50-82.00 port raver of Shakespearian char¬ "PROXIES" The Great Screen All Seats Reserved acters." WATSON SÏSTERS Zi'v\ ríBHF BlKEIflli^X^DEV/ILLl SPECIAL MAT/NEE WALTER HAMPDEN IN AT THE MADISON Final Performanee BROADHURST SQ. | *QT Next Sat. Night. MACBETH Twice Daily, West Forty-Fourth St. GARDEN LMOI T. WEEK 2:15 ami 8:15. Evenings Eight-twenty Mat. FINAL CHANCES TO SEE Saturday Only Two-twenty EARTH'S GRANDEST EXHIBITION! i -¡J. Ml». Thi Directed by J- Gordon Edwards. HHUNQ Something Sensational is going to Most Sensational and Most LONGACRE Wis »-WNUH« Thrilling THEATRE happen in connection with Screen Spectacle Ever Shown <;,'' "The chariot race vnt th« last word SPECIAL MATINEES AT 3 P.
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