AUGUST 1968 HOME TALENT 7S CENTS Subscription RQil' ONE YEAR 57 ,50 e wn 789 PAGES: 7 'h by 9 inches. clothbound 221 diagrams 493 ideo variations 1704 practical variations 463 supplementary variations 3894 notes to all variations and 439 COMPLETE GAMES! BY I. A. HOROWITZ in collaboration with Former World Champion, Dr. Max Euwe. Ernest Gruenfeld, Hans Kmoch, and many other noted authorities This latest and immense work, the most exhau~live of it s kind, ex­ plains in encyclopedic detail the fi ll e points of all opeuings. It carries the reader well into the middle game, evaluates tile prospec ts there and often gives complete exemplary games so that he is not left hanging in mid-position with the query: What happens now? A logical sequence binds the continuity in each opening. First come the moves with footnotes leading to the key position. Then fol­ BIBLIOPHILES! low pertinent observations, illustrated by "Idea Variations." Finallv. Glossy paper, handsome print, Practical and Supplementary Variations, well annotated, exemplify the spacious paging and all the effective possibilities. Each line is appraised: +. - or = . The large format- 7lj2 x 9 inches- is designed for ease of read­ other appurtenances of exquis­ ing and playing. It eliminates much tiresome shuffling of page.~ ite book-making combine to between the principal lines and the respective comments. Clear. make this the handsomest of legible type, a wide margin for inserting notes and variation-identify­ ing diagrams are other plus features. chess books! In addition to all else, this book contains 439 complete games- n golden treasury in itself! ORDER FROM CHESS REVIEW 1------------------ ---- - - - - I Please send me Chess Opel/ iugs: Theory and Practice at $12.50 I I Name . • . I I Address ................... .. .. •• •........ • ................. ... .......... ..•..... • I City & Stille ..............•................. • ........•....... Zip Code No............. I Check/Money order enclosed ------ - - -- -- ---- - ----- -- _. ---- - these + outside 1st place winller qualify 10 Tour. of Champions (Aug. 2 1-5ept, 2): CHESS inquiries to G Carlson, 170 1 S Main : Aberdeen 5 0 57401. REVIEW California - August 24 to 25 flff P'CHIR( CHESS /IOI AOAZ, N' Oaklalld CC SUlIJmer TOllfllamcn{ at Volume 36 Number 8 August 1968 Oakland Central YMCA. 2101 Te[egraph EDITED &. PUBLISHED BY Av., Oakland, California: 5 Rd 55 in 3 I. A . Horowitz cl~sses: Expcrt-A, B & C: EF $4 ($7 for non-members Chess Friends of N, Cal i­ fornia. 1 yr membership); register before Aug. 23 : two trophies & two books for Table of Contents each class: inquiries to Oakland Chess Club, Box 1622. Oakland, CaL 94604, Announce the Mate!. .. 226 COM I NG EVEN T S IN THE U. S. Ontario - Aug. 24 to Sept. 2 Chess-board Magic! . 236 ANO CANAOA Canadian Open at Hart House, Univ. of Chess Club Directory. •. 256 ' ['01"'''''­ _\ I, I" 'r,-i:'l io,, "- SS: SW iM Sy'le n, Toronto , Toronto. Ontario , Canada: 11 Game of the Month . • •........... 232 ,,, ~ ,,t . i n I n """ ,, <1 e "trie.' pail'nd 10)" lo t 01' ;' .. leer i",,: i" "Ll I ' _'~ 'tLt ~ tll l'ol! lI d ~ pl ll ) 'cr~ lI" irh Rd 55, 1 Rd/day but 2 on Aug. 25: EF Games from Recent Events. .. 250 ~ i mib l' .".",-,,_, p:t i ... ' !ll. RR: 1: 0""" I{o), i" T o u r " ,,,,,,·,,t 'coa" h " ",,' [> Io)-s l·\'(:'".'" oIhe ,' S20 + (S3) CFC dues Outli ors. 515 & Larsen 'IS. Portisch . .. 252 ',,:onl. KO : J,: "oc\,'o,,, 'l"o",..,,,,,,(: 1ll l o~ (: rs 51.50): 55 1st SlOW. man y others: EFs On the Cover . 228 .... 1., 11" .,"' n,·,·,·" .·li"li"n,,·d). S$: C :t ~ h p,.;zes _ (and inquiries) to 7th Canadian Open EF: 1':" "")" fN'_ CC Ch(· _,_< ('luI>. CF: C hess Postal Chess. • . 240 l-','del"a lion, CA: Cllc.," .\ ~." oc i"tio". CL, Chess Championship, Hart House, Univ. Postal Ratings. 245 Che.,_< !" . :t ~ " ~ . Rd, l" o" ",k USCF dues, $10 of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario. Canada "",ml ,,·, .., l,i[) pc·,' )'eH'·. Readers' Forum. .. 231 (cheeks to 7th Canadian Opcn Chess Solitaire Chess. .. 237 Championship): register latest August 24. 69th U. S. OPEN S potlight on Openings. 238 Cal iforn ia - Aug. 30 to Sept, 2 Tahl 'IS. Gligorich . • . 234 Snowmass·at·Aspen, Colo . Aug. 11 1023 Ventura Marina Chcss Festival Open Wor ld of Chess. .. 227 12 Rd 55 in We st V i ll~g e Conference at Recreation Center. 1261 E, Main 51., center: 50 l11oves / 2 ~ hours . 20/ hr <lftc r, Ventura. California, and Marina Park in I' ~ \ most ly : EF S25 + USCF dues (to Club House at the Marina: 7 Rd 55, 40 U. S. Che ss Federation. 479 Broadway. moves/2 hours; starts 7 PM, Aug. 30: EF EXECUTIVE EDITOR Jack Stral ey Buttel] Newburgh . New York 12550) ~ tl S () register S8 before Aug. 30. $10 on Aug. 30 + till 4 I'M, Aug. 11. at playing sit e: 1st U5CF dues: S5 1st $100, also 75 & 50 MANAGING EDITOR Rd. 8 PM: guaranteed S$ fund $45000: alld each of A, B, C-Unrated, $40: in­ Arthur D. BI~ g uier trophies to 1st in eacll category: :llld 55 quiries and EFs to Ventura County Chess CONTRIBUTING EDITORS Open 5 1250, 750, 400, 300, 200 & 61h- Club. cIt) Haro ld Sanders, 367 Aliso St., J. \L Collins . T . A_ DUIl" t. 10th 5100 each; tXpert $150 & [00: Ventura. California 9300 1. ~;\"<,~ t o ~ar Gligorich. H"n~ Kmoch . Class A 5100 & 75; B 5100 & 75; C \\'alte r l~ o l"ll and Dr. P_ Trifunol·ich. Washington. D.C. - Aug. 30 t o Sept. 2 S75 & 50; D 575 & 50; F & unrated $75; CORRE;SPONDENTS FaSlefll Open at Hotel Mayflower. women $100 & 75: Aug. 17 for Speed Alabama E. ~L Cockrell. Conn. Av . & DcSa[es 51., Washington, Championship: inquire USCr: (address Ca lifo r nia 1)1'. H . lillis ton. )'1. .1. !{o.,·eo· , O. C. 20036: Opcn Division 7 Rd S5; 50 Colorado .J . J , Hcid. above) for detai led brochure. District of Columbia fl. S , Cantll"e ll. moves/2 hours; EF S 17.50 (12.50 under F lor ida It. C. Eastwood. Connecticut - August 17 to 18 18): $$ (if over 200 EFs) 5500, 300, 150 Georg i" 111·".",·c ll Dccn. Idaho R. ::; . \·andcnocq;. Bridgeporr Open at Stratfie[d Motor & under 2200-unrated 5140. 70 & under Illinois .r. G. \I·arr(o ". Inn , 124 1 Main St., Bridgeport. Conn. 2000- unrated S130, 60: Bouster Div, Indiana D. C . Hills. D. E. I!hcml. 06603: 5 Rd SS: 45 1l10ves/1 :45 : EF Iowa J . ),1. O ~ " ess . (open 10 under 1800 or unratcd)9 Rd 5S, Kansas l~ . 1(. ),Iacl)onald 59.50 (under 18 , 7.50) + USCF dues & 40 moves/l Y.! hours: EF 515.50 ( 10.50 Louisiana .-\. J~ . ),!eAuie)". plus 2.50 after Aug. 12: register latest Maine L . Gldri<lge. under 18); 55 (as above) S120, 60, 40 Maryland Gha1'lcs Uarasch. 01'. IV. R 11 AM: $$ $70,40,20; trophies 10 top 3 & under 1600 $60, 30 & under 1400 $40: J3 1mdicic & top A. B. C, 0, E & unrated: inquiries Also many trophies; EF 52.50 more Massachusetts S. Frymer. Michigan R. Hnsl'ager. & adv EFs to W. Goiehberg. 450 Prospect after Aug, 26 + USCF dues: register Minnesota O. Tiers. Av .• Mt. Vcrnon, New York 10553. latest 7 I'M, Aug. 30: inquiries & adv EFs Minissippi 8 . A. Dunning. Av., Nebraska B. E. E ll slI"orlh. Jacl, Spence. South Dakota - August 17 to 18 to W, Goichberg, 450 Prospect Mt. Nevada n. J~. \1·lleeler. Vernon. New York 10553. New Hampshire HaJph ),1. Gerlh. Dakota Open at Northwestern Pl;b[ic IllinoiS - Aug. 30 to Sept. 2 New York P. B""lolI", Edward La sl<or ..1. ". Service, 102 SW 3 Av. Aberdeen. 5 0: Otis. 1 ~. P.ma . Illil10is Open at Continental Casualty North Carolina Dr. S . Noblin. 5 Rd 55, 45 moves/2 hours. re gister be­ Chic~go, Ohio R. U. Hn)"es. J . R. Schroeder, fore 9 AM: EF 57 + U5CF dues: 55 1st Bldg, 3! 0 5 Michigan, Ill inois: Pennsylvania .T . E. Armstrong. $20 + 30% EFs: 2d 25%, 3d 15%; trophy 7 Rd 5S, 45 moves/2 hours, then 25/hr: South Da kota ill. F . Anderson. EF 515 (Aug. 30 &on SI8), under 19 $8 T ennessee ~Irs . l>rnrtha Hardt. J . G. S Lllli_ & 55 to [st in A, B. C. D-E-Unrated; V(ln, .Jr, trophy & title to top NO & 50 residents; (Continued on page 230) T e xas Homcr H. Hyde. Utah Harold t.I"ldstrom. W isconsin l'cnrle '\Iann. CHESS HI';\"[I-:\\' is publbhed lUonthl," by Subscription Rate: One rea,' $7.50. two Wyoming R 1". Rohlff. C HESS In;"1 ~\\ ' , 131 W. ;~d 51.. l\" e \\" York. ) ·ca." ~ $1-1 .00, Ih,'ce year" $18 . ~O. world-wide. Collegiate: P. C ..J oss. .\" e ll" Yud< lVO ~ 3 . I'rinted in U. S. A. Re· Change of Address: S ix II" c ek~' nOllee re­ q uired. !'le nB(: fUr'nis h ,In a<ldr e ~~ Slencil en l<!l-ed ,, ~ ~ c cond · cln.<s m,nle r AllJ'(llst 7. CANADA impre ~ 5i Oll ("om Ihe wrapPeI" of " recent l ~n . at the f'o s ~ Office a t l\" e w YO,·k. :-:1. Y., i~ .'ue . Ad<l,·" .<s chanr;es cannot be u",de wIth_ Alberta I ... SI~ c IO. lInder the Ac t or ) !al'eh 3. IS7~ . British Columbia Dr. :-"' . Divillsi<y, OLlt lhe old a(\,iress as well a ~ lhe ne\\" Olle. Manitoba )If. Stover. Gene ral Offices: 134 \\'e"l 72\1 SI"eel, Nell" Unsolicited manuscripts and photog raphs Or.tario H.
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