ANNUAL REPORT 年報 2018 僅供識別 企業文化 CORPORATE CULTURE 使命 Mission 投身新能源 貢獻社會 造福人類 Devoted to new energy Contributing to Society Benefiting mankind 目標 Target 追求卓越 引領新能源 Pursuing excellence Leading the development of new energy 價值觀 Value 人盡其才 和諧共贏 Leveraging talents to full play Win-win in harmony 迎 風 而 起 御 風 而 行 MOVE ON THE WIND DRIVE WITH THE WIND 目 錄 CONTENTS 公司資料 2 Corporate Information 集團財務摘要 4 Group Financial Highlights 管理層討論及分析 5 Management Discussion and Analysis 董事及高級管理人員之個人資料 17 Biographical Details of Directors and Senior Management 董事會報告書 23 Report of the Directors 企業管治報告書 34 Corporate Governance Report 環境、社會及管治報告 53 Environmental, Social and Governance Report 獨立核數師報告書 81 Independent Auditor’s Report 綜合損益及其他全面收益表 88 Consolidated Statement of Profit or Loss and Other Comprehensive Income 綜合財務狀況表 90 Consolidated Statement of Financial Position 綜合權益變動表 92 Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity 綜合現金流量表 93 Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows 綜合財務報表附註 95 Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements 財務資料摘要 237 Financial Summary 詞彙表 238 Glossary 公司資料 CORPORATE INFORMATION 董事會 BOARD OF DIRECTORS 執行董事 Executive Directors 劉效偉先生(董事長) Mr. Liu Xiaowei (Chairman) 王曉東先生(副董事長) Mr. Wang Xiaodong (Vice-Chairman) 李光先生(總裁) Mr. Li Guang (Chief Executive Officer) 許峻先生(財務總監) Mr. Xu Jun (Financial Controller) 獨立非執行董事 Independent Non-executive Directors 簡麗娟女士 Ms. Kan Lai Kuen, Alice 吳君棟先生 Mr. Gordon Ng 李大鵬先生 Mr. Li Dapeng 審核委員會 AUDIT COMMITTEE 簡麗娟女士(主席) Ms. Kan Lai Kuen, Alice (Chairman) 吳君棟先生 Mr. Gordon Ng 李大鵬先生 Mr. Li Dapeng 薪酬委員會 REMUNERATION COMMITTEE 吳君棟先生(主席) Mr. Gordon Ng (Chairman) 李光先生 Mr. Li Guang 簡麗娟女士 Ms. Kan Lai Kuen, Alice 李大鵬先生 Mr. Li Dapeng 提名委員會 NOMINATION COMMITTEE 劉效偉先生(主席) Mr. Liu Xiaowei (Chairman) 許峻先生 Mr. Xu Jun 簡麗娟女士 Ms. Kan Lai Kuen, Alice 吳君棟先生 Mr. Gordon Ng 李大鵬先生 Mr. Li Dapeng 發展及投資委員會 DEVELOPMENT AND INVESTMENT COMMITTEE 劉效偉先生(主席) Mr. Liu Xiaowei (Chairman) 王曉東先生 Mr. Wang Xiaodong 李光先生 Mr. Li Guang 許峻先生 Mr. Xu Jun 李大鵬先生 Mr. Li Dapeng 公司秘書 COMPANY SECRETARY 余毅先生(於二零一九年三月二十六日獲委任) Mr. Yu Ngai (appointed on 26 March 2019) 李珊梅小姐(於二零一九年一月二十八日獲委任 Ms. Li Shan Mui (appointed on 28 January 2019 並於二零一九年三月二十六日辭任) and resigned on 26 March 2019) 駱晓菁女士(於二零一九年一月十四日辭任) Ms. Luo Xiao Jing (resigned on 14 January 2019) 授權代表 AUTHORISED REPRESENTATIVES 劉效偉先生 Mr. Liu Xiaowei 李珊梅小姐(於二零一九年二月二十六日獲委任 Ms. Li Shan Mui (appointed on 26 February 2019 and 並於二零一九年三月二十六日辭任) resigned on 26 March 2019) 王曉東先生(於二零一九年一月十七日獲委任, Mr. Wang Xiaodong (appointed on 17 January 2019, 於二零一九年二月二十六日辭任 resigned on 26 February 2019 並於二零一九年三月二十六日獲委任) and appointed on 26 March 2019) 駱晓菁女士(於二零一九年一月十四日辭任) Ms. Luo Xiao Jing (resigned on 14 January 2019) 2 中國航天萬源國際(集團)有限公司 • 2018 年報 公司資料 CORPORATE INFORMATION 註冊辦事處 REGISTERED OFFICE Cricket Square, Hutchins Drive Cricket Square, Hutchins Drive P.O. Box 2681, Grand Cayman P.O. Box 2681, Grand Cayman KY1-1111, Cayman Islands KY1-1111, Cayman Islands 主要營業地點 PRINCIPAL PLACE OF BUSINESS 香港灣仔 Suite 4701, 47/F, Central Plaza 港灣道18號 18 Harbour Road 中環廣場47樓4701室 Wanchai, Hong Kong 核數師 AUDITOR 德勤 • 關黃陳方會計師行 Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu 香港金鐘道88號 35/F, One Pacific Place 太古廣場一座35樓 88 Queensway, Hong Kong 股份登記總處 PRINCIPAL SHARE REGISTRAR SMP Partners (Cayman) Limited SMP Partners (Cayman) Limited 3/F, Royal Bank House 3/F, Royal Bank House 24 Shedden Road, P.O. Box 1586 24 Shedden Road, P.O. Box 1586 Grand Cayman KY1-1110 Grand Cayman KY1-1110 Cayman Islands Cayman Islands 股份登記處分行 BRANCH SHARE REGISTRAR 卓佳標準有限公司 Tricor Standard Limited 證券登記服務處 Share Registration Public Office 香港皇后大道東183號 Level 22, Hopewell Centre 合和中心22樓 183 Queen’s Road East, Hong Kong 主要往來銀行及財務機構 PRINCIPAL BANKERS AND FINANCIAL INSTITUTION Bank of Communications Company Limited 交通銀行股份有限公司 Agricultural Bank of China 中國農業銀行 Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Limited 中國工商銀行股份有限公司 Bank of China Limited 中國銀行股份有限公司 LEGAL ADVISERS 法律顧問 Sit, Fung, Kwong & Shum 薛馮鄺岑律師行 Conyers Dill & Pearman 康德明律師事務所 Guantao Law Firm (Beijing) 北京觀韜中茂律師事務所 COMPANY WEBSITE 公司網頁 www.energine.hk www.energine.hk E-MAIL ADDRESS 電郵地址 [email protected] [email protected] SHARE LISTING 股份上市 Listed on the Main Board of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited 股份於香港聯合交易所有限公司主板上市 Stock Code: 1185 股份代號:1185 Annual Report 2018 • China Energine International (Holdings) Limited 3 集團財務摘要 GROUP FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS 財務數據 Financial data 2016 2017 2018 (以千港元列示) (expressed in HK$’000) 包含持續經營業務與 Including continuing operations and 已終止經營業務 discontinued operation 營業額 Turnover 2,436,821 299,670 87,824 毛利 Gross profit 291,426 38,754 5,424 本公司擁有人 Profit for the year attributable to owners 應佔本年度盈利 of the Company 76,024 (237,098) (1,320,525) 扣除利息、稅、折舊及 Earnings before interest, tax, depreciation 攤銷前盈利 and amortisation 223,467 (115,748) (1,182,380) 借貸總額 Total borrowings 1,601,885 1,749,884 1,766,720 本公司擁有人應佔權益 Equity attributable to owners of the Company 2,124,905 2,034,129 650,053 平均應用資本(附註6) Average capital employed (note 6) 2,849,457 2,772,396 2,466,652 收購物業、廠房及設備 Acquisition of property, plant and equipment 15,100 18,598 12,101 員工成本 Staff costs 92,076 91,494 89,328 本公司擁有人應佔每股 Net asset attributable to owners of the 淨資產值(港元)(附註1) Company per share (HK$) (note 1) 0.486 0.466 0.149 財務比率 Financial ratios 應用資本回報(附註2) Return on capital employed (note 2) 7.8% (4.2%) (47.9%) 流動比率(附註3) Current ratio (note 3) 1.24 1.10 1.33 速動比率(附註4) Quick ratio (note 4) 1.17 1.05 1.29 負債比率(附註5) Gearing ratio (note 5) 75% 86% 272% 附註: Note: 1. 本公司 = 本公司擁有人 ÷ 年底已發行 1. Net asset attributable to = Equity attributable to ÷ Number of issued shares 擁有人應佔 應佔權益 股份數目 owners of the Company owners of the Company at year end 每股淨資產值 per share 2. 應用資本回報 = 扣除利息、稅、 ÷ 平均應用資本 2. Return on capital employed = Earnings before interest, tax, ÷ Average capital employed 折舊及攤銷前盈利 (附註6) depreciation and amortisation (note 6) 3. 流動比率 = 流動資產 ÷ 流動負債 3. Current ratio = Current assets ÷ Current liabilities 4. 速動比率 =(流動資產-存貨) ÷ 流動負債 4. Quick ratio = (Current assets - Inventories) ÷ Current liabilities 5. 負債比率 = 借貸總額 ÷ 本公司擁有人 5. Gearing ratio = Total borrowings ÷ Equity attributable to 應佔權益 owners of the Company 6. 平均應用資本 = (權益總額[ +非流動借貸)+ 6. Average capital employed = [(Total equity + non-current borrowing) + (上年權益總額+上年非流動借貸)] ÷ 2 (last year total equity + last year non-current borrowing)] ÷ 2 4 中國航天萬源國際(集團)有限公司 • 2018 年報 管理層討論及分析 MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS 業績摘要 RESULTS SUMMARY 本集團一直竭力於極具挑戰的市況經營業務, The Group has been operating in an extremely challenging market 惟本年度的經營業績尚未改善。二零一八年營 environment, despite its efforts, the results of the operations for the current 業額中,約3,368萬港元來自銷售風力發電相 year have not improved. The turnover for the year 2018 comprised sales of 關產品、約2,544萬港元來自風電場風力發電 wind energy related products of approximately HK$34 million, operation of 之銷售電力及約1,664萬港元來自銷售儲能與 wind power field of approximately HK$25 million and sales of energy storage 相關產品,而二零一七年營業額中,23,403萬 and related products of approximately HK$17 million whereas that of 2017 港元來自銷售風力發電相關產品、2,571萬港 comprised sales of wind energy related products of approximately HK$234 元來自風電場風力發電之銷售電力及368萬港 million, operation of wind power field of approximately HK$26 million and 元來自銷售儲能及相關產品。 sales of energy storage and related products of approximately HK$4 million. 截至二零一八年十二月三十一日止年度(「本年 For the year ended 31 December 2018, the Group’s turnover of continuing 度」),本集團之持續經營業務營業額為7,576 operations amounted to approximately HK$76 million as compared to that 萬港元,而二零一七年之持續經營業務營業 of 2017 of approximately HK$263 million, representing HK$187 million 額為26,341萬港元,營業額減少18,765萬港 or 71% decrease in turnover; the loss for the year attributable to owners 元,減少了71%;本公司權益持有人應佔本年 amounted to approximately HK$1,308 million as compared to that of 2017 度虧損約為130,781萬港元,而二零一七年本 of approximately HK$225 million, representing HK$1,083 million or 480% 公司擁有人應佔虧損為22,545萬港元,本公司 increase in loss attributable to the equity holders of the Company. 擁有人應佔虧損增加108,236萬港元,上升了 480%。 Annual Report 2018 • China Energine International (Holdings) Limited 5 管理層討論及分析 MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS 本公司擁有人應佔虧損大幅增加主要由於確認 The significant increase in loss attributable to the equity holders of the 減值虧損(部份屬本集團所處風力發電業務的 Company is mainly due to the recognition of impairment losses (some of 若干部份之特定減值虧損),減值的主要原因 which are specific to the wind energy industry in which certain parts of the 包括: Group operates), the principal reasons for the impairment include: 1. 國家能源局於二零一七年發出第52號公 1. Following the issue of Document No.52 announced by the National 告以及發出《國家能源局關於2018年度 Energy Administration in 2017 and the Notice of the National Energy 風電建設管理有關要求的通知》(國能發 Administration on Requirements relating to Wind Power Construction 新能[2018]47號)(「新規定及政策」)後, and Management in 2018 (Guo Neng Fa Xin Neng [2018] No. 47) (the 由於風力發電業務面臨劇烈的價格競爭, “New Regulation and Policy”), the wind energy business encountered 客戶的銷售訂單驟降。因此,該分部的 intense price competition and the sales orders from customers dropped 收益由截至二零一七年十二月三十一日 substantially. This led to the revenue of the segment decreasing from 止年度約23,400萬港元跌至截至二零 approximately HK$234 million for the year ended 31 December 2017 一八年十二月三十一日止年度約3,400 to approximately HK$34 million for the year ended 31 December 2018. 萬港元。 2. 鑒於新規定及政策預計對風力發電業務 2. The New Regulation and Policy is expected to have a negative 構成負面影響,故此本公司管理層估計 impact on the wind energy business, thus the management of the 風力發電分部的未來預期現金流入會下 Company estimated that the future economic inflow from the wind 滑,因而就風力發電分部有關物業、廠 energy segment will be lowered, which resulted in an impairment loss 房及設備以及無形資產確認減值虧損約 recognized of approximately HK$171 million in relation to the property, 17,100萬港元,並就有關存貨確認減值 plant and equipment and intangible assets, and approximately HK$62 虧損約6,200萬港元。 million in relation to inventories related to the wind energy segment. a. 本集團已委聘獨立第三方估值師, a. The Group has engaged an independence third party valuer to 以評核風力發電分部的使用價值。 assess the value-in-use of the wind energy segment. Based on 按照減值評核,獲確認物業、廠 the impairment assessment, the impairment of property, plant 房及設備以及無形資產的減值約 and equipment and intangibles assets of approximately HK$171 為 17,100萬港元。估值詳情載於 million is recognized. Details of the valuation is disclosed in 綜合財務報表附註18及20。 note18 and 20 to the consolidated financial statements.
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