RED BANK REGISTER VOLUME LXXV, NO. 39. RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, MARCH 26,1953 10c PER COPY SECTION ONE—PAGES 1 TO 16. Legislature OKU New Pregbyterian Church from the Air 9 200 Pay Tribute Mrs. Reed's Petition Sales of Houses, The Boy Who Discovered Easter MEW SHREWSBURY — Mrs. To Beadleston Margretta L. Reed, borough clerk, Lots, Commercial To Be Presented Sunday Night has been Informed by Assembly- At CBI Dinner man Alfred N. Beadleston that Building Made A Lenten play, "The Boy Who a bUl providing aUowanee of a Planner* Schedule i/icovcrcd Eaetcr," will be present- Former Mayor Praisea local pension for her has been Red Bank Man Buys d Palm Sunday at 8 p. m. In the approved by both houses of the Meeting on Xoning led Bank Methodist Fellowship .Service of Partont, state legislature. 13-Acrc Farm ia.ll by the committee for religious In Mrs. Reed's ease, legislative A public meeting wlU he held Irama. This drama by Elisabeth Attacks Hit Critici action waa necessary before a At Tinton Falls * Monday night at R:M o'clock at UcFaddan la in three scenes, and Mien eoold be granted. That a dramatization of the story by BATONTOWN-Assemblyman Al- ia hwiaiMu ef the fact that leg- A number of sales have been the Mechanic Street school to Raymond MacDonald Alden, "The fred N. Beadleeton'a U years as islation that made possible the consummated by Ray atillman, discuss the ra-ioning of Broad st. Soy Who Discovered Spring," pub- mayor and two years as councilman seaaratlM of New Shrewsbury realtor, Shrewsbury. The sales in- with the planning board. Mem- ished by the Bobbs-Merril com- of Shrewsbury will result In "in- from Shrewsbury township In clude home and farm properties, bers of the borough council and pany, Permission to use the play estimable benefits for, your future 1SW «Wt Include pension clauses. building lots and tracts of land for vas secured from Samuel French generations," Attorney General It la believed that the new leg- construction of apartments. coning board of adjustment are f New York city. Theodore D. Parsons told MO per- islation will make possible the The 13-acra Mary Long farm on expected to attend. A brief worship program will pre- sona here Thursday night. granting of other pensions to em- Water st, Tinton Falls, was sold James Wolcott, planning board cde the play and will include an Mr. Parsons' praise highlighted a, play see of otter towns separated o Richard Chamberlain of 34 Pe- chairman, eald recently, "Al- irgan prelude, invocation by the testimonial dinner for Mr. Beadle- la the future from other munic- ters pi., Red Bank, who is em- lastor, Rev. Roger J. Squire; the ston at Crystal Brook Farm Inn. ipal bodlee. But a Uw had to get ployed at Fort Monmouth. The new though the re-sonmg plan offered inging of the hymn, "For the The affair was given by local citi- on the boohs Bret. owner Is making extensive addi- by the board tost October wan Beauty of tha Earth"; reading Of zens, headed by Mrs. William Mra, Beed, who has served the tions and alterations to the dwell- voted down, the planner* feel It cripture and pastoral prayer. Ra'thsmlth and John Poole, co- township and the borough more ng which consisted of large living has merit and would like to have The cast Is as follows: Dr. John chairmen. An engraved silver tray than U yean, has announced her room, two bedroom*, kitchen and Dexter, played by Roger Walwark, waa presented the former mayor by plan to retire. ..Before she did bath. A barn and several chicken it fully discussed at a public 3d; Maggie, the housekeeper; by Mayor John Hawkins. so, authorities here wanted to be houses are also on the property. meeting. Mr«. Lillian Tucker; Mary Dexter, , Those attending gave long and sure there was a pension to com- Mrs. Long- is now residing at the ister, Miss Nancy Ottingcr; Skelly loud applause to the attorney gen- pensate her, In part, for her years Rivercrest .rest home. Diggs, the boy, Jerry Llndqulst, and ' eral after hearing Mr. Beadleston ef service. Maj. George A. Boston of Den- the Voice, Harold H. Baynton. Pro- declare that "people in this room, in ver, Col., has purchased a new Troast, Wene Top grams are being prepared for this this county and in this state know presentation and will contain a ranch house on Locust ave., West Who's Who" of the cast. where you stand; despite any com- Long Branch, from the Wall Realty ment to the contrary, and I'll fight Pfizer Company Party Ballots The play is under direction of any man who thinks otherwise!" Co. The three-bedroom dwelling has Mrs. Charles Miller, who received a modern permastone front. An- FREEHOLD—Paul L. Troast and her training from Mercer univers- His reference was to the current Promotes Teeter other,sale in Locust manor for the Aerial view of now Proibytorisn church and Wottmintter houst, to the left, atop Elmer H. Wene won top spots on ity in Macon, Qa., and Duke unl- state senate Investigation of Mr. Wall Realty Co. waa made to Mr. their Republican and Democratic ersity, Durham, N. C. She be- Parsons' firing of Deputy Attorney RUMSON—John O. Teeter of and Mrs. Harry Parker of Union Tower hill, taken by Dorn's photo shop. .Formal opening and dedication of the new edifice party ballot*, respectively, at the came affiliated with Alpha PU General Nelson Btamler. Mr. Ridge rd. has been elected vice City. Both the Parkers and Bos- hat been poitpened until May due to inability to procure the asphalt paving for the new park- drawing for Monmouth county held Omega, national dramatics society. Beadleston said the attorney gen- president of Pfizer Overseas, Inc. tons have taken possession of their last Thursday by E. I. VanDerveeV Mrs. Miller has worked with Little eral's "finding time to come here and Pflier, Ltd., export euhsidt- new homes. Mr. Parker is employed ing area and roadwey. Above icene it looking toward the wait, with the Spring Terrace elections clerk. heater groups, and entertained with tonight is an honor I didn't antici- sfeles of Chas. Pflier * Co., Inc., at the new Bcndix plant In Eat apartments in the upper lefthand corner, end Highland eve. in the upper right. Mr. Troast, chairman of the New he U.S.O. during World War II. pate," adding he has been annoyed New York city, one of the world's nlown. Jersey Turnpike, was endorsed the Trie committee presents a relig- at the "unwarranted criticism" to largest producer, of antibiotics— Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Greenberg day before by the Monmouth Coun- ous play each season, contributing which Mr. Persona has been sub- the "wonder drugs." • of 112 Belshaw ave., Eatontown, Promoted by Wetton ty Republican steering committee. o the spiritual life of the com- jected at the "end of a wonderful have bought the brick-front. home Schedule of Gas Bills Now Normal; He also won first place on ballots in munity through this dranutlo and career." on Sunnycreat dr., Little Silver, en other counties. pictorial sermon. The members in Telia of OH Tuners from Maj. Charles Porter of Spo- Alvin W. VanSchoick, Long the local church are A. Melvln Mor- kane, Wash. The house has living Official Explains Past Troubles Branch, one of the seven guberna- Ls, chairman; G. Foster Spinning, Mr. Parsons began his address by and dining rooms, two bedrooms, torial aspirants on the G.O.P. bal- stage; Mrs. Harold J. Coddington, relating Incidents connected with expansion attic and attached ga- "All March bills from the Mew During this period' the gas com- lot, won second place in the draw. ostumes; Miss Abble V. Strickland, his youth in Shrewsbury, where his rage. pany had to train personnel in the Mr. Wene, who was unsuccessful art; Miss Emma Jane Lafetra, father served as Presbyterian min- Jersey Natural Gas company will In the 1949 election against Gov. Ai- music; Mrs. Daniel Hucbner, make- uter, and of the "old timers" who A new ranch-type home Is being go out on time and will represent Interpretation of billing procedures built on Queen Ann dr., Shrewsbury, usage for a normal period, rather and the punch card'method, which red E. Drlscoll, was chosen for up; A Melvln Morris, lighting; Har- used to congregate in Homey Bor- on a plot sold to Mr. and Mrs. John is the method used by most utility first place on the Democratic ticket ry C. Barnard and Mrs. A. Melvin den's store to discuss events of the than the exceptionally long periods among the four contestants. Morris, public relations; J. Leon borough. W. Burke of Neptune. The lot was of past bills," said W. Alfred companies. The operation of key formerly owned by Mr. and Mrs. Pearce, manager of commercial op- punch and tabulating machines re- The order in which the names Turkington, technician, and Rev. Baying the "less centralised gov- quires a training period of approxi- were drawn by Miss Annabel Du- Roger J. Squire, minister. The com- Anthony Guadagno of Matawan. erations for the gas company. mittee Is being assisted by mem- ernment the better government Beveral lots on this drive iiave been mately six months before a, point Bols, veteran employee of the we'll have," Mr. Parsons said Mr. In operation less than a year, the of efficiency is reached. eounty clerk's office: Republicans bers and friends of the church, in- Beadleston's service to the borough sold by Mr.
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