THE STATE OF THEWORLD'S CHILDREN 1990 \ ,i United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) THE STATE OF THE WORLD'S CHILDREN 1990 oq,d l./No"'lII) Pma, r ....s.-. OJ/ft OX } tnI' oq,d ~ 1'",* T_ Dtn. ~ CooIcwu AI__ ~", PrnI,. Je- S • i 11..., K.., T-':J!o S Ol'" r"Nh~ c.,w T M/~ A",~ uJ -wri ..."...... No B",. 11m,. TMJ•• Nj""y 0>:fi0.J " • ,,.;, ..... of o.jorJ (j'. ""'""J I...... l"IoI" JII/ I. ,lit /J.llrJ Still" /Iy 0 '1"" l/.,romIty I...... NtI' Yol'I'Il • tI .. ".. " of 1lt YoU, of ,. WorlJ', (M um. 010)' N jrtrl'lrrPMlwri "",.l ,.~, Ml-.lIJ~. 8m... /..IJInry C.......... PWbr.,,.. OIl. ',.., _ II{ ,• ....u.. ~ /9H I 0 ' f"" r.... .J.,.".. 61I /HI? R]/fli lS&" I-J'J-}"'!1-6 ISS.\' L-.J-lI X _""'~ . e..- - . , n ' ,J ... ..... .~ .. nr .'*" -" o, ~ I'M _I'..... OJ!-Jl'.. ,....) ~ Jo< m1CJo:F k-"llL, ~ ."1.....,[. Bq:a f"IUt- .. 198D. I CiiIhn_Dl"",..,<MMnn_PmMwh. 1. CInUrrot- c... ..J ..,.,..,...-n. ..I.¥,.., r-....­ PrnoJorIll.. I UNK"JiI-: 110 19}]S'J U -MJHD1617 I'DfIJ14 UNIl.t:F, UNICIiF 11_ . 1 U.N. I~.... 1'"" I'art. N.Y./OOI JflS.A. IINICl:"J-: l'oJ./J Jn N""", ~ CH 1111 C........ 10. :itnI::nluJ. r_ _ _ .......-..J c.._ r _' I'K ,__ """"_'¥o'_'~ "L r "' Soo' _JI.ol I' l ~..J ".AtJ ,. mlCD·.-I r ~f-.., r-.,.,. (to LA,,"- ",-~. U K. THE STATE OF THE WORLD'S CHILDREN 1990 @ James P.Gram Executive Director of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) PU ' US H ~D F()II U NICEF Oxford University Press -~ 0 .... i!' ;;I ~ " ~ ~ ;t:t ttl;; ~" " 0 ~~ - ~~ a ~ 2" n- "_ . i;$ ' ~ ~ o H =-" 0 .1 ' = ~ . b ~ ~ . - ;r '" " "'"Il ~ " ~ ~ ,z~ " n ' ~ ~Il· ~IJlliH I ·r I U'fI .ilf' ItlUUii1 i )t t. tiff Hili i ~ 1. 1 J Ii,f ,Ill f ' ' lr l~lrll~jJ~ l r ill' 'It, I ~. 'I Iii IHII '1 !l'lfWit 1 r ~ I ! t lri l lItH liil ,. 'IiuArl' prl'''V 1111 ll, It tr (I 1r T '1 li ~>J ill~ Ilt!!f~' ,.iiit,th IlJIf ja •nh![ :lJtt IW l'iWfir: IIhi~l I 1:1' I }tljlN,t ' .lfm ,If! .h,! ~h !IHldH!i STATISTICS Table 1 basic indicators Table 2 ....... _·•• O _·~ O _D food ~D nutrmcn <>lo<.. ",,>to 0 foo<l opc1lIIm( Table 3 Aa>n< ,• ....." n """" 10 D .............- ofdlOkIrnI uocI health I"'P""_ OORS ... Table 4 .\lal< .... r...w. ~ 0 ,.... .... _ 0 prio>ory _ ....-, 0I>d <OGIpIo1"" [] .......J.Iy .....,.. ..... -" education Table 5 llIiIIl.-u- 0 ~_lf<I"IU .... O <nlllrd",nlo n .. O m":ld .1I!l ,... [] ill< ..p«UD<)' 0 1m...,. .... 0 ..toon..."" demographic indicators - " Table 6 economic indicators Table 7 -" women Tab le 8 less populous countries Table 9 ,,,tJlMIl ...No... "''''' 0 liSP p<' ""'.. _ .... nO.. 0 fertility _-" the rate of progress .. notes -" Il\NELS lmmu ni~" tion : Facts for Lit", a league table 1 the lOP ten messages 12 - - - Tne Convention: Aii for Heaitil: on the "\l hts 01 the chlld 2 an Inlormallon revolut Ion 13 - - Adjustm ent: Health worker.: Wllh a human lace 3 what !hey can do 14 - Egypt: Indonesia: shots lind sailS 4 800,000 voIuotHrs 15 ~ Mellsle. and tetanue: Uganda: pecemee for ee 90s 5 health in 8.000 SChools 16 - Misn d opportuni'lie.: Zimba bwe, fOf 80% ,mmunlZlIHon 6 educ:auon fo' all 17 Breast-feeding: Educatio n: 18 11m OUt of ten SeMCe 7 brea kthfough III BlIngladesh Iodine: Aid. : th6 len yea's war 8 ee lhreat to chdd'en 19 Vitamin A: Debt relief: Ihe story so far 9 for child 5UI\'IV81 20 Guinea worm disease: Goals for the 90s; elJmll'Mlt'on by m,d 90s 10 wh at can be achlcved 21 Sc:lence for children: reseafch on Ihe 19905 11 ()4fl6IS ttdmx- Glen Wdluims TEXT FIGURES ' 'II A1lcmauw giollalll'O!8C1OOOS 01 under-1M! dCIItllS aNI IM!$ saved. 1980-2000 Fog 2 TOtal I\lJI'Ilber 01 6 to 11.ye",.oIds not er1I'OlIed ., pmlaTV schools ., lhe dewIopo"ll wor~. 1960-1987 Fill 5 Result> 01 fVIl'<~ 1 'm<U«! OllPO<1uroes SUJVtly' 1dW<l'en attomd"'ll cIItlIc5 lor """" purpos\l!. I'<too were 001 screened 10' 1It1mIJIIIlsuoni Fog 7 P_19 oj ClUldr.... ~ IMI ""\I> d,armoea t>eHlg Ir...llKl ""lh OflT. .........11 deallls p'''''''''tcd ¥Ill 51"occunong, llev1IbpIrIg couomes. 1984-88 tog 8 'manl morl ll!ny l7y I'\lCl 01 mo1ll<>r . borIh "'de<. and "'1"",11 bIllWee" birtIl•• 8IaDI. 1976-86 ' 'II 9 P<>pu Ia """ I)/OW1II '" the ~ WOtld , 1990-2025 F'll 11 Pe<renlllgl!01 CCfll'/Ji oovernmCI"l\ cxperI(IolUte 01" helllT/l allocated 10nospuats. sete<:led coonmes. 198 7 F'II 12 Pubic: expend,t u,e on e<luclIt"'" _ ~""" ..-.d as a porccnU'90 of GNP, SUt>-5aII¥.... Afnca, 1975-86 Fog 15 AId from western lflIlustnll\lled naliOO. (DECDI. 1988 ----1- - -­ THE STATE OF THE WORLD'S CHILDREN 1990 James P. G rant The principle of first call The specific opportunities Priority 10 the poor The role of the industrialized world THE STATE OF THE WORLD'S CHILDREN 1990 The under·five monality r:I1e (U5MR} i. tbe num~r (If childrcll who die before lbe age of fi,'. for .,"".,.' 1,000 live births. It is lhe princip31 indicator used by UNICEF to me."",. 1e.'cI. of, .m! changes in, the ..."U-being of chddren. The USMR .Iso gevems the order;n which countries .,.listed i., me .l.li.rica! t.bles . nnexed 10 the Sm. orlbe World'. Child"," 'opon. Figuresgiven for ,b. USMR of p.nicubr cceruries, in both the tell! and liI31i.,ic31 t3bl~s, or. c.tim:I.l•• pr.p.ml b)' the United N.,;on. Population Division on an intcmauon.Uy comp.aublc basi.. uling v.rious ~ In so'!', C2$C$, these may differ from national csumares. The principle of first call Greal ch. ngt i$ in the air u rhe 1990sbegin. The .um. involved are 110 large thl' ir is And ~.( change is needed if • century of difIi",lr to see rhem in any <ludy perspective. unprec edented progress is nOl to cnd in • d=d. Dc/II attdiMtrtJr /Xly/flt1rtSin 1988, rhe latest year of decline and despair fo r hlf the nations of the for whicb figures are available, totalled 5178 "·odd. In manycountries poverty, child malnutri· billion - three rim"" as much as all me aid tion, .M ill hullh are ad,,;ncing ~in aflc, received from rbe indu.uialized countri"- Mili· decades of sleady IcIUI I. And ahhOllgh the tary Ipm"iJw in rhe d"'-.:loping nation. amounted ",•..,ns are many .nd complex, owrshlldO\\ing to 5145 billion - an aonual expenditure whicb all is the fact lhat rhe governments of 1M would be enougb t<l l'1ld absolute poverty on rhis develo1?ing world .. a whole h>"" now rcadled planet within rhe nnt 10 years, enabling people the pornl of devoting I/ldl of rlrtir IO/<Jl """"AI C" e'Y"'M,e to meet their own and rheirchild'en'. exptlldillim In the mairuen ancc of 1M military needs fo, food, W:lIe" health <;are and education. and the servicing of debt", Th..., two e...,ntWly It is therefore obliou. rbal fo r much of lh. IlJIprodu <:!;V(! ."ivili" are """. costing rhe na­ tions of Africa, ,uu., and Ullin Ammc. almost$1 world, $Orne .ignifican, ..wucrion in deb' scrvic­ billion every day, or more lhan $400 • year for ing anddefm<:e spending hasb«ome the sint I/JI<I each family in rhe developing world. Half·way """ of a resumption in human progress. through ,hi. ccnlU'y, ~s id en, Eisenbov.-Cl de­ ~ bed Ihe vasl scale of military expenditure as 'humanity hanging from a oro» of iwn': if he The ..lnd. or "'ete alive rc ob5e"'e the impacr of the okbtcri.is clLaa,., as the cenNry come. to an end, rhen he woold BUI ISweenler the 199Os, rhewinds of political ha'''' to add thOl humanityisalso hanging from a cMng<' are again wginning 10 slit rhe humin con­ c:rt>S:I of gold. dition. And the moslimpornnl oftheehinges rhey are bringing is lhelUWin lh. wid war. AsWorld Bank I'l'esidenr Barbel Conable has $.lid, "TIt, palitic<J1 o"J idtaJogicol forru ",hicJr /row palomaJ lire ",.,rldlar /rollo cfll/lJ.ry orcdi",itrillrill('. More rapidly than r:oold have been imagined, the r••uh has been a relaxing of ideological tensions, a stumbling fo......ud of d.moct:I~· , • THE STATE OF THE WORLD'S CHILDREN 1990 Immunizat ion: a league table 'O ~_ ... .... _"'...... • ... - .._ ....., dcIn.......... Dl"f .......... llil88 "'-1ono"l>II." ..-or._.;;;;;0.., ~ vlIl17 ..."".... 'Y" "'~ __ ',.,7_,__ a.c...m .....m ..... ~ d __... _ •_ _ --...0 ".rv-~_.... ........ ..,.._ .. '_3ol.. ..... .. ..... --_ .­- .­ .­ ' --.., , --l , .--...~ ~­ , -_ ,-, :=--_ -.-'. " e-_ 00 "" ..... ,.... .",. : :n: ,-_ ., _ 1. ~ • " ~- 1 I 1 " '" ~ ~~--!L."" " .,---l!I\~ '"" - " ,--\:i1:F: " .. _ ." ',"-,----1' , -_ 1rT..'" :...~~ .. ii" I e-_ ., .." ,_ .. - l · t " .-..-.. 1 -. ,- ,,, : :,1"1 ..- .I,, .""'It ....... ..,., -..' ~ o"" :7'..:" ...." ·n, 'I ttli I' ll - !""---l.... •... ~'- - ~ : '": ", _,'_- -a _ . J<l" , " , " , '­ -.. ,.. 'lJ' ~ ~ '­ " 1''' 1.''"', ,. ~ .... .- ir }1"'":1I' ' " ,' ... --... "," eaoo- - " "'"' I' ''I ......... ,. .... "~ """'" " '" I, .. n ~ >0 '_ I'" , ~ !?"!'.__ ...... "n - 11ll .'" - " !, .' ",, ,.", - :::... :: r: , -,_ oJ .." 1_ '" _. • ,1ft I "" , " , _ a .,.,.._,,;, ·g , • III s....... .. " • .. .•­ "-'- ,,: - .....,.... ....-" - --.. oJ. , • *t" - ..-""'- ...!OJ' ll'OI ,. I .. =- ·.., II>! II, 0_ "~, • _,... .... .. - . • 0:-..__ 4>iHS ". -- ,"'" ... .. "'"' " -. " I 10I ·.. - . --.-- V""'"'"lI......." .. .ET l\lr' ,. "" ::=----- " 12!<" . '. alrT II - . , jQp ! -- - ...... '· '1 ... ',,' _,-- " 11""'L.!l.- '"II ~ .: _. ..~" .. .. ::- ., ,=, -'" -__ »"I> "'rT"l!Jo", , --0-.....
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