NUTRITION SURVEYS 1999 – 2000 Region/Zone woreda Date of Agency Sample size Methodology Nutrition Indicatorsi survey Tigre throughout August SCF-UK 937 30 cluster Mean WHL <80%WFL W/H<-2 Z score W/H <-3 Z score 1999 92.8% 5.5% 7.7 % 1.0% Tigre Feb 2000 WVI W/H <-2 Z score W/H <-3 Z score Eastern May 2000 Feb 2000 May 2000 Feb 2000 May 2000 Asti Wenberta 685 13.1% 10.9% NA 2.6% Saesi Tsaedaemba 1412 22.3% 20.1% 3.7% 4.4% Amhara: May-June SCF-UK + 2900 58 clusters in Mean WFL < 80% WFL N.Wello Bugna 1999 worst drought 88.8% 4% Wadla affected woredas. 89,4% 7% Gidan 87.8% 3% Delanta Dawnt 89.4% 7% Gubalafto 90.0% 7% S. Wello Dessie Zuria 89.8% 7% Tenta 90.5% 3% Legambo 90.8% 5% Ambassel 90.7% 6% Mekdella 91.2% 4% Wag Hamra Dehana 88.2% 4% Oromyia Chefa 92.8% 2% Amhara Aug - Oct SCF-UK + 2500 50 clusters in Mean WFL < 80% WFL 1999 worst drought Aug Sept Oct Aug Sept Oct N.Wello Bugna affected woredas. 91.2% 88.7% 89.7% 6.6% 10.6% 7.0% Wadla 91.1% 90.7% 90.6% 7.3% 5.5% 5.7% Gidan 88.4% 88.2% 88.4% 8.9% 8.2% 9.6% S. Wello Delanta Dawnt 87.5% 87.6% 87.5% 11.0% 8.0% 7.6% Dessie Zuria 91.9% 90.9% 90.1% 4.0% 6.2% 5.2% Tenta 89.2% 89.1% 88.4% 10.0% 8.3% 11.7% Legambo 89.1% 89.7% 89.6% 8.4% 6.0% 6.4% Wag Hamra Dehana 89.7% 89.5% 90.5% 8.3% 8.2% 6.4% Amhara March- May SCF-UK + 2500 50 clusters in Mean WFL < 80% WFL N.Wello 2000 worst drought March 2000 May 2000 March 2000 May 2000 Bugna affected woredas 90.1% 90.6% Wadla 90.5% 91.1% S. Wello Gidan 91.1% 91.6% Delanta Dawnt 88.3% 89.7% Dessie Zuria 90.2% 91.0% Tenta 89.3% 90.3% Legambo 89.2% 90.1% Wag Hamra Dehana 90.1% 89.6% Amhara May, 2000 MSF-CH Screening MUAC<125m MUAC <110m Wag Hamra Dehana 2006 16.6% 2.2% Sigwala 1476 26.8% 4.2% Amhara May 2000 Concern 900 30 clusters W/H <-2Z score + oed W/H <-3Z score + oed Wello 11.2% 3.0% Amhara Nov 99/ WVI Randomly selected W/H <-2 Z score W/H <-3 Z score N Shewa May 2000 PAs Nov 99 May 2000 Nov 99 May 2000 Antsokia Gemza 783 6.2% 6.1% NA 0.5% S Wello Gera Keya 1050 13,5% 11,5% 1.7% 0.5% Oromyia Tenta 1182 21.5% 16.5% 2.9% 1.9% Chefa 756 7.4% 11,0% 1.2% 1.1% Artuma Jile 756 8.4% 5.4% 0.9% 0.4% Oromyia Nov 1999 WVI 685 Randomly selected W/H <-2 Z score W/H <-3 Z score West Shewa Kersana Kondaliti May 2000 PAs Nov 99 May 2000 Nov 99 May 2000 6.5% 6.1% 0.5% 0.7% Oromyia Nov 1999 WVI Randomly selected W/H <-2 Z score W/H <-3 Z score East Shewa Adama May 2000 619 PAs Nov 99 May 2000 Nov 99 May 2000 Boset 498 4.9% 8.2% 1.6% 1.3% 6.0% 8.0% 0,0% 0.6% Oromyia 1999 SCF-UK 8 randomly Mean WFL < 80% WFL East Hararghe selected PAs in 2 Sept Oct Nov Sept Oct Nov Gola Oda + 400 worst drought 89.9% 89.8% 90.3% 8.5% 6.1% 4.4% Fedis + 400 affected woredas. 90.0% 90.6% 91.7% 7.5% 4.1% 2.9% Oromiya March 2000 Care 25 clusters W/H <-2 Z score W/H <-3 Z score Borena Teltele 261 34.8% 1.5% Dire 723 22.1% 2.1% Yabelo 564 21.8% 2.3% Oromiya March NCA/ Mean WFL WFL< 80% WFL< 70% Borena Teltele 2000 ECCMY/ 450 9 clusters 89,3% 6.6% 0,0% Dire DIA 500 10 clusters 77,0% 61.8% 20.2% Yabelo 600 12 clusters 86,1% 19.4% 4.7% Oromiya April HelpAge 803 Convenience BMI <18.5 BMI 16-17 BMI <16.0 MUAC <220mm Borena Dire and Yabello 2000 sample 79.2% 26.5% 27.8% 55,8% Oromiya June 2000 Goal 1950 30 clusters W/H <-2Z score + oed W/H <-3Z score + oed Borena Yabello and Teltele 11.8% 1.3% Oromiya June 2000 Goal Elderly Convenience BMI 23.1-24 BMI 22.1-23 BMI <22 Borena Yabello and Teltele 170 sample 13.2% 17.3 46.8% SNNPR August 1999 MSF-H 892 30 clusters W/H <-2 Z score + oed W/H <-3 Z score + oed Konso Konso 20.2% 1.2% SNNPR Feb. 2000 MSF-H 915 30 clusters W/H <-2 Z score + oed W/H <-3 Z score + oed Konso Konso 12.9% 2.0% SNNPR April 2000 Concern 960 30 clusters W/H <-2 Z score + oed W/H <-3 Z score + oed North Omo Damot Weyde 25,6% 4.3% SNNPR July 2000 Concern 891 30 clusters W/H <-2 Z score + oed W/H <-3 Z score + oed North Omo Damot Weyde 6.4% 1.0% SNNPR July 2000 Concern 30 clusters BMI < 17 BMI < 16 BMI < 17 BMI < 16 North Omo Damot Weyde 777 + 132 adults + elderly 11.5% 3.5% 24.0% 12.0% SNNPR May 2000 MSF CH screening MUAC <125mm MUAC <110mm North Omo Damot Gale 3105 35.3% 7.6% SNNPR Nov 99 WVI Randomly selected W/H <-2 Z score W/H <-3 Z score North Omo Feb 2000 PAs Nov 99 Feb 00 May 00 Nov 99 Feb 00 May 00 Humbo May 2000 1506 8.2% 9.6% 8.2% NA NA 1.3% Sodo Zuria 1611 6.7% 16.7% 16.4% NA NA 2.5% Boreda Abaya 739 7.9% - 5.3% 1.9% - 0.5% Chencha 747 5.7% - 7.0% 0.3% - 0.8% SNNPR July 2000 Oxfam 901 30 clusters W/H <-2 Z score + oed W/H <-3 Z score + oed North Omo Boloso Surie 45.1% 20.4% SNNPR May 2000 MSF CH 102 screening MUAC <125mm MUAC <110mm South Omo Salamago 38,4% 4.5% SNNPR March 2000 NCA/ 730 5 clusters per Mean WFL WFL< 80% WFL< 70% South Omo Kuraz ECCMY/ wereda 88.3% 15.3% 2.6% Hamer Bena DIA 89.9% 14.5% 2.1% SNNPR Feb 2000 WVI Randomly selected W/H <-2 Z score W/H <-3 Z score Hadiya Badawacho May 2000 996 PAs Feb 2000 May 2000 Feb 2000 May 2000 Soro 751 3.9% 6.1% 0.6% 0.5% 4.7% 11.9% 1.1% 0.7% SNNPR July 2000 Concern 103 Rapid assessment MUAC <125mm MUAC <110mm Hadiya Bedawatcho 53.3% 19.4% SNNPR Nov. 99 WVI Randomly selected W/H <-2 Z score W/H <-3 Z score Hadiya Badawacho May 2000 996 PAs Feb 2000 May 2000 Feb 2000 May 2000 Soro 751 3.9% 6.1% 0.6% 0.5% 4.7% 11.9% 1.1% 0.7% SNNPR WVI Randomly selected W/H <-2 Z score W/H <-3 Z score K.A.T Kacha Bira 708 PAs Feb 2000 May 2000 Feb 2000 May 2000 Gedida Gamela 773 10.2% 17.4% 0.8% 2.8% Omo Shekelo 742 NA 17.2% NA 1.3% 15.3% 23.3% 1.1% 3.0% Somali Gode Dec. 99 SCF USA 508 Rapid Assessment W/H <-2 Z score Gode Adadle 54.8% Somali Feb 2000 MSF-B Rapid Assessment MUAC<125mm MUAC <110mm Gode Gode (town, IDPs) 100 38% 13% trhoughout 91 43% 16% Somali throughout March 2000 MSF-B 27,830 Screening MUAC<125mm MUAC <110mm Gode 32.4% 13% Somali Denan May 2000 MSF-B 765 30 cluster W/H <-2Z score + oed W/H <-3Z score + oed Gode (town + IDPs) 52.9% 11.9% Somali Gode May 2000 World 3,863 Screening WFH <80% WFH <70% Gode Vision 39.4% 5.6% Somali Gode June 2000 ICRC screening Gode Somali Gode July 2000 SCFUSA/ 855 30 cluster W/H <-2Z score + oed W/H <-3Z score + oed Gode UNICEF 28.9% 5.3% Somali Gode July 2000 SCFUSA/ 30 cluster Gode UNICEF elderly Somali March 2000 NCA/ 30 clusters Mean WFL WFL< 80% WFL< 70% Afder Dolobay ECCMY/ 600 87.9% 11.5% 0.5% Bare DIA 600 89.0% 18.2% 1.0% Somali Dolo Odo March 2000 NCA/ 600 30 clusters Mean WFL WFL< 80% WFL< 70% Liben ECCMY/ 87.6% 10.6% 0.4% DIA Somali April 2000 ACF-F Screening MUAC < 120mm MUAC <110mm Korahe Shilabo 229 5.1% 0.8% Kebre Dahar (town) 126 2.4% 0.0% Kebre Dahar (IDPs) 63 15.8% 6.3% Kebre Dahar (rural) 295 29.7% 7.4% Dobowein wereda 111 27.9% 4.5% Somali June-July ACF-F Screening MUAC < 125mm MUAC <110mm Korahe Kebre Dahar 2000 37 8.0% 0,0% Kebre Dahar 128 32.8% 0.5% Somali May 2000 Care Convenience W/H <-2 Z score W/H <-3 Z score Jijiga Harshin (res) 200 sample 32.0% 5.5% Harshin (IDP) 50 50.0% 22.0% Somali July 2000 OXFAM screening MUAC<125mm MUAC <110mm Shinelle Idora (resident) UK 78 74% 30% Idora (IDP) 96 84% 29% i Mean weight for length (WFL) expressed in % of mean of reference population (=100%); Global malnutrition expressed in % weight for height (W/H) with a Z score < -2 + oedema Severe malnutrition expressed in % weight for height (W/H) with a Z score < -3 + oedema Global malnutrition expressed in % weight for height (W/H) < 80% of the median + oedema Severe malnutrition expressed in % weight for height (W/H) < 70% of the median + oedema Global malnutrition expressed Mid Upper Arm Circumference (MUAC) < 125 mm + oedema Severe malnutrition expressed Mid Upper Arm Circumference (MUAC) < 110 mm + oedema Body Mass Index (BMI) as expressed in weight /height x height.
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