DOCUMENT RESUME ED 344 421 FL 019 721 TITLE Others and I. Personality Booklet 1. Teacher's EditiOn=Otros y Yo. Personalidad libro 1. Manual para El Maestro. INSTITUTION California State Polytechnic Univ., Pomona. National Multilingual Multicultural Materials Development Center.; California State Univ., Los Angeles. National Dissemination and Assessment Center. SPONS AGENCY Department of Education, Washington, DC. PUB DATE 82 CONTRACT G007803726 NOTE 231p.; For related documents, see FL 019 722-737. PUE TYPE Guides - Classroom (Ise - Instructional Materials (For Learner) (051) -- Guides - Classroom Use - Teaching Guides (For Teacher) (052) -- Multilingual/Bilingual Materials (171) LANGUAGE Spanish; English EDRS PRICE MF01/PC10 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS Beliefs; Bilingual Instructional Materials; Cultural Traits; *Family Role; Glossaries; *Interpersonal Communication; *Interpersonal Relationship; Learning Modules; *Peer Rolationship; *Perscnality Development; Secondary Education; Skill Development; Social Studies; Social Values; Thinking Skills; Vocabulary Develcpment ABSTRACT The booklet is part of a grade 1012 social studies series produced for bilingual education. The series consists of six major thematic modules, with four to five booklets in each. The interdisciplinary modules are based on major ideas and designed to help students understand some major human problems and make sound, responsive decisions to improve their own and others' lives in the global society. Studentn are taught to:(1) comprehend and analyze an issue and synthesize their understanding of it;(2) affectively interpret the topic and clarify their values; and (3) participate in activities stressing development of critical reading and expository writing skills and use and interpretation of illustrations, graphs, and charts. Each booklet is published with Spanish and English on facing pages. A "student edition" (not included here) and the "teacher's edition" are identical, except for occasional marginal notes in the latter. This booklet, part of the Personality module, focuses on the roles others play in development of our personalities. Three case studies address the importance of the family in forming foundations for personality and reinforcing cultural values and beliefs, of peer groups at different stages of life, and of intimate friendships and common expectations and conflicts. A glossary and suggested reading lists are included. (MSE) *********************************************************************** Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the original document. *********************************************************************** MANUAL PARICELNAIUMIO 411 U II DEPARTMENT OP EDUCATION ALITYsomosir °Pica of Eclucetronal Research and Improvemnt fl 1::11 EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION C.ENTER VIAeinis document nos been reproducedas . rCerved horn the Cottreen 01 taigenization Originating r oknor changes hose beenmadeto improve reproduction downy Pointe of wow ot opehons Metd in this dOCu- ment 00 not MICossards represent Official OERI 004111011 Of pplIcy .1, 0-1 sr' BESTcopyAVAILABLE '. The project reported herein was performed pursuantto a Grant for the U.S. Of- fice of Education, Department of Health, Education and Welfare. However,the opinions expressed herein do not necessarily reflect the pos;tionsor policy of the U.S. Office of Education, and no official endorsement by theU.S. office of Education should be inferred. Este material fue desarrollado e impresoper rnedio de una aportaciOn oajo el Act() de EducaciOn Bilingue, Titulo VII, enmiendadoen 1965 por la Ley This publication was developed and printed with funds providedby the Bilingual POblica 93.380. Education Act, Title VII, as amended by Public Law 93.380. Printed in USA 1982 El material contenido fue posible par medio deuna concesi6n de la oficina del Departamento de Salubridad, EducaciOn y Bienestar PUblico de los Estados The material herein was made possible througha grant from the U.S. Depart- Unidos, ConcesiOn No. 00-07803726, Proyecto No. 403GH80005.El contenido ment of Health, Education, and Welfare, Office of Education, Grant No. es de la responsabilklad del concesionario y la oficinn de EducaciOnno asume la 0007803726, Project No. 403-0H80005. The content is the responsibilityof the responsabilkiad. grantee and endorsement by the Office of Education should not be inferred. 1 11 Z.0 , ' Otrosy yoOthers and I PERSONALIDAD LIBRO 1 PERSONALITY BOOKLET 1 MANUAL PARA EL MAESTRO TEACHER'S EDITION f1 7 MOdulo de Personality personalidad Module 1 OTROS Y YO OTHERS AND 2QUE SE IDENTIFIQUE EL VERDADERO TU 2WILL THE REAL YOU STAND Ur ? 3EN UN APRIETC. 3OUT ON A LIMB OIros mOdulos en la serie NAIMMDC de estudios sociales: Other modules in the NMMMDC Social Studies series: ORGANIZACION ECONOMICA ECONOMIC ORGANIZATION EL MEDR) AMBIENTE ENVIRONMENT CULTURA Y ORGANIZACION SOCIAL CULTURE AND SOCIAL ORGANIZATION GEOGRAFIA FISICA Y CULTURAL PHYSICAL AND CULTURAL GEOGRAPHY PROBLEMAS CONTEMPORANEOS CONTEMPORARY PROBLEMS DE LA JUSTICIA SOCIAL IN SOCIAL JUSTICE AO" -., r :644 I /1 OtrosyyoOthers and I PERSONALIDAD LIBRO 1 PERSONALITY BOOKLET 1 MANUAL PARA EL MAESTRO TEACHER'S EDITION Developed by NATIONAL MULTILINGUAL MULTICULTURAL Published and Disseminated by MATERIALS DEVELOPMENT CENTER NATIONAL DISSEMINATION AND ASSESSMENT CENTER Roberto L. Ortiz, Director/Developer California State University, Los Angeles California State Polytechnic University, Pomona 5151 State University Drive, Los Anomes, California 90037 1 0 Personalyotros contribuyentes .=1, Personal: Consultores: Roberto L. Ortiz, Director del Proyecto Isabel Catherine Alva, Escritora John L. Figueroa, Director Delegado Robert G. Amick, Especialista en la Materia Carmen AlmodOvar, Editora Bilingüe Michael Arredondo, Escritor Olga Bonilla-Charneski, Mecanografa Maxine K. Asher, Escritora Martha Cecilia Crouse, Gerente de Oficina Jthn H. Brennecke, Especialista en la Materia Edward Fierro, Coordinador de Producción Douglas C. Cox, Escritor Ronald M. Fisher, Coordinador de Evaluación Phyllis J. Avila Crombie, Escritora Ramim S. Holguin, Coordinador de Materiales Educativos Alma Gamez, Traductora Jerry Lerma, Artista en Grdficas Richard W. Ingalls, Escritor Priscilla Lifton, Mecanografa Raquel Lebreclo, Traductora Rocio Nuevo-Boase, Tipógrafa Concha Martinez, Traductora Maria Estella Pella, Asistente Estudiantil de Producción Robert Marvos, Ilustrador Maria Pineda, Asistente Estudiantil de Producción Nancy Perez, Ilustradora Mary Bcth Higman Robinson, Asistente de Evaluación Rosa Preciado, Escritora Rudy Rodriguez, Fotógrafo George Lee Phillips, Fotografo Frank S. Romero, Especialista en Investigarión Aureliano Ruiz, Especialista en la Materia y Desarrollo Sheila Serfaty, Editora Bilingüe Susan F. Toman, Editora del Inglés y Escritora Jean Wharton, Escritora Ronald P. Woerner, Escritor Antiguosempleados que contribuyeron al desarollo de Estudiantes que contribuyeron en la prueba tutelar de estemOdulo: Kenneth Anderson, tkrriet Archibald- este módulo: Juan Atilano, Odelio Amaro, Mary Cama- Woodward,LaurelBollen, Anne H.Cabello, Lucy cho, Martin Campos, Guillermina Esquivel, Guadalupe Fernandez, Jessica Holl, Vera Martinez, Vivian Martinez, Franco, Benjamin GOmez, Luis Gonzalez, Hector Gonza- Angela McEwan, Barbara Miller, Carol Newsom, Ron lez, Dina L. Juarez, Alberto Lares, Gerardo M. Lopez, Pat Nhl, Miroslava P. Reimers, Elsa Renteria, Dinah Termi- Mendez, AzaelPereyra,FedericoRamirez, Carolina rich Adela Willioms. Rivera, Alicia Sierra, Wendy Wilkie. 1 2 Staff &Other Contributors Staff: Consultants: Roberto L. Ortiz, Project Director. Isabel Catherine Alva, Contributing Writer John L. Figueroa, Deputy Director Robert G. Amick, Content Specialist Carmen Almodovar, Bilingual Editor Michael Arredondo, Contributing Writer Olga Bonilla-Charneski, Clerical Asthtant Maxine K. Asher, Contributing Writer Martha Cecilia Crouse, Office Mar:g9r John H. Brennecke, Content Specialist Edward Fierro, Production Coordinator Douglas C. Cox, Contributing Writer Ronald M. Fisher, Evaluation Coordinator Phyllis J. Avila Crombie, Contributing Writer Ramon S. Holguin, Curriculum Coordinator Alma Gamez, Translator Jerry Lerma, Graphic Artist Richard W. Ingalls, Contributing Writer Priscilla Lifton, Clerical Assistant Raquel Lebredo, Translator Rocio Nuevo-Boase, Word Processor Concha Martinez, Translator Maria Estella Pena, Studeni Production Assistant Robert Marvos, Illustrator Maria Pineda, Student Production Assi;stant Nancy Perez, Illustrator Mary Beth Higman Robinson, Assistant Evaluator Rosa Preciado, Contributing Writer Rudy Rodriguez, Photographer George Lee Phillips, Photographer Frank S. Romero, Research and Development Aureliano Ruiz, Content Specialist Specialist Sheila Serfaty, Bilingual Editor Susan F. Toman, English Editor and Contributing Writer Jean Wharton, Contributing Writer Ronald P. Woerner, Contributing Writer Former staff members involved with the development of Students invovled intutorial testing for this module: this module: Kenneth Anderson,Harriet Archibald- Juan Atilano, Odelio Amaro, Mary Camacho, Martin Woodward,LaurelBollen, Anne H.Cabello,Lucy Campos,GuillerminaEsquivel,GuadalupeFranco, Fernandez, Jessica Ho ll, Vera Martinez, Vivian Martinez, Benjamin Gomez, Luis Gonzalez, Hector Gonzalez, Dina Angela Mc Ewan, Barbara Miller, Carol Newsom, Ron L. Juarez, Alberto Lares, Gerardo M. Lopez, Pat Mendez, Pahl, Miroslava P. Reimers, Elsa Renteria, Dinah 'Fermi- Azad Pereyra, Federico Ramirez, Carolina
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