^ V O N A L ^ , « * • i t r t d à T V V FEDERAL REGISTER VOLUME 20 '9 3 4 NUMBER 223 * i/A/iTEO % Washington, Wednesday, November 16, 1955 TITLE 5— ADMINISTRATIVE ership borrowers to accomplish planned CONTENTS development or improvement work also PERSONNEL will be deposited in supervised banK ac­ Agricultural Conservation Pro- PaB® Chapter I— Civil Service Commission counts prior to or at the time of loan gram Service closing in accordance with the provi­ Rules and regulations; P art 6— E x c eptio n s F rom C o m pet itiv e sions set forth in the basic regulations National agricultural conserva­ S ervice of the Farm Ownership program. When tion; prior request for cost­ department o f ju s t ic e the title is held jointly with the right of sharing, establishment of survivorship, a joint survivorship super­ additional acreages of vege­ Effective upon publication in the F ed­ vised banK account should be established tative cover for winter pro­ eral R egister, subparagraph (7) is added from which either the husband or wife tection from erosion, prac­ to § 6.308 (j) as set out below. could withdraw funds; in such case, both tices carried out with State § 6.308 Department of Justice. * * * the husband and the wife will sign Form or Federal aid: (j) Immigration and Naturalization FHA-192. Subpart—1955________ .____ 8491 Service. * * * 2. Section 303.3, Title 6, Code of Fed­ Subpart—1956___________ _ 8491 (7) Assistant Commissioner, Field In­ eral Regulations (20 F. R. 5227) is re­ Agricultural Marketing Service spection and Security Division. vised to prescribe the conditions under Proposed rule maKing: (R. S. 1753; sec. 2, 22 S tat. 403; 5 U. S. C. 631, which a borrower may establish two Type 62 shade-grown cigar- 633; E. O. 10440, M arch 31, 1953, 18 F. R. supervised banK accounts and to read as leaf tobacco grown in desig­ 1823, 3 CFR 1953 Supp.) follows; nated production area of U n ited S tates C iv il S erv­ § 303.3 Establishing accounts. While Florida and Georgia; pro­ posed termination of suspen­ ic e C o m m issio n , each borrower will be given an opportu­ sion of marKeting agreement [ seal] W m . C. H u l l , nity to choose the banK in which his Executive Assistant. supervised banK account will be estab­ and order________________ 8500 [F. R. Doc. 55-9197; Filed, Nov. Ì5, 1955; lished, unless otherwise authorized in Agricultural Research Service 8:47 a. m.] writing by the Administrator, supervised Rules and regulations: banK accounts will be established only in Foot-and-mouth disease, pleu­ banKs in which deposits are insured by ropneumonia, rinderpest, and TITLE 6— AGRICULTURAL CREDIT the Federal Deposit Insurance Corpora­ other contagious or infectious tion. Ordinarily, a borrower who obtains animal diseases which consti­ Chapter III— Farmers Home Adminis­ an insured loan will be expected to es­ tute an emergency and tration, Department of Agriculture tablish such account with the lender whov threaten the livestocK indus­ furnished the loan funds, if the lender try of the country; determi­ [FHA Instruction 402.1] is a local banKing institution. In maKing nation of existence of disease; P art 30?—S u pervised B ank A ccounts arrangements with banKs, ordinarily agreements with States____ 8492 MISCELLANEOUS AMENDMENTS only one supervised banK account will Agriculture Department be maintained for any one borrower re­ See Agricultural Conservation 1. Section 303.2 (b) (1) Title 6, Codegardless ot the amount or source of Program Service; Agricultural of Federal Regulations (20 F. R. 821) is funds. However, in those instances in MarKeting Service; Agricultural revised to require the signatures of the which a borrower with a supervised banK Research Service; Farmers husband and wife on the deposit agree­ account receives an insured loan from Home Administration. ment when a joint survivorship banK another banK and the banK furnishing account is established and to read as the funds requests the borrower to de­ Civil Aeronautics Board follows : posit the loan funds in that banK, the Notices: American Airlines, Inc., and § 303.2 Use of supervised bank ac­ borrower may maintain two accounts counts. * * * provided only one supervised account Flying Tiger Line, Inc.; peti­ will be maintained after the insured loan tions to modify minimum (b) Farm Ownership borrowers. (1) rates_____________________ 8504 All insured and direct loan funds will be funds are expended. For each account, an original and two copies of Form FHA- Proposed rule maKing: deposited in the supervised banK account Flight recorders-__________ - 8500 on the date of loan closing except when 192 will be executed by the borrower, the all of the proceeds of the check are dis­ banK, and the County Supervisor. Au­ Civil Service Commission tributed at the time of loan closing for thority to execute Form FHA-192 on Rules and regulations: the purchase price and service fees. behalf of the Government may be re- Exceptions from competitive Funds representing down payments or delegated by County Supervisors to per- service; Department of Jus­ cash contributions made by Farm Own­ (Continued on p. 8491) tice_____________________ 8489 8489 8490 RULES AND REGULATIONS CONTENTS-—Continued CONTENTS— Continued FEDERAL|pEGISTER Federal Communications Com- Pa°e Labor Department Pa§e \ 1314 mission See Employment ' Security Bu­ «WTtO* Notices: reau; Public Contracts Division. Hearings, etc.: Land Management Bureau Class B FM Broadcast Sta­ Published daily, except Sundays, Mondays, Notices: and days following official Federal holidays, tions___________________ 8504 Arizona; small tract classifica- by the Federal Register Division, National Manchester Broadcasting Co. tion------------------------------- 8503 Archives and Records Service, General Serv­ et al_______________ ___ 8504 Wyoming; proposed withdrawal ices Administration, pursuant to the au­ Proposed rule maKing: and reservation of lands___ 8503 thority contained in the Federal Register Act, Radio stations in AlasKa (other Rules and regulations : approved July 26, 1935 (49 S tat. 500, as than amateur and broad­ Gil and gas leases; extension for amended; 44 U. S. C., ch. 8B), under regula­ cast) ; intership use of certain tions prescribed by the Administrative Com­ terms of cooperative or unit frequencies______________ _ 8502 p lan .._______ 8500 mittee of the Federal Register, approved by Television broadcast stations; the President. Distribution is made only by National Bureau of Standards the Superintendent of Documents, Govern­ miscellaneous amendments.. 8501 m en t P rin tin g Office, W ashington 25, D. C. Rules and regulations: Rules and regulations: The F ederal R egister will be furnished by Television broadcast stations,0 Test fee schedules and standard mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $1.50 table of assignments; miscel­ samples; miscellaneous per month ,or $15.00 per year, payable in laneous amendments_______ 8495 amendments______________ 8499 advance. The charge for individual copies (minimum 15 cents) varies in proportion to Federal Housing Administration Public Contracts Division the size of the issue. Remit checK or money Rules and regulations: Proposed rule maKing : order, made payable to the Superintendent Home Rehabilitation Insur­ General regulations; extension of Documents, directly to the Government ance; eligibility require­ of time to submit views and P rin tin g Office, W ashington 25, D. C. arguments.!_________ ___ __ 8500 The regulatory material appearing herein ments of mortgage cover­ is Keyed to the Code o p F ederal R egulations, ing: Securities and Exchange Com­ which is published, under 50 titles, pursuant One- to eleven-family dwell- mission to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as ings__.___ — ________ 8498 Notices: amended August 5, 1953.. The Code o p F ed­ Single family dwellings.__ _ 8498 Michigan Consolidated Gas Co. eral R egulations is sold by the Superin­ tendent of Documents. Prices of booKs Federal Power Commission and American Natural Gas pocKet supplements vary. Notices : Co.; order granting applica­ There are no restrictions on the re­ Hearings, etc.: tion-declaration__ ____ ____ 8505 publication of material appearing in the Atlantic Refining Co.______ 8507 F ederal R egister, or th e C ode o p F ederal CODIFICATION GUIDE R egulations. Baltic Operating Co____ !___ 8506 Northern Natural Gas Co. A numerical list of the parts of the Code et al__________ 8506 of Federal Regulations affected by documents Otter Tail Power Co________ 8505 published in this issue. Proposed rules, as Now Available Phillips Petroleum Co______ 8507 opposed to final actions, axe identified as Sun Oil Co____ i __ ______ 8507 such. UNITED STATES Texas Co____ —,___ ______ 8506 Title 5 Page Vickers Petroleum Co., Inc__ 8508 Chapter I: GOVERNMENT Fish and Wildlife Service Part 6____ 8489 ORGANIZATION Rules and regulations: Title 6 TaKing animals, birds, and Chapter III: MANUAL game fishes; miscellaneous Part 303.____ ;__________ _ 8489 amendments ________ _ 8498 Part 311________________ 8491 1955—56 Edition Food and Drug Administration Title 7 (Revised through June 1) Rules and regulations: Chapter IX: Published by the Federal Register Division, Color certification___________ 8492 Part 983 (proposed)_________ 8500 the National Archives and Records Service, Chapter XI: General Services Administration Health, Education, and Welfare Part 1101 (2 documents)_____ 8491 Department Title 9 768 pages— $1.00 a copy See also Food and Drug Adminis­ tration. Chapter I: Order from Superintendent-of Documents, Notices ; Part 53_________________ 8492 United States Government Printing Office, Invitation to bid on surety Title 14 Washington 25, D. C. bond__________ ___________ 8503 Chapter I: Part 4b (proposed)__________ 8500 Housing and Home Finance Part 40 (proposed)__________ 8500 Agency \ Part 41 (proposed)___ ________ 8500 CONTENTS— Continued See Federal Housing Administra­ Part 42 (proposed)__________ 8500 Commerce Department Pas® tion. Title 15 See National Bureau of Standards. Interior Department Chapter II: Employment Security Bureau See Fish and Wildlife Service; Part 205__ 8499 Rules and regulations: Land Management Bureau.
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