Public Document Pack TO THE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS OF THE EXECUTIVE You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of the Executive to be held on Thursday, 7 February 2019 at 7.30 pm in the Council Chamber, Civic Offices, Gloucester Square, Woking, Surrey GU21 6YL. Please note the meeting will be filmed and will be broadcast live and subsequently as an archive on the Council’s website (www.woking.gov.uk). The images and sound recording will also be used for training purposes within the Council. Generally, the public seating areas are not filmed. However, by entering the meeting room and using the public seating area, you are consenting to being filmed. The Chairman of the meeting has the discretion to terminate or suspend filming, if in his/her opinion continuing to do so would prejudice the proceedings of the meeting or, on advice, considers that continued filming might infringe the rights of any individual. As cameras are linked to the microphones, could Members ensure they switch their microphones on before they start to speak and off when finished and do not remove the cards which are in the microphones. The agenda for the meeting is set out below. RAY MORGAN Chief Executive AGENDA PART I - PRESS AND PUBLIC PRESENT 1. Minutes To approve the minutes of the meeting of the Executive held on 13 December 2018 as published. 2. Apologies for Absence 3. Urgent Business To consider any business that the Chairman rules may be dealt with under Section 100B(4) of the Local Government Act 1972. 4. Declarations of Interest To receive declarations of disclosable pecuniary and other interest from Members in respect of any item to be considered at the meeting. In accordance with the Members’ Code of Conduct, the Leader of the Council, Councillor D J Bittleston, Councillor A Azad, Councillor Mrs B A Hunwicks and Councillor C S Kemp have declared a non-pecuniary interest in Agenda Items 7, 8, 9, 10, 15 and 16 arising from their positions as Directors of the Thameswey Group of Companies. In accordance with the Members’ Code of Conduct, Councillor D J Bittleston has declared a non-pecuniary interest in Agenda Items 7, 9, 10, 11, 15 and 16 arising from his position as a Director of Victoria Square Woking Limited. In accordance with Officer Employment Procedure Rules, the Deputy Chief Executive, Douglas Spinks, and Head of Democratic and Legal Services, Peter Bryant, have declared an interest in Agenda Items 7, 8, 9, 10, 15 and 16 arising from their positions as Directors of the Thameswey Group of Companies. In accordance with Officer Employment Procedure Rules, the Deputy Chief Executive, Douglas Spinks, and Head of Democratic and Legal Services, Peter Bryant, have declared an interest in Agenda Items 7, 9, 10 and 15 arising from their positions as Directors of Woking Necropolis and Mausoleum Limited, Brookwood Park Limited and Brookwood Cemetery Limited. In accordance with Officer Employment Procedure Rules, the Deputy Chief Executive, Douglas Spinks, has declared an interest in Agenda Items 7, 9, 15 and 16 arising from his position as a Director of Export House Limited. In accordance with Officer Employment Procedure Rules, the Head of Democratic and Legal Services, Peter Bryant, and the Finance Director, Leigh Clarke, have declared an interest in Agenda Items 7, 9, 10, 15 and 16 arising from their positions as Directors of Dukes Court Owner T S a r l. Questions 5. To deal with any written questions submitted under Section 3 of the Executive Procedure Rules. Copies of the questions and draft replies will be laid upon the table. Matters for Recommendation 6. Petition - Ice-Cream Van in Woking Park EXE19-008 (Pages 5 - 16) Reporting Person – Douglas Spinks 7. General Fund, Service Plans, Budgets and Prudential Indicators 2019-20 EXE19-001 (Pages 17 - 124) Reporting Person – Leigh Clarke 8. Housing Revenue Account Budgets 2019-20 EXE19-002 (Pages 125 - 136) Reporting Person – Leigh Clarke 9. Investment Programme 2018-19 to 2022-23 EXE19-003 (Pages 137 - 170) Reporting Person – Leigh Clarke 10. Capital, Investment and Treasury Management Strategies EXE19-005 (Pages 171 - 228) Reporting Person – Leigh Clarke 11. Car Park Management System EXE19-026 (Pages 229 - 234) Reporting Person – Douglas Spinks Matters for Determination 12. Woking College 3G Artificial Turf Pitch and Pavilion EXE19-007 (Pages 235 - 244) Reporting Person – Douglas Spinks 13. Citizens Advice Woking - Business Plan EXE19-009 (Pages 245 - 274) Reporting Person – Douglas Spinks 14. Woking Blackhawks Basketball Club - Application for Financial Assistance EXE18-081 (Pages 275 - 282) - An oral report will be given at the meeting. Reporting Person – Douglas Spinks Performance Management 15. Performance and Financial Monitoring Information Please bring to the meeting your copy of the Performance and Financial Monitoring Information (Green Book) December 2018. 16. Monitoring Reports - Projects EXE19-004 (Pages 283 - 304) Reporting Person – Douglas Spinks AGENDA ENDS Date Published - 30 January 2019 For further information regarding this agenda and arrangements for the meeting, please contact Julie Northcote on 01483 743053 or email [email protected] Agenda Item 6. EXECUTIVE – 7 FEBRUARY 2019 PETITION – ICE-CREAM VAN IN WOKING PARK Executive Summary The Council received a petition seeking action by Woking Borough Council to replace the Café in the Park with Mr Carlos, an ice cream van. In accordance with Woking Borough Council’s arrangements for petitions, the matter was referred for consideration by the Council on 6 December 2018. The report to Council is attached at Appendix 1. At December Council it was resolved that consideration of the petition be referred to the Executive for recommendation to a subsequent meeting of the Council. This was in order to provide an opportunity to discuss the request of Mr Joe Bellenca, operator of the Mr Carlos ice-cream van, to operate in Woking Park in addition to the Café with Freedom Leisure. Recommendations The Executive is requested to: RECOMMEND TO COUNCIL That (i) Mr Bellanca be offered a licence to trade in Woking Park at the location identified near to the bandstand from 1 March – 31 October 2019 under the same terms as in previous years; (ii) Mr Bellanca be also offered a licence to trade in Goldsworth Park Recreation Ground from 1 April – 30 September 2019 under the same terms as in previous years; and (iii) Officers be authorised to review these licence terms and put in place a process for interested parties to express an interest in operating mobile food vans at suitable venues owned by the Council from 2020 onwards. Reasons for Decision Reason: To agree a response to the petition and to formalise arrangements for the future. The item(s) above will need to be dealt with by way of a recommendation to Council. Background Papers: None. Reporting Person: Douglas Spinks, Deputy Chief Executive Email: [email protected], Extn: 3440 Page 5 EXE19-008 Petition – Ice-Cream Van in Woking Park Contact Person: Arran Henderson, Green Infrastructure Development Officer Email: [email protected], Extn: 3669 Portfolio Holder: Councillor Colin Kemp Email: [email protected] Shadow Portfolio Holder: Councillor Ian Eastwood Email: [email protected] Date Published: 1 February 2019 Page 6 Petition – Ice-Cream Van in Woking Park 1.0 Introduction 1.1 Following the discussion at Council on 6 December 2018 about the petition to reinstate Mr Carlos Ice Cream at Woking Park, Officers were asked to clarify two points in order to ascertain whether permitting an additional food vendor in the Park would be a viable option in principle: 1) Does the licence to operate the kiosk with Freedom Leisure provide them with any exclusive rights to trade in Woking Park 2) What is Freedom Leisure’s position on permitting another ice cream vendor to trade in Woking Park 1.2 Officers can confirm that the licence with Freedom Leisure to operate the kiosk in Woking Park does not grant any exclusive rights to trade in the Park that would prevent the Council from granting licences to other food vendors to operate. 1.3 Having met with Freedom Leisure, their understanding of the licence was that there would be no direct competition to the kiosk. However, they have kindly suggested that in this instance they would be flexible and given that the Park is a large entity, if a suitable position could be found that they would not oppose it. 1.4 In consideration of the above Officers have put together the following suggestions for Members to consider. 2.0 Location 2.1 Officers have consulted both Freedom Leisure and Mr Bellanca (Mr Carlos Ice Cream) for their views and suggestions for a suitable alternative location for an additional vendor in Woking Park. 2.2 Considering the location of the kiosk, which provides a service to visitors at the front end of the Park near to the car park and play area, Officers would suggest a location somewhere in the centre of the Park, to serve people enjoying the facilities in the areas behind Pool in the Park and around the cricket field. 2.3 Consideration of possible locations also needs to include safe and secure access routes, suitable ground conditions and impact on other facilities / assets (e.g. trees). 2.4 These considerations were discussed with Mr Bellanca, who suggested a location on the ‘bandstand field’ behind Pool in the Park would be the most viable location in this part of the Park (see area shaded red on attached plan in Appendix 2). 2.5 This area can be safely accessed along the main maintenance access road around the side of Pool in the Park and is large enough that the exact pitch could move slightly every other week to reduce the impact on any particular area of grass.
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