No. 16 509 THE NEW ZE.ALAND GAZETTE Published by Authority WELLINGTON: THURSDAY, 20 MARCH 1969 Land Taken for Road in Block VI, Aongatete Survey District, A. R. P. Being Tauranga County 0 0 11.1 Part Tornre 34 Btlock; cofoured sepia on pl:an. 0 2 5 Part Waiohoata A 27A Block; coloured orange ARTHUR PORRITT, Governor-General on plan. 0 1 4,8 PM:t Wa:i:ohoata A 1 Block; collioured blue on A PROCLAMATION plan. PURSUANT 'to the Pub[lic WorJQs Aot 1928, l, S:ir Atr1thur Esplie Porritt, Baronet, the Governor-General of New Zealand, hereby proclaim and declare that the land described in the SBCOND SCHEDULE Schedule hereto is hereby taken for road; and I also declare that this Proclamation shall take effect on and after the 24th GISBORNE LAND DISTRICT day of March 1969. ALL 1tl:l'ose pieces ,of !land situated i.n Block II, Wroaua Survey Di'striot, Opoitild Oounty, Oisborne R.D., described aJS folllows: SCHEDULE A. R. P. Being Sourn AUCKLAND LAND DISTRICT 0 0 6.6 Part Waii!ohoa1ia A 27 A Bltock; colioured edged ALL that piece of land containing 7.3 perches situated in Block orange on plan. VI, Aongatete Survey District, being part Allotment 314, 0 0 5.8 Part Wai1ohoa1ta A 1 B,lo,ck; cofolllfed edged blue Apata Parish; as the same is more particularly delineated on on plan. the plan marked M.O.W. 23019 (S.O. 44603) deposited in the office of the Minister of Works at Wellington, and thereon As 1:he same rure more particula,rly delfaearted on the plan coloured blue. marked M.0.W. 22086 (S.O. 5724) deposited in the office of the Minister of Works at Wellington, and thereon coloured Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor­ as a:bove-mein/1:!ione<l. General, and issued under the Seal of New Zealand, this 25th day of February 1969. Given under the hand oif His Excelli!'ency the Gove,mor­ Generall, and !ilswed under 'the SeaJl ,oif New Zeailoo.d, tlris [L.s.] PERCY B. ALLEN, Minister of Works. 25tih day of February 1969. Goo SAVE 1HE QUEEN I [L.s.] PERCY B. ALLEN, Minister of Works. (P.W. 35 /428; D.O. 24/0/ 106) Goo SAVE 1HE QUEEN! (P.W. 72/35/4/0; D.O. 72/35/4/4/6) Land Taken for Road and for the Use, Convenience, or E!ijoyment of a Road in Block II, W aiaua Survey District, Opotiki County Land Taken for Road and for the Use, Convenience, or ARTHUR PORRITT, Governor-General Enjoyment of a Road in Blocks XII and XVI, Awaroa Survey District, and Blocks IV and VIII, Whaingaroa Survey A PROCLAMATION District, Raglan County PURSUANT to the Pub1ic Works A0t 1928, I, Sir Arthur Espie Porritt, Baronet, rthe Oovern:or-General of New Zealand, hereby prodai,m and dedare rthat the fand described in the Fir&t Schedu!le hereito is hereby taken for road, and the land ARTHUR PORRITT, Governor-General desorirbed in the Second Schedwle hererto is hereby taken for the use, convenien1ce, or enjoyment of a ,m3Jd; and I also A PROCLAMATION declare trl'alt th'is Pr,odamation shall ~ake effect from and after PURSUANT to the PubHc Works Aat 1928, I, Sir Arthur Espie the 24th day of March 1969. Plardtt, Baronet, the Governor-General of New Zealand, hereby pwclaim and declare that rthe land described 'in the FIRST SCHEDULE Firs,t Schedule heireto is :hereby taken for toad, and thaJb the G!SBORNE LAND DISTRICT !.and described in the Secoill'd Schedule hereto is hereby taken flor the use, oonven!ience, or enjoyment of a road; and I also ALL those pi,eces ,of land s~tuated in Block II, Waiaua Survey dedare that tih~s PmclamiaJtion sha!ll take effedt on and after District, Opo1tiki County, Gisborne R.D., described a:s follows: the 24th day of March 1969. 5)10 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE No. 16 FIRST SCHEDULE A. R. P. Being Soum AUCKLAND LAND DIS1RICT 0 0 8.9 Parlt 1Allilotmen.t 179 aJnd part AJlLotmenJt 241, Pepepe Land Taken for Road Paflish; co[oured blue 10n plan M.O.W. 22993 ALL rtJhiose pieces of land describoo as follows: (S.O. 44007). O O 13.7 Part A[1Lortment 283, Pepepe Parish; coloured sepia A. R, P. Being Qn plan M.O.W. 22993 (S.O. 44007). 0 0 0.5 P:airit All1otmoot 26, Whangape Parish; ,colorured O 1 1.8 'Part Lot 4, D.:P. 33080; coloured yelfow ron ,plan blue on plan M.O.W. 22987 (S.O. 44001). M.O.W. 22995 (S.O. 44009). 0 0 25.8 Part Aflll!otmenJt 26, Whiangape Parish; coloured O 1 13.7} Pa:rts Loit 2, D.P. 33080; oolioured h1ue on plan yernow on plan M.O.W. 22987 (S.O. 44001). 0 0 4.2 M.O.W. 22995 (S.D. 44009). 0 0 19.5 Pa;tt Lat 4, D.P. 35239; collioured sepia 100 plan O O 9.5 Pa1rts .Aifiliortmeinlt 181, Pepepe Parish; coloured M.O.W. 22987 (S.O. 44001). O O 8.5 sepia ion plan M.O.W. 22995 (S.O. 44009) . 0 0 11.5} Parts Lot 5, D.P .. 35239;. co~cmred blue on plan O O 33.1 Prut AIJ;Lotmen!t 283, Pepepe Parish; coloured S'epJa 0 0 35.3 M.O.W. 22987 (S.O. 44001). O O . 100 1plan M.O.W. 22993 (S.O. 44007). 0 0 3.8 'Pa11t Lot 8, D.P. 35239; ,ooLoured yel[ow on plan 9 IM.O.W. 22987 (:S.O. 44001). O 2 28.6 Parts Allotment 213, Pepepe Parish; coloured blue 0 0 3.5 Part I.Jot l, D.P. 31157; ,coLomed sepiila on plran O 1 12.7 on plan M.0.W. 22993 (S.O. 44007). M.O.W. 22988 (S.O. 44002). 0 1 18.761 0 0 25.3 Parit AILotmenlt 52B, Whmgape Parish; ooiloured O 1 37.4 Parts Lot 3, D.P. 33080; coloured yellow on plan 1sepia on plan M.O.W. 22988 (S.O. 44002) . 1 O 1 20.2 M.O.W. 22993 (S.O. 44007) . 0 0 16.9 Pa11t Lot 3, D.P. 3,1157; coioUJred bfoe on plan O 1 1.6 Part Lot 1, D.P. 33081; coloured sepia on plan M.O.W. 22988 (S.O. 44002). M.O.W. 22993 (S.O. 44007). 0 0 3 Part Lot 3, D.P. 31157; oolorured yeiJ.!low on pil:an O 1 0.2 Part Lot 4, D.P. 33080; coloured yellow on plan M.O.W. 22988 (S.O. 44002). M.0.W. 22994 (S.O. 44008). 0 0 26.7} PaI1ts Al!lotment 51, Whanga:pe Parish; cofomed. O O 12.9} Parts Lot 1, D.P. 33031; coloured sepia on plan 0 0 21.8 blue on plian M.O.W. 22988 (S.O. 44002). O O 6.3 M.O.W. 22994 (S.O. 44008). 0 2 39.3 Pa:nt AfLotment 206, Whangape Parish; oo[ouired O O 19.7 Part Allotment 219, Pepepe Parish; coloured blue red ion plan M.O.W. 22988 (S.O. 44002). on plan M.O.W. 22994 (S.O. 44008). 0 0 0.8 Palflt !AlfotmenJt 86, Whoo.gape Pa'fli:sh; coloured 3 sepia ·on plan M.O.W. 22988 (S.O. 44002). O 5 g·~1 Parts Allotment 181, Pepepe Parish; coloured sepia 0 0 25.5 Patt A/JJLoltment 207, Whangape Parish; coloured g o rn:lJ on plan M.O.W. 22994 (S.O. 44008). -ye!Loiw on plan M.O.W. 22988 (S.O. 44002). O 1 7.6} Parts Lot 4, D.P. 33080; coloured yellow on plan Situiated in Block XII, Awa1roa Survey Dis:t:riot. O 1 8 M.O.W. 22994 (S.0. 44008). A. R. P. Being All situated in Block IV, Whaingaroa Survey District. A. R. P. Being g g 1~·t1 PaJrts Lot 5, D.P. 8022; coloured yellow on plan O O 25:6J M.O.W. 22989 (S.O. 44003). O O 24.9 Part Allotment 181, Pepepe Parish; coloured sepia 1 1 3.71: JPrail1ts Dort 2, D.P. 2871'1; coforured blue on plan on plan M.O.W. 22995 (S.O. 44009). 0 1 1.8 f M.O.W. 22989 (S.O. 44003). Situated in Blocks IV and VIII, Whaingaroa Survey District. 0 0 1.6 P:art Dolt 2, D.P. 8022; coloured sepiJa on pl~n A. R. p. Being M.O.W.. 22989 (S.O. 44003). O 1 13.6} Parts Lot 2, D.P. 33080; coloured blue on plan 0 0 3.31 Pair~s Lot 4, D.P. 8022; co~orured blue on plan O O 19.9 M.O.W. 22995 (S.O. 44009). 0 0 6.7f M.O.W. 22989 (S.O. 44003). O O 4 Part Allotment 128, Pepepe Parish; coloured yellow on plan M.O.W. 22995 (S.0. 44009). g 61 i·~1 Pairlts !lJoit 1, D.P. 8022; coloured sepia on plan O O 3:4J M.O.W. 22989 (S.O. 44003). Situated in Block VIII, Whaingaroa Survey District. 0 3 1.2 Paflt Lo!t 1, D.P. 8022; co1ouired sepia on plan A. R. P. Being M.O.W. 22990 (S.0.44004). O O 22.6 Part Allotment 86, Whangape Parish; coloured 0 0 OJ} Pia['ts Lot 4, D.P.
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