VOL. U II., NO. 271. (UaaaUM Advwtialagr « Pag* 14.), MANCHESTER. CONN„ FRIDAY, AUGUST 17, 1934. (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CEN Ti They Seek End of Aluminum Strike DEMOCRATS TRY LADDER SAVES ^ EXPLORER NEAR TOGET HARMONY GUESTS DURING LABAH IS RELEASED DEATH, RESCUE IN L O C E RANKS FIRE J H o r n PARTYJEPORTS BUT NO RANSOM PAID -A Canens Last Night Takes I Four Women Flee To Safety Admiral Byrd Believed End Steps to Smooth Out Dif- Kidnapers of Rich Canadian When Escape Down Stair- Was Near and Prepared It's Up to President ferences; Dr. Dolan No case Is Cot Off; New Pres- Brewer Got “ Cold Feet” FareweD Note to Men — To Avert Big Strike There; McHale Quits. ton Lodge Burned. StiO Very Weak. After Holdmg Victim 65 New York. Aug. 17.— (A P ).— ^anything he could do— but tbe Preat- Hours— Makes His Way An attempt to Iron out differences New Preston, Conn.. Aug. 17.— Thomaa F. McMahon, re-elected to- dent of the United States is the only Little America, Antarctica, Aug. within the Democratic Party last (AP)— Five persons fied to safety day as president of the United Tex- rran powerful enough to force the I7-— (A P )—Rear Admiral Richard tile Workers of America, declared textile Industry to meet us.“ to Hotel Where Brother Is night delayed the opening of the here early today, as fire of unknown that only President Roosevelt could McMahon said that the cotton tex- party’s caucus in the Hollister street E.. Byrd prepared himself for a origin, destroyed Chalyn Lodge at avert a general strike In the cotton tile employers aad never recng;nlzed lonely death in the Antarctica, yet Staying, Then Goes to school assemMy . hall 45 minutes. the south end of Lake Waramaug, textile Industry. the United Textile Workers as the What bad been considered a pre- sent no appeal for aid, the outside McMahon s^d; with an eatimated loss of *20,000. world learned today—two months collective bargaining representative caucus agreement on the name of “ President Roosevelt Is the only of their employes. Mrs. Hattie Devine, owner of the later. Family — Police Start Big Ihomas J. Dannaher of Bigelow person In Gcd'a ;;reen world wli'o McMahon’s statements followed ctreet to act as chairman of the 100 room frame structure; a friend, A message from the advance tan stop tht general strike.” sliortly the assertion by Francis J. caucus was evidently scrapped by an Mrs. McCullough: two guests. Mrs. weather base where Byrd spent McMahon said that under the Man Hunt. nearly five months In Isolation, told Gorman, who waa unanimously re opposing group when the name of William Carrington and her daugh- Federal and labor officials are seeking a formula to terminate the mandate of the convention issued | e'tcted first vice president of the ter, of New York city, and John Ro- how he resigned himself to death John Wilcox, of 19 Locust stree-;, strike of 10,000 workers which is tying up the production In four plants vesterday there was no doubt of the union, that the general strike order- automobile .salesman, was advanced. her, an employee, made their way of the Aluminum Company of America. Left to right are Fred Kelghtly. and left : note for a relief party, Toronto, Aug. IT. —(AP)— John which he feared “ would arrive too tirlke being called unless the Presi- ed on or be.’ore September 1 might Wilcox Withdraws from the second fioor, where they commissioner of conciliation: Boris Shishkin, of the American Federation dent ’’forces the leaders of the tex- not eventuate. 3. Labatt. wealthy brewer, returned Dannaher, leader of the faction had been steeping, to the ground by late.’’ ot Labor; and Hugh L. Kerwln, director of conciliation for the U. ^ D e - tile industry to sit down at the con- Gorman Interpreted tho assertion to his home In London. Ont., today opposed to Dr. E. O! Dolan’s In- means of a ladder. partment of Labor, as they conferred In Washington. ^ Dr. Thomas C. Poulter, head of the tractor expedition of three ference table with representatives ol power by the conservative ele- after 65 hours in the hands of kid- fiuence In local and state pdliUcu, Roher, awzdiened by the crackle ot the United Textile Workers.” ment among the delegates in this of flames and the smoke, aroused the which fought its way to BjTd’s napers. was supposed to havq been named He added that General Hugh Jobs- morning’s elections os meaning that caucus chairman without any oppo- others and all of them attempted to side, reporter by radio that the The *150,000 ransoss tbe kidnap- commander became so III In June ?cn, NRA administrator, was “not the strike call might be employed ers demanded was not paid for the sition, according to the agreement, descend a stairway near their rooms high enough up” to be able to ”do but found It cut off by flames. from fumes from his ^tove he only as a potential weapon witn abductors released their victim aa but evidently some of the younger anything about the strike.” Jumping to the roof through a STATE DEMOCRATS NAME thought the end was near. w'liich to force negotiaUoms looking the Canadian police, in clu ^ g the Democrats were not advised of the McMahon made these statements toward settlement of their com- a-rangement and Wilcox waa nomi- window of one of the rooms on the “My observations here and re- famous Royal Mounted, moved to newspapermen following his re- plaints. ahead with British tenacity to get nated. A hurried conference Icllowed second floor, Roher escaped to the marks that Admiral Byrd has election which was by acclamation. William F. Kelley, of Philadelphia, their men. this ' surprise and Wilcox quickly ground, secured a ladder and elevat- made,’’ said Dr. Poulter, “convinced CONVENTION DELEGATES me that he has gone through Of General Johnson, ho continued: was unanimously re-elected second “Cold feet," eonuaented an withdrew, allowing Dannaher to (le ed it to one of the bedroom windows, things, particularly during the first “ In a spirit of courtesy only ws vice president. He waa the third con- the unanimous choice. through which the others climbed to authority, who disdoosd that of- three weeks of June and the past would thank General Johnson for servative to gain office. That all was'not harmony within safety. ficials were determined to make an Belongings Lost. tw-o weeks, that mast have been be- example of these first "snatch"' toe party last night is evident from Primaries ExceptipnaDy Well yond human ability to withstand. the bad taste left by the results ot All five made an attempt to save 2 FIREMEN KIU FO gangsters In Canada’s history. Almost the Limit Labatt waa tmbamed—imharmed the convention slates as expressed personal belongings, but the fire had gained such headway that this was “ He was convinced he had reach- but In a highly nervous state which o> some of the Democratic leaders Attended; Ddegates Are ed the limit of his endurance. He U.S. WHEAT EXPORT ARTHUR M. BROWN sent him to bed. Police surrounded t( day. There is no doubt in the Impossible, Roher said. AS TRUCK UPSETS Firemen from Washington pump w-as true to the Polar code,^ and his home where he waa reunited minds of moat ot the former Old played the man gallantly. with his wife aad children aad Guard adherents that the Dolan fac- ed water from the lake until' their Largely Unpledged; Ma- _ _ _ _ “I marvel at how complete a set visitors were not admitted, but a tion was defeated last night as evl- pumper became clogged with mud. QUOTA ALLOCATED NOT A CANDIDATE New Milford fire apparatus took up of scientific data he has obtained friend said he had not been physi- d*mced by the names of delegates cally Injured. the task while the Washington loney Leads Pledged. Six Others Injured in An- and how painstaking he has been chosen for the various conventioas. pumper could be cleaned. with it.’’ Had Heart Disease Dannaher is invested with the task The blaze had a good start, au- Radio conversations with the ad- The brewer suffers from a heart of bringing the younger element In- Figure Is Ten Million Bushek State’s Attorney for New thorities said, ad Dr. George Stevens, By ASSOCI.ftTED PRESS swering False Alarm — vance base, 123 miles to thd south, allmenL Hls family had suffered to line and that a move in this dl- who lives In a cottage 300 yards The Democrats in Connecticut’ are still limited because a small anguish in hls absence for they lection had been planned w-as shown feared the strain of hla experience from the three story hotel, was finished up Hast night, their prim- trial set used for communication Compared With 150,000,- London County Will Not by the willingness of Dannaher'f Trucks Skid on Car Tracks must be cranked “and many roes- would kill him, awakened by his wife at 4 a. m., leaders to compromise quite gen- Eastern SUndard Time, who said aries for selection of 1,005 delegates saghs on expedition business have ^6o drew ierously. to the state convention at Groton to be pasced. 000 for Argentina. Run for Govemorshtp. *150,000 from a bank in. an effort she smelled smoke/ A t first Ste Arguo Over Murphy September 5 and 6. Lowell, Mass., Aug. 17.— (A P )— Meteorological obsei^ ations are to meet the abductors’ demands, Considerable of the trouble off the had pleaded with police to be given (Contlniied on Page Two) The keen Interest o f.
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