JAMES MADISON UNIVERSIiY IIBKAKI Hnrilsonbuffl. V"3ima 228°l e freeze Vol.58 James Madison University Tuesday. September 9, 1980 No. 2 hit a bird?. THIS HELICOPTER made a planned landing on the hockey field Thursday afternoon. The owner, from a Charlottesville con- sulting firm, had notified JMU Security of his visit to Rockingham Memorial and of his unusual means of tran- sportation. Photo by Charlw A F»lk> > Beginnings Greek outdoor rush event returns after administrative ban By DONNA SIZEMORE through his recommendation "There was confusion as to THIS YEAR, the ad- Following last year's ad- that the event was permitted who was supposed to do (Continued on Page 14) ministrative decision banning to be rescheduled. what," Morabito said, in a "Beginnings," the con- Daniel called the prior reference to last year's event, troversial Greek event will decision to ban "Beginnings" adding that careful planning return. a bad one. "That was in the has proceeded Friday's party. "Beginnings," an outdoor last decade," he said, adding Donna Warner, assistant party designed to launch the that instead, university ad- dean of students, described Inside • •. Greek rush period, will be ministrators and Greeks the second "Beginnings" as held Sept. 12, after con- compromised. "more detailed" with better —Belle Meade's first- siderable planning by campus communication and year female residents fraternity leaders and ad- ACCORDING TO John organization. anxiously await ministrators, according to Dr. Morabito, Inter-Fraternity According to Daniel, much departing their hotel Lacy Daniel, dean of students Council president, "Begin- of last year's controversy quarters. See story, at James Madison University. developed due to an page 6. nings" will be held from l to 6 agreement that the only "My teeth will fall out if p.m. at the far end of Greek penalty for infractions during something goes wrong," Row, next to the houses of —All-American aerial Sigma Nu, Tau Kappa Ep- "Beginnings" would be the combination leads ASU Daniel said, adding that he end of all similar future ac- over the Dukes, 34-6. anticipates only minor silon, Kappa Sigma, and Pi tivities. However, Daniel said problems with this year's Kappa Phi. See Sports, page IS. Two bands will be featured, he was approached by several event. —Line-waiting need It was Daniel who suggested along with 32 kegs, 18 less than fraternity presidents the 100 half-kegs consumed requesting that a compromise not be a tedious student last year that "Beginnings" be worked out instead. task at JMU. See be banned, but it also was last year. editorial, page 22. 'Cunningham plans to counteract prior lack of leadership' in SGA By CHRIS WARD Cunningham said. "But this year we will follow up The Student Government Association will have a because long- range projects are not worthwhile theme for all of this year's projects to counteract unless they are carried through." what SGA President Chuck Cunningham referred to "We've gone back over the previous ad- as "a lack of leadership and direction on the part of ministrations and taken a look at what they had the previous administration." planned for the future," he continued. "They have "I feel that the SGA generally didn't work for the become some of what we are planning now." students," Cunningham said. "Last year, the SGA Cunningham has planned close to 100 projects as worked for itself." part of the SGA's "Working for You" theme. The SGA's theme will be "SGA...Working for You," The first SGA project, held last week, was the book according to Cunningham, and will serve as the sale which Cunningham said made "$20,000 the nameplate for the myriad of projects that fall under first day." the SGA jurisdiction. Cunningham noted that JMU is a "student-oriented OTHER proposed projects include: campus" and that the "SGA should serve the —a follow up on last year's plan to study the students." feasibility of having cable TV in campus dormitories; He plans to follow up on the projects that were —continuation of the "Operation Identification" started last year or during prior SGA ad- program to discourage theft of both student and staff ministrations. possessions; Photo '.y I .an«» M. —a follow up on the possibility of having an escort LAST YEAR the SGA worked for itself." said SGA '•ONE OF the problems last year was that there was no follow up on the previous year's projects," (Continued en Page 15) President Chuck Cunningham. 1 i Page2, THE BREEZE Tuesday, Septembers, 1980 Zoning inspection changes adopted By CINDY El MORE file on the number of oc- A revised inspection system cupants of the rooming for zoning violations was nouses, and work closely with recently instituted in university housing officials to Harrisonburg. verify the occupancy in- "We've always had a formation. program, but we've possibly "This goes into very many done it a little differently this things; it's not just four kids in year," said city building and a house instead of five. Each zoning official John Byrd. year this facet surfaces, and Instead of the annual it's expected," Byrd said, January inspections for conceding that "we have building, zoning and electrical violations all the time." permits, city officials checked Penalties include fines and the number of residents in all a reduction of the number of 58 rooming houses located in residents. Harrisonburg before James Madison University students returned for the academic "IT'S NOT our intention to year. move people out," Byrd ad- The Harrisonburg Zoning ded. "If the students signed in and Building Administration good faith and didn't know the is responsible for the en- situation, and the house meets forcement of all zone or- other priorities such as safety dinances in the city, according and sanitation, and if it's a to City Planner Robert first time, they will be given a Sullivan. reasonable amount of time to Sullivan explained that abate the situation. If it has under the new system, in- happened before, we won't be spectors will ensure that the as tolerant." number of house occupants Byrd added that since most given by landlords "concurs zone enforcement inquiries with reality." are called for during the autumn months, the new A CONTROVERSIAL inspection system was more zoning ordinance was passed practical. in 197? by the Harrisonburg Also, "it avoids the City Council, which aimed at problems we had in the past further limiting the number of where lessees bring someone unrelated persons residing in mid-semester and we never ►•noto by Charm A. Fazio together in various city zones. hear about it until we receive CAN PARENTS' weekend be too far away? Building and ground members spray paint lamp posts The dictum has had its effects a complaint. They (the on the quad last week. upon JMU commuters. violators) plead ignorance," Zoning officials maintain a Byrd said. Seven new academic programs offered Seven new academic enrolled about 25 students this designed to prepare graduates programs are offered for the fall. for positions in firms engaging first time this fall at James Four faculty members have in production of farm Madison University. been hired for the nursing machinery or fertilizer or in The programs include a program and will Join the processing or transporting Renew Old Acquaintances four-year degree program in JMU staff this summer, said farm products. nursing and a bachelor of Dr. Marcia Dake, head of the Other new programs are a At The Adventure In business administration in nursing program. bachelor of business ad- agribusiness management. The nursing program will ministration in economics; Gourmet Eating The nursing program, award a bachelor of science in bachelor of science degree in which replaces the three-year nursing. computer science, trade and And Shopping diploma program that The agribusiness industrial education and Rockingham Memorial management program in energy resources SPANKY'S Hospital'offered until 1977, JMU's School of Business is management; and a master of 60 W. Water St. fine arts in art. HarrisorSurg, Va. 434-7647 WELCOME BACK TO JMU MON.-SAT. 8am-lam SUN. lOam-l.am The endless summer has begun in Harrisonburg with Buddy 10% OFF any Poster |Craig's SufG TOPI TQnnln9 Cntr with this Coupon only CX)URTSQUARE It's safe, it's fast, CARD6&B00KS it's easy! 64 South Court Square where the sun never sets 433-1155 Valley's Most Unusual Cards & Posters 1106 Reservoir 434-1812 New and Secondhand Paperbacks $5.00 Discount with student I.D student Coupon valid through Se%&30- i THE BREEZE, Tuesday, September 9, 1980, Page 3 New ID system provides more accurate data By JULIE WILBER Human error has been one Student funds covered the of the biggest problems with cost of the new dining hall the system so far, Moody said. ALL I UM1TB) identification system, ac- The machines "are more cording to Hank Moody, complex with different WA-S A procedures, and there are so D-HALL director of contract dining. HA/WBOdGEU However, Food Service of- many employees to teach how ficials refuse to comment on to use them." just how much the system "We're having no more cost. problems than can be ex- The new computerized pected with a system that no system was installed for one is really familiar with," greater accountability and the according to Brian Daley, service options it provides, student general manager. Moody said. The system "does There has been some a lot of labor, provides more trouble with the machines accurate data to base contract going out, but "we've worked prices on," and is expected to out most of the bugs," Moody eventually save money for said.
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