.. DOCUMUT RESUNE /1. , '' ED 114 865 CS 501 140 . _ &UTHOR Cummings, H. 'Wayland; And pthers.. - TITLE ,Rive Year Plan (1975-1980i [of the]:Depaftment=of Speech' Communication, University of-Oklahoma. INSTITUTION Oklahoma Univ., Norman. Dept. of Speech . , --ommunication. ' PUB-DATE 1` Apr /5 NOTE - 151p. EDRS PRICE MF-$0.76 HC-$8.24 Plus Postage DESCRIPTORS College.Programs; *Communication (Thought Transfer}; Cobmunications; Educational Planning; Higher Education; *Program Budgeting; Program Costs; k. *Program Descriptions; Program Development; *Program Planning; *Speech - IDENTIFIERS *Speech Communication; UniverSity of Oklahoma ABSTRACT This document reports on the formalization of objectives, progress, and priorities 'of the five-year-plan of the Department of Speecil.Communication at the University of Oklahoma. The document presents a rationale and criteria for program planning based on the three major national conferences of the Speech Communication Association--The Wingspread Conference, the St.. ,Charles Conference on Rhetoric, and the New Orleans Conferenceon Conceptual Frontiers. This document specifically addre'sses faculty planning, student planning; academic program planning, administration and services s' planning, and financial and resources planning, and presents a statement of objectives, a description of progress to date, and a list of priorities for each of those 'sections. The final section presents e summary of the New Orleans Conference Resolutions as they relate to regearch,,teaChing, and services, and these resolutions are discussed in terms of the priorities establiqhed in the University of Oklahoma Department of Speech Communication. (Author/RB) V **************************************#******************************** Documents acquired by ERIC include-many informal unpublished * materials not available from other sources, ERIC makes every effort * * to obtain the best. copy available.. Nevertheless, items of marginal * * reproducibility are-oIten encountered and this affects ,the quality * * of the -microfiche and'hardcppy reproductions, ERIC makes available * * via the. ERIC Document Reproduction Service (EDRS)..EDRSisnot * * responsible for the quality of the original document. Reproductions * * supplied by EDRS are the best that, can be made from the original. f*****************A**************************************************** e%) I /OA / 'L'4/a/ S :3£ PART.E,T OC..EALTH EO,,,,CATiON I 0EL FARE I. NAT 40NA, ..NVilQt..E,)i. EDUCATION .14) ..F -- = c ,, 4 I % - FIVE YEAR PLAN (1975-19S0) DEPARTMENT OF SPEECH COMMUNICATION UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA APRIL 1, 1975 V '1 aw, Prepared and Submitted by the Faculty of the Department of Speech Communication Under-the / Chairmanship of H. Wayland Cummings 4) .41 Ir . / ./ . , University Service' / 12 Sabbaticals,.Summer Research Grants 12 '' / r. C. Ordered Priorities (1975-19t0) - 12 New Faculty 12 /, A Fullikervq.c.eiSpeech and Hearing Clin c 14 II. Student Plan ing A. Statement of Objectives Diversity of Student Body' 15 A Evaluation of Student Learning 15 Admission Requirements for Graduate Students - 16 Advisement Student Involvement in Research 16 GO, Service 17 B. Progress to Date (1969-1975) /. 'Diversity of Graduate Students . r . A EvalUationpf Student Learning and the New,Curricula . 1 Graduate Admisolon Requirements 22 Concern over Advisement 23 'ID Support for Graduate c'tudentAesearch 23 Involving Students.ia Service 24 C, Ordered Priorities (L975 -1980) Increase in Graduate Assistantships Research assistants., associates ...... P 24, Teaching Assis ants 24 Teaching Assoc ates Broadcast]. g 25 General C mmunication 25 Speech Ed 'cation 25 Forensic 7 26 g Ilhone0.c 26 p Minority Griotip Graduirt-43 Assista VSh tips :27 Affirmative Action 27 Minority Group Undergraduate Assistance Secretarial Support for Research 27 Annual Research, Teaching Excellence Awards ! . .28 Information on Students in Department 28 lan for Advisement '28 A " Ihvolvement of Undergraduates in Resea7ch '28 III. Academii:. Program Planning A. Statement of Objectives. Graduate Program 29 Undergraduate Program 29' Duplicatory Programs in Speech and Hearing 24 Speech Communication Research Laboratory . , - 29 Learding Resource Center 29 Reorginization of Speech and Hearing Clinic 29 Linguistics Program 30 Forerisics 30 Endowed Chair of-Oratory 30 Colloquia of National Scholars 30 Currency of Academic Programming 30 r Cooperation with qther Departments 30 B. Progress to Date (1969-1975) -New Craduat4'Curriculum 30. New Undergraduate Curriculum 30 /. 1 I. iv Resolution of Speech. &, Hearing GDadua\ t% Curriculum- 30 . New Speech Communication Rdsearch Laboratory 31 Absence of a Learning Center 37- Reorganization of Speech and Heatling Clinic 31 'Hirkitlg of a, Linguist 31 , New Systematic Desensitization Laboratory Reviving of Forensics ... 32 P Progress in Chair of Oratory I 32 . National` Schola'rs at O.U. I 32 Participation in conventions 33, Wards . C. Ordered Priorities (1$75-1980) Reorganization of Speech and Hearing Clinic 33 Funding of Colloquia Series o 33, Endowed Chair 33 Oklahoma University Roiindtableon Communication Studies . RoUndtabke,Jourhal ' - , . _' , ? V . IV. Departmental Administration2and Service Planning A. Statement of Objectives Television Servi es KGOU ` Cable Instruction . , ....... - .... 35 , . Full Service Clinic 35 " Speech Communication Research Laboratory Requirement of AdministratiJe Duties of FaCulty. V .f flyganization Requirements B.' Progress to Date (1969-1975) . Television Initructiori:Unresolved 35 KGOU-FM 36 Cable Television 1.36 Expansion or Clinic Services .36 Organization oSSCRL 36 Reduction i(n AdministrativeFunctions._ .36 C. Ordered Priorities (1975-1980) Resolutionof TV InstructiOn 37 Resolution of Cable TV "'38% .Sales Increases for KGOU ti .38 - Attainment of a anis-service Clinic s 38 0 V. Financial and Other Resources--Operational and CapitalImprove- ments--Planning A. Statement of Objectives Adequate C-Budget Support 0 OOOOOO 0 . 39 Adequate B-Budget Suppor,t 39 Space Allocation and Equipment for 3CRN 39 Space Allocation, Equipment for Learniag,Resource Center . 39 A 1 Equipment for Speech and Hearing Clinic 39 N. Equipment for Linguiseics Program 39 Space Allocation foi 3D Laboratory 39 'Operational Support for Forensics 39 :.- Equipment_ fof KGOU 19 B. Progregs to Date (1969-1975) C-Budget History Over Ten Years .. 39 &- Budget History Over Tee Years. 40 Existing SCRL Facilities 40 I ) Existing Equipment for Clinic 40 SD Lab History of Space Allopation . 41 Forensics Variable Support -41 KGOU Equipment Acqtlisitions :42 C Ordered Priorities (1975 -1980) C-Budge.t-- _ r 42 Y .1. B-Budget ..., , ' 43 r .., SCRL 43 Learning Resource Genterj:- 40. Full-serxiice-Specch and Hearing Clinic 44 Equipment Needs for'Linguistics-,. .,, . 11.. .., 45 .,-- f. - . 1, SD Lab Space Allo7Cation . ,, ... :, ...... 45 Forensics' Funding y45 KGOU Equipment Need, 45 VI.'Project \Summary, Timing, and Planned Evaluations Summary of Research.jlesolatons, Synthesized Research Priorities' . .'.. t . .... 47 4 Summary of Teaching Resotitions, Synthesized Teaching Piiorities- . 49 . , Summary of s'erviceResolutiont, ynOesized / Service Priorities . ., . ... ... : . .., . 50 Priorities Based pn $25,00( 00 iacrements . 54 Appendix A: Recommendations of-Vew Orleans Confernce 60 , AppendiZ B: GraduateCurricultn Objectives, Requiiements, Courses 69 . _ . Appendix C: Undergraduate Curriculum Dbjectives, Requirements, Courses ai vii Appendix D: Survey of Undergraduate Students 108 . Ct. Appendix E: Speech Communicationllesearch Laboratory , , 132 4 ABSTRACT This document,_ representing, the Fivft-Year-Plan of the Department of Speech Communication, is the lormalization'of objectives,progress, and ordered priorities since 1969. The document Presenis.a rationale and criteria for program planning based on the three'major nationalcon- ferencesof the Speech Communication Association--The Wingspreadcon- ference, the St. Charles Conference on Rhetoric, and the New Orleans Conference on Conceptual Frontiers--held in 1968 and 1970. In response to the Provost:s xequest to construct a.five-year-plan (1975:- .1980), this statement has as its purpose statements of objectives, progress from 1969 ,to '1975, and ordered Priorities for 1975 to 1980. The Provost - has requested that this docuMent deal with priorities order of: I. Faculty Planning; II.' Student planning;'III. Academic Program Plan- . ning; IV. Departmental Administration and Service Planning, and V. Financial and Other Resource--Operational and Capital improli8rentgVe2Plan- ning. Under each section, this document discusses' its statement of objectives, progress to date, and ordered priorities. More is revealed, however, in Section VI which is, the Project Summary, Timing and Planned Evaluations. In this section, the document presents a summary of the New Orleani Conference Resolutions as they are related to research, teaching, and service.The Department has ordered its own priOrities-in theseterms, ,emphasizing first research; secondly teaching, and thirdly service. Most- importantly; the documdnt pres.ents a summary of,,its,priorities following each set of recommendations regarding research, teaching, and service.This represents a clear and integrated picture of priorities for the department. Thirteen research priorities are presented (pp. 46,47), Which include: Expansion,in faculty research expertise in mass communication and speech education; four new graduate research_nsiistants; data gathering
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