’^ M P P P W i!! *.1 iJ- „ prvV T ^ ' ^ ' r z : ’ “i: ' •• i p f f - ' •’ r.. ' -1^4^ . • ^4-, / ' y ,. I ?4r ^ • . t '- __ V WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 1^, 19te AT«ra»t Daily Net PrcM Ron THIRTY-TWO iKanrliMpf ^pralb Far tlM EaM The Weather V Dec. U , IMS Feeaeatft a< O. •. Weather S o n M 10,835 Partly cloudy, colder ioelcfet. Member « f tkm Ammt Friday fair and coMcr. BareM of CtrcvUttMM ' Mancheater^A City of Villoite Charm __________ ' -V________________ VOL. LXXII, NO. 67 (GeaU ned ah PaGo tS) MANCHESTER, CONN^ THURSDAY, DECEMBER 18,; 1952 (TWENTY-POUR PAGES—IN TWO SECTIONS) PRICE n V E CENTS Siamese Twin Grime Lord Faces Quiz By, Probers V - S | - Chicago, Dec. 18— (/P)—One of the Siamese twins separated New York, Dec. 18—(A*)— Wednesday in a history makinG operation was “dolAG badly” The New York State Crime ny-ron today and physicians doubted he would survive. Dr. Eric Old- commission today began Medical Prepayment berG, head of the department of neuroloGy at the University probinG the alleGedly power­ of IlHnoia. said surGeons “ had to^ ful ‘fule of Albert Anastasia make a choice" durinG the day­ and his Murder, Inc., hench­ lonG eurgteial operation and that Kodney Dee, the tmallcr of the men on the Brooklyn water­ After Their Korean G>nferei|ce 'twins, waa Given the beneflt be- France Set front. ‘ cause he showed the Greater Anutula, reputed lord hiGh ex­ fc> r ‘ 'chance for ultimate survival. ecutioner of the eld Murder, Inc., Program Seeks SinGle Brain CoverinG T o Remove mob and one of tha few men alive OtdberG said surgeonn''Tound the to come hack from the SiqG SinG twins had only a sinGle fused outer duU i houM, is expected to be hail­ brain coverinG containinG a sinGle ed before the commluion, perhaps 'snGtdtal sinus'i'vein' that drains T u n is B ey today. - , ,bloi^ from the brain back to the' ______ CMI Pint WItneu U. Se, State Aid the wonder fabric j heart. Rodney waa Given this brain ' . _ A former attorney for Mveral coverinG and the drainaGe vein. Pans, DcC. 18— (fP ) — Brooklyn locale of the AFL Inter 1 oidberG said the chances th at; France sent G stronGly word national LonGshoremen's asaocia' WashinGton, Dec. 18 — (/P) — President Truman's special RoGer Lee would develop collateral j ^ ultimatum to the Bey of tlon, Vincent Mannino, w u the Health Commission came up today with a new proposal for for wonder wear rcirculation were “ almost nil,” and first witneM u the commlHion be­ that “ the next few hours will tell Tunis today askinG for an im Gan tryinG to link A n u tu la to solvinG one of the country’s hottest issues—how to pay the •the story." mediate reply—or else, which waterfront crime. Mannino made d(Ktor's bill. The commission called for a broad proflram o f » He reported RoGer Lee "didn t presumably meant ouster the followinG points: ^ federal and state support to raakte < .i.— . •'-1 dp well durinG the operation” and 1. Anastasia and ■ “cartain well voluntary prepayment insurance in a slip from his throne. plans available to cover the cut was In shock several times with French officials kept tiGht known criminali" used to hanG out ^fcis condition “precarious.” at the City Democratic club in of medical care for evaryone. silence on the contents o f tha note Federal and stats funds total­ W orld R ule But he also emphasized that aur- but a cabinet spokesman said the Brooklyn. 3. Two union, officials who later inG 1 1-2 billloi) dollars annually •eons found it would be more dif­ meMaGe called for "an immediate that's just were slain frequented the club at >, would be provided to pay all or ficult to turn the brain coverinG response." The mesuGe was based part of the costa, for, those who ahd aiiius over to RoGer Lee. Dr. the same time. U rg e d fo r on a detaUed plan for futuira action 3. Boxholders at the club’a an­ dhn't afford to pay thair share. .OldherG Hid the surGeons “ more in 'Tunteia. which tha cabinet Others would pay their own pre­ or IMa went for one" and to<^ a nual ball In 1936 Included Anaatm- ’.. I . your size adopted earlier in' the day to deal ■ia and Joe Adonis, now u rvin G a miums. w I < cflafice on the other. with the troubled situation in the Gentence in New The plan differs both from a aya-! J e ru sa le m ,, .“ W m this to aid survival of the tern unsucceHfUlly espoused by All white or colortiil prints with rolled heme. North African protectorate. Bl\OoS- JerseyJrrai StaU Prison for runninG a a ttest?” he was asked. ■hed and riotinG ^have accompanied multi-million dollar GamblinG President Truman and a rival pro­ ’“You miGht call it that,” he re­ nationalist deinands for inda^ rackat. posal of the American Medical Aa- United Nfltions, N. Y., Dec. plied. pendence. 4. William O’Dwyer. former ■octation (AMA). separation was tha first 18— (fl>) -i-The PhiiippineB 2 5 / to $ l a 0 0 e a c h The mesaaGe waa reliably report­ Mayer of New York and former Termed ‘Oomputaory’ added a new complication to , duceiesaful one of its kind in medi- Ambaaudor to Mexico, attended In ChicaGo, the president of the ;did history. In two previous at- ed to include several precise de­ the Palestine problem today mands. AmonG these were said to the club’a 1939 ball. AMA termed one aspect of the re­ , tempts to cut apart babies joined In answer to a question Mannino port “ compulaory health insur­ by a surprise move to put the ‘■“i- .at the heads, the patients died. be: 1. The Bey must siGn the. de­ Hid he be.lieved the club had con­ ance." UN on record aGain,in favor ; No mfmbcr of the medical team tributed to O’Dwyer’e campaiGn Dr. Louis H. Bauer of Hemp­ t jvhieh participated in) the opeta- crees for municipal and local re­ of the controversial question LINED SATIN HANDKERCHIEF CASES $1.00 fqr Brooklyn district attorney In stead, N. Y., AMA chief, said a tioa' woidd predict If the infant forms which French Resident- major recommendation tn the re- of internationalizinG Jenua- GLOVE CASfeS ........................... $1.00 twin* will be able to recover. General Jean da Hautaclocaue m o. Oen. DouGlaa Mnc.^riliar and Prealdent-elect Biaenhower stand with their Mat, Ike’s Secretary of lem. Mocked at Disclosure pori provides that “the federal Xarller doctore Mid the odds were presented, to him Mrlier this wsek. State iloha Foster Dullee, center, outside the DuIIm home In New York iM y , Im er conferrinG on the Tha Philippine pn^waal w u lii 7 HOSIERY CASES ........................ $1.00 Korean conflict, The two Generals met over lunch to discuss MacArthuria promised solution to the Govefiiment, throuGh payroll' de­ aGainst the twins survival from De Hauteclocque claimed the Bey Mannino Hid ha was “ shocked” ductions, would pay directly for the form of an amendment to an ths start, but that the boyi were had flnrt aGreed to siGn them, and to learn that his appointment u Korean stalemate. eiGht-power resolution, which al­ Sizes 32 to 40. ------------- ^ ■ the medical care of a larGe seG­ “liiibcUevably hearty." had. then refused to do so. counael for the six ILA locals was ment of the population. ’This la ready h u been approved by tha 'Tnit ultimate outcome of the . .3. The Bey must diamiM his due to the influence of 'Vincent compulaory hMith insurance.” General aaMmbly’a 60-nation apo­ Not exactly oparatiaa^ Is yet tmknown," eaid p m en t circle of adlvaera, which ManGane, Sr. ManGana haa been Thf AMA Mid it would withhold d a l |k>liUcal committM. Thia pro- as Illustrated $3.98 arrested four times for assault. comment on the full report paiid- poaal merely appealed to lanul iOBaHmmd sa Visge Twenty-three) (CosHnoed on PaGp Twsuty-thrM) robber.v and other charGes but UN Planes JJolds InG “ouoful study" hy n tour-man and the Arab countriM to b a | (J> never has been convicted. committM. direct taOta aimed at a final paaoa A union official told him, Man­ Prealflent Truman, alnce 1845,. In Palestine. i Shop Hale's nino aaid, that “without Vincent Smash Red hu vainly pluGGed for a federal A vofle on the amendment and Pre-Teen Dresses Gift Scarfs , M sn Gu o'a c k a y nobody could system of pre-paid atcknaM Inaur- the resolution w u exnerted. Isitor work Kara." MacArfihur's Plan in ths day after a fuU debate iB ance (or 135 million vfaGa-aarplhG Colorful all silk squares in larGe assortment of Testetdsy the commission probe the aSumUy. Sizes 8 to 14. Beautiful dresses—cottons and UU- patterns and colors. For Christmas Trodps Site Amaricana—to ba financed by fetas. plaids, cottons, full skirts. o f watGrfront crime focused on the compulaory tax on employM and 1M1 Plan Rsjeotod Jersey City, N. J., waterfront. - New York, Dec. 18—</P)-~Pr«8id«niHi)eet Dwifht D. Eisen­ The oriGinal Palestine partition hower cloaked in deep secrecy today the Korean war and employers, alonG tha UitM o f the plan, adopted by the sHembly In M id-Season Mayor John V. Kenn.v’a ex-chauf­ Seoul, Friday, Dec. 19— (JP) ■octal aacurity ayatem. 85/ to $2*98 each Gift Hosiery For Solid Defenses feur, Albert D.
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