Joint Task Force 7, Commander Task

Joint Task Force 7, Commander Task

us 2. 3. , i , c * ” \ a JOINTTASL FOiiOE 7 !l!dmiG.lxm 7.3 rr3/7.3/3- MiHXNUPON25, 3, C. 31 December 1953 'LSL GBOW 7.7 NOTICE '3121 From: Commander, Teak Group 7.3 'PO: AU Iiolders of ConTaskGroup 7.3 Operationi%an No. l-53 nf 7 Dee 1953 Subj: Change # 1; forwwding of &cl: (1) Change # 1, conelating of: Beplauenent pngee, Pen md Ink changee, and Cut Out corrections. 1, tiMme+ The purpose of this notice is to promulgate Chmge # 1 to ComTaskGroup 7.3 Operation ;t’lan No. l-53. 2. Scme, Correctlona ahall be made aa indiueted below: a. Insert new or replacement pages ee follows: 9, .A-2, F-9, IU, J-I-l, J-I-2 md J-I-3. Destroy supereeded pages by burning: no report of des tructien is required, b. Mr-kePen and Ink corrections on pages 1, 5, 11, 12, C-I-2, F-I-62, I-3, IA+, 1-1-1, I-1-2, 1-1-3,I-I-4, I-I-5, I-I-6, I-I-7, I-I-8, I-I-9, I-1-10nnd I-IL&l. C. Cut Out correctione for pages B-111-1, F-I&4, F-I-M, F-I-B-2, F-I-B-3, F-I-W, and F-I-%5, and insert ata direate& .3. Cancellatiom. fnis notice is cmcelled upon aonpletion of the above changes. 4, This notice may be downgraded to UNCUSSIFIED when separated from enclosure. _ r __ .-’ * - : \-.* \ RC374 ptfsufc hJvc'c*- H. C. SX.J!iQN A9-Jc7 2/ lWt5 INCOMPLlfE DOCUMENT REFERENCE SHEET The archive copy of this document is incomplete. Pages missing Enclosures missing 6%. / Attachments missing Other Q-&Q,b signature 8-6-90 date ( , - - _. -- . .-__ .’ *. __ \ !’ r -JOINT TASKF’ORCE-SEVEI’I ’ _ i TASK GROUP7.3 R3/?.3/30:e$ . _ _ . 30 January1954 _TAxRCUP ‘793 NO’I’ICE~~_Z~ /’ /’ From: Commzqder,Task Group ‘7.3 70: All Solders of ComTaskGroup7.3 Operation Plan No. l-53 of 7 Dee 1953 Subj: Change #2; forwarding Of Encl: (1) Change #2, consistingof: Replacementpages, Pen and Ink Changes and Cut Out corrections. 1. P::rposee The purpose of this notice is to promulgateChange #2 to ComTekGroup 7.3 Operation Plan No. l-53. 2, G-.RECTI1'E.TRE ATTENTIONOF AIL COUUNDERS OF TASK UNITS AND COMMANDING OFFITBS IS I%RTICULARLYDIRECTED TO NEW ANNEX J INCLUDEDHEREIN, ENTITLED "COX.'.CTIDENTIFICATION AND DEVELOPMENTPROCEDURE". 3 0 +&e.. Correctionsshall be made as indicatedbelow: -a- Insertnew or replacementpages as follows: J-l, J-2, J-3, J-4, -. J-5, '-6,J.7, J-8, J-9, J-10, J-11 and J-I-A-l. Destroy supercededpages by turzj*g; no reportof destructionis required. t-.Bake Pen and Ink correctionson pages 2, C-3,-C-I-l,F-2, F-4, F-I-A-l, F-1-J-2, F-f-A-7, F-I-B-l, F-I-B-2j F-I-B-4, F-I-B-5, I-II-A-l, and C-I-2. c , Make cut out change on page F-8, ii.. ,Culcellation. This notice is cancelled upon completion of the above changes L. * ? :-lisnotice may be downgradedto CCKFIDNTIAL when s eparated from enclosurti, , 73 INCOMPLETE DOCUMfNt REFERENCE StitET The archive copy of this document is incomplete. Pages missing Enclosures missing EM. 1. Attachments missing Other ‘4e\,L signature &S-PO date . -. I “, . ..- Jo5nt Task Force SXVEN ,TMK-GROUP 7 ;3 FF3/7.3/30:ejt APO 187, c/o Postmaster 24 February1954 San Franci~co,California CTG7.3 NoTlcE 663l.21 . : * From: CorrmanderTask Group 7.3 To: AU. Holdersof CorfTaskGroup7.3~OpeAion Plan l-53 of 7 December1953 Subj: Change#3; Forwardingof 8 l&xl: (1) Change #3, consistingof: Replacement Pages and Pen and Ir&~changes. 1. Purpose. The purposeof this Notice is to promulgateChange #3 to ComlPask- Group 7.3 OperationPlan l-53. 2. scope. Correctionsshall be made as indicatedbelow: a. Insert new page as follows: GIV-1. Replacementpages H-2, H-3, ad J-7. b. Nake Pen and Ink correctionson pages 1, 2, F-I-B-2,I-1-1, I-I-2, I-I-9, I-1-10and X-3. 3. Cancellation.This Notice is cancelledupon completionof the above changes. 4. This Notice may be downgradedto UNCLASSIFIEDwhen separatedfrom enclosure. INCOMPLITE DOCUMENT RtFERlNCl SHtlT The arch2ve copy of this document is incomplete. Pages missing Enclosures missing Attachments missing Other &&9t9 date JOINT TAs;i ImcE 7 lksii GBOIR7.3 UGHING'XQN25, D. C. OfClbTIOIPM NO. 1-52 iiE;rtiOIXJCTIONOF 'IXE SECi-BT i'OdTIONS OF !WfS IXXIJKENTIN WHOLE 03 II?i-+dlT IS ;r'iiOirIXTZDEXC%T KTH REMISSION OF TXi3ISSUING OFFICE. CiiGES TQ O?Z&'j?ION2LAN NO. l-53 Enter Nunber and Dete of Correction6a8 Indicated / I ,J/J,.$J - ! /- ;Ib.JV ; G(?h’ * j 1 2 ; 1-30-54 Upon r$cei* ; 212-54 ; J. M. Thompson,yNC i i ‘- _-_I___ _-_-_ --- I J&t Task Forae SEVEN Task Group 7.3 Washington 25, I),C. Operation Plan 7 Treccmbor1953, 1200X CTPC;7.3 No, l-53 Chart&ference t Grids of PNIM3OK =a ;tlIKINI,Bo 6032; HO 6033;HO 2009FC; II02010 FC; and HO 2011FC Task Ornanieation: _ -- .- -\ ar TIJ 7,3.Q ,’ SpecialDevlcee Unit CBPT B.E.C. JONES -1 (1) m 7r3ro.o Spdcial Devices llenent W'T B.'E.C.JONES UIS CUiiTISS(kV-4) Escort Element As aseigned _ ./- (2)-.- TE 7.3.Od TrJ7,3.i- SurfaceSecurity Unit CAPT J. E. SMITH Cart DesDlv 12 .A __-- USS E.?Pl&XQI(RD%719)(F) CDRI7.B. INVIS uss i%mJ.?(1X%498) CDltiG. W. &BIN ussI?IcHOus(lJD~9) Cm J. C. ELIOT uss imsuw (lmwb99) ’ Cm L. H, AIZOD uss PC 15M T B.B, G- INGHOUSE k s assign* chii?TE, O'EEIdNE CarrierElement cmr E, O'REIrn uss uuoiso (WE-115) 10 &jS &Air Foroe Elelicopters a0 aesigned (2)TB 7.3.&l BILINIFighter Element SeniorNavel Avietar 3 F4U-5H assiylel (3)'m EWLWETOKFight er llenent * 3F4U-9 a. TU 7.3.3 Patrol Phne Unit cmw.AmoLD VP - 29 12 P2V-6 1 P2v-5 1 P4Y-2 22~9 d. Tu 7.3.4 Joint Task Force Flagship C&'T J, W. WATE.ZIOUSl3 ! uIzLt uss ESTES (dx-12) t ..’ - : . e_L I onP& CTG 7.3 No, l-53 f. TU 7.3.5 utilityUnit ICDR L. JONES USS KENDER(ARSD 2) LCDR L. JONES USS COCOPA(ATF 101) LT W. 0. WILSON USS MOIALA ATF l&j LT l?.F. REED USS AIACHEf All? 67) LT T. A. CASEY TJSSSIOUX (ATF75) LT T. B. HURTT USS TAWAKONI(ATF ll4) LT R. A. MCA4RER 8. TlJ7.3.6 .AWShip Countermeasures CAFT G. G. MOLUKFHY Test Unit (1) TE DroneShip Element CAST G. G. MOLlJMRiY UG 39 ICDRH. V. ANCELL,&. # TAG ~0 LCDR J. S. MAIAYTER (2) lx Towingzmd Decontanination Atiassigned Element ATFs a6 assfigned h. Tu 7.3.7 BIKINIHarborUnit CAPT E. O'BEIRNE (1) !m IandingShip Dock Elemnt CDllC. 0. LOWE USS BELL8GXVE (LSD2) (2) TE Boat Pool Elemnt LT B. R. VATKINS 5 LfxJ 15 m: 2LcRl 1 26' K#B 1 Am 1 YCV 1 XFN 1 PC ._ i. TE BZne ProjectElement CDR J. W. REED USS SHEb (Dl:30) (1) TE l&e Laphg and i?eCovery Elerzent uss rmx,xmR (ARS42) LCDR I?. K. SI~ZTH EOCU ONE (Tem 1) LT W. R. BROOKS (2) TE Xine %ady and AnalysisElment LCDRR. S. SCOTT,Jr. USS L-ST1157 F!e ProjectSIX ICDR8. S. SCOTT,Jr. 77 . /.. : ‘. CTG 7.3 No. l-53 3. TU 7.3.8 ENTvlETOKHarbor Unit 3 I&X YCG YCGN 1 AVR 1 LCFR 1 YO, tjheaat ENTiiTOK Shipsin qdteepENFtBTOI(. k. TiJ7.3.9 'hnsportUnit CDR C. 0. MWE # (1) m SpecialDevices Transport Element CDR C. 0. LclJE USS BELLEGWVE (ISD2) CDR C. 0. LOGIE 2a OPerrtibn Plw CTG 7.3 No. 1-53 (2) TE Sgecinl DevioesTranayort LT J.O. BACHCRT Element USS LST 762 (3) TE Escort Element (4) !cz EscortElement ha o.ssigned (5) TE MaterialTrpnspert Elenent LT 2.G. J%.NZEZA.CH usa LST 551 (6) Tz 7,3,9.5 MaterialTransport Unit As assigned (7) TB Personnel Transp~t Elemnt C. W. IiLJTCZESON,MASTUB USNS Fred C. AINSWOtiTH(T&481) L",IB.H.B,KRUETZFELDl! Co, MilitaryDept. 1. Genera4 This plan is tased aa CJTF SEVEN OperaticnPlan No, 3-53 ef' 10 Noveaher 1953, copiescf which are being distributedto all ships and units af TG 7.3 with this plan. a1 By directionof the Jaiat Chiefs of Staff, Joint Task Force 132 (JTF 132) was activa";odon 9 July 1951 for the purpose of conducti% Cpcr- atian IVY at BNIWETOKAte11 lslrlng1952, OperationIVY was cam@eted en 21 November1952. On 21 kay 192, the JCS designatedthe Chiefof Staff, U,S, Army to eoatipe as ExecutiveAgent fol'a subsequoatevermae htonio Test (OperatiopCASTLE) and Broadenedthe missionof CJTF 132 to bclude t& cxeuutianof frbs1LE. On I February1953 Joint Task Force 132 was re- designatedJoint Task Farce SEVEN (JTF iilSENJ, By directionef the JCS, CJTF iEVEN will conductteat3 of experimentaldevices at the AtomifPretia Grou,adsat EXIWE!L'OKmd BIKINI In the winter and springof 1954.

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