Novtmbw I. IMS PAi^ARO Volume 3, Number 15 Serving the UTSA community W University Assembly: Big Decision Makers D«cisions, decisions, dacislons. sity Assambly. mcludinvi com­ d The elected President ol the policy and makes recommenda­ iee (7 membeisl ' — Bevii'ws liiundly allecling students and An institution trie si2e and scope ol mittees ol the General Facully Student Body, one under­ tions to Ihe president University policies concernng l.tcully are rendered In lact, two im. U T,S.A IS l«c«d with a lot ol deci ,< Facully welfare graduate student from each col­ c Academic Freedom and Ihe wellare of facully, sluiienih, purlanl ilecisions were made in the sions Who makes Ihe really impor­ Obviously, such matters are ol lege and one graduate Tenurs Commitiee |7 members. and professional sMM ,iiul Oclobei meeting tant ones here'' By and large, deci­ potentially tremendous signilicance student,, 5 tenured and 2 non- recommends changes when iip First, a resolution changing the sions ot any real consequence or im­ to university students and laculty e. Three members ol the pro­ tenured) — Conducts in­ propnale, University policy on academic pact at UTSA are made by the alike According to the bylaws. Ihe lessional stall... vestigations and makes recom­ h Acadamic Resources Com- dismiss.ii ,ind reinbiatemenl carried University Assembly assembly is composed of: The Assembly makes most ol Ihe mendations lo the President mlllee (7 members)' - Develups tMsily Ttit proposal would deny The University Assembly meets a. Four laculty members decisions based upon the recom­ regarding tenure policy and policy reconimyndalions run Univccsiiy readmission lor a lull year on the second Tuesday ol each elected by and Irotn the voting mendations ol one or more ol its academic Ireedom cerning Ihe Library, Buiiilnur- I. iiiinntiy students may reapply month during the academic year. members ol the General Facully nine standing committees. Ihe d Academic Standards and Re- and Grounds,. Compuii'i .iiii'i lino semester) any student ar>d according to Ihe assembly ol each College, plus one addi­ workhorses of Assembly function quiremanis Commitiee |7 Facilities, Media Rostumi's ilismissctJ more than once Irom the bylaws, has the auihoniy to con tional laculty member lor each The standing committees ol the members) —Investigates and etc University for academic reasons. sider the lollowing ten per cent ior maior fraction Assembly are. according lo the recommends policy concerning I Nominating Commitiee i:^ Tills lb a tougher policy, said Dr a. All matters ol academic thereol) ol the University facully Bylaws: admissions, graduation honors members) " — Nominates Umver Richard Gambitta. It makes the policy except in the area ol appointed to the college... a Adminlslrallvt and Agenda and degrees. sity Assembly Commiiiei' process more punitive graduate education p.. the President, all Vice CommltUt (7 e SlitdenI Life and Activlllas members,. Secondly, on a bit brighter b Regulations dnaling with President*, and Deans of Ihe membaas)"—Prtpares CommlllM (7 members)" — These nine committees review academic note, a resolution to in- student activities collages. assembly agenda and may Establishes guidelines for their areas of concern, submit to liie iliale a University Honors Program c. Requirements lor admis­ u...Dean ot Students, uean oi recommend creation of special teaching effectiveness and General Faculty those recominendd cdirieO almost unanimously The sion, graduation, honors or Continuing Education, Director committees. develops methods lor lions that require talilicalion, ,md proposed program would have a degrees of Libraries and the Director ol b. Acadamic Policy and Cur­ evaluating teaching perfor­ then to Ihe President loi hi>, at) locus of interdisciplinary nature. ' J Reports ol special and stan­ Admissions and Registrar ricula Committee n i mance proval. Through ihis telHlivfly said Gambitta. characteriied by an ding committees ol Ihe Univer­ (Non-voting members) members) -Reviews academic g Human Resources Commit­ democratic process, decisions pm advanced enriched curricula." BACO Gathers Forensics Ranked 4th Support For In Field of 400 The University ol Texas at San An sity Oct 23-25 Participating in the tonlo Forensics Team is ranked tournament were 34 schools Irom Il­ Needy Families With ninth In a field ol 400 schools irom linois, Iowa, Oklahoma, Arkansas, across the nation according lo ihe f^issouri, Kansas, Texas and Loui­ latest figures compiled by the Cross siana Annual Turlcey Draw Examination Debate Association The debate leam ol Gary Kitchen (CEDA), located In Long Beach. and fi/lark Cole won third place In B I Joyce Hyde and university sludenls on Tuesday Calif. cross examination debate event. As Area businesses and campus nights throughout November, Cunn­ well. Kitchen and Cole were award­ groups are assisting Ihe Black ingham said. Ranking* are determined by points each leam accrues at lour ed, respectively, lirst and second American Cultural Orga.nzation wllh Once the turkeys are purchased namente. place speaker debater awards, Marti Its third annual Turkey Draw, a pro- they will be delivered to lamilies Saenz won lirst place in poetry int' )ect presently underway to provide whose names will be provided by the The UTSA team placed lourlh overall at a tournament sponsored pielalion by unanimous vote frorrj needy lamilies with Thanksgiving San Antonio Housing Authority and her lluoe judges. turkeys Ihe UTSA Financial Aid Office by Soulhweat Missouri Slate Univer­ According to BACO president This IS the first year we've in­ Larsee Cunningham, several cam- cluded people on campus slated ^-^_eus organiitalions have already con Cunnlnaham. "Any students in need trrbuled to the project, and Phi Beta should oontact the Financial Aid Lambda Honor Society is collecting Office. If they meet Ihe quallfica canned goods to be delivered along lions, they will be presented with a with the turkeys turkey. Local businesses are alao Cash donation* and canned •••liling with the proact The Bot­ good* are being accepted dally dur­ tom Line nightclub on Commerce ing school hour* throughout Street has agreed lo donate all cover November at the front entrance lo charges collected Irom area college Ihe HB building. "^ m- 1^ Writing Contest \ \ MB Sparics Imagination By P. Driecoll Entries must be submitted no later than Friday, January 20,1984 to The University of Texas at San An­ the English Division Office at HB tonio Library and the Division of 4.03.16 Each must be accompanied m- iinii English, Classics, and Philosophy by a cover sheet which can be ob­ Chris Webb, Hughe* trophy nominee, receltw* hi* 2nd lieutenant honor*. are sponsoring Ihe second annual tained in Ihe Division Olfice The student writing contest. student's name should not appear The Contest is open to any on all pages ol Ihe entry undergraduate student enrolled uur- Each entry must be typed, and ing either the Fall or Spring double-spaced on one side of No, Dr. Jell Roel is not just another pretty face. The geography Instruc­ semester of the 1983-84 school year. 8'/?"x11" paper In the poetry tor, a candidate lor the Ugliest Professor Contest al Bestfest, puts his UTSA Graduate category, one long or up to three best lace forward lor our photographer. According to Dr. Alan Craven, Division Director ol Engli*h, short papers may be submitted as a Cl***ic* and Philaophy, "The com­ single entry. In the pro*e fictlonr petition i* nol geared to people who category, the entry {Should con*i»t| want to be profe**ional writer*." He of 1000 to 2500 word*. In the essaij INSIDE: Nominated For category, the entry should con*i*l *ald, "What ware trying to do I* en­ courage people who enjoy writing, of a 500 lo 1000 word essay on any] SPORTS: and who write for Iheir own subiect. pleasure " Judging will be baaed on originali Basketball Teams Look Great Hughes Trophy Prizes will be awarded in Ihe ty, clarity, coherence, control o^ categories ol poetry, prose fiction, language, and where applicable, usej and essay Papers submitted for of evidence. The decisions of thij FEATURES: By Joyce Hyde said. "If he wins he wlll tie on par class assignments at UT San An­ judges are final Former UTSA sludenl and SRA wllh the number one senior cadet at ionio are eligible All entries will be The winners in each catetory w I ROTC Trains Leaders Preaident. Chris Webb. Is UTSA's the U.S. Military Academy." published in UTSA's literary be announced at a reception on nominee lor the 1984 Hughes While attending UTSA, Webb serv­ magazine. Cactus Alley, but will nol Tuesday, April 3, 1984 at Ihe Johrj Trophy Award. ed as both president and vice- be returned. Peace Library, COMMENTARY: The trophy, awarded annually by president of Ihe Student Represen­ Hughes Aircraft Company lo Ihe tative Assembly. He was awarded previous year's most outstanding USAA'* Leader*hip Award and nam­ UT and UTSA - 90 Years Difference R.O.T.C. commissioned graduate, is ed a* one of the Outatandlng Young Tex-Tesol Holds designed to recognize Ihe best new Men In America by Ihe Junior lieutenant in tha nation. Chamber ot Commerce. Webb was Classroom Materials and Tests ol a second dialect According to Maior Sluarl Q. Up­ the number one ROTC cadet In his Functional Competence at 8 45 The conference is sponsored al son, Professor of Milliary Science, senior claaa, and is iiated in the 1983 Fall Conference am The conference will also UTSA by the Division of Bicultural- R.O.T.C . Webb, who graduated and edition of Who'a Who Among Texas Teachers of English lo Room 201 12. feature publishers' exhibits ol stale- Bilingual Studies. Registration is t3 received his milliary commission tiMlenia In Amerlcen Collegea and Speakers of Other Languages (TEX Keynote speaker Christine Meloni adopted English as a second for non members; there is no charge leal May, has an excelleni chance of- UnltwreHlee.
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