NOW PARKING IS NO· ... ~.,,".01'' ~ THE DAILY NEWS '· i: I". ' ' ' . OMUI T\ ,· Vol. 67. · No. 116 THE DAILY NEWS, ST. JOHN'S, NFLD., FRIDAY, AUGUST 19, 1960 (Price. 7 Cents) Charles Hutton & Sons Powers Trial: ¥ !Defence Counsel Has·Ciub, Kick, Rob And Spit (NEA Radioqelephoto) Hopes Of Leniency. Upon Signalmen At Airport C-2 PILOT'S WIFE IN MOSCOW-Pondering a question, Mrs. Barbara Powers, wife of American U-2 pilot · By ROBERT ELPHICK :had considered the possible ex- mained silent. But when Powers I ~ MOSCOW <Reuter.> I- Several . plosive effects of lhis mission en: was asked if he had any com- 8y BERNARD DUFRESNE 1 Prancis Powers, holds o press conference in Moscow. i hints of mercy for U-2 pilot Fran·, the world situation. , ment, he replied "One question. Canadian Pr~s Stoff Writer Mrs. Powers said she considered her husband a recan· 'cis Gary Powers cl\me as evi-l He replied that 'the people,. Would it have been possible for LEOPOLDVILLE CP-Congolese army riflemen clubbed, kit ked, rob· naissance scout and not o spy. On hand to witness her : denee was completed on the sec- who sent me" should have con- I the identity marks to have been 1 ond day of the theatrically-staged sidered this. I put on over the painted surfaces bP.d and spot upon Canadian United Nations officers and signalmen ot husband's espionage trial. Mrs. Powers added that she i espionage trial. I Under questioning by court and then removed, leaving the on airport Thursday, causing one soldier to remark grimly "I thought thought he did right to plead guilty. ! ~likhail Griniov, the Soviet de-j,president _"iktor Boris.og!cbsky,l painted surfaces as they were?'; this was it." ------ fence counsel, told the flyer's · Powers s_ard the summ1t ~onfer- family during the lunch rescess I ence-wh1ch pro1•ed 1bortlve as. A POSSIBILITY Copt. Marc Taschereau, o Montrealer and member of the Roval 22nd Thursday he had hopes of leni-: a result of h!s mission-w~s "!ar: Tyufilin replied "In principle, Regiment-the famed "Va~ Doos"-was beaten unconsciOUS by o Congo· ency because of Powers' guilty i from my mmd" at the hme of. there is this possibility." I lese rifle butt on the head but Thursday night was declared in o.ood P.M. Protests To plea, his behavior in court and I his flight. ! Powers "This plane was tn can· Ihis expressions of regret over the: But he agreed with Borisogle·l Incirlik Ia Turkish base for. dilion with minor shock and external bruises. May Day flight. , hsky that his mission had done i soine months and every plane I --.. ·-· ·----· --- · The SRI'il~e incident. one of a t'mbidcrahly." One of the£ l~lwyer~d adGv!~!ng I the ,Un!ted Slates "a very ill 1 saw there had ~orne sort of 'serV;s or clashes between Pre· 1:\.JL:It\" LIST he Dag c··alls In. t Powers amr y s&l . rm1ov servrce. ' 1 marks .. I cannot agree that there micr Patrice LumumbR's :\cgro Si~natman E. Dou~et. Ba· Govt. Of Congo 1 .r. told him Thursday mornrng the 1 • have never been any marks on troops and F\' personnel. occur. till!l':;l, \'.B .. suf!cr~d a bruised B.- J.\)tES NELSON ened and injured. d~fcndant has .,"done well on the: NO SIGN OF CRACKIN~ this plane.'' 8" F · red when 300 newly·independcnt finger when a Congole:e stepped OIT,\1\'.'1 tCP• - Canada pro· "I expect an immediate assur- • Witness stand, ' Po~ers showed 110 ~Jgns ·of i The court president ~aid "It 1g our <.:ongoJese mistook {he Canadians on his hand and a bruised left lrst•d sternly to the governmen• ance that effective me&sures will/ These reports eame on top o! i crack.m~ under the strain of the ' is your right not to agree with. fo1· the Belgian troops they hate, kg from a kick. of the Congo republic Thursday be taken to ensure that the Corcesl a Soviet press campaign claim-~ questromng. If anythmg, he ap- i the expert. But the experts have· (j:"'ITI'D XATIO:"'S , \PI Dag Other :\'egro troops from Ghana Cpl. Edgilr ~lalboruf. ~lonh Ol'fr injuries to Canadian ser1·- under your control will refrain ing the vlllain of the lnc!dent was pear~ n:ore o~tspoken than I thoro.ughly examined the plane Ha~ma;skj~ld caiic;l 111. thc~hief rushed to ~id the Canadians. rral, >aid "I he Con go 1 e s e l!:'{ lcen~n and demanded assur- from threatening the security of n?t Po~ers but Amencan for-I }'::a • t~! rC re~~~IVlng :our~~e 1 and hal'e co11_1e to. the conclusio.n rcprescntati\·es ,1r the Bi;! SHARP PROTEST '.rouldn't allow the '<.:anildians to ances for their safely in future. , Canadian personnel who proceed Iergn policy: 1 be~ all Pd e e of _hrs 'Ar.fe 1 there are no rdenllty marks on 11 • Four powers ThuJ•sdav for a joint The violence again>! Tasdle· 'peak while !yin~ on .the ground. Prime Minister Diefcnbaker I to your country on friendly and The family ~awyer, Alexander I sine h owe to tsee dhrs famrlyl, and there were none .h.efore." i conference aimed at ·~'('epin;: the reau. 12 non-combat Canm1ian Suficrin~ onlv minor injuries ulled Thursday's attack on Ca- 1peaceful missions in thp perform-~ W. Parker, sa1d he expects lhe e e was cap ure · . Other experts testlf1_ed about: Congo from collapsing into chaos. signalmen and RC\F Sqdn.-Ldr. ""' Crl. "Robc;.t Conroy, King~­ ndians at Leopoldl'illc airport I ancc o{ tasks determined by the trial to wind up today. He added I Powe~s repeatedly sa1d he 1 cameras. aboard the l'·2, about: Reliable sources s'aid the IJ:". Ken Roberts. a public relations tun. althou;zh he said a natire ''totally unwarranted and unius-ll1nited Nations," Mr. Diefen·; "We will try to ~ee Mr. Khrush· kn~w httle about the ph~togra- i the ~ence to blo:v up the plane Secretary • General bluntlv toid ofliccr. brought a sl1;1rp. protest broke a rifle butt across Iris tillable.'' baker said. I chev and stay for fot.r or five phrc, :ad~r and radro eqUipment -Which Powers d1d not use-and tll!' that Bio l'ou unanimitl', from Prime )lini>lcr !Jicfcllbal;cr back. He said in his note to Premier: UNUSUALLY STERS f days. If Barbara can see her aboard hr~ U-2. 'a?out radio ?~vices desi_gned to 11.~~impcr<ltiv~ in or~er to avoid in Ottawa ond !JUrried consulto- .;i,nalm"ll .Jo>c ~Iathicu. Que- Patrice Lumumba that Canada The note was unusual in dip-; husband, we Will slay longer." The Soviet defence lawyer re- 1prck up So\'let radar srgnal~. : a <irastic deterioration in the a!- tions at l':\ headquarters in :\'ew he c. suffered check bruise, when bad readily voluntee~ed to ~lp Jomatlc for the directnes;; -------- , ready-turbulent African republic .. York_. Ire was t"·icc kicked. the Con1olese repubhc organize of Its approach from the prime NO CROSS·EXAMINATJON St •k L d , African sources said Hammar·. l':-i t1·oops ;:uardm;z tile au·porJ Some Canadians 1\HC aboard iuelf after gaining rndependence, m!nlster to the ~ongolelle pre· Parker com m t n ted it was r1 e ea ers ~kjuld also warner! .\frica';;; Ll:'{ ncar t.eopo!ctl·iJJc dug trcncll<'> a p!;uw .mrl other> in jeep> but Canadian aervlcemen, repre- i m~er, and the stiffness of the "shocking" for any American: , reprcscntatircs that if disagr·cc-' and strung bcrhe1l ll'lre around \lhl'D the Con~ o lese struck. aentin1 the Canadbn govern·jlanguage used, Most auch notes lawyer to ~ the expert wit- : ment persists with F!'emier Pa- hangars and other bmlrlrngs after Thirt v Con~olcsc mmed ll'ilh me!lt and people, were threat- are couched In vague language. ne1111es cive their evidence with- trice Lumumba·s Congo gon~rn- the attack. ~-~lle~· and .;;ubm .a c. ~~-i n7 gun; ciut any attempt by the defence ck menl the United Nalions would Orcr the t•nll·ancc. I hey hun!!" b,oc!itd tlte plane; ,akco.f. at cross·examlnatlon. suffer ·setb a hare' no alternatil·c but to pull si~n rcadin~ ":\obody apart' The Canadwns. two of wh~lll But Powers himself showed no I . out the more than 1 ~, 000 U:\ ·from l':-i ll"rso.n!wl . ma.v bring 1\·or~ wrng> .an? chc,.rons sJ_m- OAS Concerned By slgns of submitting meekly to the · :troops in the countt·y. arm~ or ammunrtJOn mto th1s an·. rlar to the Jnsi;lma of Bel:;ran barrage of testlm.ony seeking to LONDON (Reutersl- Leaders in its lOth day. port.'' paratroopers, were robbed or prove he was. act1vely spyin~ on ol Britain's wlldcat !!!amen's Only 66 of the c'rew joined the R.<\RE GATIJERI;IIG A liN officer was ~sked what their wallets an(l .<omc arms. Red Infiltration his Ill-fated flrght over Russra. strike showed no signs of sur- strike and the liner is expected . Summoned for _the. rare mcPt· his troops would do .t rhe Congo- l'rench-Canadiiln prntcsts were 111 4 In the morning and afternoon render Thursday after suffering to proceed to New York with · , g that lasted " rmnut;s "~rc lese attempted a hl'e3!>through. >hru~~ed otf with a re~eated B, KEN SMITH hal'e expressed thoughts on Com· sessions, he clashed openly with a setback when the liner Queen 2,104 passengers afth calling at le.S.
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