r I ,· June 19, 1969 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE 16629 I { GoVERNOR OF THE VmGIN IsLANDS U.S. COURT OF CUSTOMS AND PATENT APPEALS attorney for the district of Montana for the Melvin H. Evans, of the Virgin Isl'cmds, to Donald E. Lane, of the District of Colum­ term of 4 years. be Governor of the Virgin Islands. bia, to be Associate judge, U.S. Oourt of Cus­ Charles E. Robinson, of Washington, to be toms and Patent Appeals. U .S. marshal for the western district of DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY Washington for the term of 4 years. John R. Petty, of New York, to be an DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE Gaetano A. Russo, Jr., of Connecticut, to Assistant Secretary of the Treasury. Anthony J. P. Farris, of Texas, to be U.S. be U .S. marshal for the district of Connec­ K. Martin Worthy, of Maryland, to be a.n attorney for the southern district of Texas ticut for the term of 4 years. Assistant General Counsel in the Department for the term of 4 years. Doroteo R. Baca, of New Mexico, to be U.S. of the Treasury (Chief Counsel for the In­ Thomas F. Turley, Jr., of Tennessee, to be marshal for the district of New Mexico for ternal Revenue Service) . U.S. attorney for the western district of Ten­ the term of 4 years. VETERANS' ADMINISTRATION nessee for the term of 4 years. Royal K. Buttars, of Utah, to be U.S. mar­ Donald E. Johnson, of Iowa, to be Admin­ Lincoln C. Almond, of Rhode Island, to be shal for the district of Utah for the term of 4 U .S. attorney for the district of Rhode Island years. istrator of Veterans' Affairs. for the term of 4 years. J . Pat Madrid, of Arizona, to be U.S. mar­ RENEGOTIATION BOARD David J. Cannon, of Wisconsin, to be U.S. shal for the district of Arizona for the term William Henry Harrison, of Wyoming, to be attorney for the eastern district of Wiscon­ of 4 years. a member of the Renegotiation Board. sin for the term of 4 years. John C. Meiszner, of Illinois, to be U.S. William Scholl Whitehead, of Virginia, to Dean C. Smith, of Washington, to be U.S. marshal for the northern district of Illinois be a member of the Renegotiation Board. attorney for the eastern district of Washing­ for the term of 4 years. George L. Tennyson, of South Dakota, to u.s. CmcUIT JUDGE ton for the term of 4 years. Seagal V. Wheatley, of Texas, to be U.S. be U.S. marshal for the district of South George Harrold Carswell, of Florida, to be attorney for the western district of Texas for Dakota for the term of 4 years. U.S. circuit judge for the ~th circuit. Edward J. Michaels, of Delaware, to be U.S. the term of 4 years. marshal for the district of Delaware for the U.S. DISTRICT JUDGE John L. Bowers, Jr., of Tennessee, to be term of 4 years. David W. Williams, of California, to be U.S. attorney for the eastern district of Ten­ Christian Hansen, Jr., of Vermont, to be U.S. district judge for the central district of nessee for the term of 4 years. U.S. marshal for the district of Vermont for California. Otis L. Packwood, of Montana, to be U.S. the term of 4 years. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES-Thursday, June 19, 1969 The House met at 12 o'clock noon. tion Treaty and authorize an appropriation that the errors did, in fact, occur, but the Rev. Father Vincent F. Hart, National therefor. most probable explanation is that the tally Chaplain, Catholic War Veterans of clerk's response to the Clerk of the House was an instinctively defensive reaction stemming America, offered the following prayer: COMMUNICATION FROM THE COM­ from the complete state of exhaustion which 0 God our Father, with full realization MITTEE ON STANDARDS OF OF­ he was experiencing at the time. that humility is the virtue of the realist, FICIAL CONDUCT In the Committee's belief, several factors contributed to this condition in the tally for humility is truth, and pride, the vice The SPEAKER laid before the House clerk. At a point when legislative activity in of the unrealist, the self-deceiver, we the the following communication from the the House was unusually high and with his people of these United States .of America Committee on Standards of Official Con­ assistant physically incapacitated and off beseech You to lavish at all times the duct; which was read and referred to the the job, the tally clerk assumed the full salutary grace of realistic truth upon this Committee on House Administration: burden of both positions. In the Commit­ House of Representatives. Wisdom is the tee's opinion, this burden was beyond his JUNE 18, 1969. physical capacity to perform with accuracy, final fruit of humility and truth, for wis­ Hon. JOHN W. McCoRMACK, dom is the awareness of the realities of and led to impairment of his efficiency, cul­ The Speaker, House of Representatives, minating in the errors referred to as well existence. Washington, D.C. as several others which were disclosed at Wisdom is the inexhaustible treasure DEAR MR. SPEAKER: On September 27, 1968 about that time. to men, and those who acquire it win you referred to this Committee a letter from The Committee therefore reaffirms its ear­ God's friendship, commended as they are the Clerk of the House of Representatives lier interim finding that neither the Member reporting on his investigation of recording nor employees named in the original referral, to Him by the benefits of her teaching.­ irregularities in roll calls taken on Septem­ Wisdom 7: 14. For wisdom is quicker to nor any names subsequently disclosed, were ber 9, 10, and 16, 1968. You stated, "It parties to any complicity in these errors. move than any motion; she is so pure, seems to me that the allegations set forth in the Clerk's (the Clerk of the House) letter It may be argued that the tally clerk she pervades and permeates all things.­ should have sought assistance during this Wisdom 7: 24. are matters that may come within the juris­ diction of the Committee on Standards of period. Undoubtedly he would have done so Through Christ our Lord. Amen. Official Conduct." The Committee interpreted had he recognized the effect the increasing this referral as a request for it to move on work load was producing in his performance. its own initiative as provided in the Rules Addressing the larger matter of the entire system of tallying, the Committee has made THE JOURNAL of the House. Accordingly on October 1, 1968, the Committee directed its staff to inquire what it feels is the most detailed analysis of The Journal of the proceedings of yes­ into these irregularities. the subject ever undertaken and has arrived terday was read and approved. The first phase of the inquiry sought to at numerous statistical conclusions. All of fix the responsibility for the specific irregu­ these support the conviction that an unac­ larities referred to in the letter from the ceptably small percentage of the random er­ Clerk of the House. In pursuing this, the ror inherent in the present system is subse­ MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE need became apparent for an examination quently corrected by the Members. While of roll call mechanics in general. The Com­ these errors have had absolutely no effect on A message from the Senate by Mr. Ar­ mittee now has drawn certain conclusions legislative results, they should be eliminat ed rington, one of its clerks, announced that with respect to the specific irregularities but to the greatest extent possible. Early indica­ the Senate had passed a bill and joint feels that until the institution of improved tions are that there has been some improve­ resolution of the following titles, in recording procedures, which it previously has ment in the 91st Congress to date in the cor­ recommended, it should continue to observe rection of errors but not enough to obviate which the concurrence of the House is the need for a modernized system of roll call requested: the working of the present system. With respect to the responsibility for the recording. S. 856. An act to provide for Federal Gov­ irregularities referred, the Committee was In view of the foregoing, the Committee ernment recognition of and participation in satisfied that the Clerk of the House accu­ renews its earlier recommendation for instal­ international expositions proposed to be held rately reported the information he received. lation of a modernized voting system at the in the United States, and for other purposes; But, after deeper scrutiny of all facets of earliest possible date. and the situation, the Committee became con­ Sincerely, S.J. Res. 90. Joint resolution to enable the vinced that the tally clerk's explanation, MELVIN PRICE, United States to organize and hold a diplo­ that he had made the specific erroneous en­ Chairman. matic conference in the United States in fis­ tries "at the request of" another employee LESLm C. ARENDS, cal year 1970 to negotiate a Patent Coopera- was not accurate. The Committee verified Ranking Minority Member. 16630 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE June 19, 1969 PERMISSION FOR COMMITTEE ON RESOLUTION RESTORING TO ADAM son was dedicated to trying to reach APPROPRIATIONS TO FILE A CLAYTON POWELL CERTAIN an honorable solution for Vietnam. PRIVILEGED REPORT RIGHTS AND BENEFITS I also know that President Nixon is Mr. EVINS of Tennessee. Mr. Speaker, (Mr. DIGGS asked and was given per­ dedicated to trying to reach an honorable I ask unanimous consent that the Com­ mission to address the House for 1 min­ settlement in Vietnam.
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