5r-{f M6 /evq Poli sh Geneal ogical Soci ety of Mirncsota NEWSLETTr.Iil; VOLI-IME 7 SPRING 1999 NIMBER 1 Sources for Reconstructing a Polish Ancestral Vi[age: llm this ilssue q q q .Iank6 w Zale,6ry, Wielkopolska Sources for reconstructing a Polish ancestral village: Jank6w Zaleilny, Wielkopolska by Paul Theodore Kulas by Paul Ku1as........ page 1 President's Letter In his presentation, "Reconstructing the Vanished Communities by Greg Kishe1....... ...p.2 of Poland and Polish America" at the MGS "Branching Out" The Bulletin Board.... ....p. 3 conference in March, PGS-MN President illustrated a Greg Kishel Letters to the Editor: method of gathering information from various sources that allows Thanks amillion... one to gain an understanding of one's ancestral places of residence Lamczyk derivation in both Poland and in America.l I have used much the same method Rosen pioneers remembered.......p. 4 in reconstructing my ancestral villages in both Poland and in Family History research on-line wanting America. I have been to do articles about these villages for Tony Bukoski shon stories.........p. 5 quite sometime. Greg's presentation prompted me to gather together Reconstructing the vanished in this article the information that I have discovered over the years communities of Poland and about one of them--the village of origin in Poland of my Kulas Polish America ancestors: Janhdw Zaleflny, Wielhopolska.2 Besides describing my by Greg Kishe1....... ...p. 5 ancestral village, this article is intended to show what kinds of Looking for the Veleske family who information can be found in each source.3 It also is intended to give once lived at977 E. Jessarnine St. some ideas about where you can find infcrrmation about your by Shirley Mask Conno11y..........p. 6 ancestral villages. From S lownik geo grafic zny : Bargl6w Ko6cielny and vicinity Sources: continued on page 14 , by Greg Kishe1....... ...p. 9 Sources for reconstructing a Polish lSee the information from the hanclout for his presentation on p. 5. ancestral village, continued 2See also: Paul Kulas, "The Kulas Farnily in Jank6w Zalelny," PGS-MN Slownik geograficzny. ...........p. 14 Newsletter,5, no. 4 (Winter 1997-98): L21' and idem., "Meanings of Polish Other Polish gazetteers.............p. 15 Surnames," I 3-14. Ibid., German language gazetteers.....p. 1 6 3when describing the various gazetteers discussed in this article and preparing Other Polish sources their bibliographic and LDS filrn data for the footnotes, I frequently referred to Church directories.................p. 1 8 two reference sources. The first: Daniel M. Schlyter, F-ssentials in Polish Gercalogical Research (Chicago: The Polish Genealogical Society of America, Travel guidebooks.................p. l9 1993). This item is very useful for people beginning their Polish genealogical Church histories....................p. 19 research. It can be found in the Polish Collection at the MGS Library and is also Local histories.... .p.20 for sale by PGS-MN (see advertising insert in this newsleuer). The second: Fay Maps......... ...........p.2I and Douglas Dearden, The German Researcher: How to get the most out of an New Filrns of Opole Diocese L.D.S. Family History Ceuer,4th ed. Revised and enlarged, @lymouth, MN: by Ed Brandt....... ....p.22 Family Tree Press, updated 1995). This item is very useful for researchers whose Missing arcestors originated in the Prussian partition of Poland. It is available for branches:.. .....p.22 purchase at the Crystal LDS Family History Center a.nd soon will be available in Little Annie's tavem........ .............p. 24 the Polish Collection at the MGS Library. Page2 Polish Genealogical Society ofMinnesota Spring 1999 Polisl Genealogica I Society olfMianesou A Branch of the Minnesota Genealogical Sociery 5758 Olson Memorial Hwy. GoldenValleyMN 55422 (612) se5-e347 http ://www.m tn. orglmgslbranches/polish.html Officers President......Greg Kishel (e-mail: [email protected]) President's Letter by Greg Kishel Vice President.................. ..........Vacant This time, I don't have much to say in a major way. By the Secretary................M"ry Ellen Bruski (612-588-3801) publication date of this issue, the PGS-MN will have staned Treasurer................ Barbara Rockm an (672 - 493- I 4 65) 1999 by presenting strong programs at four different meet- Past President........W. Kornel Kondy (672 -37 I -17 39) ings and one guest presentation for a sister genealogical Director........................ Harry Fleegel (672-5 45 -07 5 O) society. There are just two ways which we your Director................ Genny Zak l$eley (672 - 424 -37 47) in ask for support this spring. Director................. John Radzilowski (65 7 - 647 - 6408) First: we are always looking for new additions to our Committee Chairs Church and Local History Collection, housed with the rest of our library at the Minnesota Genealogical Society's facility Library & Newsletter........Paul Kdas (6L2- 427 - 45 23) in Golden Valley. If anyone out there has a copy of an old M emb ership................. Harry Fleegel (672- 5 45 - 07 5 0) church jubilee booklet from a Polish-American parish in Program & Publicity.. ........Greg Kishel Minnesota, other states in the upper Midwest, or anywhere Research..................Michael Echman (6t2-924-4534) else for that matter--we'd like to get its content into our Website.................M"ry Ellen Bruski (512-588-3801) collection! We don't mind if you'd rather not donate the (e-mail: [email protected]) original copy; just be so good as to let us borrow it for photocopying. The CLHC now has almost forty "large" Po lirt Gm e a logi ca / So c i e ty items, and a binder-tull of newspaper clippings, exceqpts, of Mi n z es o ta Near lette r copies of holographic manuscripts, and the like; it's be- coming a great source tor the institutional history of Polonia Newletter Staff in Minnesota. Let us preserve the materials you have, for use by future genealogists and historians! Editor..............................PauI Kulas (612-427 -4523) The same goes for any family histories you havb, or may Contributins Editor......................W. Kornel Kondv know of. No matter whether they're shofl or long. simple or Printing......11 ............Genny ZakKeleiy sophisticated, we'll take a copy of anything that sets down Labels........... ...................Harry Fleegel the individual experience of Polish immigrants and their Mailing........ .Greg Kishel, descendants in America. Some of us have a feeling that Barbara Rockman & Genny ZakKeley there's more of this material out there than previously thought; if this is true, please share it. The Polish Gcnealogieal Socbty ofMin tesota On both of those fronts, you can get in touch with either Newslettcris published quarterly in Spring, Paul Kulas or myself, by mail through our MGS address, Summer, Autumn and Winter. Items submitted e-mail, or any other means. We'll give you immediate for publication are welcome and encouraged. attention. Deadlines for inclusion of submitted material Second: if you've not done so yet, it's time to renew your are March 15,June 15, Sept. 15 and Dec. 15 membership again. If our records show you as not having respectively. All articles, letters, book reviews, paid yet, you get queries, news items, advertisements, etc. should will a colored insert with this issue of the be sent to: New'sletter. Take heed--as you know if you've been around Paul Kulas, PGS-MN Newsletter tor a year, this will be your last issue if you don't pay your 12008 West Rirzer Road 1999 dues byJune l. Chasrplin MN 55316-2145 On that topic, I'11 observe that we've taken in many new or to e-mail: [email protected] and enthusiastic members over the last year. It seems that oul publicity program--and in particular our Webpage--have @ 1999 Polish Genedogical Society of Minnesota come into their own; they now draw in interested Polish- American genealogists at a steady clip. If you've joined over Spring 1999 Folish Genealogical Society of Minnesota Page 3 the last year or two and like what you've seen, stick rneeting at the BORCHERT MAP LIBRARY at the with the Society! If you don't, give membership University of Minnesota. It was a great meeting! Our another year''s chance--and let us know v,hat you'd like host, .Ierry Kramer of the Library staff, did an excel- to see. We are always looking for new ideas for lent job of introducing us to the Polish materials found programs, speakers, articles, and projects. in the collection. See pages 13 ancl 2l for examples of You may get asked to give a hand in developing the type of maps that can be found at the Library. your suggestion. As I said in my last President's Letter, that's only fair--we do need more help, and this We also had a good meeting on April 15, with the group will prosper only if more pitch in. If you give it DAKOTA COUNTY GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY a try, though, you will be surprised at how much fun in South St. Paul. We thank PGS-MN member Laurie you'll have. Erdman, the DCGS program chair, for inviting us. And that is all tbr now. Let us hear tiom you--with Many different immigrant groups (including many your dues, your articles, your ideas, and your support! Poles) settled in South St. Paul to work in the stock- yards and in the meat packing houses that were located there. Holy Trinity Catholic Church, historically an ethnic Polish parish, is located in South St. Paul (See: n^Vo6 \y^--- N LJU^ PGS -MN N ewsletter, Spring 1994, pp. 7 -8). \--l o u oB {s BERTHA ZNIEWSKI sent us a copy of the 35th anniversary booklet of St.
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