20 Plant Protection Quarterly Vol.24(1) 2009 lack of suitable environmental conditions for germination and establishment of na- Ten year post-fi re response of a native ecosystem in tive species. Turner et al. (in press) also the presence of high or low densities of the invasive suggested that recovery of invaded sites may not occur after bridal creeper control. weed, Asparagus asparagoides They established that the readily germi- nable seed bank below bridal creeper in Peter J. TurnerA,B,C,E and John G. VirtueB,D south west Australia contained very few A School of Animal Biology, University of Western Australia, Stirling Highway, native species compared to exotic spe- Crawley, Western Australia 6009, Australia. cies. Further studies were recommended B CRC for Australian Weed Management. to investigate the role of fi re as a restora- C tion tool following bridal creeper control; CSIRO, Division of Entomology. given that fi re has an important role in D Department of Water, Land and Biodiversity Conservation, GPO Box 2834, the regeneration of some Australian na- Adelaide, South Australia 5001, Australia. tive communities (Shea et al. 1979, Bell et E Present address: Pest Management Unit, Department of Environment and al. 1993, Fisher 1999). For example, seeds Climate Change, PO Box 1967, Hurstville, New South Wales 1481, Australia. of a large number of native leguminous shrubs, such as acacias, require heat before germination occurs (Shea et al. 1979, Bell et al. 1993, McCaw 1998) and these spe- Summary cies would not have been recorded in the Bridal creeper, Asparagus asparagoides the regeneration of some native Austral- readily germinable seed bank measured (L.) Druce, is a major environmental ian plants and speed up the recovery by Turner et al. (in press). The use of fi re weed in southern Australia. Being a geo- of bridal creeper-invaded ecosystems, as a restoration tool could help increase phyte, it has annual shoot growth with provided that bridal creeper and other the germination rate of native species and a large tuberous root mat belowground. weeds are kept at a low post-fi re density, may help tip the balance back towards na- It is capable of displacing native vegeta- naturally or through targeted control. tive species, by increasing the ratio of na- tion and has been targeted for control Key words: bridal creeper, environ- tive to exotic germinations (Turner et al. in Australia, especially using biological mental weeds, soil nutrients, succession, in press). control. Previous studies on the impact of weed impacts. Turner and Virtue (2006) also observed this environmental weed have suggested that dead bridal creeper tubers remained that without further restoration, invaded Introduction in the experimental plots eight years after areas could take many years to recover. In Australia, bridal creeper is a Weed of the weed had been killed with herbicide, As fi re can be used as a restoration tool, National Signifi cance (WoNS) (Thorp and and this may have also impacted on na- given it can stimulate the regeneration Lynch 2000). A garden escapee, this geo- tive species recovery. Turner et al. (2006) of some native Australian plants, this phyte is able to invade undisturbed na- established that this belowground bio- study aimed to determine the response of tive ecosystems (Hobbs 1991, Raymond mass, with its slow decomposition, may a native plant community for the fi rst ten 1995) and impacts or threatens many na- pose a problem for many years after con- years following a fi re, with and without tive plant species (see Fox 1984, Sorensen trol. As a way to deplete this root system, the presence of bridal creeper. and Jusaitis 1995, Willis et al. 2003, Wil- Willis et al. (2003) recommended that fi re Following a wildfi re in March 1996, lis et al. 2004, Downey 2006). For exam- could be used to destroy the new season’s plots were established in a mallee rem- ple, bridal creeper is the primary threat foliage in autumn, followed by treating nant in South Australia. In October 1996, to the largest remaining population of the re-growth with herbicide. However, bridal creeper was controlled in half the the endangered shrub, Pimelea spicata Carr (1996) suggested that fi re was not an plots using glyphosate. In 2006, there was R.Br. in the south-west of Sydney (Willis appropriate management tool for bridal still a signifi cant difference in the density et al. 2003). Community impacts are also creeper as it stimulated bridal creeper of bridal creeper, with 33.4 ± 5.0 (mean ± evident, with plant assemblages in areas growth and invasion. Fire has also been SE) emerging shoots m−2 in the untreated invaded by bridal creeper in south west reported to promote the spread and den- plots compared to 9.1 ± 1.2 shoots m−2 in Australia containing 52% fewer native sity of a number of other exotic plant spe- the controlled plots. However at the same plant species compared to nearby native cies (Adams and Simmons 1991, Milberg time, there was no signifi cant difference reference areas, which contained little or and Lamont 1995, Briese 1996, Duggin and in the native plant assemblages or with no bridal creeper (Turner et al. in press). In Gentle 1998). In addition, when smoke the number of native plant species be- an eight year removal experiment, Turner water was used to promote the germina- tween plots with high or low density of and Virtue (2006) established that bridal tion of the seed bank collected from bridal bridal creeper, except for small shrubs, creeper could reduce biomass and abun- creeper sites in the study by Turner et al. creepers and climbers which had higher dance of native plants. However within (in press), it assisted in the germination of cover in the untreated plots. A difference this eight year timeframe, there was no both native and exotic species. Therefore, in soil nutrients was also evident. The signifi cant change detected in native plant the use of fi re in bridal creeper manage- soil where bridal creeper was not control- species richness following bridal creeper ment needed to be investigated given that led had signifi cantly higher ammonium, control and only one saltbush, Enchylaena it could promote further weed invasions. potassium and organic carbon, compared tomentosa R.Br., and native grasses showed The biology of bridal creeper has recent- to where bridal creeper was controlled. signifi cant increases in cover. ly been described (see Morin et al. 2006a). This study site, in the early stages of post- Luken (1997) recommended that man- In its native range in southern Africa, it fi re succession, appears to be resilient to agement activities aimed at removing mainly occurs as an understorey species the impacts of bridal creeper and other exotic plant species should involve the and is usually found scrambling or climb- weed species, with acacias and other na- manipulation of both exotic and native ing up other plants (Kleinjan and Edwards tive trees and shrubs dominating the site. species. Turner and Virtue (2006) sug- 1999). Within Australia, bridal creeper has It is therefore concluded that fi re can be gested that the minimal recovery of na- the potential to dominate native vegeta- an important restoration tool to stimulate tive species in their study could relate to a tion both above and belowground, with Plant Protection Quarterly Vol.24(1) 2009 21 climbing annual shoots and extensive sampled within the plots. In August 1996, 2001). ANOSIM (Analysis of Similarity) belowground storage tubers (Raymond the number of shoots of bridal creeper was was used to determine differences in com- 1996). However, simply reducing the pres- recorded. This was repeated in November munity composition between the removal ence of bridal creeper may not guarantee 1998 and May 2006. From April 1997, as na- and bridal creeper plots within the burnt successful restoration of invaded areas tive plants began to recover (re-sprouting area. and additional restoration efforts may be and germinating) after the fi re, the pres- needed to ensure the protection of native ence of all other plant species within the Results vegetation (Turner et al. in press). plots was recorded as well as the percent- Before treatments were applied, the This paper reports on a complementary age aerial shoot cover of each species. This number of bridal creeper shoots was not study to that of Turner and Virtue (2006) was repeated in May 2002 and May 2006. different between bridal creeper plots and which determined the impact by bridal At the end of the experiment in May 2006, removal plots in the burnt area (F = 0.75; creeper, by measuring the response of the biological control agent, the bridal d.f. 1,28; P = 0.395). In August 1996, the vegetation following the removal of brid- creeper rust (Puccinia myrsiphylli (Thuem.) bridal creeper (untreated) plots had 29.7 al creeper. Similarly, the aim of this study Wint.) was observed to be at an early stage ± 3.9 shoots m−2 (mean ± SE), while the was to measure the impact by bridal creep- of establishment at the study site. removal plots had 25.5 ± 3.0 shoots m−2 er on plant species and to measure their Soil measurements were also taken in prior to being treated with herbicide (Fig- response to bridal creeper removal. How- May 2006. From the centre of each of the 30 ure 1). Following the treatment and ten ever unlike Turner and Virtue (2006), this plots, soil cores were taken from below the years later in 2006, there was a signifi cant study was conducted following a wildfi re. bridal creeper tuber mats. Soil cores 5 cm difference in the density of bridal creeper Therefore, the study reported here aimed deep and 5 cm in diameter were taken 5 (F = 26.28; d.f.
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