spring 2009 sisters of life The Lord chose to become one with us in every way, flesh and blood, one who suffers with and for us. In Christ and in Christ alone, suffering no longer has the last word, but love does. By his wounds You are healed (1 Peter 2:24) C o n s e c r at e d fo r t h e P r o t e c t i o n a n d E n h a n c e m e n t o f t h e S a c r e d n e s s o f H u m a n L i fe Don’t Waste Your Suffering United with Him, Christ pours mercy and healing from his wounds through ours, out onto a thirsty world. Lent greets us with the exhortation: One of the most powerful sources of untapped energy in “repent and believe in the Gospel!” and, with a smudge of the world is found in suffering. Cardinal O’Connor used ashes, a necessary reminder of the passing emptiness of all to exhort: “Do not waste your suffering!” Each silent that is not of God. The added prayers, fasting and almsgiv- offering of pain, vulnerability, abandonment releases a ing are a call to conversion, to clearing the paths powerful dose of merciful and healing love into of our heart that we may embrace reality more the world, converting hearts, giving strength, truly. Lent is a time of purification and a time of drawing people back to God and each other. renewed memory - not just of our sins and shortcomings, but of remembering God’s answer “Suffering passes, having suffered never passes.” to our desperate need: his Son, Jesus Christ. In coming If lived with reliance on Christ and supported by to redeem us, the others, “having Lord chose to suffered” is one become one with of the surest ways us in every way, to human under- flesh and blood, standing and one who suffers empathy. Passing with and for us. through the Suffering is the inevitable result of sin – inevitable fires of sufferings, one can almost original, social and personal. In abolishing the wish to suffer again, if only for the blessings, reign of sin, the Lord chose to take suffering graces and growth in character, the capacity up as a weapon of love and obedience– for love and wisdom which accompany suf- defeating sin and death through His Cross. fering when lived with Christ. In Christ and in Christ alone, suffering no longer has the last word, but love does. In this edition of our newsletter we share stories from some of “our heroes” – those for And yet, how we still suffer! We suffer even whom suffering has been the royal road to the fear of suffering and try to avoid it at God; the inevitable journey one must take to almost any cost. And it finds us anyway. Each find peace of heart; and, the path which has of us carries a cross - almost always unexpected led to reconciliation, solidarity and love in mar- and seemingly too much. Whatever its cause, riage and family life. Each of the articles opens suffering is an evil – a lack of the good that ought our eyes to the power of God’s presence to hold to be. The good news is that now this evil does us up in our suffering, and the potential suffering not have the last word. In Christ, suffering finds its with grace holds to transform our hearts and our meaning. Each of us is made to become a gift, and lives. Suffering is but prelude to healing, wholeness our sufferings, too, can become a gift of love, and strength. transformed into a source of life-giving redemption for ourselves and others. In the deepest depths of Together let us live Lent well, that we may rejoice our pain, our failures and sorrows, the risen in New Life at Easter! Jesus desires to love us with great intimacy, broken heart to broken Heart. United with Him, He pours mercy and healing from his wounds through ours, out onto a thirsty world. One of the most powerful sources of untapped energy in the world is found in suffering. My brother, Harold When you A brilliant mind, a generous loving heart, blazing zeal, and an utterly mischievous sense of humor are are weak, the marks of my brother. He also happens to have Duchene Muscular Dystrophy, a degenerative disease, which weakens It is then all the muscles starting from childhood. I have witnessed his physical suffering, but amid bearing a heavy cross, the that you strength of his spirit and the joy he radiates would state otherwise. are strong. While many experiences and moments of grace have paved the way for me to seek a deeper union with Christ, I know it is in large part my brother’s witness of faith, love and deep trust in his Creator that allowed me to open my heart to God’s call and continues to give me the strength and courage to persevere. ~Henrietta (Sisters of Life postulant) What was life like for you growing up? saw this as a sign of His love, that because He is almighty, and all love, He would become so little for us. People may I was diagnosed with Muscular Dystrophy when I was five say God doesn’t know what I am going through; without years old, but it wasn’t until I was 7 or 8 that I started to the Incarnation, they might be justified in saying so. God is notice a difference between me and the other kids. I was all-powerful and yet He is willing to get his hands dirty. He slower and couldn’t run or jump. A lot of people would tease proves His greatness by becoming weak and small. He me and make fun of the way I would walk. School was chose to suffer with me: Emmanuel, God with us. He horrible for me. I started to want to be separate from others knows everything that I am going through. We are never because they didn’t understand me. alone. After I realized Jesus is in the Eucharist, my doubts and difficulties began to subside. I began to love myself. How did your disability affect you and the way you viewed yourself? When did you understand that suffering has In high school I became depressed because I had difficulty meaning and can be redemptive? dealing with my disability. It affected me emotionally, In the year 2000, my family and I made a pilgrimage to socially, and worst of all spiritually. I began to medicate my Lourdes; it was the greatest experience of my life. In pain with sin. I thought no one, including Lourdes, people with disabilities are like God, wanted anything to do with me and the VIPs. No one had ever shown me had temptations to despair. During this peri- Suffering, which is present such dignity before. od of darkness I cultivated habitual mortal under so many different sin. I would go to confession out of habit forms in our human world, When we arrived, a young man with a whenever my mother encouraged me to go disability walked over to me, smiled, and but I didn’t go with contrition. I had the atti- is also present in order to gave me a bottle of Lourdes water. I felt tude that I would continue to sin and I unleash love in the human that it was Jesus Himself welcoming me could go back to confession. It frightens me person, that unselfish to Lourdes. The Lord was shining through now when I look back at this. gift of one’s “I” on behalf him to me. He seemed to say to me, “In of other people, especially spite of this, I can still be joyful…I can What shook you out of this those who suffer. The love. Go and do the same.” I was moved darkness? world of human suffering to tears. unceasingly calls for... One day about ten years ago, Mom called a priest from our parish to talk to me and to another world: the world While we were there, a priest gave a hear my confession. I was totally blown of human love. homily on redemptive suffering. He away. After the priest heard my confession (JPII,SD #29) began by saying, “There are a lot of suf- we talked about each sin and he addressed fering faces here. I want to explain why the root of the problem. This was the first God allows innocent people to suffer.” time anyone ever took the time to help me see what was I was so happy; this was the question I needed an answer habitually leading me to sin. I felt sincere contrition that I had to! He said God only allows suffering in order that a not felt in a long time. After my confession the priest gave me greater good may come out of it. I was stunned. This Holy Communion. He held up the Host before me and said, became the key to my understanding. “Harold, behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world.” My jaw dropped because the priest said it with How did you learn to accept your suffering? such conviction. Suddenly I knew, without a shadow of a doubt, that this was God. I didn’t realize before that it was I realized it can be profitable.
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