US 20080232532A1 (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2008/0232532 A1 Larsen et al. (43) Pub. Date: Sep. 25, 2008 (54) APPARATUS AND METHOD FOR Related U.S. Application Data GENERATION OF ULTRA LOW MOMENTUM NEUTRONS (60) Provisional application No. 60/676,264, filed on Apr. 29, 2005. Provisional application No. 60/715,622, filed on Sep. 9, 2005. (76) Inventors: Lewis G. Larsen, Chicago, IL (US); Alan Widom, Brighton, MA (US) Publication Classification (51) Int. Cl. Correspondence Address: H05H 3/06 (2006.01) COOK, ALEX, MCFARRON, MANZO, (52) U.S. Cl. .............................................................. 376/108 CUMMINGS & MEHLER LTD (57) ABSTRACT SUTE 28SO Method and apparatus for generating ultra low momentum 2OO WESTADAMS STREET neutrons (ULMNS) using Surface plasmon polariton elec CHICAGO, IL 60606 (US) trons, hydrogen isotopes, Surfaces of metallic Substrates, col Appl. No.: 11/912,793 lective many-body effects, and weak interactions in a con (21) trolled manner. The ULMNs can be used to trigger nuclear PCT Filed: Apr. 28, 2006 transmutation reactions and produce heat. One aspect of the (22) present invention effectively provides a “transducer mecha (86) PCT NO.: PCT/US06/16379 nism that permits controllable two-way transfers of energy back-and-forth between chemical and nuclear realms in a S371(c)(1), Small-scale, low-energy, Scalable condensed matter system at (2), (4) Date: Oct. 26, 2007 comparatively modest temperatures and pressures. 1222222 Patent Application Publication Sep. 25, 2008 Sheet 1 of 8 US 2008/0232532 A1 Patent Application Publication Sep. 25, 2008 Sheet 3 of 8 US 2008/0232532 A1 & N. e o 0 a a S N Q so Patent Application Publication Sep. 25, 2008 Sheet 4 of 8 US 2008/0232532 A1 Patent Application Publication Sep. 25, 2008 Sheet 5 of 8 US 2008/0232532 A1 777 f 64%.7 2A2 N is SS, Patent Application Publication Sep. 25, 2008 Sheet 6 of 8 US 2008/0232532 A1 Patent Application Publication Sep. 25, 2008 Sheet 7 of 8 US 2008/0232532 A1 zº. Patent Application Publication Sep. 25, 2008 Sheet 8 of 8 US 2008/0232532 A1 The surface of the material at the "patches" of coherently oscillating hydrogenous atoms comprises the interface region between the nuclear (orange) and chemical (blue) realms Local Nuclear Energy Realm in and around Surface : Chemical Energy Realm Found Elsewhere in Hydrogenous "Patches”- B-O Approx. Breakdown o LENR Condensed Matter System f Many Deuterons Many Protons V with Collective with Collective Usee sheed' infrared photons, lectric Fields Electric Fields and soft X-ray is photons Fix of Prs Across Electrons Ultra Low interface Momentum A Neutrons External laser 8 ets effect hv internal & . Yallow Cor surface Pass- Flux of Particis eterons They help Across Local "in interface "Target" tion gamina or X-ray Photon exchangeesters and Product States of Target & Emissian between the N by Excited Targetf tear a tes. : "EN Product chemical Energetic electronsy Nice realins and charged Ahsorption particles from . y attice : Preferably : LENRs; rarely see Phoons Mostly lettros Beta Decays neutrinos ..., manybodyCollective. Blue Color-Chemical/Electronic Lower EMr. .., e-spp. Field Environment Away From the "Patches". FIGURE 8 US 2008/0232532 A1 Sep. 25, 2008 APPARATUS AND METHOD FOR GENERATION tional to velocity (1/v). This means that the lower the mean OF ULTRA LOW MOMENTUMINEUTRONS velocity of a free neutron (i.e., the lower the momentum) at the time of interaction with a nucleus, the higher its absorp CROSS REFERENCE AND PRIORITY CLAIM tion cross section will be, i.e., the greater the probability that it will react successfully and be captured by a given target 0001. The present application claims the benefit of the nucleus/isotope. following provisional patent applications by the present inventors: (a) “Apparatus and Method for Generation of Ultra 0005 Different atomic isotopes can behave very differ Low Momentum Neutrons, filed at the U.S. Patent and ently after capturing free neutrons. Some isotopes are entirely Trademark Office on Apr. 29, 2005 and having Ser. No. stable after the capture of one or more free neutrons (e.g., 60/676.264; and (b) “Apparatus and Method for Absorption isotopes of Gadolinium (Gd), atomic number 64: ''Gd to of Incident Gamma Radiation and Its Conversion to Outgoing 'Gd to 'Gd). (As used herein, superscripts at the top left Radiation at Less Penetrating, Lower Energies and Frequen side (or digits to the left side) of the elemental symbol repre cies.” filed at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office on Sep. 9, sent atomic weight.) Some isotopes absorb one or more neu 2005 having Ser. No. 60/715,622. trons, forming a more neutron-rich isotope of the same ele ment, and then beta decay to another element. Beta decay BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION strictly involves the weak interaction, because it results in the production of neutrinos and energetic electrons (known as 0002 The present invention concerns apparatus and meth B-particles). Inbeta decay, the neutron number (N) goes down ods for the generation of extremely low energy neutrons and by one; the number of protons (atomic number=Z=nuclear applications for Such neutrons. Neutrons are uncharged charge) goes up by one; the atomic mass (A=Z+N) is elementary fermion particles that, along with protons (which unchanged. Higher-Z elements are thus produced from are positively charged elementary fermion particles), com lower-Z “seed’ elements. Other atomic isotopes enter an prise an essential component of all atomic nuclei except for unstable excited State after capturing one or more free neu that of ordinary hydrogen. Neutrons are well known to be trons, and “relax” to a lower energy level by releasing the particularly useful for inducing various types of nuclear reac excess energy through the emission of photons such as tions because, being uncharged, they are not repelled by Cou gamma rays (e.g., the isotope Cobalt-60" Col, atomic num lombic repulsive forces associated with the positive electric ber 27). Yet other isotopes also enter unstable excited states charge contributed by protons located in an atomic nucleus. after capturing one or more free neutrons, but Subsequently Free neutrons are inherently unstable outside of the immedi “relax” to lower energy levels through spontaneous fission of ate environment in and around an atomic nucleus and have an the “parent nucleus. At very high values of A, de-excitation accepted mean life of about 887 to 914 seconds; if they are not processes start being dominated by fission reactions (involv captured by an atomic nucleus, they break up via beta decay ing the strong interaction) and alpha particle (Helium-4 into an electron, a proton, and an anti-neutrino. nuclei) emission rather than beta decays and emission of energetic electrons and neutrinos. Such fission processes can 0003) Neutrons are classified by their levels of kinetic result in the production of a wide variety of “daughter iso energy; expressed in units measured in MeV, meV. KeV, or topes and the release of energetic particles Such as protons, eV Mega-, milli-, Kilo- electron Volts. Depending on the alphas, electrons, neutrons, and/or gamma photons (e.g., the mean Velocity of neutrons within their immediate physical isotope Clf of Californium, atomic number 98). Fission environment, energy levels of free neutrons can range from: processes are commonly associated with certain very heavy (1) ultracold to cold (nano eVs to 25 meV); (2) thermal (in (high A) isotopes that can produce many more neutrons than equilibrium with environment at an E approx. =kT=0.025 they "consume' via initial capture, thus enabling a particular eV); (3) slow (0.025 eV to 100 eV at around 1 eV they are type of rapidly escalating cascade of neutron production by called epithermal); (4) intermediate (100 eV to about 10 Successive reactions commonly known as a fission “chain KeV); (5) fast (10 KeV to 10 MeV), to ultrafast or high reaction” (e.g., the uranium isotope U, atomic number 92; energy (above 10 MeV). The degree to which a given free or the plutonium isotope Pu, atomic number 94). For U, neutron possessing a particular level of energy is able to react each external free “trigger neutron releases another 100 with a givenatomic nucleusisotope via capture (referred to as neutrons in the resulting chain reaction. Isotopes that can the reaction capture “cross section' and empirically mea produce chain reactions are known as fissile. Deliberately sured in units called “barns') is dependent upon: (a) the induced neutron-catalyzed chain reactions form the underly specific isotope of the nucleus undergoing a capture reaction ing basis for existing nuclear weapons and fission powerplant with a free neutron, and (b) the mean velocity of a free neutron technologies. Significant fluxes of free neutrons at various at the time it interacts with a target nucleus. energies are useful in a variety of existing military, commer 0004. It is well known that, for any specificatomic isotope, cial, and research applications, with illustrative examples as the capture cross section for reactions with externally Sup follows. It should be noted that an advantage of the present plied free neutrons scales approximately inversely propor invention is mentioned in the following Table I: TABLE I Energy Range Are Reactants and and Flux of Operating Examples of End-Use Free Neutrons Conditions Suitable Existing Apparatus Application (in persec) for Supporting Used to Produce for Neutron used in Runaway Chain Free Neutrons in Source
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