UNITED NATIONS EP UNEP (DTIE)/Hg/INC.4/INF/3 Distr.: General 3 July 2012 English only United Nations Environment Programme Intergovernmental negotiating committee to prepare a global legally binding instrument on mercury Fourth session Punta del Este, Uruguay, 27 June–2 July 2012 Item 3 of the provisional agenda* Preparation of a global legally binding instrument on mercury List of Participants . * UNEP(DTIE)/Hg/INC.41. UNEP(DTIE)/Hg/INC.4/INF/3 Annex GOVERNMENTS ALGERIA Ms. Leila Devia Director Mr. Tewfik abdelkader Mahi Centro Regional Basilea Sous Directeur 1001 CI Buenos Aires Direction de l'Environnement et du Argentina Développement Durable Tel: (+54 11) 4616 5022 Ministère des Affaires Etrangères Email: [email protected] Les Annassere-Kouba 16000 Alger Algeria AUSTRALIA Tel: (+213 560) 155 737 Fax: (+213 21) 504 322 Mr. Barry Reville Email: [email protected] Assistant Secretary [email protected] Environment Protection Branch Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA GPO Box 787 2601 Canberra Mr. Malverne Spencer Australia Director, Analytical Services/Chairman, Tel: (+61 2) 6274 1622 Pesticides &Toxic Chemicals Control Board Fax: (+61 2) 6274 1164 Ministry of Agriculture, Lands, Housing and the Email: [email protected] Environment Dunbars St. John's Antigua and Barbuda Mr. Lee Eeles Tel: (+1 268) 462 4502 Director Fax: (+1 268) 462 6281 Chemical Partnerships Section Email: [email protected] Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities GPO Box 787 ARGENTINA 2601 Canberra, ACT Australia Ms. Marta Gabrieloni Tel: (+612) 6274 1427 Ministro Fax: (+612) 6274 1164 Dirección General de Ambiente Email: [email protected] Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores Esmeralda 1212 C1007ABR Buenos Aires Ms. Nicola Campion Argentina Legal Officer Tel: (+54 11) 4819 7405 Sea Law, Environment Law and Antarctic Section Email: [email protected] Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade RG Casey Bldg, John McEwen Crescent 0221 Barton, ACT Mr. Pablo Sergio Issaly Australia Coordinator Tel: (+612) 6261 1762 Unidad de Sustancia y Productos Quimicos Fax: (+612) 6112 1762 / Subsecretaria de Control y Fiscalización Ambiental y Email: [email protected] Prevención de la Contaminación Secretaría de Ambiente y Desarrollo Sustentable / Jefatura de Gabinete de Ministros San Martín 451 Ms. Elena Balogh C1004AAI Buenos Aires Executive Officer Argentina Climate Change and Environment Section Tel: (+54 11) 4348 8350 Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Fax: (+54 11) 4348 8368 RG Casey Bldg, John McEwen Crescent Email: [email protected] 0221 Barton, ACT [email protected] Australia Tel: (+612) 6261 3411 Fax: (+612) 6112 3411 Email: [email protected] 2 UNEP(DTIE)/Hg/INC.4/INF/3 AUSTRIA BANGLADESH Ms. Helga Maria Schrott Mr. A.N. Shamsuddin Azad Chowdhury Chemicals Policy Unit VI/5 Additional Secretary Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Administration Wing Forestry, Environment and Waste Management Ministry of Environment and Forests Stubenbastei 5 1000 Dhaka A-1010 Vienna Bangladesh Austria Tel: (+88) 02951 4766 Tel: (+431) 515 22 2327 Fax: (+88) 02716 9210 Fax: (+431) 515 22 7334 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Ms. Elisabeth Hosner BARBADOS Division V/9 (International Environmental Affairs) Mr. Jeffrey Headley Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Director, Environmental Protection Department Forestry, Environment and Water Management Ministry of Environment, Water and Drainage Stubenbastei 5 NUPW Building, Dalkeith Road A-1010 Vienna St. Michael Austria Bridgetown Tel: (+43 1) 515 22 1622 Barbados Fax: (+43 1) 515 22 7626 Tel: (+1 246) 310 3600/1 Email: [email protected] Fax: (+1 246) 228 7103 Email: enveng@carib_surf.com; [email protected] AZERBAIJAN Mr. Yashar Karimov BELGIUM Leader Advisor Department for Protection of Environment Ms. Els Van de Velde Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources Advisor, International Environmental Policy B. Aghayev Str. 100A Environment, Nature and Energy Department 1073 Baku Flemish Government Azerbaijan Koning albert II-Laan 20 Tel: (+994 1) 2439 6787 1000 Brussels Fax: (+994 1) 2439 6787 Belgium Email: [email protected] Tel: (+322) 553 8176 Fax: (+322) 553 8165 Email: [email protected] BAHAMAS Mr. Dwayne A. Curtis Assistant Director Ms. Donatienne Monfort Department of Environmental Health Services Attaché Ministry of the Environment Directorate General Environment P.O. Box SS 19048 Federal Public Service Health, Food Chain Nassau security and Environment Bahamas Place Victor Horta 40-Botte 10 Tel: (+242) 322 2845 1060 Brussels Fax: (+242) 323 3863 Belgium Email: [email protected] Tel: (+322) 524 9677 Fax: (+322) 524 9603 Email: BAHRAIN [email protected] Mr. Abdulkarim Hasan Rashed Head, Recycling and Waste Treatment Unit SAICM, Project Technical Manager Mr. Yorg Aerts Environmental Control Directorate Advisor International EnvironmentalPolicy Waste Public Commission for the Protection of Waste and Materials Management Department Marine Resources, Environment and OVAM-Public Waste Agency of Flanders Wildlife Stationsstraat 110 P.O. Box 18233 B-2800 Mechelen Manama Belgium Bahrain Tel: (+32 15) 284 348 Tel: (+973) 1738 6595 Fax: (+32 15) 413 072 Fax: (+973) 1792 0213 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] 3 UNEP(DTIE)/Hg/INC.4/INF/3 Mr. Pieter Leenknegt BRAZIL Counsellor Permanent Mission of Belgium to the Mr. Felipe R.G. Ferreira United Nations Environment Programme Division of Climate, Ozone and Chemical Safety Limuru Road, Muthaiga Ministry of External Relations P.O. Box 30 461 Esplanada dos Ministerios, Bloco H 00100 Nairobi Annex II, 3rd Floor Kenya 70170-900 Brasilia - DF Tel: (+254) 733 514 529 Brazil Fax: (254 20) 712 3050 Tel: (+55 61) 2030 9295 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] [email protected] Ms. Sergia de Souza Oliviera Mr. Jozef Buys Director Attaché Environment Quality Directorate General for Development Ministry of the Environment Cooperation SEPN 505 - Bloco B - Ed Marie Prenli Cruz Ministry of Foreign Affairs Brasilia Karmelietenstraat 15 Brazil 1000 Brussels Tel: (+55 61) 202 820 70 Belgium Email: [email protected] Tel: (+322) 501 4897 Email: [email protected] Ms. Flavia Lemos Sampaio Xavier Environmental Analyst BHUTAN Coordination of Waste and Emission Controls Mr. Tenzin Khorlo Brazilian Institute of Environment and Chief Environment Officer Renewable Natural Resources - BAMA Environment Service Division SQN 116 Bloco H Apt 321 Focal Point, Waste and Chemicals Brasilia D.F. - 70773080 National Environment Commission Brazil P.O. Box 446 Tel: (+5561) 3316 1250 Thimphu Email: [email protected] Bhutan Tel: (+975 2) 323 384 Fax: (+975 2) 323 385 Ms. Marilia Marreco Cerqueira Email: [email protected] Special Adviser Assistant Minister Ministry of Environment BOLIVIA (PLURINATIONAL STATE OF) Esplanada Dos Ministerios, Bloco B. Mr. Julio Ernesto Guillén Vargas 70000 Brasilia DF Encargado Area de Fiscalizacion Brazil Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Agua Tel: (+55 61) 2028 1422 Avenida Camacho N° 1471 La Paz Bolivia Mr. Otavio Luiz Gusso Maioli Tel: (+591) 7613 0887 Ministry of the Environment Fax: (+591) 211 1066 70237150 Brasilia Email: [email protected] Brazil Tel: (+55 61) 8252 6100 Fax: (+55 61) 2028 2074 BOTSWANA Email: [email protected] Mr. Moabi Donald Mmolawa Principal Environmental Engineer Compliance and Enforcement Mr. Rodolfo Milhomem de Sousa Department of Waste Management and Specialized Technician on International Affairs Pollution Control International Affairs Office Ministry of Environment, Wildlife and Division of Technical Analysis Tourism Ministry of Health Private Bag BR132 Esplanada dos Ministerios Gaborone Bloco G, Edificio Sede Botswana 40 andar, sala 431 Tel: (+267) 393 4479 70.058-900 Brasilia-DF Fax: (+267) 393 4486 Brazil Email: [email protected] Tel: (+55 61) 3315 2771 [email protected] Fax: (+55 61) 3224 0014 Email: [email protected] 4 UNEP(DTIE)/Hg/INC.4/INF/3 Mr. Alessandro Belisario CAMBODIA Anvisa/Assessoria Internacional Anvisa Mr. Rithirak Long 70680350 Brasilia-DF Deputy Director General Brazil Technical Affairs General Department Tel: (+55 61) 3462 5431 Ministry of the Environment Email: [email protected]. br # 48, Sadech Preahsihanouk Tonlebassac Chamkamon Phnom Penh Cambodia Mr. Carlos R.F. Deus Tel: (+855 23) 214 027 Consultant Fax: (+855 23) 219 287 Department of Industrial Complex & Email: [email protected] Innovation to Health Ministry of Health Esplanada dos Ministerios CAMEROON Bloco G, Sala 820 70000-000 Brasilia B Mr. Enoh Peter Ayuk Brazil Director of Standards and Control Tel: (+55 61) 3315 2025 Department of Standards and Control Email: [email protected] Ministry of Environment, Protection of Nature and Sustainable Development Yaounde Mr. Fernando Oliveira Cameroon Consultant Tel: (+237) 9969 1025/222 1106 Industrial Wastes & Contaminated Sites Fax: (+237) 2222 1106 Petroleo Brasileiro S.A. Email: [email protected] Safety, Environment, Energy Efficiency and Health CANADA Av. Almirante Barroso, 81 - 23rd Floor - Centro CEP 20031-004 - Rio de Janeiro Ms. Margaret Kenny Brazil Director General Tel: (+21) 3229 1372 Chemicals Sector, Environmental Fax: (+21) 3229 1346 Stewardship Branch Email: [email protected] Environment Canada 351 St. Joseph Boulevard, 12º
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