Ti jiii I 4 THE WASHINGTON TIMES TUESDAY JANFARY 28 1908 r 11 s Amusements TOnatt Nwv MAT Family Visit AT Wed Duke to 815 of ssd Shonts r 0 Al Sat The EVoyai Only local theater offering exeloAtve Palais foreign o American and stars the Cards Are Issued Relatives of Duke drat rank Oodoys Entertain at Dance A LISNER DOOKSTADER By the Roosevelt- i To Be Guests at AND HIS l To Celebrate Anniversaries Home- COMPANY OF sfor Dinner Party The Shonts Mll1SiRE S SEVENTY Next Week MATINEE Thur 4 Tile President and Mrs Roosevelt Mr and Mrs Theodora P Sbdnts will DayIt- 0 r have ¬ Lingerie sent out Invitations for a dinner have as their rouse guests for the wed CHARLES FROHMAX Presents Wednesday evening February 19 ding of their younger daughter Ml ti Theodora SLonts to the Duo de Mrs Sibley Hostess Chaulnes t±e Due and Duchess dUzos s quite easy to claim and prove the best bargains of this year OTIS The Vice President and Mrs Fair-¬ brotherlnlnw and sister of the duke of 1908 =during this distribution banks were the guests complimentary Baron Cendi the dukes cousin and to whom former Representative and Prince Gatlzln Ids uncle They will SKINNER Mra Sibley entertained at dinner lat come to this oountry from France for Read the Following CarefullyT- IX HIS ERILLLVKT NEW SITCCES evening In their home on Massachu- the wedding and will spend the most of ° setts avenue their time at the Shonts home 13 East THE HONOR THE FAM- Invited tq meet them were Mr Justice Thirtyfifth street New York city he makers of Lingerie will be shortly offering their productions- and Mrs Brewer Senator and Mr and Mrs Shonts issued In ¬ MsEl haY WASHINSTONS kins Representative and Mrs Dalzell vitations wedding for the MayJune sales Their samples of garments made for the Jan- ¬ Representative and Mrs Sloat Fas for the but all the PLAYHOUSE f J the arrangements llBELASCO BEAUTIFUL sett Representative and Mrs Vreeland- details of have not uary sales are rendered useless to Mr and Mr Alexander McDowell Mr been completed them They come here and go to Offering jnJy the leading American ani and Mrs Ackert Mr and Mrs L It is expected that a large party from you at nominal prices foreign attractions White Busby and Mr and Mrs Neale Washington will attend the wedding as TONiGHTMATS WED and SAT Evenings 25c to 150 Mat 25c to L- Guests Mrs Shonts and her daughters made Roots Dinner many friends during their residence The Italian Ambassador and Baroness here 1 to 150 Garifients EDDIE FOY Mayor des Planches were hosts at din ¬ The marriage of Miss Shonts and the 89c And SO others ia the Musical Hit of the D uS ner last evening in honor of the Sepre duke will be the culmination of an inter- ORCHID tary of State and Mrs Root The other national romance which has attracted THE guests were the Secretary of the Navy Hairs ADELAIDE Worlds widespread interest for a number of 5 iCrj5r 5 3xXs Added Feature Greatest Dane aa and Mrs Metcalf the Secretary of months The engagement was rumored GIrly Cenuneree and Labor and Mrs Straus and denied again and again to Lively Dressy the Assistant Secretary of the Treasury the persistent opposition of Mr Shonts- NEXT TTEEK SEATS THURSDAY and Mrs Beekman Winthrop the Third to alliances was I Assistant Secretary of State Mrs international but and finally announced early in December r- Huntington Wilson Miss Katherihe El Shonts and met nearly klns Miss I oolla May Miss Kean the two yar ago In France where Mrs MRS FISKE Naval Attache of the Italian Embassy Shonts and her daughters were the AND THE MANHATTAN CO IN and Mme Pftster Jerome Bonaparte guests U ma- ¬ Signor Barzlnl a war correspondent of the Duchess Uses his Signor ter Upon their return w this coun Pozzi Mr OLaughlin Signor try them R ROSfJlERSHOLM- Montasna Signor Cora Signor followed and last winter Signor during their residence here was their T t Matinees taro and Rvlola all of the I guest for some weeks He in a Then aad imbasey staff young man of tine physique and attract 8A11t5 COLUMBIA Sat ive personality with wel mind The Charge dAffaires for Japan and knowledge grasp HENRY W SAVAGE OFFERS Mlyaoka and a and Mme entertained at dinner of affairs oft day his owncoun ¬ last evening at the Highlands Their try and abroad RAYMOND guests were the Swiss minister Dr Gowns 32 Styles Vogel Senator and Mrs Carter Captain A and Mrs Barnett Mr and Mrs H A Sutherlands Entertain Grant Watson of the British embassy Senator and Mrs Sutherland enter-¬ HITCHCOCK Robinson wife of Naval Choice for 89c tained at dinner evening in their New Opera Constructor Robinson the naval attache- last In a ComIc of the Japanese embassy Commander home A YANKEE TOURIST- TAniguchi and the third secretary of re- ¬ By Richard Harding Davis the embassy Matauzo Nagai Mrs Andrew B Graham will tat Lyrics by Wallace Irwin Music by Al- ceive tomorrow but will be at M m in ¬ Fred G Robyn Miss Calderon Gives Luncehon formally Wednesdays in February i NEXT WEEK The Misses Shaw daughters of the Mr and Mrs GeraJdya Redmond of KLAW AND ERLANQER PR EXT former Secretary of the Treasury and New York are the house guests of Gen- SIR GILBERT PARKERS Mrs Leslie M sShaw who have been s eral and Mrs Ernst in their home on STURRIXti DRAMA constantly entertained during their visit Connecticut avenue Washington In were the guests of Mrs James Francis Burke wife of THE RIGHT OF WAY honor of Miss Calderon daughter Burke will receive to ¬ of the MISS MERCEDES GODOY Representative I t minister from Bolivia at luncheon to ¬ day in her Studio House on WITH For Whom Her Parents Enterta med a Massachusetts avenue GUY STANDING dayMiss at Dante Last Evening Cot and Mrs Charles Alexander Rook and Calderon received her guests of Pittaburg who have been the guests THEODORE ROBERTSS- wearing a becoming gown of white em- ¬ of Mr and Mrs Burke have returned- EAT SALE THrR DVY broidered ¬ YMoc Miss M Powell Miss Leech Miss muslin The table was pret- ¬ to their home I- at Six Yerby ask tily decorated in pink with pink roses Young People Gather Miss I Miss WMte Miss and pinkshaded candles Johnson Miss Can bell Miss Dann Mrs George W Prince will receive to ¬ Corset Covers a 18 Styles Invited to meet Home to Miss Peyton Miss Mfexcy the Muses day in her home Mill Thirteenth street the Misses Shaw were teenth Street P lMon ¬ Miss Moore Miss Perie Anderson Miss Miss Godoy the Portuguese assisted by her niece Miss Harriet Arn Hastings the Misses Taylor Miss Mil ¬ minister the Persian minister Prince old of Qalesburg Ill II Offer Congratulations Nicolas em- ¬ dred Lambert Miss Pansy Perkins Koud ren of the Russian Choice for 89c 1 Miss Godoy Miss Lazo of New York bassy Mr Montagna of the Italian em- ¬ Mrs Hayes and Miss Hayes wife and Miss Godoys house guest Miss bassy Mr Martin of the Swiss lega- ¬ daughter of Representative Hayes of Hemen will ° way and The Minister to Cuba who Is tion Mr N gaJ Mr Yoshida Major their house Usual Msti rAA E g c Miss Teresa Carbo Mexican ad 6 oclock- a Mexico at Tanaka of the Japanese embassy Mr be at home today tromlnntU Mortimer acting charge daffaires for Ricoy Mr Beistegui Mr S127 California avenue M Thisse Presents Yon Sternburgs am- ¬ Baz Mr at I Entertain Washington in the absence of the Bermadez de Castro Mr Fernandez d The Successful Musical Satire Baron Speck von Sternburg the Ger- bassador and Mme Godoy were hosts la Regata of the Mexican embassy Miss Wood sister of Representative Baron Wood of New Jersey not receive I man ambassador and Baroness von at a young peoples dance in their home Haymerle of the AustroHun home in Nor WINE WOMAN ¬ garian embassy Mr ttvlay She will be at the Ster burg were on Sixteenth street last evening in hon Jansaens of the 4 4 hosts at dinner last Belgian legation Mr Palaclos Costa mandle Tuesday February from AND SONGNE- evening entertaining twentyone prom ¬ or of the birthday anniversary of their Mr Argentine legation until 7 oclock Portela of the XT WEEK Lw Welch m Thi Shoemaker II- inent Germans in the United States in eldest son Jose Godoy jr and their Mr Hoyards or the legation from f celebration of the fiftyninth birthday daughter Miss Mercedes Godoy These Netherlands Mr Freyer of the Peru- ¬ Mrs Hillraan Returns nn of the Emperor anniversaries fall upon the same date vian legation Mr Arosemena of the Mats Tuesdi r I nt pgmnAjt John Mr Mrs Joel H fmn hs rai r ed from The flag of the empire waved over though there is a difference of a few Ptton Barrett City airborne Th ail embassy the Carbo of the ISeaudorean legation W Atlantic and will be at her NEW ACADEMY during the day and at the din ¬ years In the ages of the young people S Pen Mr Adee D G McRitchie apartments at the Occidental Fridays ner the toasts were to the Kaiser was January 21 but the Captain Wlgmore A ALL THIS WEEK The guests were Major Pierkoroskl The real date T B Huyck S S during February Herr von Naatltz Dr Menael Prof Dr celebration was postponed until last Hempstone C Heth Mr Quintard Mr Deadwood Dicks Last Shot Clemen Prof von Schferdtner Herr evening D Lm Mn Peyton W C Sullivan Mr Miss Obenderfer Leaves With Pinl Burns and an excellent cast Dittmar Dr Fey Mr Kipp Mr Batlinger Mr 11 Kohnstaedt Herr von The drawing room floor was tastefully Magruder Mr Appleby Mr Koschwltz The marriage of Miss Alice Gardner l THIS COUPON AND lie win entro Eckhardt the German minister to decorated with palms pink and white Mr JA any lady or chi i to best reserved sea Cuba Dr Jung Count von Hatzfeldt Nunez from NewYork Mr and Rchanls of Rockport Mass and Drawers 21 Styles Thursday Matinee val ¬ Mrs M ooze for the naval attache of the embassy
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