Tuesday, May 16,1972 B 15 Tito Washington Merry-Go-Bonnd THE WASHINGTON POST Black Activists Are FBI Targets By Jack Anderson McKissick Jr., whose political this affair was held in a successor to Floyd McKissick activities have been chronicled church, since churches are as chairman of CORE, hay* The FBI is conducting sys- by the FBI in a fat file. among groups infiltrated by been meticulously catalogued, tematic surveillance of black Now director of the new town the FBI and Central Intelli- too. And Innis's file notes omi- lead-Cis,' who are guilty of of "Soul City," N.C., Mc- gence Agency which hold the nously that he has "attended nothing more serious than ex- Kissick made headlines when blacks down." marches to protest against the cessive political rhetoric. he lambasted the Democratic The federal sleuths have war in Vietnam.... " Millions of dollars have Party for failing to deliver "on also been poking their noses Ralph David Abernathy, suc- been invested in the FBI's in- Its promises." The Nixon ad- into McKissick's financial af- cessor to the martyred Dr._" vestigation of "racial matters." ministration, he said, has of- fairs. States one entry: King, rates a file that would But our study of the secret fered more than "just the "Floyd McKissick, it was choke a hippopotamus. The files indicates that the investi- rhetoric." learned, had recently received FBI's investigators welt? most gation has been heavily one- Like many a white politi- check Number 2686 made out intrigued over his troubles sided. Only the most extreme cian, McKissick has jumped in his name and drawn against with his colleagues. white racists have come under the political fence. For two the account of the Louis M. An FBI informant reported FBI scrutiny, but almost every years earlier, he had called Rabinowitz Foundation, Inc., on March 6, 1970, for example prominent black leader in the in the amount of S2,500. This that one colleague, Hosea Wil- Mr. Nixon "one of the nation's check was subsequently depos- liams, "remarked to some as- country has an FBI dossier in leading proponents of 'Law his name. Even congressmen ited to McKissick's account in sociates he was rather con- ad Nixon-Agnew supporters, and Order — Facist Style.'" the Freedom National Bank, cerned as to the cool and no- ' if they're black, are regarded McKissicks words were duly Harlem. New York." ticeably distant attitude re- with suspicion by the FBI. deposited in his bulging FBI cently displayed by ' The list of black "subver- dossier. Mrs. King's Finances .. Abernathy." sives" includes such apostles The FBI has also been Black artists, entertainers of non-violence as the late Secret Capitalist prying into Coretta Scott and sports figures, who speak Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Another entry, dated Jan. King's finances. When a docu- up for their race, are also sus- Jr., his wife, Coretta Scott 13, 1970, is stamped "Secret— mentary film about her late pect. One of the thickest FBI King; the Rev. Ralph David No Foreign Dissemination." husband was appearing files is devoted to former ' Abernathy; Jesse Jackson, the One of the deep, dark secrets around the country, the top heavyweight champion Mu- handsome young "country noted by FBI agent Thomas L. cops were busy counting re- hammad All. Actor singer preacher" who recently Beckwith was that McKissick ceipts. Harry Belafonte and author started a self-help group in "has made several speeches The movie's first run, says a James Baldwin are kept under " Chicago; Roy Wilkins, execu- throughout the U.S. during confidential memo dated Aug. surveillance, too. tive director of the National 1989 wherein he advocated 5, 1970, "resulted in receipts in The file on black comedian Association for the Advance. black capitalism...." excess of $2,000,000. By ar- Dick Gregory could be meas- ment of Colored People But far more grievous, Mc- rangements made prior to ured by the pound. Author-ac- (NAACP); and Bayard Bustin, Kissick, "in one speech stated March 24, 1970, by Coretta tor-playwright Ossle Davis and director of the A. Philip Ran- the Black Panther Party Scott King and officials of the his wife have been investi- dolph Institute. should be supported." SCLC the receipts fo this gated numerous times. Singer it The FBI has even zeroed in FBI agents were also listen- movie were to be divided Earths Kitt is quoted as being -A on President Nixon's most ar- ing when McKissick at a black equally between King and the opposed to statehood for 1/ ticulate black supporter, for- hash in Brooklyn "commented SCLC." Puerto Rico. mer CORE director Floyd unfavorably on the fact that The finances of Roy Innis, ©1972, united Feature Syndicate .
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