TWENTY-FOUR PAGES — TWO SECTIONS PRICE: FIFTEEN CENTS Thieu Ouster Reported Key To Cease-Fire Negotiations between the South Vietnamese and Viet SAIGON (UPi) — Senior Coipmunist reported today in their offensive that has ’Thieu’s fate was increasingly in doubt. Cong — and there has been no formal con­ diplomats said tonight the Viet Cong will swallowed up most, of South Vietnam. He was in disfavor with some military tact between them since April of 1974 enter into immediate negotialions for a Streams of refugees and army leaders who blamed him for toe debacle when Saigon called off the weekly cease-fire if South Vietnamese President stragglers still poured into Saigon and the that has delivered three-fourths of South meetings in Saigpn and Paris. Nguyen Van Thieu is ousted. city government issued shoot to kill orders Vietnam to the Communists without a The shoot to kiil orders already have “They are ready to stop the fighting im­ and other stringent regulations to keep struggle. been carried out in some areas. The com­ mediately,”. a leading Communist control of a chaotic situation. Reports Wednesday said the generals mander of the III Corps — the Saigon area diplomat with close ties to the Viet Cong Military authorities announced that the had given Thieu three days to resign. 'The — used firing squads Wednesday to military delegation in Saigon told the UPI. curfew in Saigon was being moved ahead Council of Generals met throughout the execute a number of unruly troops. ‘Tam sure that if Thieu goes the PRG one hour from 10 p.m. to 9 p.m. effective day to discuss action — only the second Military sources said the troops of the (Provisional Revolutionary Government) tonight. time in three years the generals were Saigon government were abandoning their will enter into immediate negotiations,” In toe Mekong Delta city of Can Tho, 75 known to have met in a group. positions faster than the North Viet­ the diplomat said. "The PRG is very in­ miles southwest of Saigon where There was pressure from the Saigon namese and Viet Cong units could capture terest^ in negotiating.” Australian planes flew in 1,800 refugees senate, from Buddhists, from militant With the Communist peace feelers, no Wednesday, the curfew was moved up to 8 Roman Catholics and from outside them. ’The sources also disclosed that an entire major Communist advances were p.m. from 10 p.m. sources for ’Thieu to step down. Today in London, Sen. Jacob Javits, R-N.Y., said 10,000-man division of Communist troops there was a possibility the U.S. Congress had “disappeared” from Tay Ninh would be more favorably disposed to aid Province 50 miles northwest of Saigon. South Vietnam if Thieu quit. They said military intelligence officers Another Communist diplomat said, had no idea whether the troops had gone a 'm it NEWS “Negotiations which would bring about into neighboring Cambodia or were some sort of coalition and elections would moving toward the capital. be the cheap way to victory.” The Saigon government had fewer than 3 CAPSULES The diplomats said, however that toe 5,000 troops blocking the Communist Viet Cong would likely press for a decisive march along the South China Sea toward battle for Saigon if President Thieu the capital. remained in office. There were similar of­ Half of them were fighting around Xuan Orphans Arrive Looking For Work ficial statements Wednesday in Paris by SANTA FE, N.M. (UPI) - Convicted Loc, 38 miles east of Saigon, in an attempt SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) - Fifty-two members of the permanent Viet Cong to re-open vital Highway 1. Vietnamese orphans arrived in toe U n it^ Watergate conspirator John D. delegation there who said Saigon could States Wednesday night after a flight of |6 Ehrlichman is looking for work and a even come under artillery bombardment. Tlie others were concentrated in and hours and 53 minutes. ’The pilot of the place to live in New Mexico. The Communists indicated that the around the capital. Military sources said World Airways cargo jet that brought The former presidential aide, who has three-party National Council of Recon­ the North Vietnamese had pushed the them out of South Vietnam defied traffic grown a beard, has been staying with ciliation which was provided for in the front lines to less than 100 miles from controllers’ orders in Saigon not to take friends and has been seen at several Paris peace accords but was never put Saigon by midday. off, and some 500 other orphans had to be restaurants in the city, the Santa Fe New into operation might be the vehicle for the The other Communist threat came from left behind. The children, ranging in age Mexican reported Wednesday. ’I^e peace negotiations. troops arrayed in a wide arc from west to newspaper said Ehrlichman hoped to find from three months to eight years, are There have never been substantiVe talks north of Saigon. waiting at 6th Army Headquarters in The work in “public service.” He is free while Presidio to meet the families that appealing his conviction. previously adopted them. Favor Rent Deposit Bill President Expected to Assess Cambodian Fighting Fierce HARTFORD (UPI) — The Connecticut PHNOM PENH (UPI) — Government Citizen Action Group today testified in U.S. Southeast Asia Policy Fleeing Toward Saigon reinforcements moved into an area along favor of a measure to end what the group the capital’s defense line today where regards as widespread refusals by White House Press Secretary Ron Communist-led insurgents pushed to landlords to return residential deposits to By HELEN THOMAS A small Vietnamese refugee carries blocked by 'national police and within five miles of the city by overran- DPI White House Reporter Nessen indicated Wednesday that Ford is militiamen who fear Communist in­ tenants. prepared to make his first public assess­ his younger sister from a boat which ning a government position at a dike. ■ Bruce Dorpalen, a CCAG spokesman, PALM SPRINGS, Calif. (UPI) - Presi­ A filtrators may use the fleeing throngs ment of the effects of the North Viet­ evacuated them from Nha Trang ’There was heavy fighting north, northwest said he has been contacted by dent Ford emerges from a golfing vaca­ namese blitzkrieg sweeping down on Wednesday. Refugees are trying to as a cover to enter the capital. (UPI and south of Phnom Penh, all of it clearly organizations in Hartford, / Stamford, tion today to hold a news conference, Saigon. reach Saigon by bus but are being photo) heard in the capital. More than 60 rockets Bridgeport and London citing make d'speech and confer with Secretary New Nessen indicated in answer to a question and 105mm artillery shells fell in Bhnom problems tenants have in getting their of State Henry Kissinger. Penh from dawn W^nesday until morning The nationally televised news con­ that the White House would not call toe deposits back. Vietnamization policy a failure. today. Rebel troops Wednesday captured “The unscrupulous practices of some ference in San Diego (at 3 p.m. EDT) was “Vietnamization was intended to turn seven positions,east, west and south of the landlords amount to downright theft,” certain to produce pointed questions about the fighting of the war over to the South besieged capital. Dorpalen said in a statement prepared for U.S. policy toward its Southeast Asia Vietnamese supplied by American New York City Offices the legislature’s State and Urban Develop­ aliies now on the verge of communist P takeovers. material help until they could afford their Rematch Requested ment Committee. own weapons,” Nessen said. “It was HUNTSVILLE, Tex. (UPI) - Farmer designed to remove all American troops, Damaged by Time Bombs John McAdams, the owner of Brimmer, a which it did.vlt was designed to live up to 4-year-old cow, has asked the National the Paris Peace Accords and get toe clearing away fragments of broken glass Weather Service for a rematch of weather NEW YORK (UPI) — Powerful time April Blizzard Strands prisoners back, which it did.” from window frames. ' predicting. Brimmer, in an 80-day match, bombs exploded outside the offices of a Ford also was scheduled to address a The first three bombs exploded at toe led the way by as much as 21 points before conference on his economic and energy bank and two insurance companies before headquarters offices of toe New York Life the NWS^won in the last round. It just goes dawn today. A Puerto Rican revolutionary Thousands in Chicago programs and to eat supper with Navy Insurance Co. and the Metropolitan Life to prove that cows, like the government, recruits in the giant San Diego naval base group that killed four people in a January Insurance (]o. and a branch office of can forecast weather correctly — at least three high schools in northwest suburban before flying back to his Palm Springs -I bombing took credit for toe blasts. Bankers Trdst Co. some of toe time. CHICAGO (UPI) — An April blizzard Skokie when the storm struck Wednesday, vacation house tonight to meet with The bombs shattered plate glass win­ The fourth explosive was tossed to the howled across Chicago Wednesday night, dows and awakened hundreds of people in leaving city streets deserted, shutting but only a handful were forced to spend Kissinger. ground in the neighborhood of the bank Fischer Stripped of Title The President goes to San Francisco midtown Manhattan. No one was seriously down the world’s busiest airport and tur­ the night. branch. Police and fire officials said, AMSTERDAM (UPI) - The Inter­ Friday for a working luncheon with nine injured, however, and damage to the ning the nation’s busiest expressway into a Even the weathermen were snowbound.
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