Silicon Valley Chapter Military Ofcers Association of America Volume XI Issue 10 Oct 2014 OFFICERS, BOARD, ANDThe CHAIRS Bulletin PRESIDENT: Lt. Col. Mike Sampognaro USAF 408-779-7389 Luncheon Program 1st VP: Lt Col Neil Miles USAF 408-929-1142 2nd VP: Lt. Col. Jay Craddock USAF 650-968-0446 16 Oct 2014 Secretary: COL Warren Enos AUS 408-245-2217 Treasurer: CAPT Lloyd McBeth USN 408-241-3514 Past President: CAPT Paul Barrish USN 408-356-7531 DIRECTORS & COMMITTEE CHAIRS Auxiliary Liaison Mrs Patricia Pogue Auxiliary 650-948-4303 Chaplain Chaplain Fred Tittle USMC 609-802-3492 Commissary/Exchange Advisory CDR Ralph Hunt USN 650-967-8467 Friends-in-Need (FIN) Program CDR Al Mouns USN 408-257-5629 Programs Lt. Col. Jesse Craddock USAF 650-968-0446 ROTC CWO4 Patrick Clark USA 831-402-8548 ROA Liason COL Warren B. Enos AUS 408-245-2217 Membership/Recruitment COL Warren B. Enos AUS 408-245-2217 Scholarship CAPT Paul Barrish USN 408-356-7531 Travel (Space-A Advisory) CDR V.A. Eagye USN 408-733-3177 Web Master Lt Col Mike Sampognaro USAF 408-779-7389 Veteran Affairs Lt Col Neil Miles USAF 408-929-1142 Col (Dr.) Dean L. Winslow Development Officer CAPT Gil Borgardt USN 650-342-1270 Sargeant-at-Arms Social Hour: 11:00 AM CDR Ralph Hunt USN 650-967-8467 Chapter Outreach CWO5 Robert Landgraf USMC 408-323-8838 CALMOAA, Luncheon: 11:45 AM Legislation & Navy League Liaison LCDR Tom Winant USN 650-678-7120 Luncheon is $26.00 See Back Page for Reservations Form and Directions The Chapter Board meets at 129th Support Group Bldg 680, Moffett Federal Airfield Bulletin Editor Lt. Col. Mike Sampognaro, USAF CALENDAR OF EVENTS “The Bulletin” is published 11or12 times annually P.O. BOX 2, Moffett Federal Airfield, CA 94035 2 Oct Board Meeting 10:00 AM Please direct all correspondence to above address 16 Oct Luncheon 11:00 AM 6 Nov Board Meeting 10:00 AM RETIREE ACTIVITIES OFFICE (RAO) Bldg 587 on Wescoat Court, 650-603-8047 *20 Nov Luncheon 11:00 AM Board Meetings Are Open to All Members Board Minutes Are Available to Members From The Secretary *November Luncheon is our annual Corp elections meeting SVC WEB SITES PRESIDENT’S*PERSPECTIVE ur Chapter website is www. O We are coming to the end of the year. It is a 3me when some of siliconvalleymoaa.org, a shorter us reflect on what we have done and what we wanted to do. I link is www.svcmoaa.org. You hope for all of you it has be a successful year. If not you s3ll have a can also get to it from the na- couple;of;months;to;make;it;so. tional MOAA site: Put the cursor over Chapters and select Chapter I con3nue to wonder where the 3me has gone. They say 3me Locator, CA, then Silicon Valley Chapter. From there you may flies when you are having fun. I must be having fun, for each year link over to our primary website 3me;flies;by;faster. above. Our home page has links for The Bulletin and eBulletin. B As a nonprofit corpora3on, SVC, we have to nominate and elect officers and I have setup a nomina3ng commiEee and we will have TRICARE FOR LIFE elec3ons at the November luncheon. If you would like to SERVICE nominate someone or even yourself please tell one of the board For assistance, contact the members. Wisconsin Physicians Service www.tricare4u.com We have several other important items to decide beside the 866-773-0404 elec3on of officers. There is the item about a dues increase and a ques3on about the printed bulle3n. I was somewhat surprised that REPORTING DEATHS we did not get a larger number of members elec3ng to receive the Members can report the death of email copy of the bulle3n. According to our Bylaws our dues are a retiree locally through the primarily to pay for the bulle3n. This year we will have been Retire Activity Office (RAO). mailing 200 copies per month, for 12 months, for a postage cost of The phone number is about $1150. With only about 150 dues paying members that 650-603-8047 comes out to $7.68 each. The prin3ng is about $30.40 per year for You can also notify a MOAA each dues paying member. So to actually the dues should be member’s death to: MOAA, Attn: MSC, almost;$40.00;per;member. 201 N Washington St, Alexandria, VA 22314-2539. I am not proposing that at this 3me but I just wanted to bring to Or: Call 1-800-234-6622 your aEen3on the facts. I am actually working on reducing the Or: E-mail: [email protected]. costs;and;making;a;beEer;quality;printed;bulle3n. Notify SVC-MOAA by phoning So boEom line is... if you care about this Chapter please make a the Membership Chair–see listing point of coming to the November luncheon and let your voice be on front page of The Bulletin. B heard. Thought For The Month **********************************************************************************************mike "I wanted to change the world. But I have found that the only thing one can be sure of changing is oneself." ~ Aldous Huxley, Author - 2 - OCTOBER SPEAKER had been killed in the war. Over 4,000 coalition From the combat medic Staff Sergeant Jonathan soldiers and civilian contractors as well as over Taylor 31 May 2009, Shajoy District, Zabul 10,000 Afghan National Security Forces had been Province, Afghanistan, diary entry, “…The gunners killed. In May 2014, the United States announced take over the radio net, calling out movement in front that its combat operations would end in 2014, leaving of us and through the orchard, now on my left. But just a small residual force in the country until the end nobody can positively ID anyone with a weapon and of 2016. nobody wants to shoot a bunch or farmers and kids Images of combat injuries might be shown. running from the battle. So, with a steeled discipline Musculoskeletal injuries are the most common cause that I have come to admire, they hold their fire. The for disability in deployed environments. Mechanical interpreter next to me is telling me that ‘they say low back pain was the most common diagnosis someone is shot.’ That’s my cue to get out of the (19%). truck and find who’s hurt.” Casualty care on the battlefield must be the best The chapter’s October speaker will be Colonel possible combination of good medicine and good (Dr.) Dean L. Winslow, USAF-Ret, who will provide small-unit tactics. In contrast to a hospital Emergency an illustrated briefing “From Bagram Airfield to Department setting where the patient is the mission, Baghdad and Back Again.” His presentation will on the battlefield, care of casualties sustained is only focus on recent history, the scope of combat part of the mission. operations in Afghanistan, mechanisms of combat Dean Winslow, MD is a Clinical Professor of injuries, and principles of combat casualty care, as Medicine and Pediatrics in the Division of Infectious well as lessons learned. Colonel Winslow has Diseases and Geographic Medicine at Stanford deployed to the Middle East six times from 2003 University. A distinguished physician and highly -2011 as a flight surgeon supporting combat decorated flight surgeon, he entered the Louisiana operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. Air National Guard in 1980 as a general medical Tales and stories of heroes and villains, treachery, officer. He served as Commander of the 159th MDG betrayal, love, hate and loyalty to some extent will be 1992-1995 and was State Air Surgeon, Delaware Air highlighted in a briefing on recent Afghanistan National Guard 1995-2011. In 2006 Colonel history, including major tribes, languages and ethnic Winslow served as an ER physician at the United groups as well as the events leading up to the 9/11 States Air Force 447th EMEDS (combat hospital) in attacks on the U.S. With anti-terrorist coalition Baghdad and in 2008 served as hospital commander support, the government’s capacity to secure of the same unit during the surge. He is a pilot and Afghanistan’s borders to maintain internal order is has flown Air National Guard F-4 Phantom jets over increasing; there is government-coalition forces Louisiana. cooperation in rooting out remnants of al Qaeda and ________________________ the Taliban; the core of an Afghan National Army SOURCE: Luncheon Speaker (ANA) and police are being trained; and, some ministerial reforms are underway, most prominently at the Ministry of Defense, which has been reorganized to better reflect Afghanistan’s ethnic diversity. The War in Afghanistan 2001–present refers to the intervention by NATO and allied forces in the ongoing Afghan civil war. The war followed the September 11 attacks, and its public aims were to dismantle al-Qaeda and denying it a safe basis of operation in Afghanistan by removing the Taliban from power. As of 2013, tens of thousands of people - 3 - SEPTEMBER SPEAKER REPORT Afghanistan Teach Us about the Future?” The point In late September 2012 Vice Chief of Naval was made that unilateral action is not a successful Operations (VCNO) Adm. Mark Ferguson visited a strategy for the US, and what successes we had were number of Sailors forward deployed in Fifth Fleet– made with the help of 50 other nations, including the the Middle East and Arabian Gulf. He said, “I spent Afghans themselves. time on both of our aircraft carriers, our ADM William Gortney, Commander Fleet Forces minesweepers, our patrol craft, and other ships in the Command presented a revolutionary concept in the region.
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