ZOBODAT - www.zobodat.at Zoologisch-Botanische Datenbank/Zoological-Botanical Database Digitale Literatur/Digital Literature Zeitschrift/Journal: Veröffentlichungen des Naturkundemuseums Erfurt (in Folge VERNATE) Jahr/Year: 2014 Band/Volume: 33 Autor(en)/Author(s): Schmidt Joachim Artikel/Article: New species of Bembidion Latreille, 1802, subgenus Ocydromus Clairville, 1806 from India and Tibet (Insecta: Coleoptera: Carabidae: Bembidiini) 185- 195 VERNATE 33/2014 S. 185-195 New species of Bembidion Latreille, 1802, subgenus Ocydromus Clairville, 1806 from India and Tibet (Insecta: Coleoptera: Carabidae: Bembidiini) JOACHIM SCHMIDT Summary South Asia (e.g., TOLEDANO & SCIAKY 1998, TOLEDA- NO 2000, 2008, SCHMIDT 2004, TOLEDANO & SCHMIDT Bembidion (Ocydromus) loebli sp. n. is described from 2008, 2010) wide parts of these areas remain poorly in- the Eastern Ghats of southern India (locus typicus: vestigated up to today. Due not least to the tremendous Nilgiri Hills, Ootacamund - Pykara), and Bembidion restrictions for foreign researchers the ground beetle (Ocydromus) salweenum sp. n. is described from the fauna of India, and particularly of its southern parts, is eastern Tibetan Plateau (locus typicus: upper Salween one of the least studied faunas of Asia. Consequently, River, Kema SSE Naqu). Both these species are repre- for many species groups, including Bembidion, the cur- sentatives of the species group of B. saxatile Gyllen- rent state of knowledge in India is hardly any better hal, 1827. Bembidion saxatile himalotibeticum ssp. n. than it was in the first half of the 20th century (see AN- is described from the Transhimalaya and the Tibetan DREWES 1935, NETOLITZKY 1942, 1943a, b). Then as Himalaya in central South Tibet (People’s Republic of now less than a dozen of Bembidion species are known China) and from the upper Kali Gandaki Valley in Ne- to occur in South India. In the modern catalogues these pal (locus typicus: Yam Tso near Nagartse). species are attributed to the subgenera Chlorodium Motschulsky, 1864, Eutrachelus Motschulsky, 1850, Zusammenfassung Notaphocampa Netolitzky, 1914, and Testediolum Motschulsky, 1864 (e.g., LORENZ 2005). In the present Neue Arten der Gattung Bembidion Latreille, 1802, paper a first representative of the Ocydromus complex Untergattung Ocydromus Clairville, 1806 aus Indien sensu MADDISON (2012) will be described from the und Tibet (Insecta: Coleoptera: Carabidae: Bembi- Eastern Ghats of South India based on material that was diini) collected more than 40 years ago. Bembidion (Ocydromus) loebli sp. n. wird von den Ea- Regarding Bembidiini ground beetles another poorly stern Ghats in Südindien (Locus typicus: Nilgiri Hills, known area is the Tibetan Plateau. However, some Ootacamund - Pykara), und Bembidion (Ocydromus) Bembidion species groups with Central Tibetan repre- salweenum sp.n. wird vom östlichen Tibet-Plateau be- sentatives were already revised by TOLEDANO (2000, schrieben (Locus typicus: oberer Salween, Kema SSE 2008), and TOLEDANO & SCHMIDT (2008). In the pre- Naqu). Beide Arten gehören zur Gruppe des B. saxatile sent paper a new Ocydromus species related to B. (Ocy- Gyllenhal, 1827. Bembidion saxatile himalotibeticum dromus) saxatile Gyllenhal, 1827 will be described ssp. n. wird vom Transhimalaya und Tibetischen Hima- from the eastern Tibetan Plateau. laya im zentralen Südtibet (Volksrepublik China) und The Palaearctic species group of B. (Ocydromus) saxa- aus dem oberen Kali Gandaki-Tal in Nepal beschrieben tile was recently revised by RÉBL & TOLEDANO (2013). (Locus typicus: Yam Tso bei Nagartse). These authors provide an overview to diagnostic char- acters and distributions of the numerous B. saxatile Key words: Taxonomy, new species, China, Eastern subspecies and some related species, and described B. Ghats, Himalaya, India, Nepal, Tibet, Bembidion, Ocy- (Ocydromus) muemo Rébl & Toledano, 2013 from Iran dromus and Afghanistan. In this revision the fauna of High Asia was not considered in detail. However, based on two B. Introduction saxatile (s.l.) specimens from Nepal the authors already pointed to the existence of a presumably undescribed Although a great deal of progress has been made in the subspecies in the Central Himalaya (RÉBL & TOLEDA- investigation of the Bembidion fauna of Central and NO 2013: 602). This assumption can now be confirmed 185 based on comprehensive material from the Himalaya from the anterior to the posterior margin along the mid- and South Tibet which includes populations from nu- line; the length of the elytra (EL) was measured from merous localities. As a result a new subspecies of B. the tip of the scutellum to the apex of the longer elytron. saxatile (s.l.) will be described in the present paper. Examination: Specimens were examined with a ster- Material and Methods eomicroscope Leica M205-C. The photographs of the habitus (figs. 1-3) were taken by Johannes Reibnitz Material: This study is based on 525 specimens of the (SMNS) with a Leica DFC320 digital camera on a Leica three newly described taxa, in addition to comprehen- MZ16 APO microscope, and were then processed by sive comparative material comprising all Ocydromus him with Auto-Montage (Syncroscopy) software. The species and subspecies hitherto known from Asia. The genitalic photographs (figs. 4-6) were taken with a specimens are deposited in the following collections: Leica DFC450 digital camera using a motorised focus- sing drive, light base Leica TL5000 Ergo, subsequently CHTZ – Coll. Andreas Hetzel, Darmstadt, Germany. processed with Leica LAS application software, and CIBIK – Coll. Igor Belousov & Ilya Kabak, St. Pe- enhanced with CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5. tersburg, Russia. CMGG – Coll. Werner Marggi, Thun, Switzerland. Genitalic preparations: Genitalia were prepared after CSCHM – Coll. Joachim Schmidt, Admannshagen, soaking specimens in water with vinegar and mild de- Germany. tergent for one day, followed by dissection. The aedea- CTOL – Coll. Luca Toledano, Verona, Italy. gus was cleared in lactic acid for up to five days. Af- CWG – Coll. Andreas Weigel, Wernburg, Germany. ter examination, genitalic preparations were placed in CWP – Coll. Jörg Weipert, Plaue, Germany. Euparal on acetate labels or cards, which were pinned CWR – Coll. David W. Wrase, Berlin, Germany. beneath the specimen. MHNG – Muséum d’Histoire Naturelle, Genève (Dr. I. Löbl, Dr. G. Cuccudoro). Bembidion (Ocydromus) loebli sp. n. NMBB – Naturhistorisches Museum der Burgerge- Figs. 1, 4. meinde Bern (Dr. C. Huber). Type material. Holotype male, with label data „IN- NME – Naturkundemuseum Erfurt (M. Hartmann). DIA Madras / Nilgiri 2100 m / Ootacamund - Pykara / OSAC – Oregon State Arthropod Collection, Oregon 21.XI.72 / Besuchet Löbl Mussard“ in MHNG. State University (Dr. D. R. Maddison). Paratypes: 2 males and 1 female with same label data as SCAU – South China Agricultural University, holotype in CSCHM and MHNG. Guangzhou (Dr. T. Mingyi). Etymology. This species is dedicated to Dr. Ivan Löbl, SMTD – Senckenberg Staatliches Museum für Tier- Genève, former curator and head of the Department of kunde, Dresden (O. Jäger). Entomology of the MHNG, one of the two editors of ZSM – Zoologische Staatssammlung, München the Catalogue of Palaearctic Coleoptera, and one of the (Dr. M. Bahlke, Dr. L. Hendrich). discoverers of the new Indian species of Bembidion, in honour of his many substantial contributions to coleop- Measurements: Body size was measured from the apex terology and taxonomy. of the longer mandible in closed position to the apex Diagnosis and Recognition. A typical member of the of the longer elytron. The width of the head (HW) was Bembidion subgenus Ocydromus, with several deep measured across the widest portion including the com- punctures on frons at the level of the hind half of the pound eyes. The widths of the pronotum (PW) and of eyes, with a relatively small and moderately sclerotized the elytra (EW) were measured at their widest points. central sclerite of the endophallus, and with a long The width of the pronotal apex (PWA) was measured and well sclerotized flagellum. In external shape and between the tips of the apical angles, the width of the body color very similar to B. saxatile (sensu lato), and pronotal base (PWB) between the tips of the basal an- B. muemo; for comparison see the comprehensive ico- gles. The length of the pronotum (PL) was measured nography of different geographical morphs of the latter 186 Fig. 1: Bembidion (Ocydromus) loebli sp. n., holotype. 187 species in RÉBL & TOLEDANO (2013). Bembidion loebli dle. Disc markedly convex, smooth, without punctures. sp. n. is easily to distinguish from both these species by Median line deep in middle, absent near anterior and the broader head with more protruded eyes, more trans- near posterior margin. Frontal transverse impression verse pronotum with a longer and sharper laterobasal shallow, surrounded by some fine punctures. Basal carina, larger ventral sclerite of the endophallus, and transverse impression broad, laterobasal foveae large by the lack of well sclerotized scales on the ostial flag. and deep; both these impressions coarsely punctuate Description. Body length: 4.5-5.0 mm. throughout. Colour: Head and pronotum blackish brown with Elytra: Moderately depressed on disc; in dorsal view very slight greenish metallic reflections; elytra brown, moderately slender (EL/EW = 1.43-1.52), subovate vague lightened in the basal third, with large testaceous with shoulders relatively broad, with maximum width preapical maculae; the
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