
Digital Kenyon: Research, Scholarship, and Creative Exchange The Kenyon Collegian College Archives 9-28-1995 Kenyon Collegian - September 28, 1995 Follow this and additional works at: https://digital.kenyon.edu/collegian Recommended Citation "Kenyon Collegian - September 28, 1995" (1995). The Kenyon Collegian. 484. https://digital.kenyon.edu/collegian/484 This News Article is brought to you for free and open access by the College Archives at Digital Kenyon: Research, Scholarship, and Creative Exchange. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Kenyon Collegian by an authorized administrator of Digital Kenyon: Research, Scholarship, and Creative Exchange. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Volume Cxxm, Number 3 E.lIJblished 1856 Tbunday, SepL 28, 1995 Sign theft signals. isolated homophobia By Gianna Maio isahisloryofbomopbobicaetivity ably fn-year SlUdenIS who aren't vandalism. According 10 Man Kenyonasaferenvironmenl They Managing Editor at KcnYOO.and say~ "Signs last ready to deal with these issues at Lavine '97. house manager of areplanning todisUibule mae safe ::-==-===---- .yearwao _dowa.Then: is a coDege," she says. Bauman is a CaplesclcnniuJly.gmfliIi waSwril- wne signs during Coming Out RCCCDt incidents of bislOry of vandalism here.. resident advisor in McBride resi- ee 00 Ibe eIev_ wall of Caples Week, and wid .... be distribut- homophobisCCll>COrllilliSafezane BoIh Bawnan and Kyk>eile dence.buthas_ooproblems eartier Ibis week rdaling 10 receer ing tbem in the dining halls in the signsoo campus baveapia SIim>d Ibe gcoI of Ibe signsas being a way with the signs on her hall. homophobic lellsions 011 campus. nosrfunoe. debaIe as to whether Kcayon Col- 10 cducaIc the community IDlIIO Andy Rkhmond '96. a resi- Tbe messagcappean 10 be a swe- 1be signs are cunendy avail- lege is a safe environment for raisctbeissuesofsexualidcDtity. dmt advisor in Lewis. says tbal be menl by somCODC who is angered ahk> through _ Bawnan and hoo1ose><ualandbiaexual_... Tbcirpurposeis ..... inpon.aleSl "bas oot _ .. y signs beiDg by Ibe negative ""IJOIISC 10 Ibe Kyle, and" Ibe Crozi« Cemer for faculty. and sraff. oflbe CoIJese oomrnUDity·sreel- rakeodown.Ihave"oneonmydoor Safe Zone signs. Women as well. 1be recent tensions surround ingsaboultbeissucandareavisible and a student on my hall also has Bawnan and Kyle are hoping A<conling 10 Bauman, Ibe re- Ibe placement of Safe zane signs signr ... lbepyCOlllllUlllity_ALSO one." He has nociced more of a 10 cwcn::ome the leDSion on both cent IeDsions are just another oolbedo..-sofconcemed_... and QSU ...... earefuJ .. produce problem wilbrapeawan:neas signs sides oflbe issue by COlIlilluiJIi .. remiDder lbaf. "we still have wort. faculty. and _ The signs lbat do oot eootaiD .. anli- beiDg stolen. distribul<: Ibe signs and ....... 10<10." signs are .used' 10 indicare • safe heterosexual message, but thC Allhough some of Ibe llIUdent wner yooeSlrUQlinglOidea- groups ware lbatpeoplemiBht in- respooselOlbesignsbasbeeu ... ga- Lightning storms cripple ICS tify SUUggling wilb lheir sexual __ in suc:Il a way. live, Kyk>and Bauman oote lbat identity.Recendy.tberebavcbeen Mike S.... "J6. bouse man- Ibe overall n:spooac bas been posi- By James Ray !befint: 1be~_limitedlO nllDlClOllfrecent 1Cpl>"1S. mainly _ of Old Kenyon, ssyslbat be live, especially 00 Ibe port of Ibe the southand east sedions of cam- Staff Reporrer CCIIlCl<dinOIdKenyooandLewis pmonaIIybasootnoticedany ..... faculty and adminis1IaIors. pus. The effects, however. were dMnillXies, of vandsIism andlbell dalism oflbe signs butsays be "bas Michael Levine, profesa..- of Campus-wide n:pairs of Ibe e>q>erience by _IS in ad oflbe oflbeae signs. receivcdeomplainlSoflhreesepa- . psychology. was a victim of a crippled computing and .-om- southern dorms. Caples, the TheSafeZoncsigns'Wetecre- nile iDcidcnrs from two ditTen.mI. homophobic iDcidem at Kcnyoo municalions servic:es bave yet to Aclands and Ibe New Apar1meats aledanddislribuledduringlbelint lCSidealS."Bauman belie ... Ibe last year but had DO besiWioo in be complered; failures eootinuo were also affected. few weetsof classes by members incidelllsinOldK.eoyoninvdYing placing a Safe zane sign 00 his several months after the initial Damage _ also reponed of ALSO (Allied Sexual Orica.. Ibe signs may bave ~ .. office dol>" Ibis year. lie says be lighming surge On Aug. 8.lbat was iDIbe DoIlOO Thestre. Ernst Alb- tions)andIbeQueerS_tUnioo dowilliadoflbesocial_lSlbat was not aware that signs were be- ICSpOOsible r... discoonecting 29 IeticCentel.andWortheimerFICId (QSU). !GrllIen Bauman '97. co- rake place thcinl on weekends. ing stolen but oommenlSlbat he is buildings (75 pm:ent of Ibe cam- House. Griggs added lbat be fel' presidem of ALSO aloog wilh "Things happen willi drinking; "not surprised. " He says 1bat many pus) tiom Ibe VAX _ and espeeiaDy bld r... _ .......... Susan Kyle '96, says Ibat signs she says. faculty members have shown in- ravaging ccuntless banldrives and faculty.and_·someof ..~ provided u an answer 10 Regarding the Safe Zone terest illthe signs. da''''SC'S. them lost a lot of wO'k. " He also homophobic haIassment of sev- signslbatwaola1amdowninLewis Despite Ibe pnsitive response Monetary value r...lbe __ lOfemd 10Breoda'Howard, secre- era! ......... at Ibe begiDniDg of donnitory.Baumanplacesempba- 10 Ibe signs by most of Ibe Kanyoo aged ""uipmen' and phone lines tary r... Ibe Carolina and Ohio the year." sis on the tim-year students who COOImunity, some students are ap- bas oot yet beeu deIennined, as Science Education Network Bauman also ...... lbat Ibere live in Ibe donn. "They are prob- parently upset about Cbe sign imurancc agencies need 10 assess (OOSEN) and The Psydlologieal whether it is IDOIe cost effeclivc to -. whose computer _ de- repair ... lOp1ace. "Untillbat deei- SUUyed twice by lighreniDg. College adjusts to increased enrollment sioo is made, we bave no way of "The first storm came in estimatinglbecos,oflben:pairs ... tIwooghlbeVAX line and b1ewmy By David Carroll problematic number,"1IlIding that very. very good year." be said. In repIacemen .... e><plainedManager bani drive,· Howard recalled. Sbe Kenyon bas Ibe pbysical, re.;hing. spile Ibe in IIUlllbers, Ibe Staff Writer of boost ofBusiDesa Servi<eslolU1 KureIla. said, however. lbat ber faa IRa- and extnK:unicular capacity 10 College's lint-year budgetisacDl- Kun:Ila said lbat !be lint pri- cbine and other equipment The class of \999 is oot just handle Ibe extra students. Insome ady c1Dser10 Ibe e.pected lbaa in ority _ geniDgPes bacI: oo-line remained unaffected. Her system Ihefirstclassin lOOyearsforwhom ~ faculty bave been asked 10 past years. The elass Dr \998, Tor apia andin~ "11tisislll>l _down r...-""",<Iy Ihree aeenain Keoyoo lJOOg is apptopti- increase Ibe enrollment limilSof CllllIIlple,had .. cm:m<telldedbud- IOsay thai. lbesecomputersaoefme weeks until ICS _ able 10 re- .... it is .... cOOsiderabIy larger their by stu- courses one or two get due to the overuse of ftnaDCial - Ibere may well be PCs with placeber banldrive. Unfonunately lbaa ICCClIlIint-yearclasses. This dents. and extra ....... s of more sid. damaged motbcrboards, bard Ibis _ ooIy Ibe begiDniDg of year, Ibe admissions deparbl_ popular English and psycbology Despite these problems. drives, ... __ .• _slnXlble. admitted44\ now .......... aceonI- c:ouraeswereCRBled,amoog_ Daugherty says lbat a nmnaI per- Roo Griggs, _ of nol- ThemomingniTuesday.Sept. ing 10 lolU1 Anderano. dean of eornpensalUry mcasores. callage(37pm:ent)oflbeclassof works, systems, and teebnical \2. in wbat Howard believed 10 be _issions. Anderaoosaid thatlbe Anderaoo commcots lbat Ibe \999 received. financial aid poet- services, reporred lbat Ibe focusof calm weather. she wem 00 line at Iarget size of Ibis class _ ooIy _issioos deportment will meat oge.ln_lioo,lbeamountof tile wort is 00 rqJairiDg and re- 8:30 am. wilb ber now compuIer. 415, whicb means Ihat 26 more litely raise the rarget class size as average need-bued packaaea Ie- .\ stepped out of !be oIli<:e fur studenlSchose OJ _ Kcnyoo placinsdamagedequipmeuL "\be • result of tbc academic adjust- many increased. This promising l1oodc:ausN_wtaaesoordl wbatc:ouldn\bavebeenmorethal than were expccled. _ ... but be remains assun:d lbat ..... of affairs is Ibe result of good ofWlggin Streetand westofRoute minDle, wilen all of sudden Kcnyoo wid IIl>l in _ a a "WemustbedWlglilOlDetbing eIIanse pIanoing, says Daugherty, "and a 3()g,. be said. This _ cmsider- lighreniDg _. Sbe heanI .. right." says Assisaam DirecIor of sijptif ...... y. liltIe bn of good luck." ably allravatine to ICS _joItCXlllliDgtiomlbecom- • Admissioos CristiD BishanL A&- "'This lets be bit us a mOle F... B~ lbeclass of \999 ro::Imici"s,sincclbcybadam.dy m\micationsC<lllDeCliOllintbcwan. Cl>"lliDg 10Bisbara, !belIIICllpCCICd and we'd 10 <:00- bas special signific:ancc it seJec:tivc. lite because repaiIod Ibeae ..... after Ibe Aug. ·so \ ran right in and lIIIJlIu88ed increase speak. weU of the _ Ibal -.. be said. As an is Ibe lint class she bas helped 8 CICClImIIICC. CVCI}'1hins." College's appeal 10 _live imerestiug side oote. Anderano bring 10 Kenyoo since joiDiDg Ibe Kenyon's second ekelril:al _was ... 1aIc; wilen SIUdents. AIIderaoo _ saying _tioood 1bat many pri_ 0Iti0 admissions .........- _ ber _ICS __ --.. 00 Sept. 12 wassmallerthal lbat it is a _doD of IIl>l ooIy scbool. arc fmdinJ incoming gradustioo tiom Ibe College in greater name =ognidoD. but of elasaes to be weD above Ibe target 1994. "\wasIOId woddng in ad-
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