UST OF EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS GOA W» - = 1 1 directorate of ed u ca tio n STATISTICS SECTION Government of Goa .Govt.-Ptg. Press,. Paaajl-Goa —1527/400— 3/198B ************* * i;a)(a):a>a).@:3 * * @ *****************************************'<■** . @ I @ * @ * 'i> G wVERNMENT OF GOA @ * * (S (D * ■'' @ (3) * LIST OF EDUCATIONAL * (a) @ * * * '3) * * @ INSTITUTIONS : ® * * @ * ® * * IN : ca * * {§) GOA * a * ® ! 1990— 91 * @ * (3® !* * o * ®“ * * DIRECTORATE OF EDUC/vi’lON * * : STAT1STICS SECTION * i) * gu @ ^ * * (|) * * PANAJT *-GCih * * @ * * ra) * 1-^14 .\ -t X 4 A 3 * ^ A A A A V A A J. A .\ , , l I t A » -V A A .t ,t A * * * ^ ^ - V -A- A - r 4- ’•'- •* -V A " .1 ■*- A- >*- j* /«• >(r * A A- -t a- a A a A- a a a a a A' -A- A- A- vV ■* A A- A' A A- * A- NIEPA DC D06062 3 T( Natlor.:a .,.:. Mation;-^! • Pl;m-- •• " ^ '. itliyi-. DOC. iy . D.'..P..P.k.Z^.™ )CON TENTS page No» 1, Institutions For General Education 1 ( Degree Level ) 2, Institutions For proFessional/ Technical Bducation(Degree Level) 3, Institutions For proFessional/ Technical (Post Matric Level) 4^ Institutions For proFessional/ Technical/other Education ( School Level ) 5. Higher secondary Schools ( Government & Non-Govt. ) 7 6. Non~Gcvernment High Schools 11 7. Non-Government Middle Sch joIs 21 8, Nou-Go\‘t, primary Schools 22 9, Government High Schools 25 10, Government Middle Schools 27 11 ♦ Government primaiy Sr.liools 32 12, Libraries 63 INSTITUTIONS FQR GENERAL. EDUCATION (DEG.RHE LEVEL) Si. Rural/ • Name oF the institution . Medium No. Urban i. ■ 2. ■ 3 ' . 4. 1. Goa University^ Bambolim/ P.O. St.Cruz^ Rural • English Courses 1-ph.D.,ivUA,, M.Sc,, M.Com./ M^iC.A., M.M.S,., & M,Phil. 2. D^empe College oF Arts & Science, P.O. Box No,2 22, Miramar, Panaii .urban English Coursess-B.A, & B.Sc. , 3. Srinivassa Sinai Dempo College oF , Commerce & Economics, Altinho, Panaji Urban English Courses;~B,Com, 4. Smt, Parvatibai Chowgule College of Arts & Science, Margao, , Urban English Coursess-B.A,, B,Sc,, Post graduate Diploma in Computer Applications,. 5. Shree Damodar College oF Commerce & Economics, Comba, Margao Urban English Coursess-B,Com, . 6. Carmel College of Arts & Science (For women) Nuvem, Salcete. Rural- ■ English Courses s-B,A ,, B.Cpm, 8c B,3c, 7. Cuncolim Educational Society's College oF Arts & Commerce, Cuncolim„ialcete, Urban ‘ English Courses s-B.A, & i3,Com, 8. St, Xavier's College, Mapusa-Bardez, Urban English Courses;-B.A, & P,Sc. ' 9, D.M.V.N.S. Bandekar College of Commerce, Assagao, 3arc;Je2 , Rural English Courses;-B,Com, 10. M.E.S. College of Arts & Conimexce, Zuarinagar, Goa, Rural 5:nglish Courses;-B,A, & B.Com, 11. G,.V.M* 's' College of Commerce & . Economics, P.O.Box No,102< Ponda. Uibnn Kng-l Courses:-B.Com, 12. P.E.S. College oF Arts & Science, P.B.No .3, Fariiiagudi,. Ponda,. Rural • English Courses;-B.A, & 3,Sc, 13. Govt. College oF Arts, Science Commerce, Sanquelim, Goa, v _■ Rural. ■ English Courses ;-B.A,, B,Sc-, &'B.Com, 14. Govt. College oF Arts & Commerce, Quepem. Rural English , Courses ;-B.A t &. B.Com, 15. Govt. College of Arts,^ Science & Comm.erce, Khandola, Marcela, Rural English' Cour'ses ;-B .A » ^ B , Com, & B , Sc, 16. Rosary Colleqt- ..■f Commerce, Rural . English Navelim, Salcec?, Courses ?-B,Com, '.2 ' ■ ■ INS'FlTU'TIONS FOR PROVES SI ONAL/T^ECHNICAL, EDUCATION • (d e q r e e l e v e l ) Si Rural/ Intalce .y • Name of the institution Medium No . Urban capacity : for-a couti^e 1 . \ 2 . 3.. 4 ... ■ V :.... !• GoC’M^^ical College, Panaji, Urban English. §6, Courses / M.S., M , B . B. S . ,pip. Courses in.. Anaesthesiology, PFetychiatry, Radio-Dlagnosis, preventive &. Social ^ediclne, • Forensic Medicine Sc Skin Sc 2, Goa College oF Pharmacy, Panaji, Urban English 120 Coursess-B.Pharm., Dip, in Lab. ■Technology & pharmacy 3. Goa College oF Art , Altinho,Panaji, Urban English 40 Courses:-Degree in Fine Arts, painting/Applied Art. 4. Nirmala institute of Education^ Altinho, panaji. Urban English 177 Courses;-Ph.D. (Edn.), M,Ed. & B.Ed. 5. Mahadevrao Salgaonkar College of Law/ Mlramar-Panaji„ ’ UrbSn English 750' Courses s-L.E.B. (General)/L.L.B. Degree* Goa Institute oF Management Studies, G/o . College oF Law, Miramar,panSji, Urban English 30 Courses“-University Courses; Post Graduate Dip. in Business Management and Admn, Management, Non-University Courses; Diploma in Travel and Tourism Management, 7. Goa College oF Architecture, Miramar, panaji. Urban . EngLish 110 Courses;-De^ree Course, 8, Kala Academy's College oF Music, Campal, Panaji, Urban 16 Cour-ses •-Hindustani Classical Vocal Music Kala Academy's Theatre Arts Paculty, Campal,. panaji. urban 300 Courses s-Diploma-Course, 10. Goa Dental College Sc H'osp'ital, Bambolim, Goa, P,0« St. Cruzi Rural Enalish ' 3.0 Courses;-Bachelor>oF Dental Surgery, 11 Goa-College oF Home Science, G.MeCo Complex, Bambolim, P,O.St,Cruz-Goa. Rural English 30 Courses:-Degree Course, /- - 3 SI. Rural/ Intake : Name oF the Institution Medium N o . : Urban capacity For a . , course- -i. > ■: ■ 2. - " • . ' ■3'., .• . 5. , 12 College oF Engineeririi^, Farmag-udi,, Ponda-Goa• Rural English.165 Coursess-B.E. (Civile Elect. & Mech. S c Electronics, Tele-Communications) Computer Engineering and M.E,(Ind, S c Foundation Engg,) , 13 G.R.Kare College oF Law, Borda, Urban English 400 Margao. Courses s -L'.L. B. (General) /l *L . B . 14. V.V.M.'s Institute of .Management Training and Research/ P.O.Box No. I l l , Margao Urban . English 195 Coursesg-University Courses; Dip. in Business Management,' Non-University Courses g Dip. in Business Management, Hotel Manage­ ment, Computer programming. Taxation Laws and Labour Laws. - 4 - INSTITUTIONS -FOR PRQFE'SSIQNAL/TECHNICAL EDUO^>TIQN ^ ' ('■'.POST-MATRIC LEVEL ) SI. Intake iSame oF the Institution Rural/ No,. Medijum^’- capacity , ' urban' "For all ', ' . K-' ' ' / courses .2v- " - 3,- ■ . 4, -■ 5., 1. Govt, Polytechnic^. panaji-Goa. Urb^h English 295 Courses ;-*Dip, in Civil Engg,:, Mech . Bngg., Elect, Engg.^ Industrial Elec- trbnics/ Fabrication TechnO.iogy Erre- ction Engg., F©od Technology, Steno­ graphy & private Secretarial practice. Mining and Mine Survey & Instrumenta­ tion. 2. Agnel Polytechnic &, Agnel Industrial Training institute, Agnel Ganv, PiO-,- Verna, Salcete Goa, ‘‘ ' ilural English : 105 Courses;-Dip. in production Er^^gg,, Const'. Engg,, Comp, Engg,, Automo-' bile Engg,, CertiFicate in Medh,, ^ (Diesel)> Electrician^ Fitter, Carpentary. 3. institute oF Shipbuilding Technology, .May Fair, H.No.MHN/77, Mundvel, Vasco da gama., Urban English 60 Courses;-Dip, in Shipbuilding Engg,, Hech, Engg, 4. ACDIL-Teachers Training College, /^Ito-^etim-Goa, Rural English 76 Courses:-Teachers Training Certi­ Ficate Course, In-stitute oF Hotel Management, Catering Techni^logy & Applied Nutrition prbgramme, Alto-PoJtvorim, Bardez-Goa, Rural English 270 Courses,;-Dip, in Hotel riaRagement & Catering Techn’ology, CertiFicate Courses in Cookery, Bakery £c Food Sc Beverage Ser^/ice, 6 . Govt. Nursing School, Altinho, panaji. Mrban English .60 Coursess-Gen. Nursing Courses and Multipurpose Health Workers Course,. 7. Industrial Training institute,peruern. Rnral F.nglish ,64 Trades :-Electi:lGian, Srenography, Cutting and Tailoring, 8 .Industrial Training Institute, Altinho~Panaji. urban ^n^Ji±sh 132 Tirades s-Fitter, Turner, VJelder, Mecli, (Motor Vehicle) ,Mechanic (Diesel), Electrician, Stenography (,Sn.glish) - 5 -- Rural/ ~TT] Intake W 7 Name oF the institute No* Urban ^ ^ ^ Capacity For all .. courses 9^ ;pilar industrial Training insti.tute Pilar-Goa 403 203, ' Rural ‘ English 32' Trades:-Composing Sc prooF reading. Printing Machine Minder. 10, Industrial Training institutey Mapusa. Urban ’ English 184^ .Trader;-Fitter, Turner, Machanic (Motor Vehicle) & Electrician, Ele­ ctronics^ Computer data Pire. Mech, Diesel. 11, Industrial Training Institute, Urban English 144 Bicholim-Goa. Tradesj-Fitter, Electrician, Mecha-- hlc(Diesel),Mechanic(Tractor), Mechanic Pv.adio & T.V., Stenography. ’ 12, Industrial Training Institute, Honda, Sattari, Rural English 104 Tradess-Fitter, Turner, Welder, ' Plumber, I4echanic (Diesel) , and Electrician. ^ - 1 3 Industrial Training Institute,. Farmagudi, ponda Rural English 428 Tradess-Fittar, Machinist,Machdnlc, (Motor Vehicle), Mechanic(Instru­ ment) , Mechanic (Electronics) Mechanic (ReFregerator & Air Conditioning), Turner, Draughtsman(Mechanic) and Civil, Radio Sc T.V,, Plastic pro^. Operator, 14. Industrial Training Institute, Sanguem-Goa, Urban English 44 Trades2-welder and Electrician. 15. Industrial- Training Institute, Curchorem Urban English 112 Trades:-Fitter, Mechanic (Diesel), • Mechanic(Tractor), 16. Industrial Training Institute, Mastimol, Canacona-Goa, Rural. English 104 Trades;-Fitter, Welder, Electrician, Turner, Cutting & Tailoring-,,, Mechanic(Diesel)*_ 17. Industria1 Training Institute,■ -^^P.O. -^-atorda, ■ Borda, Margao, , ■ Urban English 128 '•‘'Trades ;-^Fitter, .plumber, Mec^ianic Electronics, Mechanic (Radio T.V,) / Stenography, Cutcing & Tailoring. 18. Industrial Training Insticute, Bogda, Vascoi-da-Gana. Urban English 136 Tj;:ades ;-Fit r, ivelder. Mechanic . ? (Diesel)^ El^cirician, Building - Const.Wirenien, H.C.. & Stenography. .... / ' ■ ■ ■ INSTITUTIONS FOR PROPESSIONAL/TECFIHICAL/OTHER EDUCATXON . ( SCHOOL m - m t ) Si; ■Ruiral/ . ^ .Medium Name of the Institution No. : Urban 1. ' ■ ^ 2. ■ ■■■ — -av ■- 1, Department oF Western Music (Old Academia de Musica)^ Kala Academy, / : - Campal, Panaji, Urban Courses 5-Western Music-Vocal Sc Instrumental. 2, Faculty oF Indian
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